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Showing posts with label Argentina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Argentina. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Leftist Argentine press goes after Bergoglian "Cardinal" Tucho Kiss my Face Fernadez for covering up Paedos!

From La Plata to Rome. Francis rewarded Tucho Fernandez, a cover-up of pedophiles, with a central position in the Vatican (laizquierdadiario.com)

From La Plata to Rome. Francis rewarded Tucho Fernandez, a cover-up of pedophiles, with a central position in the Vatican

To confirm that his papacy is an accumulation of pure gestures, Bergoglio puts a bishop of his confidence as Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith (the old Inquisition), the position occupied, among others, by Ratzinger before becoming pope. As archbishop of La Plata, Fernández was noted for disparaging victims and covering up for abusers.

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Saturday, July 1st | 14:03
Eduardo Lorenzo with Tucho Fernández in the parish of Gonnet where he abused several minors

The Italy correspondent for the conservative Argentine daily La Nación on Saturday called it a "bombshell news" and an "unexpected designation." It probably is for those who align themselves with the most reactionary, ultra-medieval and most obscurantist sectors (in short, they all are) of the Roman curia. But considering the moves made by Jorge "Francisco" Bergoglio in recent years, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

The news in question is that the Vatican has just published in its Official Gazette that the archbishop of La Plata Víctor Manuel "Tucho" Fernández was elected by the new pope "prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith", as reported in the bulletin of the so-called Holy See. Fernández would take office in September, replacing Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer.

The Dicastery is the direct successor of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition created in 1542 by Paul III and whose legacy for humanity was to have watered part of the world with blood with its hunts for "witches", torture and humiliation of "heretics" and other bloodthirsty methods to control the wayward population with the "apostolic and Roman Catholic doctrine". Among some of its milestonesthe Inquisition tried and condemned Galileo Galilei for his heretical theories.

It may interest you: Some of the cruelest tortures of the Holy Inquisition

Although modern inquisitors no longer send their executioners to extirpate satanic confessions under torture or burn women in bonfires mounted in public squares (that today is done more civilly by States and their governments) it is still the "ministry" of the Vatican that controlscensors and sanctions everything related to the "values" of official Catholicism. This includes the systematic plan to cover up thousands and thousands of rapes of children and adolescents in schools, institutes and parishes around the world.

Precisely, Tucho Fernández is a specialist, among other things, in guaranteeing this systematic cover-up while issuing communiqués and blocking homilies in which, as Bergoglio commands, the abuses committed by his cassocks employees are culpably condemned. The few who manage to break the silence of the ecclesiastical walls and jump to public opinion, of course.Very valuable task

The Official Vatican Bulletin publishes a letter that Francis sends to Tucho. There he says that he entrusts to him a "very valuable" task, such as "guarding the teaching that springs from faith to 'give a reason for our hope, but not as enemies who point and condemn.'" As if to "clarify," the pope acknowledges that the Dicastery "in other times came to use immoral methods" and that "these were times when, rather than promoting theological knowledge, possible doctrinal errors were pursued. What I expect from you is certainly something very different," he tells his handler.

See also: Jorge "Francisco" Bergoglio: ten years of a papacy where hypocrisy is divine

Curiously, the Roman monarch makes explicit the intention of freeing the new prefect from having to take charge of "attending" to the complaints of sexual abuse that arrive in Rome. "Given that for disciplinary matters – especially related to the abuse of minors – a specific Section has recently been created with very competent professionals, I ask you as Prefect to dedicate your personal commitment more directly to the main purpose of the Dicastery, which is to 'keep the faith'", he orders.

Strictly speaking, this new "section" of which he speaks is an office dedicated to receiving the handful of "officialized" complaints against bishops, priests and nuns that dioceses around the world consider that the Vatican should "investigate" and "give sentence." But it is an office that answers directly to the Dicastery that Fernández will lead shortly. Pure story.

Moving tiles

The pope's move seems to be in line with others in recent years in which the Argentine supreme pontiff was placing in key places in the Vatican men of his confidence who, in addition, adhere to his "theology of the people" (doctrinal aspect that, appealing to populist topics, aesthetically distances itself from the most ultraconservative sectors of the Church). Aware that his health declines with the passage of time, the so-called "Peronist pope" is already planning his succession by filling St. Peter's Square with an addicted civil servant.

The most emblematic case is that of the former bishop of Oran, Salta, Gustavo ZanchettaBergoglio's extremely trusted man. Between December 2018, when allegations against him of two abused seminarians (the victims could have been many more) and March 2022, when he was sentenced to four and a half years in prison; the merciful pope sought to "save" Zanchetta by placing him in charge of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See.

Better known as the Vatican's "real estate," the office handles more than five thousand properties worldwide with an estimated value of $3 billion. Finally, Zanchetta had to return to Argentina to undergo the trial. Of course, today he enjoys a house arrest that is denied to any Christian for much less serious crimes.

See also: Salta: priest friend of Zanchetta accused of sexual abuse also goes to trial

So far it is unknown if Tucho Fernández directly abused minors, seminarians or students of the Argentine Catholic University when he was its rector. What is known is that in recent years he was responsible for covering up any stray sheep that was denounced for these crimes, doubly aggravated because they were representatives of a religious cult (with the level of vulnerability of the victim that this implies).

From left to right and top to bottom: Spinelli, Granuzzo, Corradi, Corbacho, Primati, Giménez, Di Virgilio, Marchioni, Lorenzo, Yanuzzi and Sidders
From left to right and top to bottom: Spinelli, Granuzzo, Corradi, Corbacho, Primati, Giménez, Di Virgilio, Marchioni, Lorenzo, Yanuzzi and Sidders

In a special report published by La Izquierda Diario last December (carried out together with Pulso Noticias), eleven of the cases reported so far in La Plata are detailed and in which, in various ways, "Tucho" played a clear role of covering up his priests. A cover-up that goes hand in hand with dehumanization and contempt for victims and survivors.

The cases are those of the former chaplain general of the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service Eduardo Lorenzo (committed suicide in December 2019 in a Caritas headquarters minutes after being arrested), the creator of the Miles Christi congregation Roberto Yanuzzi (the only one excommunicated by the pope, although for his doctrinal differences and not for his abuses), Héctor Giménez (denounced but unpunished), Rubén Marchioni (publicly denounced but not judicially), Maximiliano Di Virgilio (the family of his victim withdrew a criminal complaint), the former chaplain of the Gendarmerie in Misiones Raúl Sidders (with an absurd house arrest and close to an oral trial) and five former capos of the Provolo Institute of La Plata (Nicola CorradiHoracio CorbachoGiuseppe SpinelliGiovanni Granuzzo and Eliseo Primati).

Along with Fernández, in almost all these cases the auxiliary bishop of La Plata, Alberto Bochatey, a servant formed by the ultra-reactionary Héctor Aguer, predecessor of "Tucho", played a central role in the cover-up plans. Although there are no known allegations about him and despite the "enmity" between Bergoglio and Aguer, in 2017 the pope appointed Bochatey "apostolic commissioner" to investigate allegations of sexual abuse at the headquarters of the Provolo Institute in Mendoza. Obviously he did not investigate anything and much less collaborated in the judicial case that ended up condemning Corradi and Corbacho to almost fifty years in prison.

Alberto Bochatey
Alberto Bochatey

"Tucho" and Bochatey, among other aberrations, organized the "homage mass" (and body present) to the suicide Lorenzo in the same parish of Gonnet in which the priest, for years, abused teenagers whom he corrupted and extorted to satisfy his desires for oppression.

Nothing less could be expected from the pope himself. In addition to having been an accomplice of several crimes of the last civic-military-ecclesiastical dictatorship (when he already had a high position in the Argentine Curia), in his country he has spent years protecting criminals of the stature of Julio GrassiZanchettaJusto IllarazAgustín Rosa Torino and dozens of priests and bishops with canonical investigations that only gave impunity. With the exception of the mafioso Yanuzzi, not even the few priests convicted criminally were expelled from the Church.

See also: The Archbishopric of La Plata put a priest facho to attend health centers


Another characteristic of Víctor Fernández is his vocation to "mediate" in social conflicts, when they threaten the political power of the day. For example, in 2018 he came to the aid of the then governor María Eugenia Vidal when hundreds of workers left from the entrances of the Río Santiago de Ensenada Shipyard to occupy the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy in La Plata in repudiation of the adjustment and delivery plans of the company by the management of Cambiemos. To this end, the archbishop devised a demobilizing maneuver together with part of the union leadership of the region that endorsed (by action or omission) Vidal's plans.

Now, after five years "cleaning" (based on liturgical cosmetics and silences bought at a good price) the archdiocese of La Plata of the ultraconservative remnants that Aguer had left, "Tucho" has to transfer part of his experience to the Vatican.

Of course, to occupy a position that intellectuals such as Joseph Ratzinger once held, Fernández does not lack a curriculum. He will become prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith after having been dean of the Faculty of Theology of Buenos Aires, president of the Argentine Society of Theology and of the Commission of Faith and Culture of the Argentine Episcopate. And before assuming the Archbishopric of La Plata, he was rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. What is said is a true picture for all the needs and urgencies that the Vatican has in its particular Bergoglian stage.

Friday, 6 August 2021


As if we have not yet had enough evidence of the horror of the demonic Bergoglio and the spread of the evil he has unleashed on the world through the Church comes this news today that the Argentinean Diocese of Venado Tuerto under 74 year old Bishop Gustavo Arturo Help was forced to apologize for a public poster and prayer to the demonic pagan earth goddess. The vile pagan image of Pachamama was worshipped in the Vatican garden and its symbol placed on the High Altar of St. Peter's Basilica by Bergoglio. The prayer blasphemes God and insults the Blessed Virgin Mary by equating the Holy Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ with the demonic whore.

My fellow Catholics, are you awake yet to the evil monster that sits on the Chair of Peter? What will it take? How many more profanations of that which is holy will it take?




BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — The Diocese of Venado Tuerto’s Caritas branch apologized Tuesday for having posted on its social media a prayer to Pachamama, an Andean deity.

“The pachamama is a symbol of fertility, of the earth and the sacredness of life. It is a myth full of spiritual meaning (that) can be used to advantage,” said the now-deleted Aug. 1 post.

“Some religious festivals have a sacred meaning and are occasions for gathering and fraternity. These are the new paths for the Church and for the achievement of an integral ecology. Holy Father Francis. #somoscaritasarag #caritasvt #equipomagrevenadotueto,” the post said.

The prayer read: "Hail Pachamama, sweet source of our life, may you be forever venerated. Blessed are the fruits of your womb, our daily bread, may you be blessed now and forever. Look with compassion, Holy Mother, upon the human pack that destroys you out of ambition. Blessed be your clemency Pachamama. My land preyed upon by madness. You are the source of life and joy. Pachamama, holy land, Holy Mother, Virgin Mary.”

Pachamama Day is celebrated annually on Aug. 1 in Quechua and Aymara communities in the Andes mountains of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru in honor of the Andean deity.

The posting of the prayer drew massive pushback on social media, leading to its deletion.

Cáritas Venado Tuerto posted Aug. 3 on Facebook: "We want to apologize to those who felt offended by our post about Pachamama, the intention was to communicate our communion with Francis who in the Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia says to us: ‘It is possible to take up an indigenous symbol in some way, without necessarily considering it as idolatry. A myth charged with spiritual meaning can be used to advantage and not always considered a pagan error. Some religious festivals have a sacred meaning and are occasions for gathering and fraternity, albeit in need of a gradual process of purification or maturation. A missionary of souls will try to discover the legitimate needs and concerns that seek an outlet in at times imperfect, partial or mistaken religious expressions …’ (79). ‘Such a spirituality will certainly be centered on the one God and Lord, while at the same time in contact with the daily needs of people who strive for a dignified life…’ (80)”

The prayer to Pachamama existed before the Amazon synod, held at the Vatican in October 2019.

During the synod carved wooden figures of a pregnant woman were on display in related churches and events. Those figures, referred to by Pope Francis and others as “Pachamama”, were said by some to depict an Andean fertility goddess, while Vatican spokesmen characterized them more vaguely as symbols of “life.”

Two such “Pachamama” figures were eventually taken from a church near the Vatican and thrown into the Tiber, and were later recovered.

Pope Francis issued an apology asking forgiveness from those who were offended by the Pachamama statues being thrown into the Tiber, and said that they had been displayed in the church “without idolatrous intentions.”

Pachamama Day is celebrated annually on Aug. 1 in Quechua and Aymara communities in the Andes mountains of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru in honor the Andean deity.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Argentine accuser of Pope Francis' friend, Gustavo Vera, found dead!

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what is going on in ...
BUENOS AIRES, February 23, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) -- Natacha Jaitt, an Argentine media celebrity who had accused Gustavo Vera, a friend of Pope Francis, of sex crimes, was found dead during the pre-dawn hours on Saturday at a resort near Buenos Aires. Jaitt tweeted in October that Vera was Pope Francis’ “accomplice.” She wrote: “Justo Gustavo Vera, is a pimp, sex-trafficker, and accomplice of the Pope and, as I predicted, was tried for misappropriation of funds at Alameda and other illegal acts. God will do what is just, someday. Amen.” 