A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Showing posts with label Archbishop Collins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Archbishop Collins. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Archdiocese of Toronto Priest Liborio Amaral gets the CCP Virus "vaccine" and asks, "What would Jesus do?"

"When your time comes," take the vaccine, says Father Liborio Amaral. "One day we can use these sunscreens, put it on, enjoy the sun!" Sure Father, block your Vitamin D, get CCP Virus and its mutations.

"I believe that Jesus would want us" to take the vaccine says Amaral.

Yes, I am sure Jesus would want you to take an experimental injection that we already know is causing injury and death and has either been tested or contains fetal stem cells.  Not!  What a pompous liar. Jesus would not want you or me to benefit from the crime of abortion. Only a devil would try to convince you otherwise.

Do you want the proof? Here, you are:

"And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28

If you are a part of St. Mary's Parish in Brampton, flee! Flee this parish, flee this priest. He is not your friend. He is a deceiver. If you take it on the advice of this pompous, narcissistic, effete, then you better well be ready, "when your time comes!" 

Liborio Amaral! If you wish to take this injection, that is your business, you take it knowing full well its development and dangers. You will be judged. You have no right to deceive your people at St. Mary's or those who come across this video that this is a gift from God and that Jesus would say to take it. 

Flee this priest and this parish!

Now, which Toronto priest is next, because if your dumb enough to do this and lie to the people that this is a gift from God or what Jesus would do, you get your own blog Label. 

Those who wish to help may write me out them may write me at voxcantoris@rogers.com.


Friday, 13 March 2020


Cardinal’s Message on COVID-19

Friday, March 13, 2020

Coat of arms of Cardinal Thomas Collins
To the faithful of the Archdiocese of Toronto,
In light of the present situation unfolding before us regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide, our primary concern is the spiritual and physical health and welfare of the faithful and of all those who serve at our parishes, recognizing that we also have a duty to care for the community at large and the most vulnerable among us.
We have provided several updates over the past six weeks, guided by the best advice from local health officials. In all of this, we are guided both by our commitment to cooperate effectively with the civic officials responsible for the common good and also by our commitment to provide for the spiritual well-being of the faithful in our Catholic community. We need to care for others and to respond to these challenges with accurate and credible information.
The Chief Medical Officer of the Province of Ontario is asking that all public gatherings greater than 250 people be cancelled at this time. For this reason, as many of our weekend Eucharistic celebrations will exceed this number, I ask that our Catholic parishes cancel public Mass for the faithful this weekend; we will assess this decision for next weekend and any other that is required after consulting health officials. For this weekend and any other which may be required, I grant the faithful dispensation from their Sunday obligation. Churches should remain open for private prayer and Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Mass will continue during the week.
The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our life in Christ. Not to celebrate the Holy Eucharist on the day of the Lord is an extraordinary spiritual suffering for the disciples of Jesus Christ. Indeed, in ancient times, the Christians had a saying, "Without the Sunday Eucharist, we cannot continue." For this reason, while we are following the advice of the health authorities, as is our civic duty, we hope that this period of suspension will be brief.
We are asking parishes to adopt the following measures in addition to those that have already been communicated:
Mass Attendance
During this period of special vigilance, the following points apply for weekday Masses at the present time and for weekend Masses, when they are resumed:
  • In a spirit of charity, concern for others and to limit the potential spread of COVID-19, I ask that those who are sick, feeling unwell or vulnerable to sickness, refrain from attending Mass at present.
  • A daily televised Mass is available through Salt & Light Catholic Media Foundation (www.saltandlighttv.org) as well as through VisionTV and also online (www.DailyTVMass.com). This provides an additional opportunity to pray for those who are suffering as well as for our health care professionals tending the sick.
  • At this time, weekday parish Mass schedules should remain unchanged to allow the faithful to receive the sacraments and to be strengthened in their commitment to care for others. We will continue to communicate with health officials in the days to come to receive the most reliable and accurate information which is the foundation for our actions.
Liturgical Practices
  • We ask that parishes empty all Holy Water fonts until further notice.
  • Extraordinary Ministers should not receive the Precious Blood prior to the distribution of communion. As previously directed, Extraordinary Ministers should ensure hands are washed or cleansed with hand sanitizer both before and after distribution.
  • Regarding Holy Communion, some health experts have indicated that it is preferable for communicants to receive the Eucharist in the hand rather than on the tongue. To respect the right of the faithful to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, at this time I would ask that all those who wish to receive in this way be directed to a designated priest, deacon, or Extraordinary Minister. Where there is only the priest present for distribution of Holy Communion, those who wish to receive communion on the tongue can be invited to come forward after those who have received on the hand.
  • In response to concerns raised by some parishes regarding the offertory, we discourage passing of the basket. Parishes should use baskets with handles, if they are available, or have ushers with baskets at the back of the church where parishioners can deposit their donations.
  • As I have previously requested, parishioners are asked to refrain from shaking hands during the Sign of Peace. Distribution of the Precious Blood is suspended at this time.
Parish Events & Pastoral Care
  • Archdiocesan and parish offices remain open at this time for the service of the people. Hospital and nursing home visits will be subject to the norms instituted by those respective institutions. People should not attend parish activities of any kind if they are sick, vulnerable, or unwell.
  • Parishes should encourage staff to practice healthy hygiene while taking steps to sanitize public spaces and "touch points" more frequently. Washing with soap and water for a sufficient amount of time is highly recommended.
  • During this time, when there is understandable anxiety among so many, the church has an important role to play through our outreach ministries. Particular care should be taken to ensure that the vulnerable are not alone. Parishes should explore opportunities to creatively connect with vulnerable parishioners - perhaps this is through phone calls and/or visits where appropriate.
While challenging days remain, we must also recognize the opportunity to be truly present to one another and to care for those who are struggling. These moments of uncertainty call each one of us to renew our commitment to prayer, fasting and almsgiving as part of our Lenten journey, amplified on a broader scale in light of current circumstances. May we continue to pray for all those infected with COVID-19, those caring for the sick and for one another.
May God bless you always.
In Christ,
Thomas Cardinal Collins
Archbishop of Toronto

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Traditional Latin Masses in Toronto, this Epiphany and beyond

A regular commenter in a post two below left the following:
"But are all these blog visits changing anything for the better? There is no increase in the number of TLM's in Toronto and beyond." 
The writer of this comment, "Karl Rahner, Jr." and I welcome his input, has previously opined that my style and the content of this blog detracts from any work that I engage in for the purposes of spreading interest in the Extraordinary  Form of the Roman Rite. Further, there are a few others out there who with ignorance, arrogance and puerile petulant pride use phrases such as "radical traditionalists" and "trads-behaving badly" and other such silliness and opine that those terrible people, whomever they might be, actually hurt he cause of promoting the traditional Mass. Some of these, try to link Vox personally to a problem that does not exist because in my other life, I am President of the Toronto Traditional Mass Society-Una Voce Toronto.

Anyone who believes that this writer, or any blogger for that matter, has that much power ascribes something which does not exist. More importantly, it is an insult to the Holy Spirit who has through the work of many hands beginning in Econe, preserved the Holy Mass in the traditional form, to this day where others have been able to take up the cause. To state that this blog hurts the cause because someone might be offended, is simply poppycock. If anyone hurts the cause, it is those who throw around such language as "radical traditionalists" and "trads behaving badly" and other such puerile silliness. Good grief, to be Catholic is to be traditional!

Now, let us look at Toronto, since that was the matter raised.

On Epiphany upcoming, there will be two Read (Low) Masses and one Sung and one Solemn in the Archdiocese of Toronto celebrated in diocesan churches by diocesan priests. This does not include the Society of St. Pius X which has recently had to add a third Mass to its Toronto Chapel Sunday schedule.

On Immaculate Conception last there were five and two of them were Solemn and one was Sung and in 2014 there were actually six with three being Solemn.

I can also report that there is another parish in the east of the Archdiocese that has implemented a Latin Mass very Friday evening with three out of four Ordinary Form celebrated "ad orientem" and one, Extraordinary showing the "two forms of one Roman Rite" as Pope Benedict XVI so desired in parishes and another in the east on the First Saturday.

Not only that, but one of Toronto's oldest personal ethnic parishes has a traditional Mass every Saturday morning except on the First Saturday when it is in the Ordinary Form.

Now, I can remember as recently as 2007 prior to Summorum Pontificum except for two crumbs under the "generosity" of Cardinal Ambrozic there were two Sunday indult Masses in diocesan churches On Feast days other than the two Holy Days of Obligation, there were none. Zero, Nada, Zilch! In fact, Ambrozic refused anything further lest he give be seen to give support to something which he did not. Yes, that letter is on file with Una Voce Toronto.
Image result for msgr vincent foy mass
Mass in the Presence of a Greater Prelate (Thomas Card. Collins)

Under Cardinal Collins, the facts are the total opposite and for that, he is to be thanked and commended as is the current Chancellor, Father Ivan Camillieri. Both have been supportive. In fact, your writer had the distinct opportunity and grace to have been the prime organiser under Una Voce Toronto and the Schola Director for the Music for the Mass pictured at the right and below. In those pictures are the Cardinal, a Latin Mass Chaplain-Associate Pastor, a Pastor or two, a Priest of Opus Dei, other Associate Pastors, a newly ordained diocesan priest and Seminarians of Toronto and thirty priests and monsignors in choir.

If the question is of Sunday, there are four every Sunday, not including the SSPX. One Sung, one Solemn and two Read. It would be wonderful to have more but let us look at some issues that impede the growth that have nothing to do with this blog or my writing - truly, some give too me too much power, 

The Archdiocese of Toronto has a policy of no changes to a Sunday schedule without episcopal permission. No additions of Masses, particularly in other languages, no reduction, no supplanting of one language or rite over another. There is no problem in this; changing languages and mass times can have a deleterious affect on parishes without proper consultation. As for schedule an Extraordinary Form Mass, to remove an OF for an EF would be upsetting and controversial. We don't need to see what happened to our parents and grandparents repeated. Further, in many parishes where there have  been EF Masses, the Sunday schedule is already jammed with five or six Masses. This has not affected the growth of the traditional rite because there is no demand at this time for more, nor the people who could sustain it. Everyone who truly desires the Mass on Sundays in the Archdiocese of Toronto can get to it within 45 minutes and that includes the outer reaches of the Archdiocese. Is this great? No, but so it is better than it has been and as younger priests come along, it will continue to grow. 

Further, we have organised a Triduum the last two years and there will be one in 2015 in Toronto in a Diocesan Chapel with the blessing of the Chancellor and Seminary! The fact is, while the loss of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter was regrettable, the diocesan priests have filled the gap, the Cardinal Archbishop and his Chancellor have been supportive and it is my belief that we are in fact, better off notwithstanding the current lack of a "personal parish." The fact is, if we look at where the FSSP exists in Canada, - St. Catharines, Ottawa, Calgary, Quebec City, with the exception of Vancouver, these are the only places where the traditional Latin Mass is offered. It has become a ghetto. The loss of the FSSP in Toronto is proving to be a blessing in disguise as priest and laity have stepped up and pushed ahead. 

The situation in Toronto is actually better than most places in Canada, and is not dissimilar to that elsewhere. The growth of the traditional movement is happening and it is sustainable and it is not going to be stopped. To suggest that this blogger or any other hurts this growth is preposterous and I won't stand for it when the growth is there for all to see.

Fundamentally, the growth must be organic for it to take root in people's hearts and minds. We don't need 1950's Catholicism a mile wide and an inch deep.

Sunday Masses in the Extraordinary Form in Toronto

St. Patrick's Schomberg, Sung Mass at 9:00AM
St. Vincent de Paul Toronto, Read Mass at 9:30AM
Holy Family Toronto, Solemn Mass at 11:00AM
St. Lawrence the Martyr Scarborough, Low Mass with organ and hymns at 1:00PM

Other days and Feast Days

Immaculate Conception Port Perry, 7:00 PM Last Friday of the month
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Toronto, 9:00AM Saturday except First Saturday
St. Isaac Jogues Pickering, 11:00AM First Saturday
St. Patrick's Phelpston 7:20 PM on Feast Days
St. Joseph's Mississauga 7;30P M on Feast Days

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and the children - hers and yours

For those readers visiting this blog from outside of Ontario the provincial government here has introduced a new curriculum that will provide explicit sexual education to our children. Those in Ontario should be well familiar with it by now and if not, you had better get familiar with it, and now! 

I have written about it before on numerous occasions and the association between the Premier, Kathleen Wynne pictured on the left with her "partner" and the convicted child pornographer Benjamin Levin, a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and former Assistant Deputy Minister of Education in the Government of Ontario's Ministry of Education. Levin, who even tried to entice a mother to abuse her own child on camera for his filthy pursuits wrote this curriculum originally under the previous government. The topics for elementary children, including those in our Catholic schools include so-called same-sex marriage, multiple gender identity, oral copulation, masturbation, sodomy and so on beginning in the first grade.
Convicted porn producing educrat Bernard Levin (left) a friend and advisor to Justin Trudeau and Premier Kathleen Wynne
For all those Catholics and other Christians out there who voted a few months ago for the Liberal government in Ontario, what did you think was going to happen? If you are thinking about Justin Trudeau in the next federal election, think again.

Elections have consequences and you are now the victim, or should I say, your children will be the victims. Do you really want your little girl to come home one day and talk about fellatio over the pasta? How about your little boy coming home and telling you he is going to masturbate tonight because they learnt it in school today.

Premier Wynne, herself a lesbian, has called parents opposed to the change in curriculum "homophobic." Wynne was married with three children and invited her lesbian lover to move in to the master bedroom while her husband ended up in the basement. The destruction of her own family is documented in a book which she and they participated in; now it is playing out for yours as is quite clearly demonstrated at Henry Makow, Ph.D.









Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Gaia and Antiochus both are welcome in the Archdiocese of Toronto!

Update: Confirmed from the concert organiser. "All details of the concert were discussed with (          ), the lady in charge of the events at St. Michael’s Cathedral. Posters of the event were dropped off at the Archdiocese in Toronto at 1155 Yonge Street, where they were further distributed to Catholic Churches across the GTA."

Clearly, this took place with the full knowledge of someone at the Chancery office, not just the Cathedral.

Again, what happened to the policy on concerts in churches under the late Cardinal Ambrozic which was in accord with the norms issued by the CDWDS?

Angelica's sensual performance in St. Michael's Cathedral
House of God turned into a cabaret

Look at what they've done to the Temple of God

Please excuse your writer for being a year or two behind the time but this is what they hope for. You understand right?; they want these things to pass under the radar (May 2011). Then one day, someone organises a concert in a Catholic Church with a composition of the Divine Liturgy dedicated to a pagan goddess known as Gaia and dares to call it a Mass and it is reported. Some other people read it make recollection of other events. I've now asked a third time for the policy of the Archdiocese of Toronto on concerts in churches.  We had one once under Cardinal Ambrozic.

Msgr. Ronan is not amused
What you see above and below is so far from what is permitted in a Church and is nothing less than a scandal. This is a desecration of the sanctuary for commercial purposes. No fee or donation to the Cathedral can justify such a use of this sacred space. A lounge singer concert (and I mean lounge singer in the most positive of ways) in a strapless dress, singing profane music in the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Toronto. The signing of autographs and selling of (non-religious) items in the forecourt. A poster showing her bare midriff, close ups of her body during the concert -- all of this in front of the Altar of Sacrifice! 

The Rector of St. Michael's Cathedral, Father Michael Busch has shown a failure of stewardship and a complete disregard for the sanctity of this place and the Holy of Holies. He should be ashamed of his dereliction in this regard; debasing this House of God for money!

Is it any wonder why people find refuge in the SSPX? 

Is there not something fundamentally wrong with the Church and the administration of a diocese when this is allowed to happen?

Don't we take our hats off in Church? 
The Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Collins lives at the Bishop's Palace attached to the Cathedral where this desecration occurred. Your Eminence this is wrong, we are owed an explanation. What are you going to do about this? What are you going to do to ensure that this kind of desecration in our churches is going to stop? What about reparation to God?

No artist has a right to desecrate the Cathedral with a secular, commercial performance in a sacred space set apart for the worship of God. 

The dress is beautiful, the woman is obviously talented and fully suitable to Roy Thomson Hall, but not here, not in the Cathedral of Toronto.  Concerts of this type are simply not to be held in churches, the Vatican Congregation responsible has already stated it. 

The quote below is from a composition about Jesus sung and available in the authorised links below.

"nobody's wrong, and nobody's right, we're all givers of light... you just be true, be truthful to yourself, and lead as you really are..."

The "Dictatorship of Relativism" sung loud and proud in St. Michael's Cathedral Cabaret; but I can tell you with every certainty; this is not what Jesus would say.

I ask you, could Antiochus have done worse?

See also:



Saturday, 7 January 2012

Another great Churchman from Quebec

Today, January 7 the Church in Canada celebrates the Memorial of St. André Bessette of Montreal with a full Mass Proper. In the United States it was celebrated yesterday, January 6 which was the anniversary of his death as an "Optional Memorial." I am not sure why the Canadian bishops chose to seek Rome's approval for the approval of this Memorial on January 7, but I do agree with it. Often, feasts and memorials are on a significant day in the life of the particular saint and usually on the day of the death, the birthday into eternal life; but this is not always possible so dates close are sometimes chosen. The U.S. bishops chose January 6 but I believe this was wrong. While I can't say for sure that the Canadian Bishops felt that January 6 is truly Epiphany and that some day we might use this proper date again, I'd like to think so.

St. André Bessette of Montreal

Sitting at breakfast at the usual Aris' Place, with a seminarian friend after Mass this morning, the subject of the state of the Church once again arose. He reminded me about long ago investigations into goings on in the Curia by Don Luigi Villa of the Diocese of Brescia. I mentioned to him about something similar conducted by another great Quebec Churchman, the late Édouard Cardinal Gagnon, P.S.S., whom Msgr. Vincent Foy considered to be one of Canada's "most illustrious churchmen...a holy, learned and courageous teacher and defender of Life and the Faith."  

Édouard Cardinal Gagnon, P.S.S.

Perusing once again the tribute by Msgr. Foy in Catholic Insight, I could not help but wonder how much the late Cardinal took to his grave and how he suffered for the Church. Cardinal Gagnon believed many Canadian bishops to be in schism due to the Winnipeg Statement. He fought to keep Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX from breaking from the Church and he suffered for what he knew and what Pope Paul VI would not heed. While he was not totally ignored by Pope John Paul II and was eventually appointed to head a Pontifical Council, his findings were never revealed and we will never know, at least not on this side of eternity, whether any of his advice on the modernist corruption at the Lateran or the scandals in the Curia were acted upon.

Let us pray that St. André Bessette will seek the grace and mercy of God upon Quebec and Canada.

Let us also pray that through God's grace and St. André's intercession, Canada's newest Cardinal will seek to emulate the clarity, faith and holiness of the late éminence grise as we see upon us a new year which will be of great challenge and continued upheaval in our culture.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Thomas Christopher Cardinal Collins

May the LORD on this Epiphany pour out his abundant graces on our new Cardinal Archbishop.

“I am deeply honoured that the Holy Father has called me to be a member of the College of Cardinals. I am grateful for the trust he has placed in me, and recognize this honour as a sign of his esteem for the role of Canada and of the Archdiocese of Toronto in the universal Church. I ask the people of the Archdiocese, whom I am privileged to serve as bishop, and all people in the community, to pray for me and for all who serve Our Lord through ministry in the Church."