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Showing posts with label Bishop Bonny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Bonny. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 October 2016

"Bishop" Bonny in rainbow "stole"

We wrote about Johan Bonny and his advocation of "blessings" of sodomitical and lesbian, so-called, unions/marriages.

What a great photo this is. It reveals so much about Johan Bonny.

See the Eponymous Flower for more.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Heresiarch Bishop Bonny seeks to bless sodomite "unions"

We have reported on this malefactor before. Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp.


Image result for bishop bonny

This latest leads one to conclude that this, so-called bishop, is nothing more than a homosexual himself. What a disgusting boil on the Body of Christ. A wolf in sheep's clothing. A sodomite, hidden in the priesthood to wreck the Church, to undermine the faith.

Is there any faith left in Belgium? Are there any Catholics there to challenge this viper, this fraud, this scum.

And if that is not enough to cause you to hurl your cookies. look at the two sodomites praised in Schönborn's Cathedral of St. Stephen's bulletin with the African boy they adopted. Poor kid, I guess these two have a new plaything.

One does not need a tin-foiled hat to recognise the obvious. The Bride of Christ has been infiltrated by sodomites, filthy perverts, to undermine the faith and destroy the Church. They now have in the Seat of Peter, a sympathiser. 

Lord Jesus Christ, glorious judge. Save your Church and us from these deceitful wolves.



In a book-length interview published next week  Johan Bonny, the Archbishop of Antwerp, proposes a rite for blessing homosexual persons in so-called same-sex "marriages", divorced and remarried couples, and cohabiting couples formally referred to as couples 'living in sin'. Archbishop Bonny   makes his proposals in a conversation with Roger Burggraeve and Ilse Van Halst published in the book, "May I? Thank you. Sorry: Frank dialogue about relationships, marriage and the family."

Archbishop Bonny proposes that the Church offers non-sacramental recognition, acceptance and blessing of individuals in illicit relationships. He outlines one possibility by asking can he as a bishop provide a ritual to believers who live together and wish each other the best, in the light of God's presence, similar to parents giving a cross to their children? He argues that a cross is not a sacrament, but belongs to the order of sacred signs and gestures. He wonders if the Church can establish shades  between the "nothing" for unmarried couples and the "all" of the sacramental marriage recognising what is "already" is, and simultaneously see what it is "not"?

Archbishop Bonny acknowledges that homosexual persons cannot enter into a true sacramental union because they cannot express the deep symbolic link between gender differences and fertility. However, he wants the Church to recognise that homosexual persons who pursue exclusive and lasting relationships. He questions whether the Church should squeeze everything into one model but instead asks whether the Church should evolve a variety of rituals to recognise the "love between homosexuals".

Regarding the divorced and civilly re-married, Archbishop Bonny proposes that the issue of communion for remarried divorced should be carefully considered. He recognises that this is not about a global 'yes' or 'no', but a balance. He proposes pastors make judgments based on the individual situation of the people in question. Or rather, they can and must decide with them on the basis of a number of criteria.

The Archbishop of Antwerp admits that he believes that the Church could bless  second marriages in some cases, even if the first marriage remains valid, following the example of the Orthodox Church. He sees such a blessing as an act of mercy that does not repeat or replace the first sacramental marriage, which remains unique.


By proposing that the Church bless so-called same-sex "unions" Archbishop Bonny ignores the warning given by Cardinal Ratzinger in 2003. What he wrote about legal recognition applies even more so to ecclesial recognition:

"Recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behaviour, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity. The Church cannot fail to defend these values, for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself."

Furthermore, it's hard to reconcile Archbishop Bonny's proposals for ecclesial recognition of divorced and civilly re-married couples with the explicit teaching of Our Lord on the indissolubility of marriage:

"They said, “Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to put her away.” But Jesus said to them, “For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.” And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter. And he said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her;  and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” (Mark 10: 4-12.)

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Friday, 30 October 2015

The "Twerp" smacked down by the Man - but what I want to know Johan Bonny, is she a blonde a brunette or is she even a she?

He's so upset. He just can't handle himself around real manhood, as opposed to those in some fantasy.

The poor, poor whittle Bishop of Antwerp, Johan Bonny - smacked down at the Sodomy Synod to Destroy the Family by Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. You know, one of those silly, narrow, bigoted Africans that "should not tell us too much what to do."

"There was no way of discussing it in a peathful way" cried little Johan Bonny when each time he raised the matter of fisting, felsching and rimming. he was smacked down, by an African.

Poor, poor whittle Johan; the big, bad Afwicans wouldn't wet him talk about his gerbils. 

After all,  according to Johanny, "one knows that homosexuality exists also in the world of animals" so that makes abusing them for your anal thrills just fine, eh Johan?

How often do you masturbate Johan? How much pornography do you watch? Straight or gay porn? As the great Fulton Sheen once asked, "Is she blonde or is she a brunette." Or is she a he? Which, or what is it? Because there has to be a reason for such a darkened intellect and a lack of faith.

What is important for me is that Pope Francis moved tags. This greatly exited me. I can not remain a neutral spectator of these changes, I want to participate. Furthermore, everyone at some point in his life is confronted with relationships, friendships, family and the education of children. We must not deny that there is trauma about these matters in the Church. Far too many people have felt excluded for a long time. The Church can fix the breach of trust by talking openly and sincerely about the issues which are really bothering people...
As bishops, we have too long thought it impossible to discuss some lessons or disciplinary rules: we have acted pragmatically to avoid damaging the Faith. Thus, a gap has widened between the Church’s official teaching and daily practice...
 Before Francis, there was an official status quo about these topics and very few opportunities for discussion. In less than two years, the Pope has managed to get a discussion started about these issues...
 Personally, I find that in the Church there should be more openness for the recognition of the substantive quality of the LGBT couple. Their form of shared life must meet the same requirements as religious marriage. Basic values are for me more important than the institutional form. Christian Ethics champions lasting relationships in which faithfulness, loyalty and care for each other are central; and which are open to new life, or at least recognise the responsibility of the partners to be generous towards children and young people. We must accept that those values may be present in a relationship of diversity and we must try to give form to these relationships...
 We need to seek within the Church for a formal recognition of the “relationality” which is as present in many couples which are homosexual as in those which are heterosexual. Should it be a sacramental recognition of marriage? Maybe the Church should instead think about recognising a diversity of patterns.
 This discussion is the same for civil marriage. In Belgium, the same model is used for gender relations of homosexual and heterosexual couples; but there are other possibilities, which I believe are valid. It may not be necessary to force all relationships into the same model...
 Just as there is in our society a variety of legal frameworks for partners, so the Church should recognise a diversity of relationship forms. This would avoid the pitfall of complex ideological disputes. I favour the recognition of a variety of forms which emerge from a reflection on pastoral experience, rather than theoretical discussions; because they often degenerate into sterile disputes and generate discord...
 Life is a practical thing, is not it? Such issues can only be dealt with credibly if humanity and understanding are exercised; not by theoretical discussions. The same dynamic is active in the Church. The ecclesial community is a big family and my main concern is how to encourage this style of response. I do not want to downplay the significance of the doctrinal issues; but... I also want to keep the family together. I want all the family members to celebrate Christmas together and form a united community.
[J. Bonny in “De Morgan” 27th December 2014]

On animals as faggots

On the "ordaining" of married men and even women

On proportionalism and conscience


I can't wait until Francis makes this heresiarch Primate of Belgium and Archbishop of Brussels, it will be as much fun as Wuerligig.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Is Bishop Bonny a Sodomite? Is he being blackmailed? Does he truly believe animals are "homosexuals" and that makes it all okay?

In sweeping critique, Vatican Synod father attacks Humanae Vitae—and even the notion of natural law


ANTWERP, Belgium, September 11, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- In a sweeping critique of Catholic teaching, Belgian Bishop Johan Bonny, who will participate in the Ordinary Synod on the Family next month, has attacked not only the Church’s teaching against contraception but even the very notion of the natural law.
In a contribution for the recent German book, Zerreißprobe Ehe, published by Herder Verlag, the bishop of Antwerp makes a strong critique of the 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae and questions the Church's understanding of sexuality. He also criticizes the natural law as a moral foundation because it describes certain acts as good or bad independently of one's personal life history and biography.
Bonny claims in his essay, which is entitled "The Synod of Bishops on the Family - Expectations of a Diocesan Bishop," that the encyclical Humanae Vitae lacked the consensus of the bishops and therefore immediately caused "tensions, conflicts and breaches.” He regrets that the Church does not give more space for "the individual conscience" of the faithful with regard to the question of "methods of family planning and birth control," and says he hopes that the upcoming 2015 Synod of Bishops on the Family will correct this purported defect.
"All constitutions and decrees of the Second Vatican Council, also the difficult ones, were finally accepted with a consensus. Of this kind of collegiality, there was little left three years later, when Humanae Vitae was published,” Bonny writes. “That the pope would make a judgment concerning the problems of 'population, family, and births' was foreseen by the Council. But that he would ignore the collegial striving for a greatest possible consensus, was not foreseen by the Council."

"This ecclesial policy has left behind a broad trace of tensions, conflicts and breaches. This split should not remain such."
Bishop Bonny also discusses in his article the question of homosexuality and the Church’s traditional rejection of homosexual acts. According to Bonny, "scientific progress allows us to modify this point of view. First of all, one knows that homosexuality exists also in the world of animals." With his reference to the animal world, Bonny tries to show that the natural instinct for heterosexuality, as put into nature by God, might not exist, after all.
Bonny also argues that "in our personalistic culture, the interdiction of homosexual relationships is regarded as an unacceptable discrimination: there shall be men and women who do not have the right to live out their sexuality, only because they do not live in the same manner as the great majority of the people live!"
Finally, Bonny claims the "externally induced suppression of the sexual practice" is the cause of ailments such as alcoholism, aggressivity and drug abuse.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Raymond Cardinal Burke: "Confusion is spreading in an alarming way"

In an exclusive interview on LifeSiteNews, Raymond Cardinal Burke spoke again of the "manipulation" that was taking place at the Synod on the Family and he warns that confusion is spreading amongst the faithful on the matters of divorce and homosexuality.
Featured Image
He is also not afraid to call out those who have sown this confusion and that they have gone unpunished.

More and more over the next months will Catholics need to listen to the words of this churchman who speaks with clarity and truth. 

God bless Raymond Cardinal Burke for his faithfulness and fatherly care for all of us.


Monday, 12 January 2015

The Church and the Truth suffer by the error of Her Bishops

As we enter into 2015, the Ordinary Synod on the Family will come at us like a light in a tunnel, and it won't be the other side but a train coming right at us.

Let us take a brief look at some comments by Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg in Florida, the same bishop who sat by whilst Terry Shiavo was being put to death. Last week, this Bishop said:

“Therefore, I do not wish to lend our voice to notions which might suggest that same-sex couples are a threat incapable of sharing relationships marked by love and holiness and, thus, incapable of contributing to the edification of both the church and the wider society."

More about Bishop Lynch can be read at this column by Matt. C. Abbot, it goes back to 2007, and if you choose to do an Internet search, you will find much more. 

Moving on from Florida, we turn to Europe and an earlier comment by Bishop Bonny of Antwerp in Belgium is as follows:

“There should be recognition of a diversity of forms,” … “We have to look inside the Church for a formal recognition of the kind of interpersonal relationship that is also present in many gay couples. Just as there are a variety of legal frameworks for partners in civil society, one must arrive at a diversity of forms in the Church.” …  “The intrinsic values are more important to me than the institutional question. The Christian ethic is based on lasting relationships where exclusivity, loyalty and care are central to each other,” … “Personally, I find that in the Church more space must be given to acknowledge the actual quality of gay and lesbian couples; and such a form of shared-life should meet the same criteria as found in an ecclesiastical marriage.”  

Then from our own country, we have this little gem from Martin Currie, the Archbishop of St. John's in Newfoundland, a place we should note that has seen the faithful suffer devastation at the hands of homopederast priests:

"Hopefully we can find some accommodation where (same-sex) unions are accepted and respected and they can have a part in the church life." … "To be homosexual is no barrier to holiness and compassion. We have a number of men who are very good and excellent priests who have same-sex orientation and are doing a great job. And there will probably be more in the future."

These are their words, not mine. Really, you couldn't make this stuff up!

What can one say about these three bishops and their quotes? 

People who suffer from same-sex attraction are to be loved and respected; this is our faith as taught by Our Lord and articulated in the Catechism. The acts of sodomy can never be tolerated or condoned. There is no such thing as marriage between two people of the same sex. The Church can never and will never change on this. For these bishops to even speculate on such a thing is a crime against the faith. They are not charitable because they don't speak with clarity and truth, they leave people in their sin. They scandalise Catholics and allow those who follow error and sin to face judgment. There was a time they would have been summoned to Rome and stripped of their Sees. There is no "holiness" in same-sex marriage, it is impossible!

We must be perpetually on guard against shepherds such as these that would spin false and fashionable statements for the media and distort the truth of the Church.

As hard as it must be, we must pray for them and that their eyes be opened, before St. Joseph closes them.

Good St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and protector of the Child Jesus
Intercede for the Church.
Pray for us!

Sunday, 28 December 2014

What a bonny idiot, or a twerp

So, the Bishop of Antwerp, Johan Bonny is calling for the Church to formalise and recognise sodomite unions and those who worship the goddess of lesbos.

I can't imagine why?

Maybe he knows the Archbishop of St. John's

What will Francis do?

Here is what he said.

What is important for me is that Pope Francis moved tags. This greatly exited me. I can not remain a neutral spectator of these changes, I want to participate. Furthermore, everyone at some point in his life is confronted with relationships, friendships,family and the education of children. We must not deny that there is trauma about these matters in the Church. Far too many people have felt excluded for a long time. The Church can fix the breach of trust by talking openly and sincerely about the issues which are really bothering people...

As bishops, we have too long thought it impossible to discuss some lessons or disciplinary rules: we have acted pragmatically to avoid damaging the Faith. Thus, a gap has widened between the Church’s official teaching and daily practice...

Before Francis, there was an official status quo about these topics and very few opportunities for discussion. In less than two years, the Pope has managed to get a discussion started about these issues...

Personally, I find that in the Church there should be more openness for the recognition of the substantive quality of the LGBT couple. Their form of shared life must meet the same requirements as religious marriage. Basic values are for me more important than the institutional form. Christian Ethics champions lasting relationships in which faithfulness, loyalty and care for each other are central; and which are open to new life, or at least recognise the responsibility of the partners to be generous towards children and young people. We must accept that those values may be present in a relationship of diversity and we must try to give form to these relationships...

We need to seek within the Church for a formal recognition of the “relationality” which is as present in many couples which are homosexual as in those which are heterosexual.Should it be a sacramental recognition of marriage? Maybe the Church should instead think about recognising a diversity of patterns.

This discussion is the same for civil marriage. In Belgium, the same model is used for gender relations of homosexual and heterosexual couples; but there are other possibilities, which I believe are valid. It may not be necessary to force all relationships into the same model...

Just as there is in our society a variety of legal frameworks for partners, so the Church should recognise a diversity of relationship forms. This would avoid the pitfall of complex ideological disputes. I favour the recognition of a variety of forms which emerge from a reflection on pastoral experience, rather than theoretical discussions; because they often degenerate into sterile disputes and generate discord...

Life is a practical thing, is not it? Such issues can only be dealt with credibly if humanity and understanding are exercised; not by theoretical discussions. The same dynamic is active in the Church. The ecclesial community is a big family and my main concern is how to encourage this style of response. I do not want to downplay the significance of the doctrinal issues; but... I also want to keep the family together. I want all the family members to celebrate Christmas together and form a united community.
[J. Bonny in “De Morgan” 27thDecember 2014]