“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Saturday, 11 March 2023
Saturday, 4 March 2023
Bishop Paprocki calls out heretical Cardinals!
With those words, Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield in Illinois has created quite a stir. He quotes a Cardinal, the radical Robert McElroy calling for "radical inclusion" of the alphabet people.
"It is a demonic mystery of the human soul why so many men and women have a profound and visceral animus toward members of the L.G.B.T. communities. The church’s primary witness in the face of this bigotry must be one of embrace rather than distance or condemnation. The distinction between orientation and activity cannot be the principal focus for such a pastoral embrace because it inevitably suggests dividing the L.G.B.T. community into those who refrain from sexual activity and those who do not."
A "demonic mystery?" What did Jesus say?
“Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation. For there shall be from henceforth five in one house divided: three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against his father, the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother, the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."
The only demonic activity is in the mind and pen of McElroy. It seems to matter no longer that whilst Jesus ate with sinners, he did not tell them all was well and to continue living in their sin. He called them out of it. Francis and McElroy and their ilk want to include everyone unless, of course, you choose to worship God as our ancestors. McElroy refuses to call them out of one of the "four sins crying out to heaven for justice" out of some actual diabolical notion that it would be "divisive."
As I wrote yesterday, it had been ten years of doctrinal destruction from Francis and those who follow up into error. It is not letting up and in fact, it is increasing. We are at a dangerous place in the Church. We must reject the errors and heresies of the McElroy's and witness to the Truth. Do not be afraid to be called a bigot by lesser men. Do not be afraid to be called rigid for holding fast to the perennial and magisterial teachings of Christ and His Church. Reject that which Francis or his minions say and do that is not in keeping with the faith and tradition. In those things, they are in schism, not you, not me.
Thank you Bishop Paprocki for your clarity and the truth.
Now more on this from Michael Matt.
Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Michael Matt on Big Brother Francis, Biden, Soros, Schwab all nearing their deaths
Another one on the mark by Michael Matt.
Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Bishop Schneider on Crisis, Disobedience, & the SSPX | A Michael Matt I...
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
Michael Matt on the New World Order, Russian Connection and the sewer that is Ukraine thanks to the West
Michael Matt just nails it, every time.
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
Thursday, 17 March 2022
Monday, 28 February 2022
Tuesday, 21 December 2021
Bergoglio has attacked hundreds of thousands of faithful Catholics
Michael Matt as you've never heard him. Filled with holy anger and stating the truth.
Wake up, Catholics. Wake up!
Bergoglio is perfectly possessed. An evil, wretched putrid, angry, rotten man. The worst pope in history.
God save us.
The Remnant Newspaper - THE INTOLERANT POPE: Francis Cancels Faithful CatholicsMonday, 1 November 2021
Saturday, 9 October 2021
Is Francis a liar? Is the Pope Catholic? Oh, wait... Yes and No!
The attack by Bergoglio and his Vatican apparatchiks is the gravest scandal since the installation of the whore Earth goddess on the High Altar of St. Peter's Basilica and the bowing down to it in the gardens. No doubt, those events have led to this attack on the Holy Mass and the lab-developed virus and the subsequent diabolical delusion on Church and State alike.
Diane Montagna has reported on information that what we all expected was true, the report from bishops was nowhere near as bad as it was presented.
Jorge Bergoglio as our politicians, medical tyrants and corporate elites have bitten off more than they can chew. They have overreached and will come crashing down.
Our job is to remain faithful within our Mother and to speak with truth and clarity.
The Remnant Newspaper - TRADITIONIS CUSTODES: Separating Fact from Fiction
Friday, 10 September 2021
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. presented by Michael Matt
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is no tin-foiled hat-wearing right-wing nutbar. He covers the gamut!
The Remnant Newspaper - WORLD VACCINATION: Michael Matt on the Kennedy Connection
Thursday, 2 September 2021
The Remant suspened from YouTwitFace - RESISTENCE IS NOT FUTILE: Cancelling The Great Reset
Monday, 30 August 2021
Thursday, 8 July 2021
LESSONS OF COVID: Why Francis Fears Us
Thursday, 5 November 2020
TRUMP 2020: Democracy in Chaos
Friday, 8 May 2020
Bergoglio: The RED Pope by Elizabeth Yore
Sunday, 10 November 2019
POPE SACHS CHURCH: Vatican Embraces United Nations Goals
Friday, 25 January 2019
Anatomy of a Bergoglian Cover-up
ANATOMY OF A COVERUP: Francis, Vatican Exposed
Written by Christopher A. Ferrara