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Showing posts with label womyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label womyn. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Heresiarch "Bishop" of Osório D. Jaime Kohl" concelebrates" Mass with protestant women ministers

We are in the realm here of blasphemy, sacrilege and heresy of the most vile and serious kind in the once Catholic nation of Brazil.

From FratresInUnum blog.


Two women "concelebrated" the Mass with bishops of the CNBB. Is this already possible or is it still a very serious crime?

By FratresInUnum.com , February 21, 2018: It was on February 13, 2018 that 41th Earth Pilgrimage took place in the city of Mampituba, Diocese of Osório, in Rio Grande do Sul.
As if the preaching of Mrs. Maria do Rosário (PT-RS) and Monge Marcelo Barros, both known for their unorthodox positions, the bishops present admitted at the altar two Protestant ministers as "concelebrants" in the Holy Mass.
At the moment of the Consecration, the two pastors extend their hands and utter the words of the institution of the Eucharist.
In the video , from the minute 50'20 '', the Consecration of the Mass is clearly heard and one sees the two women, wearing robes and stole, extending their hands and taking part in the "concelebrative" act.
The Holy Mass was presided by the Holy Mass. Diocesan Bishop of Osório, D. Jaime Kohl. Concelebrating the Exmos. Bishops:
  • D. Jacinto Bergmann (Archbishop of Pelotas)
  • D. Carlos Romulo (Bishop of Monte Negro)
  • D. Alessandro Ruffinoni (bishop of Caxias do Sul)
  • D. Adilson Busin (auxiliary bishop of Porto Alegre)
  • D. Aparecido Donizeti de Souza (auxiliary bishop of Porto Alegre)
  • José Mario Stroeher (bishop emeritus of Rio Grande)
So is the parson of the place and a deacon.
It is a very serious sacrilege. In addition to communicatio in sacris being strictly prohibited by canon law, the public simulation of sacrament by women constitutes a serious violation of the divine and ecclesiastical law, a true attack against the sacrament of the Order and the Holy Eucharist.
Immediately write to the Apostolic Nunciature of Brazil, to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. These bishops need to retract and, if they do not, they should be excommunicated immediately.
Excellency Most Rev. Giovanni D'Aniello, Apostolic Nuncio 
Av. Das Nações, Quadra 801 Lt. 01 / CEP 70401-900 Brasília - DF 
Cx. Postal 0153 CEP 70359-916 Brasília - DF Phone 
: (61) 3223-0794 or 3223-0916 
Fax: (61) 3224-9365 
E-mail: nunapost@solar.com.br
Excellency Most Reverend Dom Luis Ladaria Ferrer 
Palazzo del Sant'Uffizio, 00120 Città del Vaticano 
E-mail: cdf@cfaith.va - Tel. 06.6988-3438 Fax: 06.6988-5088
Eminence Reverend Father Robert Sarah 
Piazza Pio XII, 10 
00120 CITTÀ DEL VATICANO - Holy See - Tel. 06-6988-4316 Fax: 06-6969-3499 
e-mail: cultidiv @ ccdds. go; vpr-sacramenti@ccdds.va

Saturday, 25 February 2017

More on womyn deacons - Bergoglio will be the one who "splits the Church"

Remember that off the cuff remark from Bergoglio to study women deacons? Notwithstanding that is has been studied previously. We have also reported previously on this matter. There were never women deacons. Those who may have been called such were the wives of deacons and assisted at the sacrament of baptism which was full immersion, and for a woman, they aided with maintaining modesty.

Women were never, ever deacons in any liturgical sense. They were never to preach in Church. St.Paul forbid it, so does Canon Law. 

This is part of Bergoglio's wrteched plan to make the Church over into his image. He can play with it all he wants. He will be struck down because of it one day and he will be judged by the LORD for his grievous crimes against the Church and Faith, may he repent.

What follows is a story today from Fra. Cristoforo. 

But worry not Voxers, if this happens, rest assured, it will not be for long. The Church will split, those who have done this will be part of the anti-Church and the anti-Christ. The real Church will rise again, a holy Pope will come and declare all of this anathema. 

Those who have done this will burn in Hell, if they do not repent.

And remember from where the fish rots first.


Fra Cristoforo "Drafts Part IX: two new details”
1450428417-cup-coffeeIn the offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, there is a room used as a, "coffee break room," where there are cakes, pies, microwave, etc., it is on the first floor).  There is also a sitting room where the leaders of various denominations come together.
In this room a few days ago, I was told by a famous official of that department, of an unpublished draft that is part of  a plan  they are working on "to accelerate the female diaconate." To be fair, I explain something important. The women deacons in the Catholic Church, will not be like that of men. Women will be a "shoot,” and can only preach, and will not have "power" to bless (except in exceptional cases). They can give communion, and they can preach. The Baptisms they can only do this if lacking a "suitable” minister, in case of extreme necessity (anyone can do this.) if there is no priest or deacon.
But it seems to me that it is grave, regardless. Also because, as we know, the intention is to make gradually "normal" such a thing. So there will be no difference between us and the Lutherans, and then clear all that's left.
An official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (South American), I will not name, it reports that Muller "is a failed man."
That is where he is because Bergoglio is giving him a favor. It seems that his replacement is just Maradiaga.
It is always good to know that there so much risk in what I refer. But I agree that it is more just rumour, at least in my consciousness. And if they catch me, so be it.
I have only told the truth.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Is Bergoglio about to force WomenDeaconettes on the Church?

Did you, good reader, happen to catch that little moment of profound homiletical wisdom emanating as sweet frankenonsense from the mouth of Bergoglio at the Vatican Motel, the one about women?

I will quote all of it so that you can get the context and lest we ever be accused of manipulating the words of the Bishop of Rome:

“When women are not there, harmony is missing. We might say: But this is a society with a strong masculine attitude, and this is the case, no? The woman is missing. ‘Yes, yes: the woman is there to wash the dishes, to do things…’ No, no, no! The woman is there to bring harmony. Without the woman there is no harmony. They are not equal; one is not superior to the other: no. It’s just that the man does not bring harmony. It’s her. It is she who brings that harmony that teaches us to caress, to love with tenderness; and who makes the world a beautiful place.”
“And they looked at me, they looked me in the eyes – I’ll never forget those eyes, eh? – then they turned and they told me, both together: ‘We are in love.’ After 60 years, this means ‘one flesh.’ And this is what the woman brings: the capacity to love one another. Harmony for the world. Often we hear: ‘No, it is necessary in this society, in this institution, that here there should be a woman because she does this, she does these things.’ No, no, no, no! Functionality is not the purpose of women. It is true that women should do things, to do things as we all do. The purpose of women is to make harmony, and without women there is no harmony in the world. Exploiting persons is a crime of ‘lèse-humanité’: it’s true. But exploiting a woman is even more serious: it is destroying the harmony that God has chosen to give to the world. It is to destroy.
This is the great gift of God: He has given us woman. And in the Gospel, we have heard what a woman is capable of, eh? She is courageous, that one, eh? She went forward with courage. But there is more, so much more. A woman is harmony, is poetry, is beauty. Without her the world would not be so beautiful, it would not be harmonious. And I like to think – but this is a personal thing – that God created women so that we would all have a mother.

What do you think he is talking about?

When I read this last week, I said to myself, "he is setting us up." He is turning the Church upside down and he is telling us the intends to have womynpriests, b
ut you see, before there can be womynpriests, there need to be womyndeacons.

And look belowe, courtesy of Hilary White, what we have found.

And as I've written previously, do not be surprised if Bergoglio calls a Council. That's right, Vatican III, to enshrine his heresy and "split the Church," just as he promised.

Remember, this is the Vicar of Christ who spoke about people who "eat shit," you know, magiare merda or manger de la merde, or comer meirda; (pardon the bluntness, but that his what he said) coprophagia, and derive sexual stimulation for from it, coprophilia.

Eat shit from the mouth of the "Pope."

Yeah, a true Vicar of Jesus Christ.

And I have some ice to sell today to our Inuit, 'cause Eskimo is so politically incorrect.

Image result for pope francis angry

(bear with the computer translation, no time to clean it up)


"Drafts Part III: the big" renovations "of Bergoglio" Fra Cristoforo
I'll tell you a story. Last Thursday, in one of the Bar present in front of the Porta S. Anna (front of the Vatican State), go out for coffee a Monsignor (very near Bergoglio), in his fifties, and a layman. 
The discussion falls on "dubia". The Monsignor, with making "sufficient" says: "The Pope will never answer to" dubia "of the 4 cardinal. She will never fall to their level. Francis has much bigger projects, which do not stop 
to Italy. The only hitch in this period was the election of Trump ".
To the layman he responded: "And what does Trump with the Amoris Laetitia?". "Got to do and how," he replied the Monsignor, continuing: "The intent was to support the Clinton, because Francis had 
a special relationship. Often they feel. And the goal to be reached was that the Catholic Church should have some clear principles of "non-negotiable", so soft, so that even the Vatican had 
a strong global political support, which in this time of need, especially for large maneuvers that will come. "
On this we must give an account to the great Assange..leggete here 
http://formiche.net/2016/10/21/clinton-podesta-papa-francesco/ ) .... 
The increasingly secular amazed: "And such maneuvers must arrive"? The Monsignor sips the last drop of coffee and says, "but you have not yet realized that the vision that you have of the Church is outdated? Do not you understand that the Pope today is a world leader? That if he stayed Ratzinger we all failed. Do you know what the next maneuver? Just the diaconate to women. Because it is the only way to show our concrete closeness to the Lutherans and Anglicans. And you'll see that by November we will also have the diaconate to women. Maybe not equal to what you think. But it will approach a lot. " "WITHIN November".
Here it is. So. Papal Papal what was said by Monsignor of SDS (Secretary of State), in a "state" confidential. 
Now we pause to reflect. Piazza San Pietro is almost always empty (and TV in 2000 still frames that group of people massed in front of the window). What does it matter to Bergoglio of the faithful? From the content of this conversation it shows that the Argentine has far broader evangelization projects. Often he said that evangelization is a form of proselytism that is not good. Recently also he said that he cares if some congregations there are many vocations.
Here it is. He seeks only himself. Try to concentrate on if the spotlight, and not step on the streets to anyone because he is the LEADER. And of Jesus Christ it does not matter a damn. Other than St. Paul. The Apostle of the Gentiles said "We are considered the garbage of the world" (1 Cor 4.9 to 13).Just because he put evangelization first. Instead Bergoglio at the expense of Christ and the salvation of souls, you want him in the first place. Dear readers, this is the reality. And this week there will be more terrifying news.But I leave the earlier press releases.
The sense of my anonymity is just that. I am a priest, but I HAVE to stay anonymous. Otherwise I would not have any chance to write these things.I've thought a lot in recent months. But still I can not "come out" publicly.However, I consider important that the faithful "know" the dynamics that evolve in the See of Peter. And these discussions as "bar" for me are extremely relevant. And in conscience, to communicate.
among Cristoforo

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Bergoglio's sycophantic Spadaro floats the WomynPriest trial-balloon

Image result for women priests
The magazine published by Bergoglio's sycophant Antonio Spadaro a fellow Jesuit and intimate of the Bishop of Rome has floated a trial-balloon on the ordination of women.

Is there one, just one Cardinal who will confront this man directly to his face?

Do they have no fear of Hell?

From Sandro Magister:


 by Giancarlo Pani, S.J.
[…] On Pentecost of 1994, Pope John Paul II summarized, in the apostolic letter “Ordinatio Sacerdotalis,” the outcome of a series of previous magisterial statements (including “Inter Insigniores”), concluding that Jesus has chosen only men for the priestly ministry. Therefore “the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women. This judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful.”
The statement was a clear word for those who maintained that the refusal of priestly ordination for women could be discussed. Nonetheless, […] some time later, following the problems raised not so much by the doctrine as by the force with which it was presented, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was presented with a question: can “ordinatio sacerdotalis” be “considered as belonging to the deposit of the faith?” The answer was “affirmative,” and the doctrine was described as “infallibiliter proposita,” meaning that “it must be held always, everywhere, and by all the faithful.”
Difficulties with the answer’s reception have created “tensions” in relations between magisterium and theology over the connected problems. These are pertinent to the fundamental theology on infallibility. It is the first time in history that the congregation explicitly appealed to the constitution “Lumen Gentium” no. 25, which proclaims the infallibility of a doctrine that is taught as definitively binding by the bishops dispersed throughout the world but in communion among themselves and with the successor of Peter.
Moreover, the question touches upon the theology of the sacraments, because it concerns the subject of the sacrament of Orders, which traditionally is indeed man, but this does not take into account the developments that the presence of woman in the family and in society has undergone in the 21st century. This is a matter of ecclesial dignity, responsibility, and participation.
The historical fact of the exclusion of woman from the priesthood because of the “impedimentum sexus” is undeniable. Nevertheless, already in 1948, and therefore well ahead of the disputes of the 1960’s, Fr. Congar pointed out that “the absence of a fact is not a decisive criterion for concluding prudently in every case that the Church cannot do it and will never do it.”
Moreover, another theologian adds, the “consensus fidelium” of many centuries has been called into question in the 20th century above all on account of the profound sociocultural changes concerning woman. It would not make sense to maintain that the Church must change only because the times have changed, but it remains true that a doctrine proposed by the Church needs to be understood by the believing intelligence. The dispute over women priests could be set in parallel with other moments of Church history; in any case, today in the question of female priesthood the “auctoritates,” or official positions of the magisterium, are clear, but many Catholics have a hard time understanding the “rationes” of decisions that, more than expressions of authority, appear to signify authoritarianism. Today there is unease among those who fail to understand how the exclusion of woman from the Church’s ministry can coexist with the affirmation and appreciation of her equal dignity.” […]
In the judgment of “La Civiltà Cattolica,” therefore, not only should the infallibility and definitiveness of John Paul II’s “no” to women priests be brought into doubt, but more important than this “no” are the “developments that the presence of woman in the family and society has undergone in the 21st century.”
These developments - the reasoning of the magazine continues - now render incomprehensible the “rationes” for prohibitions “that, more than expressions of authority, appear to signify authoritarianism.”
“One cannot always resort to the past, as if only in the past are there indications of the Spirit. Today as well the Spirit is guiding the Church and suggesting the courageous assumption of new perspectives.”
And Francis is the first “not to limit himself to what is already known, but wants to delve into a complex and relevant field, so that it may be the Spirit who guides the Church,” concludes “La Civiltà Cattolica,” evidently with the pope’s imprimatur.
(English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A.)

Friday, 3 June 2016

Vatican official meets with dissenting and heretical WomynPriestesses a.k.a. Wiccans

The Reverend FatherMother Barbie Bimboglio
Well, well, well. It just keeps getting sicker and more deranged.

Women cannot and will never be ordained to the priesthood. For a Vatican official to agree to meet with any group is a preposterous thing to do and a scandal. To accept a petition on the matter is a disgrace.

Ignore them.

Admonish them.

But never, ever meet with them.

Francis has already affirmed that which was proclaimed by John Paul II. Or, has he? Do these malefactors know something which we don't? Would these Vatican bureaucrats ever have met with such a group under any other Pope?

This is the Church of Pope Francis as the heresiarch Jesuits at America Magazine have told us. This is the corporate makeover and rebranding of the Church of Man as Tom Rosica has been promoting.

It is not the Church of Christ!

It is the "Church of Pope Francis," according to the the Jesuits at America Magazine.

The Church of Dialogue.

A Church of Bimbos and BundlesOfSticks.

From the Tablet

CAMPAIGNERS FOR WOMEN'S ORDINATION HAVE UNPRECEDENTED MEETING WITH VATICAN REPRESENTATIVE01 June 2016 | by Christopher Lamb in RomeThe group has been given official permission to hold a public demonstration in the gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo
Campaigners for women's ordination have unprecedented meeting with Vatican representativeCampaigners calling for women priests are meeting in Rome this week where they have launched a poster campaign drawing attention to their cause and they will participate in their first ever official public demonstration.

Women’s Ordination Worldwide, which this year marks its 20th anniversary, wants to re-open dialogue in the Church in spite of Pope John Paul II’s ruling that the matter of female priests should not be discussed.

Despite the ruling, since 2002, around 150 women have been “ordained” and all of them have been excommunicated as a result.
Yesterday evening two of them had an unprecedented meeting with an official from the Vatican Secretariat of State who agreed to give a petition to the Pope calling for the excommunications to be lifted, and who, according to the women, listened to “our heartfelt plea for women priests in our Church”.
Female ordination is prohibited in the Catholic Church on the grounds that Christ chose only male disciples and only a male priest can act “in persona Christi” (in the person of Christ).

Fr Tony Flannery, the Irish Redemptorist priest who was suspended from public ministry by the Vatican due, in part, to his views in favour of female ordination, said the ‘in persona Christi’ argument was like suggesting the “earth is flat”.
Speaking during a panel discussion at the Casa Internazionale delle donne Fr Flannery stressed that women were able to represent the person of Christ.

Also speaking during the discussion today was Dr Marinella Perroni, a theologian at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum (an educational institute of the Catholic Church) in Rome, who told the gathering that John Paul II’s edict had led to a “paralysis” and meant some professors had been denounced by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for raising the topic.

She said that ordaining women could lead to “loss of unity” in the Church, but that it was equally unacceptable to have a “discipleship at two speeds”, where men have ministerial authority and women are not properly recognised.
The conference in Rome suggests a renewed confidence in discussing female ordination. Campaigners have been encouraged by Pope Francis’s recent remarks that he wanted to set up a commission to explore the question of women deacons.

For the first time the group has been given official permission to hold a public demonstration in the gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo on Friday, the day that the Pope celebrates a jubilee mass for priests in St Peter’s Square. Members of the women’s ordination group have also been given tickets to attend the Mass.

The pictures on the posters being put around Rome this week include 70 female ‘priests’ from the United States and Colombia photographed by Italian artist Giulia Bianchi as part of an ongoing project.

The gathering this week was organised by Kate McElwee, who is the first woman’s ordination campaigner to be permanently based in Rome.