The Missa Cantata will begin at 2:00 P.M.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Latin Mass in London, Ontario
The Missa Cantata will begin at 2:00 P.M.
Diocese of London
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Sodomite Mafia: Filth in Scotland
The homo-mafia in the Catholic Church must be outed and exorcised. Why didn't Archbishop Conti do something about it when the situation occurred. His silence makes him complicit.
The Holy Father must act to rid the Church of this filth.

Cardinal blocked abuse investigation, says Archbishop of Glasgow

The Holy Father must act to rid the Church of this filth.
Cardinal blocked abuse investigation, says Archbishop of Glasgow
By STAFF REPORTER on Friday, 23 August 2013
The former Archbishop of Glasgow has said that Cardinal Keith O’Brien blocked an investigation into the Scottish Catholic Church’s handling of sex abuse in 2012.
In a letter to the Tablet, Archbishop Mario Conti wrote: “It was the intention of all but one member of the bishops’ conference to commission an independent examination of the historical cases we had on file in all of our respective dioceses and publish the results.”
He continued: “But this was delayed by the objection of the then-President of the Conference; without full participation of all the dioceses the exercise would have been faulty.”
A statement from the Catholic Church in Scotland said: “Archbishop Conti’s letter refers to a decision taken in 2011 by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland to commission an independent academic analysis of statistics relating to abuse and allegations of abuse over a 60 year period from 1952 to 2012.
“This project, with the cooperation of each of the eight dioceses in Scotland, started and ran until 2012, at which time, the then President of the Conference, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, withdrew from the project.
“Without the participation of all the dioceses a ‘National Audit’ was not possible so the analysis was stopped.”
Curia Scandals,
homosexualist lobby
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Patriarch of Antioch Refuses to Leave Syria
Patriarch of Antioch Refuses to Leave Syria
Zakka I Iwas rejects speculation about internal church dispute over abducted bishops of Aleppo Vatican City ( / KAP) The Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, Mar Ignatius Zakka Iwas, does not want to leave his headquarters in Damascus. He made it clear to his office, reported the press service Vatican Fides on Monday. In a statement, the to Fides, it has denied rumors that Zakka I Iwas wanted to move the seat of the Patriarchate because of the Syrian civil war to Turkey. Such a move only magnify the risk that the Syrian Orthodox Church would be "wiped out".
Since the beginning of the fighting there were multiple bombs detonated in the Christian Quarter of Damascus and dozens of people were killed. Radical Islamic fighters among the ranks of the rebels are allegedly suspected to be behind the attacks.
"We don't want only the survival of the See of Antioch in Syria, but also that all people across the country to stay here," he says in the letter. This applies to "our Muslim brothers" just as we hope for the other Christian communities in Syria. The 80 year old Patriarch further informed the office he is in good health. Speculations were rejected with indignation, according to which there has been an intra-church dispute over the abduction of the two Archbishops of Aleppo. There is no sign that bishops Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim (Syrian Orthodox) and Boulos al-Yazigi (Greek Orthodox) missing since since the 22nd of April re still alive. Copyright 2013 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria
Since the beginning of the fighting there were multiple bombs detonated in the Christian Quarter of Damascus and dozens of people were killed. Radical Islamic fighters among the ranks of the rebels are allegedly suspected to be behind the attacks.
"We don't want only the survival of the See of Antioch in Syria, but also that all people across the country to stay here," he says in the letter. This applies to "our Muslim brothers" just as we hope for the other Christian communities in Syria. The 80 year old Patriarch further informed the office he is in good health. Speculations were rejected with indignation, according to which there has been an intra-church dispute over the abduction of the two Archbishops of Aleppo. There is no sign that bishops Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim (Syrian Orthodox) and Boulos al-Yazigi (Greek Orthodox) missing since since the 22nd of April re still alive. Copyright 2013 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria
HT to The Eponymous Flower for this.
Persecution of Christians
Two priests, one Mass, one abomination
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First Holy Mass of Father Bertand Lacrois, FSSP; Notre Dame de Victoires, Paris |
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Father Petr Hruska, Parish Priest of Cheb, Czech |
Liturgical Abuse
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
To Mark Shea...
Dear Mark Shea,
Thank you for the enormous rise in my readership today.
I can see that you are still finding it necessary to be uncharitable to those who would disagree with you and sadly you have sucked others into your own vortex.
I won't come back to your site as I refuse to feed the bear (by giving you a nickle for each hit at Patheos.) You see, I've come to the conclusion that the reason that you are so uncharitable in your combox is that you want people to keep coming back to feed the bear more, just to see how outrageous you have become.
Your brother in charity,
Vox Cantoris
To My Partners in Evil, Patrick Coffin and Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Dear Patrick: What is the matter with you? Why didn’t you have your Liturgy Cop Police Scanner on this morning and catch this photo for immediate commentary and condemnation? Me and Longenecker were down at Dunkin Donuts getting breakfast and you were supposed to be monitoring the internet for all signs of liturgical abuse! Do I have to do everything around here?
Who are the Pelagians?
You've clearly labelled the "rad-trads" Father Longenecker; (I won't link to it, lest I literally feed the bear) as have Mssrs. Staples, Coffin and Shea (talk about anger issues), Mr. Self-published theologian wannabee with all the blurbs and some questionable apologist and his "minions" to say nothing of the others assortment of poseurs who are doing the devil's work of name-calling and labeling your fellow Catholics; now, what do you call this abomination?
P.S. If you've come here courtesy of the generous link from Mr. Shea, welcome and come back again.
"Firstly, I would like to be able to choose music when I log on to a website - not have it forced upon me.What exactly would you have the people mentioned in your rather confusing post do about liturgical abuses which took place in 2011 in the Czech Republic?" Victoria.
Well Victoria, the fact that it is in 2011 in Czech is hardly the issue. The issue is abuse. It seems that it has suddenly become de riguer for many Catholic commentators to use the words "rad-trad" and "mad-trad" and "radical traditionalist" as a slur against there fellow Catholics. This has come from little know people and well-known people as mentioned above, even priests. It is wrong. Period, it needs to stop. It is not from the Lord that these slaps and slanders are executed. In fact, it is straight out of Hell. There is nothing the Devil wants more than an end to the traditional liturgy, Latin, Gregorian chant and a permanent divide of the SSPX from Holy Mother Church. Why? Because it all starts with the Mass and its dignity and solemnity and prayer and the examples above are the antithesis of it; oh, and please enjoy the music. As for confusing, it is not I who is confused.
Liturgical Abuse,
Trad bashers
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Eucharistic disgrace at WYD Rio!
When is this disgrace of World Youth Day going to stop!
Dancing bishops' instructor
Do y'all remember that pathetic exercise of dancing bishops in some "flash mob" demonstration preparing them to do it before the Holy Mass at WYD in Rio?
Well, the alleged "man" in green below that lead them was ...
... this apparent man appearing in various homoerotic publications.
Why am I not surprised?
Well, the alleged "man" in green below that lead them was ...
... this apparent man appearing in various homoerotic publications.

Why am I not surprised?
Church's "gay" lobby,
homosexualist lobby
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Why We Should Stop Saying "Radical Traditionalist" and "Rad Trad"
Because it is a direct slap-in-the-face to our beloved Benedict XVI!
Do you get it yet; aside from dividing the fabric of Christ, insulting your Catholic brothers and sisters?
Kevin M. Tierney nails it!
"A few weeks ago, Catholic Answers live did a show on
“radical traditionalism” that drew the ire of traditionalists across the board,
“radical” and otherwise. The two senior
apologists hosting the show took to the Catholic Answers blog to defend their
show from the “Radical Traditionalists” and “mad-trad” point of view. They have also promised that on August 12,
they would devote another show to the issue, in the hopes of clarifying any
misunderstandings. If they really want
to help with these misunderstandings, the first thing they must do is the thing
they will be least inclined to do: drop
the moniker “radical traditionalist” and “radtrad” entirely. At best the phrase is a relic of a time that
is no longer relevant. At worst, the
term is creating animosity and perpetuating a growing sense of tribalism within
Catholicism, especially in America."
Do you get it yet; aside from dividing the fabric of Christ, insulting your Catholic brothers and sisters?
Kevin M. Tierney nails it!
( ... )
A final reason to drop the moniker is that we tell Pope
Benedict XVI his efforts weren’t wasted.
He worked harder than anyone else in his life to reconcile the SSPX and
other groups to full communion with the Church, removing every possible
barrier, as long as doing so didn’t contradict defined Church teaching.
Read it all here.
Trad bashers
The Blessed Martyrs Massabki
In these days of continued persecution of Christians in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Gaza let us remember the Brothers Massabki. My maternal grandfather would have been born just around the time of their martyrdom.
Holy Martyrs Massabki, pray for us.
Holy Martyrs Massabki, pray for us.
Persecution of Christians
Friday, 2 August 2013
Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.
On a brighter note to what has been going on locally and in Rome, take a look at this magnificent picture. Sixteen, count'em! Sixteen new postulants this year alone for the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The community began with four from the Nashville Dominicans of St. Cecelia. They now have 115 and the average age of a nun is 28 years.
The community began with four from the Nashville Dominicans of St. Cecelia. They now have 115 and the average age of a nun is 28 years.

Of course, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto are more the norm; but ask yourself this?
Who will be left in twenty years?
Will the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto use their multi-million dollar nest egg from property sales to rebuild their Order by following their Rule and the true implementation of the Second Vatican Council as these Domincans have?
Or will they simply blow out the candles?
Due acknowledgement for the title to Irving Berlin.
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