Father Richard Heilman at Roman Catholic Man says calls out his brother priest:
This is where Fr. Martin’s skewed understanding of faith is so dangerous. You see, by justifying, rationalizing or even ignoring the sinful acts of homosexuality, we are, in essence, saying, “Come home and bring the prostitutes with you.” What are you saying, Fr. Martin? In opposition with very clear biblical and Church teachings that homosexual acts are gravely sinful, are you saying that is no longer true? Or, are you saying, “Come home and bring the prostitutes with you?” Maybe the whole idea of being separated from God when we engage in mortal sin is a “hateful concept” for you?
These men are liars and deceivers.

James Martin, Edward Beck and others of their ilk are liars. They wish to not only meet people where they are but keep them there. Instead of bringing them out of the mire, they only sink into it with them.
True respect and love for "Gay" men and women is found in pointing out the error of their ways and calling them to repentance in Jesus Christ and His Sacraments. Leaving them in their sin is to hate them.
These men will spend in eternity in Hell looking into the faces of those whom they deceived.
We must hope that some of those murdered by the Mohammedan, asked God for mercy before they died. We must pray that those who survived, may see it as a gift and repent of the lifestyle of sin that they have trapped themselves in.
These priests and bishops are amongst the worst enemies of people locked in their sins.