Pope Francis (pictured in St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, yesterday) is set to discuss plans for Roman Catholic priests to give a blessing to gay couples
The Pope is set to discuss plans for Roman Catholic priests to give a blessing to gay couples.
The prospect of a major concession to gay rights was aired yesterday ahead of a key gathering of cardinals at the Vatican next month.
Pope Francis has already set in motion a new liberal approach to another major source of conflict over sex and marriage among Catholics – the attitude of the church to divorced and remarried couples.
He has announced a fast-track scheme to allow divorced Catholics to have their marriages annulled so they can remarry and remain full members of the church.
Now, a similar reform to help gay couples will also come under consideration.
The idea of blessings for gay relationships was acknowledged by a German bishop who will be among those making decisions at the Vatican synod on the family.
Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, one of three delegates from the liberal German church, told a Roman Catholic news agency that Roman Catholics already agree that there is to be no unjust discrimination against homosexual couples.
He added that it is important that the church should see their 'strengths and not only their weaknesses and deficiencies'.
The Bishop of Osnabruck said that while the church should treat gay couples in 'a positive way', their relationships could not be 'something that would be equal to a marriage'.
However, he added: 'But, with prayers and a private form of a blessing, one will be able to accompany them on their way.'
Bishop Bode's views are thought to have support from a strong body of less outspoken prelates who will be influential at next month's gathering.
Any new liberal attitude to homosexuality that emerges from the family synod will provoke anger among Catholic conservatives and may make it hard for the Vatican to keep a lid on potential conflicts.
Yesterday a prominent conservative publishing house put out a report which said the synod is likely to introduce gay blessings under the guise of reforms to 'pastoral practice'.
The paper by analyst Edward Pention, put out by Ignatius Press, an imprint from the same Jesuit tradition that produced Pope Francis, said there are likely to be 'subtle attempts to circumvent church teaching'.
It said that participants in the synod aim 'to emphasise innovative pastoral practice that many others see as being at odds with the church's doctrine'.
The paper added: 'Notwithstanding Pope Francis' wishes for an open discussion yielding a well-grounded unity, the next synod may result in even more confusion and dissension.'
The marriage annulment reform plans made public last week were the first practical liberalisation since Francis was elected in 2013.
The Pope has frequently hinted at his wish to soften Catholic teaching on sex and marriage.
Referring to gay people, Francis said in 2013 that 'we must be brothers'.
He added: 'If a person is gay and seeks God and has goodwill, who am I to judge him?'
Earlier this month, he signalled a softer approach to abortion by extending to all priests the power to forgive a woman who has had an abortion if she makes clear her repentance.