A corporal work of mercy.

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Showing posts with label homosexualist lobby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homosexualist lobby. Show all posts

Friday, 30 June 2023

Another Archdiocese of Toronto priest forced to grovel before CityPanic24 and the Alphabet fascist brigades.

Two years ago with the attack on the Church in Canada due to the reports of alleged graves of children in residential schools, a much-respected pastor at Merciful Redeemer parish in  Mississauga spoke out and made the statement that not all things in the residential schools were bad, some good came from them. CITY 24, always an amateur and bombastically Marxist media outlet in Toronto, and others crucified the good monsignor. CITY and CBC are continuing their anti-Catholic hate. For the record, the Indigenous residential schools in Canada were Canadian government policy that, like the lockdown of Mass, the Church mistakenly went along with in exchange for mammon. The pastor was forced to leave the parish, he and it had been threatened with violence, and Thomas "No Mass For You" Collins and his sidekick, Neil MacCarthy threw the Monsignor under the media bus whilst pinching incense to Ba'al rather than defend him and the truth. Some good, maybe much good came out of the residential schools in spite of the policy of the Government of Canada.

Throwing Toronto priests under the media bus is not new for Neil and the gang of apparatchiks in the chancery. It happened a few years earlier when a Toronto archdiocesan priest at St. Leo the Great in Brooklin, Ontario, northeast of Oshawa, had the nerve to mention certain sins to school children using the fairly typical "examination of conscience" pamphlet with which most of us are familiar not dissimilar to that found at this link. The actions of the communications bureaucrats at the chancery office were deplorable, literally condemning the priest to the media because some TwitYourInstaFace Karens ran to the CBC that Father was talking about sin to children.

These same officials told priests a few years earlier not to discuss the issue of gay-straight alliances in Catholic schools; that they were "handling it." I was told by more than one priest that they were ordered by Neil MacCarthy not to preach on it from the pulpit. Imagine that, a communication director-- a layman ordering priests. Oh, Tom and Neil handled it all right. Badly. They trusted a government headed by a lesbian Premier who threw her cuck husband into the basement so she could bring her new babe into the family home. Good move. 

Now to the latest.

At St. Gertrude's parish in Oshawa, east of Toronto, the pastor allowed the distribution of a flyer condemning the attack on families and children by the Marxist alphabet mob. The mob has taken over the movement so far beyond the rights of same-sex attracted people to not be harassed or discriminated against that even many of them are questioning it

Is it any wonder the chancery spokesman, Neil MacCarthy, is the butt of jokes and held in such disdain by the diocesan priests and so few of them trust the bishops?

“While the insert in question was not created by the parish, the pastor had allowed for it to be distributed. We have reached out to the pastor and he highly regrets permitting this to be circulated and is preparing to apologize unequivocally to the congregation at all Masses on Sunday. Please know that the Archdiocese was not made aware of this material in advance, had not given permission for it to be created, printed or distributed as it is clearly unacceptable and offensive and has no place in the church bulletin or elsewhere for that matter.”

The Archdiocesan officials and presumably Archbishop Francis Leo, as in the case above, threw the pastor under the bus loaded with anti-Catholic bigots and forced the Pastor to grovel as the chaceryrats held his feet to the fire. 

“I recognize that much of the content was inappropriate and offensive and caused hurt and distress starting in our own parish family and reverberating out into the wider community. I should not have allowed it to have been circulated. I sincerely apologize for my actions.”

It's reasonable to question the prudence of the pastor in allowing an outside flyer to be distributed at the church. I've seen the flyer and it will not be posted here. It reveals private contact information. While one can sympathize with the writer, they did Father no favour. This is not how you fight back, illogical rants are not the way. One lowers themselves to the level of the cultural Marxists and becomes the antagonist themselves. The literal online hatred and bile being spewed at the Church should have been foreseen. No priest needs this, no parish. That being said, it is disgraceful that he was hung out to dry, publicly by the Chancery proving that pastors are nothing more than branch managers. A few weeks ago, St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto and others promoted a talk by Thomas Rosica using the alphabet moniker? How prudent was that? Lowering people to an alphabet label is not Catholic!

Rather than wade into the public debate on the legitimate fears of most Catholics and particularly, parents about their children and the attack on their faith and morals, a teaching moment was wasted as the new Archbishop is seen as just another weak and ineffective shepherd refusing to be a defender of faith and culture. 

The question we all have is this; Does the new Archbishop, Francis Leo, sanction this public flogging of his priests or is this just another case of the chanceryrats pushing back on him and letting him know who the real boss is.

Well Archbishop Leo, what say you?

Did you approve of this?

Was this Neil acting on his own once again?

Do you wonder, Your Grace, why you can finish the sentences at the Tuesday priest visits? 

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

The rehabilitation of Thomas J. Rosica continues - Jesuit retreat to "Parents of LGBTQ Young Adults!"

The "rehabilitation" of the litigious slap-suit ecclesial bully (full disclosure, against this blogger.) and serial plagiarist Thomas J. Rosica continues. In Advent 2021, he delivered a reflection at a church in Toronto and later in the Diocese of Hamilton. One talk is upcoming in the Diocese of Peterborough. The Jesuits of Canada intended to have Rosica host an online conference, "Discerning and Re-Imagining the Church." After this blog wrote it up and passed and this writer registered to attend as well as some other publicity, it was mysteriously

Vox Cantoris: Tom Rosica makes a comeback - being hosted in a Zoom broadcast by the Jesuits of Canada!

It was this blogger who first provided the information that Rosica was a plagiarist. Following the global outing of the disgraced plagiarist, Rosica spent time at Southdown Institute and later was sent by his Basilian order to chaplaincy work at Presentation House in Toronto, a retirement home for aged religious. Plagiarism is theft.

Vox Cantoris: Thomas Rosica - from Southdown to a Seniors Home for Priests - More on the Serial Plagiariser

The Jesuits continue in aiding Rosica's rehabilitation with this seminar at their retreat centre in Pickering, just east of Toronto.

There has been much written that the Church and Christians should not refer to those suffering from same-sex attraction by this secular label. "God made them male and female," and He stated it was "an abomination" for those of the same sex to "lay together." St. Paul was emphatic on this. 

Some parishes in Toronto, specifically St. Clare of Assist in Woodbridge under Monsignor John Borean, have promoted this in their bulletins. 

Father Rosica needs to look after those under his spiritual care.at Presentation House. That does not include the Catholic laity. 

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

North American College Vice-Rector forced to resign in sodomite scandal - lawsuit filed against NAC and Dolan!

Let's make this face famous. It should be on one of those clown punching bags, you know, the ones with the weight in the bottom that some of us that were born in an era when we had fun had whilst we were kids.

Vice-Rector, he was, at the North American College in Rome. A sexual predator and former secretary of sodomite-pervert-predator McCarrick. The cover-up can only go on so long as Complicit Clery reports below. The video below includes the summary of a lawsuit that includes Dolan's "reign of terror" testimony in the affidavit. 

Clearly, the crisis of this infiltration into the priesthood is not over. The "biological solution" is simply not sufficient.

NAC Vice-Rector Steps-Down Amidst Allegations of Homosexual Misconduct – Complicit Clergy

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Kingston's new Archbishop Mulhall proves himself to be a trembling coward! And you thought he was one of the "good ones."

Archbishop Michael Mulhall
Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario
Ph: (613) 548-4461 

To support Fr. Robert Chisholm 
Ph: (613)-476-6276 

In an note in a church bulletin, not dissimilar to American Bishop Tobin's original statement, the Pastor of Picton's St. Gregory the Great parish in the bucolic Prince Edward County in eastern Ontario, has come under intense media fire and has been thrown under the Sodomite Mafia bus by his bishop. What is also not dissimilar, is the Archbishop's response, nearly modelling that of the backtracking coward, Tobin.


Father R.J. Chisolm was correct in his warning. The movement of the PRIDE is the public face of the normalisation of a sodomite culture that rejoices in anal sodomy, analingus, fisting, felsching, oral copulation and coprophagia and other degenerate activities that harm the body and destroy the soul. This is what people want to take PRIDE in. They say it is about "love." It is anything but love.

Father Chisolm was doing his work, leading, teaching and warning the flock that participating in the public aspects of PRIDE is actually acknowledging it as legitimate and normal. It is anything but.


On Facebook and Twitter, the Pastor has come under intense fire. In comment boxes on media web pages, he has been threatened and attached, even by those who call themselves, "practicing Catholics." Deluded, apostates are more like it.

And into the fray comes the cowardly Mulhall, newly arrived from the Diocese of Pembroke, Mulhall has been long thought of as one of the "good ones." He is a coward and has now sent the message to all his priests, that he does not have their backs and like Father Chisolm, they will be thrown under the bus if they dare to hold up the faith and stand against the Sodomite Mafia.

Hey Mulhall, what do they have on you?

Statement from the Archbishop of Kingston
regarding a bulletin announcement
at St. Gregory the Great Parish in Picton
Friday, June 14, 2019
For immediate release
I understand that there was a message published in the Sunday bulletin of St. Gregory the Great Parish regarding Pride Month activities in Prince Edward County.
I did not sanction this message, and it does not reflect the spirit of accompanying charity and compassion that should always characterize our faith.
The Archdiocese has spoken with the pastor of the parish. He regrets any hurt that his inappropriate comments have caused.
+ Michael Mulhall                                                                                                                   Archbishop of Kingston

Monday, 3 June 2019

Was Bishop Tobin Blackmailed?

Some of you may have noticed this Tweet by Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, the one known as the "Good Tobin" as opposed to "Nighty-night" Tobin. He was correct in it in every way. He was truthful and not in any way, hateful.

A barrage of assaults on Twitter from the sodomite mafia went his way. It mattered not how many Catholics encouraged him and supported him, it continued to include the likes of homosexualist clerics, James Martin and Edward Beck. You can search their Tweets directly.

Alas, twenty-four hours later, Bishop Tobin has issued a statement, offering "regret" for his truthful statement. 

Methinks, I smell blackmail.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

More evidence of Bergoglio's cover up! AP Exclusive: Vatican knew of Argentine bishop misconduct

All of these pervert protecting and pervert priests are going down. They are going to be fully exposed and driven out. If they do not repent, they will go down to Hell.

Expose them all!

Filthy clericalist sodomite scum.

Image result for bishop gustavo zanchetta


JANUARY 20, 2019 06:09 AM,

ORAN, ARGENTINA -- The Vatican received information in 2015 and 2017 that an Argentine bishop close to Pope Francis had taken naked selfies, exhibited "obscene" behavior and had been accused of misconduct with seminarians, his former vicar general told The Associated Press, undermining Vatican claims that allegations of sexual abuse were only made a few months ago.

Francis accepted Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta's resignation in August 2017, after priests in the remote northern Argentine diocese of Oran complained about his authoritarian rule and a former vicar, seminary rector and another prelate provided reports to the Vatican alleging abuses of power, inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment of adult seminarians, said the former vicar, the Rev. Juan Jose Manzano.

The scandal over Zanchetta, 54, is the latest to implicate Francis as he and the Catholic hierarchy as a whole face an unprecedented crisis of confidence over their mishandling of cases of clergy sexual abuse of minors and misconduct with adults. Francis has summoned church leaders to a summit next month to chart the course forward for the universal church, but his own actions in individual cases are increasingly in the spotlight.

The pope's decision to allow Zanchetta to resign quietly, and then promote him to the No. 2 position in one of the Vatican's most sensitive offices, has raised questions again about whether Francis turned a blind eye to misconduct of his allies and dismissed allegations against them as ideological attacks.

Manzano, Oran's vicar general under Zanchetta who is now a parish priest, said he was one of the diocesan officials who raised the alarm about his boss in 2015 and sent the digital selfies to the Vatican.

In an interview with AP in the pews of his St. Cayetano parish in Oran, Manzano said he was one of the three current and former diocesan officials who made a second complaint to the Vatican's embassy in Buenos Aires in May or June of 2017 "when the situation was much more serious, not just because there had been a question about sexual abuses, but because the diocese was increasingly heading into the abyss."

"In 2015, we just sent a 'digital support' with selfie photos of the previous bishop in obscene or out of place behavior that seemed inappropriate and dangerous," he told AP in a follow-up email. "It was an alarm that we made to the Holy See via some friendly bishops. The nunciature didn't intervene directly, but the Holy Father summoned Zanchetta and he justified himself saying that his cellphone had been hacked, and that there were people who were out to damage the image of the pope."

Francis had named Zanchetta to Oran, a humble city some 1,650 kilometers (1,025 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires in Salta province, in 2013 in one of his first Argentine bishop appointments as pope. He knew Zanchetta well; Zanchetta had been the executive undersecretary of the Argentine bishops conference, which the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio headed for two successive terms, from 2005-2011.

And by all indications, they were close. Manzano said Bergoglio had been Zanchetta's confessor and treated him as a "spiritual son."

All of which could explain why Francis named him to Oran despite complaints about alleged abuses of power when Zanchetta was in charge of economic affairs in his home diocese of Quilmes, which is in the ecclesial province of Buenos Aires which Bergoglio headed.

Earlier this month, the Vatican confirmed that the new bishop of Oran had opened a preliminary canonical investigation into Zanchetta for alleged sexual abuse. But Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti stressed in a Jan. 3 statement that the abuse allegations had only emerged at the end of 2018, after Zanchetta's resignation and nearly a year after Francis created the new position for him as "assessor" of the Vatican's financial management office.

At the time of his resignation, Zanchetta had only asked Francis to let him leave Oran because he had difficult relations with its priests and was "unable to govern the clergy," Gisotti said in the statement.

"At the time of his resignation there were accusations against him of authoritarianism, but there were no accusations of sexual abuse against him," the statement said.

Manzano said the Vatican had information about sexually inappropriate behavior starting in 2015, with the naked selfies, and reports of alleged misconduct and harassment in May or June of 2017, though he noted they didn't constitute formal canonical complaints.

After the 2015 report, Francis summoned Zanchetta to Rome, Manzano said. He returned to Argentina "improved, to the point that no one even investigated how those photos got to Rome."

But as the months passed, Zanchetta "became more aggressive and took impulsive decisions, manipulating facts, people, influences to reach his goals." Manzano said Zanchetta started coming to the seminary at all hours, drinking with the seminarians and bringing a seminarian with him whenever he visited a parish, sometimes without asking permission of the rector.

"The rector tried to keep the students in order, being present when the bishop appeared, but the monsignor looked for ways to avoid his attention and to discredit him in front of the young guys," Manzano told AP in an email. "The bad feeling was aggravated when some of them left the seminary. It was then that the rector investigated and warned of harassment and inappropriate behavior."

In May or June 2017, Manzano, the rector and another priest presented their concerns to the No. 2 in the Buenos Aires nunciature, Monsignor Vincenzo Turturro, "who moved it forward fabulously," Manzano said. Manzano said he reported about Zanchetta's alleged abuses of power with the clergy, while the rector reported about the alleged sexual abuses in the seminary. Manzano said he didn't know the details of the alleged abuses, but he ruled out any acts of rape.

The pope summoned Zanchetta again in July 2017. Returning home, Zanchetta announced his resignation in a July 29 statement saying he needed immediate treatment for a health problem.

Zanchetta spent time in Corrientes before leaving for Spain, where he is believed to have met with one of Francis' spiritual guides, the Rev. German Arana, a Jesuit to whom Francis had sent another problematic bishop, the Chilean Juan Barros.

Zanchetta largely disappeared from public view until the Vatican, in an official announcement Dec. 19, 2017, said Francis had named him to the new position of "assessor" in APSA, a key administrative department which manages the Holy See's real estate and financial holdings.

Zanchetta has not publicly responded to the allegations against him. The Vatican has not provided information when asked, other than to say he is not working while the investigation takes its course.

Manzano defended Francis' handling of the case, saying the pope himself should be considered a victim of Zanchetta's "manipulation."

"There was never any intent to hide anything. There was never any intent of the Holy Father to defend him against anything," Manzano said. He denied there was any contradiction in the Vatican's Jan. 3 statement, distinguishing between a report about alleged sexual abuse and a formal complaint.

The current bishop of Oran, Bishop Luis Antonio Scozzina, declined to speak to AP on camera, saying he wanted to keep silent until the investigation was in the hands of the Holy See. He has issued a statement urging victims to come forward and provide testimony. But he told AP he didn't want to create a media circus that might compromise the rights of both victims and accused.

A catechist in the diocese said church leaders had told staff and volunteers not to speak to the media about the allegations at the seminary.

The mother of one seminarian said her son had told her that the allegations of sexual misconduct involving some of his colleagues in the seminary were true. "Unfortunately yes, he told me when I asked him about this," she said, speaking on condition of anonymity to protect her son.

The scandal, which was first reported by The Tribune newspaper of Salta, has taken its toll in Oran, a deeply conservative community near the Bolivian border.

"I feel a great pain, because as a Christian how can we let these things take place?" asked pensioner Hector Jimenez. Teacher Gianina del Valle Chein said the Vatican should have treated Zanchetta like "like any normal person who did something, and not hide him, take him away to somewhere else so that he can keep doing the same thing."

Sunday, 28 October 2018


The era of the homosexual pervert bishop, the coverup and the financial corruption is about to be exposed.

Donald Trump is being used by God to serve His Holy will.

May He be praised.

This will reach Bergoglio.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Come on now Blase, don't be a cupich

You know about this, right? 

Father Kalcik, You are a priest forever, after the Order of Melchizedek. ThisCupich won't last, he's a bully, an effeminate, a rageful homosexualist and an unmerciful, uncharitable fraud and a disgrace to the priesthood and on top of all that, a pretty stupid man.

Be brave Father, Christ has your back.

There are many faithful, no doubt, who will be there with you.


Image result for Fr. Kalchik

ImageCHICAGO (ChurchMilitant.com) - Church Militant confirmed Saturday that Fr. Paul Kalchik, pastor of Resurrection Parish in Chicago, has fled his parish and gone into hiding, one day after two chancery priests threatened him that if he did not get psychiatric treatment, Cdl. Blase Cupich would ensure he'd be taken away by police.
"The full frontal attack took place this evening, and the attack resulted in me not saying the evening Mass, nor leading the Rosary Benediction," Fr. Kalchik told Church Militant Friday night about the confrontation with Msgr. Dennis Lyle and Fr. Jeremy Thomas, both vicars for priests.

Displaying cupich letter.jpg_large

Saturday, 22 September 2018

National Shrine's Rossi - I'm so pretty, Oh so pretty, I'm so pretty and witty and wild

Image result for msgr rossi shrine

Rossi drives from the mansion to his cordoned off parking spot at the Basilica in a fancy Lexus. He is notorious for “ruling by fear,” as one archdiocesan source put it. “He is the meanest, most un-Christian person I have ever met in my life.” Where other bosses might commit random acts of kindness, Rossi is famous for his random acts of meanness, popping into offices to berate staffers for minor offenses. He is particularly exacting with respect to the Basilica’s floral arrangements. “He won’t let anyone touch his flowers,” says the archdiocesan source.
He is far less fastidious about his body. According to Catholic University alumni, Rossi would proposition them. “He insinuated that he would be up for a threesome,” recalled one CUA graduate, who had a gay roommate with whom Rossi was overly familiar. “It was gay sexual harassment.”

Monday, 10 September 2018

Roman Catholic Faithful is back!

Stephen Brady, the founder of RCF which took down a number of pervert clerics in Illinois and discovered the satanic "St. Sebastian's Angels" is back!

RCF was able to break into a sodomite priest chat group called "St. Sebastian's Angels" and discovered a cesspool of perversion and sacrilege. Bishops were taken out including one in South Africa who wanted to do a few things to "Ratz." - then Pope Benedict XVI.

You can view the capture web page at this link, but be forewarned. there are explicit pictures of priests who uploaded the photos themselves, so forewarned, is forearmed. 



Media Contact: media@rcf.org

(PETERSBURG, IL. September 8, 2018) — In July of 2009, the Board Members of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. elected to suspend operations after twelve years of fighting corruption in the Catholic Church. Said Stephen Brady, founder and president of RCF, "Our organization began after we learned that the bishop of Springfield, Illinois, the late Daniel Ryan, was paying young male prostitutes for sex. Soon calls for our assistance came from around the U.S. We sponsored a number of symposia in cities across the country, and we picketed the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on at least two occasions.

"We were privileged to receive the sage advice of holy priests such as Fr. John Hardon, Fr. Charles Fiore, Fr. Peter Mascari, and the legendary Fr. Malachi Martin," Mr. Brady explained. "Yet, we closed our doors after we became convinced that clerical corruption could not be fought simply on a piecemeal basis on a local level; rather, it became clear that the greater part of the post-conciliar Church had lost the Faith. We urged our supporters to attend the Traditional Mass whenever possible, to recite the daily Rosary, to live the life of grace and to pray very hard for the reform of the Church." (RCF's “goodbye letter” can be found at http://rcf.org/RCFgoodbye.pdf)

However, Mr. Brady continued, "The events that have unfolded during the last several months, most particularly the report of the grand jury that investigated the sexual molestation of children in Pennsylvania, have led us to believe that we must once more jump into the fray. It has become impossible for us to stand idle after reading the grand jury report (available at http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/page/local/report-on-pennsylvania-church-sex-abuse/2319/). The various committees and commissions proposed by several bishops can be counted on to be a complete waste of time and money. This amounts to the wolves investigating the wolves."

In the past, RCF not only addressed immorality among the clergy but also fought diocesan heterodox teaching and liturgical abuses. These things, although important to its members, will no longer be included in RCF's active mission. Said Mr. Brady, "We have one mission now – to expose the network of sexual immorality among the Catholic clergy in the United States, and most importantly to expose the bishops and cardinals who have enabled their crimes. If we work on this project for ten years, and spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars, and save only one child from being molested, we will have considered our work a success. Frankly, though, we anticipate doing much better."

In closing, Mr. Brady stated, "And now a word to the bishops and cardinals in the United States:

"We are going to put the dioceses and episcopal sees of each of you under a microscope. We are willing to crawl into the darkest dens of depravity where children are molested and expose this entire network and enterprise to the public. To those of you bishops and cardinals willing to assist us and cooperate, we thank you in advance. For those of you who will oppose our crusade, let me make this clear – we are going to name names and take whatever remedial action we find necessary, including picketing, urging boycotts of financial contributions by parishioners and....well, let’s just say we have a few other ideas as well."
Mr. Brady concluded, "For assistance in this fight the Roman Catholic Faithful ask for the help of Almighty God and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Viva Cristo Rey! Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!"

To schedule an Interview or to speak with Stephen Brady, please contact media@rcf.org.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Pope Francis' cover up of sexual perversion and sodomitical rape in Argentina.

Featured Image

This image of Bergoglio has made the rounds, often showing up in feeds or memes. It is as if he is saying, "no, not me." Now, we know from where it comes, a confrontation in St. Peter's Square with German filmmakers asking his covering up for abuse in Argentina in one specific case. The excerpt is below, the whole film, in German, can be viewed through the link at LifeSiteNews.

Thank you Dear Reader: You can generate English subtitles. Open the settings (gear) icon which is right next to "YouTube" on the bottom right just below screen. Go to Subtitles/CC. Choose German (auto generated). German is checked but right below you can now select auto-translate which will give you a long list of languages, including of course, English.

The full film needs to be subtitled and widely distributed. 

Here are the decisive 12 minutes about Bergoglio and Argentina.

The case concerns one Judas Priest pervert, Julio César Grassi, but there are more as the witnesses testify and as they confirm that Bergoglio ignored their please and their letters. This follows on the reports by Marco Tosatti, since removed but captured elsewhere, of a clear case of cover-up and accusations by the victim's mother.

The time for action is long since passed. The fetid swamp of homosexual infiltration in the Holy Catholic Church must be exposed. 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a malefactor, a wretched man who from the very beginning to aid form perverts (McCarrick) and their protectors (Danneels) and surrounded himself with them, (Ricca) and that was the first two days! 

From the insults emanating from his mouth to blasphemies to heresies such as Amoris Laetitia and to the cover-up of this filth of homosexuality and abuse, Bergoglio has proven that he is not on the side of Christ or you and me but on that of his "god of surprises."

Now, we see have his minions such as Coccopalmerio, a man whose secretary is an active homosexual and was caught in a cocaine-fueled orgy in a Vatican apartment, musing about a suspension for Carlo Maria Viganò.

These men are evil. The pressure must be maintained, they must get the message that we are in this fight, we are not abandoning our Lord and His Church, our Mother to them, and that we will expose them and out them without ceasing.



Monday, 13 August 2018

No parents, you should not let your boys sit on Bishop Stika's lap - or anyone's!

The list of those who have blocked Vox Cantoris on Twitter grows. Rosica, Spadaro, Ivereigh, Napier, Tobin, Rocco Palmo and more. To this list can now be added Bishop Rick Stika of the Diocese of Knoxville. What these silly willies don't get is that it means nothing; one can simply use a browser not logged in to Twitter and still read and take screenshots. 

So what is up with Rick Stika?

Until a few hours ago, I had not heard of him. But he sure has made a name for himself on Twitter in the last 24 hours. It seems that Rick has no problem with homosexuals in the priesthood and that, as we know, not all men with same-sex attraction are abusive or sexual predators, though they are deviant. Rick doesn't seem to understand that all those who preyed upon boys, mostly teenaged boys were homosexuals. Rick also likes to deflect, -- that there is more abuse in the home or by people in other professions.

What a pathetic thing to believe and write. One is too many.

One wonders what is up with Rick Stika and what he knew about McCarrick and the nephews and when he knew it.

What else is in Rick's closet?

Oh, Rick thinks a boy sitting on his lap wearing his mitre is promoting vocations.

Sure it is.

But what kind?

He has not restricted access to his page.

Image may contain: one or more people and text

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Richard Sipe, may he Rest in Peace - Affirms that Bergoglio`s San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy knew about the pervert predator Theodore McCarrick

Richard Sipe has passed away. The therapist and one-time priest wrote about the homosexual predator Theodore McCarrick years ago. 

May he rest in peace.

Recently, he published a letter which he sent to Robert W. McElroy, Bishop of San Diego. McElroy is one of Bergoglio's leftists, Marxist, homosexualist bishops along with Cupich, Farrell and Tobin.

We must conclude that these Christ-hating prelates, these treasonous priests are not priests of Jesus Christ but of Satan. 

McElroy knew they all knew.

Bergoglio wears this. He did this. The Church is in crisis, a crisis brought about by the infiltration of homosexuals.

Out them all.

Image result for bishop mcelroy

A.W.Richard Sipe
2825 Ridgegate Row /La Jolla /CA 92037
July 28,2016
Bishop McElroy:
I received your note postmarked July 19.
It was clear to me during our last meeting in your office, although cordial,
that you had no interest in any further personal contact. It was only after
that I sent you a letter copied to my contacts in DC and Rome.
The new Nuncio, Archbishop Pierre, told my colleague he is interested in
the care of and reaction to victims of clergy assault: and I am assured that
the Papal Commission for the Prevention of Abuse is also dedicated to this
aspect of the crisis.
I will as I was asked, put my observations in the form of a report. Your
office made it clear that you have no time in your schedule either now or “in
the foreseeable future” to have the meeting that they suggested.
Bishop, I have been at the study and research of the problem of clergy
abuse since 1960. In 1986 I wrote to Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk,
president of the USCCB at the time, with my preliminary conclusions. His
response was negligible, although he passed the substance onto the
USCCB office who gave my figures to a NEWSWEEK reporter.
In 1990 before my study A Secret World; Sexuality and the Search for
Celibacy was published I agreed to meet with the entire staff at their DC
Institutional resistance is understandable, if surprising to me. So much of
my work has been validated and in many quarters now taken for granted.
The number of priests and bishops having sex with minors was not the
primary or central focus of the study. But my calculation of 6% (six percent)
clergy abusers as a base line has held up very well. [ the most recent
validation is between 6 ½ and 9% in the U.S. Some dioceses have
registered 23%. Some religious houses have recorded 25%.]
Sexual violation within the RC clergy is systemic. I say that on the basis of
observation and scientific conclusion. And I say that with empathy and
Now that aspect of the sexual crisis is well known around the world. The
crisis behind the scandal will be the next phase of reality with which to
come to terms: Namely: the broad range and frequency of sexual behaviors
registered in the clerical system. “At any one time no more than 50% of
priests are practicing celibacy.”
That was the hypothesis and thrust of A Secret World (1990) and repeated
in Celibacy in Crisis (2003)
In May 1993 at the Vatican International Conference on Celibacy in Rome
Cardinal Jose Sanchez then Chairman of the Dicastery on Clergy fielded
questions about my study and conclusions and a similar sociological
statistical report by Fr. Victor Kotze of South Africa. Father Kotze concluded
that in any three-year period only 45% of priests were practicing celibacy.
When asked directly by reporter Mark Dowd, and a reporter recording for
the BBC TV what the Cardinal thought of those studies he said, “I have no
reason to doubt the accuracy of those figures”.
During the first National Survivors Conference in Chicago, October 1992, I
addressed the group with these words: “The crisis we are facing today—
sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy—is the tip of an iceberg. And if
we follow it to its foundations it will lead to the highest corridors of the
Sooner or later it will become broadly obvious that there is a systemic
connection between the sexual activity by, among and between clerics in
positions of authority and control, and the abuse of children.
When men in authority—cardinals, bishops, rectors, abbots, confessors,
professors—are having or have had an unacknowledged-secret-active-sexlife
under the guise of celibacy an atmosphere of tolerance of behaviors
within the system is made operative.
Many of the sexual patterns are set up during seminary years or in early
years after ordination when sexual experimentation is initiated or sustained.
The 2009 Vatican Report (in English) on American seminaries invented a
new term—transitional homosexuality. I believe this is due to the
awareness of the frequent activity in the homosocial structure of seminary
and religious life.
I was on the staff of three major seminaries, one Pontifical, from 1967 to
1984. I served as a consultant for seminaries from 1966 to 1996. That gave
me a broad contact with several other seminaries, their Rectors and staffs.
I was aware, from information shared by their partners, that a number of
rectors (at least three) and also some staff members, were having periodic
sex with students.
At one seminary fully one-fourth of the professors had ongoing sexual
contacts with men or women in more or less consensual arrangements.
It is credibly established that thirty percent (30%) of U.S. bishops have a
homosexual orientation. This is not a condemnation nor an allegation of
malfeasance. The list of homosexual Popes and saints is long and
illustrious. [This is obviously false.  Homosexuality, even the inclination, is diametrically opposed to sanctity in every sense. -AB]
A serious conflict arises when bishops who have had or are having sexually
active lives with men or women defend their behavior with denial, cover up,
and public pronouncements against those same behaviors in others.
Their own behavior threatens scandal of exposure when they try to curtail
or discipline other clerics about their behavior even when it is criminal as in
the case with rape and abuse of minors, rape, or power plays against the
vulnerable. (Archbishops Harry Flynn, Eugene Marino, Robert Sanchez,
Manuel Moreno, Francis Green, etc.)
I will record instances that demonstrate the systemic dynamic that forms
and fosters sexual violations among the clerical culture. All of this
information is culled from records (civil or church). In addition, I have 50
years’ participation or contact with the clerical culture of the RCC.
I have reviewed several hundred thousands of pages of records of clerical
sexual activity and been involved as a consultant or expert witness in 250
civil legal actions against clergy offenders.
None of the following information is secret. It is reviewed here in an effort to
demonstrate how the sexual system works in the clerical culture.
Archbishop John Neinstedt (1947—) I reviewed the 138-page report of
the Ramsay County MN Attorney’s report on the sexual activity of
I have interviewed priests from the Detroit Archdiocese who had personal
contact there with Neinstedt and had first-hand knowledge of his presence
at gay bars. The affidavits in the report speak for themselves.
Bishop Thomas Lyons (1923-88) priest of Baltimore and auxiliary bishop
of Washington, D.C. I have personally interviewed adult men who claim that
they were sexually abused by Lyons when he was a priest in Baltimore and
a monsignor and pastor in D.C.
One of the reporters was on probation for abusing minor members of his
own family. He claimed that Lyons abused him from the time he was seven
to seventeen years old. Also Lyons himself said that this happened to him
(by a priest) when he was growing up and that “it was natural.”
One important element in this behavior is the three generational pattern of
sexual abuse of minors involved: Priest abuser of child who becomes a
priest and child abuser. Behavior is justified as natural. This is a pattern
seen often and termed the genealogy of clerical sexual abuse.
Bishop Raymond J. Boland (1932-2014) was a priest and pastor also in
Washington, D.C. until 1988 when he was appointed bishop of Birmingham
AL, and subsequently, in1993 bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
I was involved for several years in advocating for several victims that
Boland violated when he was a pastor. The accounts of the victims are
among the most horrendous from the point of view that exemplifies how
deeply sex even with minors is integrated within the clerical culture.
Cardinal James Hickey and bishop William Lori fought with particular fury
the allegations that ended in the suspension of several priests and a
financial settlement with some victims.
The victim quoted here from his report to the Archdiocese refused the
settlement offered by the Archdiocese. The whole process from 1994 to
2004 spanned the reigns of Hickey, Mc Carrick and Wuerl.
Fr. Frank Swift (+1974) and Fr. Aldo PetrinI (+late 1980s) were named as
Msgr. Paul Lavin was named as an abuser of several minor victims and
was finally removed from the ministry by Cardinal McCarrick in 2002.
These D.C. priests formed a coterie of sexually active clerics from the
seminary to connections with officials in Vatican offices.
Some of the victims were assaulted together. Two victims refused financial
settlements. Others were constricted by confidentiality clauses.
This tangle of clerical sexual abusers demonstrates the operation that
infests the systemic operation of sexual activity from top to bottom.
Many more facts about this group are on record.
Following are quotes from the reports in files submitted to the offices of the
D.C. Archbishops and their lawyers:
A 10-year-old boy at Mount Calvary Catholic Church in Forestville, MD in
1967 was sodomized by Fr. Raymond J. Boland and then deacon Paul
The boy asked Boland why they were doing this and he responded, “God
makes special boys and girls for pleasure, and you are certainly one of
them.” When he saw the erect penises of his abusers he was told, “See
what you have done”.
They said they were going to make him a “big boy” and show him how
much God loved him. And breathlessly told him that it was, “the ultimate
sign of love when a man ‘came’ with a special boy; that gave him, “the seed
of life”.
Lavin said, “when I was 12-years-old that I would be taken on retreats were
spiritual bonding between older men and younger boys took place.”
They assured him the pain would go away, gave warnings to keep secret
and delivered threats of dire consequences if he told anyone. (He did tell
his mother who slapped him and told him never to talk that way about a
priest or nun.)
He made a first suicide attempt with aspirin.
Three weeks after the assault by Boland this boy contacted a priest in his
home parish—Fr. Perkinson. (who was ultimately a patient at St. Luke’s
Institute Suitland, MD.)
When he told the priest his name Fr. Perkinson said, “Oh, you’re the
special little boy Fr. Boland told me about.” He said he had been in the
military and “sex between two guys was normal”.
The priest then proceeded to expose his penis and forced it into the boy’s
mouth. “He told me to lick it like a popsicle and swallow the precious gift he
was going to give me.” He added later how special a boy I was and
encouraged me to swallow the semen that was “the seed of Christ and the
source of all life-—and a sin” to refuse. “God loves you and so do I.”
[This victim spent several years in the major seminary where he
experienced and recorded the sexual connections between seminary,
parish priests, chancery and Rome. The string of abusers was reported to
Cardinal Hickey. Some were retired or left the area.]
While this assault was in progress the pastor opened the door, simply
looked and closed it. (this behavior by other priests is reported in other
instances—e.g. Gaboury, litigated in Fall River, MA; in a case litigated in
D.C. the pastor seeing the boy bound and being sodomized simply said,
“you will have to repair that wall”. (The victim had punched a hole in the
wall while bound and thrashing around.)
Boland’s victim made a second suicidal attempt and was treated in a
This is by no means the most horrendous of the records I have reviewed,
but its elements of seduction, assault, sexualizing spirituality, and selfjustification
under a “celibate” mantle and cover up are paradigmatic of a
system of behaviors in the Catholic clerical culture.
The record of one priest abuser relates how he anointed the foreheads of
his boy victims with his semen.
Another priest who was having sex with a13-yer-old of girl touched her
genitals with what he said was a consecrated host to show her “how much
God loves you”.
The credibility of the documents is unquestionable and recorded in church
and legal documents. The reporter in Boland’s case is a respected
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been reported by numerous
seminarians and priests of sexual advances and activity. A settlement with
one priest was effected by Stephen Rubino, Esq.
In that record the operation of McCarrick in sexual activity with three priests
is described. Correspondence from “Uncle Ted” as he asked to be called, is
included. One of the principals is now a lawyer who left the priesthood, two
men remain in the priesthood, but refuse to speak publicly despite the fact
that the settlement document is open. One priest was told by the chancery
office, “if you speak with the press we will crush you”.
Priests or seminarians who speak up about a sexually active superior are
threatened with the loss of everything—employment, status, etc. Those
who report are greeted with disbelief or even derision if they know but were
not personally involved. If they were a partner in the sexual activity and
“come out” they become a pariah and labeled a traitor.
I have interviewed twelve seminarians and priests who attest to
propositions, harassment, or sex with McCarrick, who has stated, “I do not
like to sleep alone”.
One priest incardinated in McCarrick’s Archdiocese of Newark was taken to
bed for sex and was told, “this is how priests do it in the U.S.”. None so far
has found the ability to speak openly at the risk of reputation and
The system protects its impenetrability with intimidation, secrecy and
threat. Clergy and laity are complicit.
Abbot John Eidenschink, O.S.B. (1914-2004) I knew John Eidenschink
from the time I was a student in Prep school (1946) until the time of his
death. He served me as a theology professor, confessor for six years,
superior, and traveling companion in Europe (summer 1956), and principal
speaker at my first mass in 1959. I served with him as an assistant master
of ceremonies.
It was only in 1970 that monks and former monks came forward to tell me
about how Fr. John, under the guise of offering instructions how to make
them more comfortable with their body, and that during spiritual guidance,
had them stretch out nude on his bed while he touched them; he
penetrated some.
At least two of these men sought legal advice and received substantial
financial settlements from the abbey. At least five men reported this
behavior. Others who remained in the monastery did not publicize their
I have heard this manner and mode of relationship described in other
religious houses and seminaries.
Like many other members of dioceses and religious communities I was
blind to these and other sexual activities among the group. This is not an
excuse. Lack of vigilance, adequate sexual education and simple ignorance
contributed to the blindness instilled by institutional absorption and
On record maintained by a former victim of the system recorded sixty
members of the St. John’s community who were sexual violators and 260
“known victims”. (Patrick Marker [Behindthepinecurtin.com])
John Eidenschink was a prominent and productive member of the
community. He influenced every segment of this large institution. His
sexual conditioning was formed and fostered in the two years of his
novitiate under the tutelage of Fr. Basil Stegmann, O.S.B. who repeatedly
took novice John on his lap while instructing him.
John was an orphan and lived with relatives near the campus of the abbey.
His sexual identity and his remarkable talents were conditioned and
fostered by the total institution. The homosocial structure of the abbey and
schools influenced his adjustment.
The homoerotic component in Roman Catholic theology and in the social
construct of training and in the power associations fosters sexual
expression as “natural” in ordinary male relationships. This is in direct
contradiction to the official teaching that homosexuality is “unnatural” and
“intrinsically disordered”.
I observed similar constructs in Vatican contacts with confreres when I was
a student in Rome. I could only register facts that I could not put together at
the time.
Students with some ambition would make contact with secretaries of
various Vatican officials, usually a Monsignore. This could assure them an
invitation to “tea” or some reception. Those who made the cut had social
access to a certain group of minor officials with prospects of wider and
more exalted contacts. (The book I Millinari written by 5 Vatican officials
also records variations on this pattern.)
Sexual liaisons become common for men conditioned to homosexually in
the system when women become available for social contact usually after
ordination. The Vatican term “transitional homosexuality” (2009) I
believe is based on the observation that a portion of priests pass through a
phase of sexual bonding with men (or even boys) before setting into
heterosexual behaviors.
Bishop Robert H. Brom: I have talked with the man who made allegations
of misconduct against Brom and with whom he made a $120,000
settlement. The history is well recorded by several responsible reporters.
Significant here is the operation of the National Conference of Bishops who
in their 2002 Dallas Charter made provision for “zero tolerance” of clergy
abusing minors but neglected to address violations by bishops. Instead
they appointed Brom, when allegations were known, to make “Fraternal
Correction” to other bishops accused.
This type of operation is typical of the pattern of cover up from the top of
the institution. (Reflected in the destruction of documents by the Papal
Nuncio in the Neinstedt case. Cf. Documentation provided by the Ramsey
County District Attorney)
Cardinal Roger Mahony. I have served as an expert witness in a sufficient
number of abuse cases in the LA Archdiocese to conclude it is not
outlandish to ask if Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles is a criminal for
“knowingly endangering the children he was supposed to defend.”
There is ample evidence already in the public forum that Mahony has
known of priests who abused minors, reassigned them and allowed them to
minister only to abuse other minors. He has not informed parishioners or
even parish staffs, that the priests he was assigning had a record of abuse.
Mahony who has a Masters in Social Work did not report known priest
abusers to social services even though he was obligated to do so by civil
law and by reason of the profession’s Code of Ethics. All of this vast
evidence is recorded in countless depositions on record from litigations1 of
abuse cases and from Mahony’s own testimony under oath.2
1 Depositions by Bishop Curry and Judge Byrne are illustrative of how priests were assigned and the
oversight board operated.
2 Mahony depositions, January 25, 2010; November 23, 2004; also Cf. Mahony trial testimony Fresno,
CA March 17, 2009.
I received reports from two men about Mahony’s sexual life and orientation;
one a former (St. John, Camarillo) seminarian who was dying of HIV
related complications; the other a long time LA church employee. The men
were credible reporters unwilling to go public or draw on corroboration.
I have served as an expert on a number of cases of confirmed sexual
abuse by priests of the LA Archdiocese from 2002 onward. Several are
remarkable: (i.e. the case of Lopez y Lopez and the controversy between
Mahony and the Cardinal of Mexico City. One of the principals in the latter
had to be lying.)
Judge Jim Byrne touted by the cardinal as a poster boy for the integrity of
the sexual abuse review board said in deposition that in all the years he
served on the Board he “never thought” of helping the victims.
Lawyer, Larry Drivon, who has litigated many California cases of clergy
abuse stated that there was sufficient evidence to charge Mahony with
perjury after letters he signed when he was bishop of Stockton, were
produced in his 2004 deposition and showed—black on white—that he had
clear knowledge of events that he denied under oath in deposition and on
the witness stand in the 1998 trial of Fr. Oliver O’Grady.3
I attended the Nov. 2004 deposition of Mahony and know the history of the
O’Grady trial. I saw Mahony’s signed letters. As a layperson I witnessed the
cardinal lying. His lawyer claimed, as did the cardinal that “he forgot.” (in 2
depositions and on the witness stand)
Three Los Angeles Grand Juries have been impaneled over nine years to
determine the real picture of abusing priests in the Archdiocese of Los
Angeles. Their problem is not the lack of evidence, but the monumental
legal impediments and roadblocks the cardinal has sponsored to obstruct
the investigation and the release of documents needed to pinpoint facts of
the cardinal’s knowledge and involvement in complicity and obstruction.
California law does not allow Grand Jury reports to be made public unless
indictments result.
3 Don Lattin. December 11, 2004. The San Francisco Chronicle.
Mahony claimed that communications between him and his priests have a
special privilege, not unlike that of confessional secrets. His claim was
included as the central argument advanced by his attorneys for refusing to
disclose files ordered by the courts. His arguments were rejected by the
appeal court, the California Supreme Court. Not deterred he had his
lawyers even try to have the case reversed by the United States Supreme
Court. The highest court in the land could not swallow his theory. His
obstructionism seems unbounded.
He claimed that he was a member of the therapeutic team treating priest
abusers and therefore documents involving him enjoyed a privilege of
medical confidentiality. In actuality he was never a member of any
therapeutic teams for several reasons not the least of which is the fact that
he is not qualified.
It has not yet been revealed how many millions the cardinal spent in
pursuing facetious claims. He has employed for his defense not merely
several lawyers but several law firms as well as Sitrick and Company, a
public relation firm used by Enron, the Tobacco industry and the Keating
Savings and Loan scandal of the 1980’s. Fortune magazine called the
company’s founder “one of the most accomplished practitioners of the
dark arts of public relations. The Financial Times called him, “The spin
doctor’s spin doctor.” Should any Catholic entity much less an
archdiocese take any pride in resorting to the services of such an
organization? Truth and transparency seem secondary if important at all.
These and myriad other stories are to be told from documents and records.
These records show Mahony’s, and other bishops pattern and practice that
reflect institutional defenses of its ministers’ sexual behaviors.
I will not belabor the more than 250 abuse cases of clergy abuse I have
served on as an expert witness or consultant.
I served the Attorney General of Massachusetts in the formation of their
Grand Jury investigation of clergy abuse in that State (2002). And I was an
expert witness to the first of three Grand Juries empaneled in Philadelphia
and I reviewed 135 clergy abuse files then. Since that time I have been
able to follow the working and operation of the Archdiocesan offices’
dealing with victims of clergy abuse. That is a paradigm of the malfunction
of the American church in response to clergy.
You are well aware that your diocese has settled with many victims (144 in
2007 alone).
I have tried to help the Church understand and heal the wounds of sexual
abuse by clergy. My services have not been welcomed.
My appeal to you has been for pastoral attention to victims of abuse and
the long term consequences of that violation. This includes the effects of
suicidal attempts.
Only a bishop can minister to these wounds.
Enclosed you will find a list of bishops who have been found wanting in
their duties to the people of God.
A.W.Richard Sipe
August 30, 2016

(Hand Delivered)