A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Prominent clergy, scholars accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio, "Pope Francis" of heresy

I join them. 

Open letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church
Easter Week, 2019
Your Eminence, Your Beatitude, Your Excellency,
We are addressing this letter to you for two reasons: first, to accuse Pope Francis of the canonical delict of heresy, and second, to request that you take the steps necessary to deal with the grave situation of a heretical pope.
We take this measure as a last resort to respond to the accumulating harm caused by Pope Francis's words and actions over several years, which have given rise to one of the worst crises in the history of the Catholic Church.
We are accusing Pope Francis of the canonical delict of heresy. For the canonical delict of heresy to be committed, two things must occur: the person in question must doubt or deny, by public words and/or actions, some divinely revealed truth of the Catholic faith that must be believed with the assent of divine and Catholic faith; and this doubt or denial must be pertinacious, that is, it must be made with the knowledge that the truth being doubted or denied has been taught by the Catholic Church as a divinely revealed truth which must be believed with the assent of faith, and the doubt or denial must be persistent.
The entire Letter can be read here:


Monday 29 April 2019

Bergoglio undermines the security of the United States of America - Will President Trump respond?

Bergoglio contro la Rivoluzione Bolivariana. – Ancora ...

In a normal circumstance, Christian charity demands that we always presume that someone is acting with good intention. Thus, when someone undertakes what appears to be an act of charity to ostensibly relieve apparent human suffering, we are to see that as an act of love as the hymn Ubi Caritas reminds us, "Where charity and love are, God is there."

Yet, the act of Bergoglio or Rome to send $500,000.00 from Peter's Pence to aid migrants set to invade the United States is a whole other matter.

While on one hand, a sympathizer of the globalist migration conspiracy will say, "He is doing the work of charity" others, such as this writer will state the opposite.

Bergoglio has a hatred for the United States of America in particular based upon his Latin American upbringing and his communist sympathy. He has previously upbraided President Donald J. Trump for not being a "Christian" as he wishes to build a wall to protect America's southern border.

Bergoglio has no business invading in this matter. These are not legitimate refugees, they are economic migrants. The United States and in fact, Europe, are under attack from a globalist plan to destroy our cultures and our societies. Bergoglio has signed on with this evil. 

Evil you ask? Yes! Indeed. Yesterday, Maria Bartiromo sojourned to the border at El Paso. There she met two girls, 10 and 8, alone on foot who crossed the border after being abandoned by their mother. Another woman with a babe in arms could not feed him breast milk because she had no food. Yet, they both were chubby. Another family had to fight off the kidnapping of their daughters for sex slaves. What kind of parents put their children in this kind of risk. If Bergoglio really cared about these people he would tell them to stay home and build their lives there and demand their corrupt governments reform. But how can someone corrupt demand honesty of others? We all know about the IOR.

This writer is not anti-immigrant. My grandparents came from Lebanon. All of us in North America, even the indigenous, came from elsewhere, they across a land bridge, we across the oceans. The issue is not immigration, the issue is a planned invasion to undermine the whole of North America.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a communist and a globalist as well as a heretic and a pervert protector and a homosexualist.

It is time for President Trump to retaliate.

It is called RICO!

Saturday 27 April 2019

Papal Hats


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No Mass in Sri Lanka

A nice thought, no doubt.

But rather, you should turn in your Jihadist brothers who plot and come and guard our churches during Mass.

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Sunday 21 April 2019

Islamist Terrorists strike Sir Lankan Catholics on Easter - over 200 now dead

Our Catholic brethren in Sri Lanka are suffering greatly today at the hand of radical Islamists. This is not something we expected to wake up to.

  1.   Retweeted
    Compare the level of outrage with what happened in Sri Lanka with Christchurch, NZ. Triple the amount of casualties and triple the amount of injured people. It offends me and other likeminded Muslims that we get special treatment and other equal humans don’t.

Image result for sri lanka massacre

(CNN) An ongoing series of bomb blasts struck luxury hotels and churches across Sri Lanka on Sunday. At least 140 people were killed and 560 have been injured in the coordinated terror attacks, which have put the entire country on lock-down.

The first wave of attacks struck at the heart of the country's minority Christian community during busy Easter services at churches in the cities of Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa on Sunday morning.

Additional blasts ripped through three high-end hotels, the Shangri La, Cinnamon Grand and Kingsbury Hotel, all in capital city Colombo. In a statement, the Shangri-La hotel in Colombo said that the hotel's Table One cafe was hit just after 9 a.m local time. The hotel is popular with foreign tourists and the country's business community.

A seventh and eighth blast, at a hotel in front of the Dehiwala Zoo in Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia and at a private house in Mahawila Gardens, in Dematagoda, occurred Sunday afternoon.
Here's the full list of blast sites reported so far:

St Anthony's Shrine, Kochchikade
St Sebastian's Church, Negombo
Zion Church, Batticaloa
Cinnamon Grand, Colombo
Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo
The Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo
Near Dehiwala Zoo in Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia
A house in Mahawila Gardens, Dematagoda

At least 20 foreigners are among the dead in Colombo, according to hospital Director General Anil Jasinghe. Hospitals have opened their doors to scores of victims.

O Filii et Filliae - Notre Dame de Paris

Victimae Paschali Laudes & Alleluia from Notre-Dame de Paris

Sicut Cervus - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Saturday 20 April 2019

Marie-Julie Jahenny - A prophecy and a curious Holy Card

#18 CHASTISEMENTS will BEGIN WITH PARIS Prophecy dated December 8, 1874.
"In Rome the storm will be the blackest. The storm of Rome is even worse than the storm in France. All the wrath of the ungodly is in Rome. All the anger of the wicked is focused on the Holy See. (But), The chastisements will begin with Paris."

The Bishop who investigated her and determined her vision to be of supernatural origin was named, Fournier. 

The same name as the priest who ran into the burning cathedral to rescue the Blessed Sacrament and Crown of Thorns.

The other church in the Holy Card is Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre in Paris.

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Wa Habibi, sung by Fairouz

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Ad multos annos, Pope Benedict XVI - I truly mean that

It is the birthday today of Papa Joseph Ratzinger. May he have many more. I truly mean that. Many more. Many more so that we can know the truth. Many more so that he can find the courage to speak and to reclaim that which was stolen.

When the great announcement came back in 2005, we were gathered at work in the atrium. I work in a Catholic institution and when he came out, I was one of only two of about 50 who punched the fist in the air, "Yes!" Everyone else looked as if they had seen their worst nightmare.

I read much of what he wrote. I respected him and admired the man and his mind. When he became Pope, I slept well at night. He gave me and the Catholic faithful back something that was stolen to us by one of his evil predecessor, Montini and only niggardly restored to us by Wojtyla. 

Then, one day, he made it all about him. A selfish, narcissistic decision that has left us unsettled ever since.  

Happy Birthday Pope Benedict XVI. May you live many more years in order to testify to the truth of what happened and take back the throne from which you were pushed.

Then, I will say that I am sorry for being angry with you and for not praying enough for you lest you flee from the wolves. The wolves to whom you, in your cowardice, abandoned us.

Monday 15 April 2019

There is more to this story including why it took until it was too late to find any water.

Invalid Communion Matter equals sacrilege and idolatry. Par for the course at St. Joseph's in Ottawa

How much worse can it get at St. Joseph's Ottawa, an Oblate Parish. Forty years ago, I lived in Ottawa and was an active parishioner at St. Brigid's and experienced first hand, the Oratorian Affair. It was lead by the heretical and modernist anti-Catholic forces from that parish. It's pastor then was Douglas Crosby, OMI, now the Bishop of Hamilton. He stood by and tolerated the abuse his flock administered on their fellow Catholics. 

The story of this parish is partially discussed below. 

Toronto Catholic Witness Blog has uncovered the latest. It is long past time for Archibishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J. to act to discipline this place.

Sacrilege at St. Joseph's Parish in Ottawa: illicit matter is being used for "hosts" for "Mass"

It has been brought to the attention of this blog, that St. Joseph's parish, in Ottawa is using illicit matter for hosts at Mass. An email (see above) confirms that illicit "wheat free..." wafers are being used for those faithful who suffer from Celiac Disease. The practice at St. Joseph's is to consecrate valid hosts, whilst at the same Mass also simulating the non-consecration of "wheat free..." wafers. 

Thursday 11 April 2019


Our derelict Father praised our abusive Father

"At the end of my reflections I would like to thank Pope Francis for everything he does to show us, again and again, the light of God, which has not disappeared, even today. Thank you, Holy Father!" Pope Benedict XVI

With these words, he lost me again.

How wonderful it was to read it, how clear and to the point. Yet, it failed. While there is much good in it and he goes to the heart of a lack of belief in God, he blames the 1960's without addressing the elephant in the room. That sodomites and communists came into the Church to destroy the faith of the people from within.

He knew it, he knows it.

He abandoned us and yet, he remains the Pope. He is a coward, a bad father for abandoning his children to a rapacious malefactor, a fool, a fraud, a usurper.

It is time, Father Ratzinger, long past time for you to come clean. 

Issue another letter and take back your Throne!

Popes Francis and Benedict meet to exchange Christmas ...

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Sacred Betrayal by Bergoglian minion

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We've written previously of this Maradiaga.



Edward Pentin of National Catholic Register interviews the author of a new book, Sacred Betrayal, where the writer, the woman referred to in the first link above, delivers a firm rebuke of this pompous, arrogant clericalist and friend and confidant of Bergoglio of Rome.


It must be obvious now to everyone that the Catholic Church is in its gravest crisis since the time of Arian.

Monday 8 April 2019

No mercy, but plenty of perverts, druggies, malfeasants and assassins in the Church of Bergoglio

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Vatican Bank ex-chief: I feared Curia could order my assassination while I cleaned up corruption

ROME, Italy, April 5, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The former president of the Vatican Bank says that he almost lost his faith and feared he could be assassinated at the instigation of some members of the Roman Curia, the Church’s administrative body, as he attempted to tackle corruption within the banking organization. 
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, a banker, economist, and theologian, headed the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), popularly known as the Vatican Bank, from 2009 until he was forced out by its board in 2012. He gave an interview to the Le Iene news company in March in which he said that he believed members of the Roman Curia, the governing body of the Vatican, were capable of murdering him.  
When asked whether the curia could commission an assassination, Tedeschi laughed and replied: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/vatican-bank-ex-chief-i-feared-roman-curia-could-order-my-assassination-during-clean-up

"The Masquerade is Over"

“That which thou dost, do quickly” for the Masquerade is over

Francesco Lamendola
H/T Riscossa Cristiana
April 2, 2019

That which thou dost, do quickly. Jesus addresses these words to Judas Iscariot, in the cenacle, after washing the feet of his disciples and after telling them He would be betrayed by one of them. And Judas, after these words, leaves the room and goes to the Elders of the people to arrange the arrest of Jesus and be their guide in the garden of olives – Gethsemane - where he knows Jesus is going to pray, after the Supper. And the Evangelist John adds: and it was night - while showing us Judas leaving the house to go and sell his Divine Master. It was night as the stars were already shining high in the Jerusalem skies; and it was the night of the soul, the night of the supreme sin: the betrayal of Jesus Christ by one of His own.
By one of those who had followed him, listened to Him, heard Him pronounce sublime truths and seen Him do extraordinary things: calm the waters of a tempest-tossed lake; heal the crippled; liberate the demonically possessed; feed a crowd of thousands of people with a little bread and a few fish; and even call forth His friend Lazarus from the tomb.  

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Larry Richards, a clericalist bully not dissimilar to Rosica - what is this pathology afflicting the celebrity priest?

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Updated: ChurchMilitantTV to sue Larry Richards and the Diocese of Erie

Larry Richards, a celebrity priest has been in the news lately. He lied about those at Church Militant and is now threatening parishioners. His treatment of Steve Jalsevac is disgraceful.

Like Thomas Rosica, Larry Richards is a clericalist and a rage filled bully.

If you priests cannot control yourselves get out of ministry.


I believe we can quickly determine the pathology behind these malefactors.

Monday 1 April 2019

Imam Tawhidi is more Catholic than the Pope and no, this is not an April Fool joke

The truth from a priest persecuted by Ordinariate Bishop Lopes - listen to a man more Catholic than the Pope!

With Bergoglio's latest, there is no time for any April Fool's Humour

The trip to Morocco has revealed once again how serious the state of the Church is and how deep the crisis we are in thanks to the machinations of the Cardinals six years ago and the election of Bergoglio. While it is April 1, this is no joke and my usual post about a pontifical Mass is just not going to work this year. 

The bishops and cardinals that fail to address the continuous heresy, blasphemy and apostasy of Jorge Bergoglio are complicit in it.

I can write no more lest I rage.