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Showing posts with label Sodomite Priest Charamsa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sodomite Priest Charamsa. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Oh Father Charamsa, look how lovely, your vestment is ready. Father, are you there?

There was a bishop in a Canadian diocese once asked, "Is it true, Your Excellency that half of the priests of the Diocese of Nameless are sodomites?

To which the now Emeritus replied with a sigh. "If it were only half."

If this piece of shite was only made for Sodomite Charamsa and now languishes on a mannequin who would care. Alas, it exists in a liturgical store in Rome, Manicelli's. 

I encourage all the Sodomite priests of Rome to wear it. I encourage all the sodomite priests in any diocese to buy one and wear it with PRIDE. 

Come out boys, Come on out.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Charamsa and Rosica - saying the same thing?

Let me begin by stating the old phrase, "hate the sin but love the sinner" and let me publicly acknowledge that I too am a sinner and in need of sacramental confession, grace and redemption from Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let me also state that persons who suffer from same-sex attraction, be they men or women, are our brothers and sisters. They deserve respect as individuals. I did not tell the cashier at the organic market on Saturday that he was a sodomite and that he was going to Hell. I do not have to accept the aggressive and fascist homosexualist movement that is undermining freedom and the family.

When priests engage in sodomy and advocate it and when bishops such as Raymond Lahey, are found with child pornography - of boys on their computers, they are sodomites and that is a valid word in the dictionary the bible and the catechism.

We call someone who murders a murderer, a bank robber is a robber and a thief. It would follow that someone who commits adultery is an adulterer and someone who commits sodomy is a sodomite.

Language is important. So is clarity. Some people think the Church should change its language in an effort to reach out. This is not Catholic. This is not what Jesus did and He said much about sodomy, unless you deny that He is God and was present throughout the fullness of scripture and speaking through the ancient prophets, so don't even think He did not say anything about "homosexuality" in the New Testament. The word wasn't invented until just over a century ago. 

Our Blessed Lord said plenty about it and so did his apostles and evangelists! They keep forgetting about "whitewashed sepulchres" and "murders of the prophets" and "vipers" and "go and sin no more." They want, as Father Oko so brilliantly stated, "a childish notion of a God who only soothes and caresses." they "have not grown out of this childish notion."

The sodomite priest, Krzyztof Charamsa  who will soon be forgotten, "truly, he has his reward" and his fifteen minute of fame issued a manifesto just prior to the Synod.
"We demand that the Catholic Church divest itself of activities, the mentality and language of homophobia, hate speech, humiliation and depreciating, marginalization, stigmatization and rejection of LGBT people. We demand the cessation of the Church of discrimination and soft persecution of these people so within it as well as beyond its borders."
Yesterday, Zenit carried an interview with Thomas Rosica, CSB the Vatican's English-language Synod spokesman in which it is reported that:
'There must be an end to exclusionary language and a strong emphasis on embracing reality as it is. We should not be afraid of new and complex situations.'... 
"The importance of changing language used to address certain difficult situations, Fr. Rosica said, was highlighted. "The language must be renewed,"... 

"The Jubilee of Mercy requires a language of mercy," he stated. Father Rosica underscored how language ought to always be inclusive, rather than exclusive, particularly for homosexuals.

"In particular, when speaking about homosexuals or gay persons," he said, "we recognize them for who they are: They are our sons, our daughters, and brothers, sisters, neighbors and colleagues."
Clearly, Charamsa was a mole working deep in the bowels of the Church. His work in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been instrumental and influential for even Father Thomas J. Rosica seems to be saying the same thing.

This proves one thing. Charamsa was not fired for being in a relationship with another man and presumably violating his vows, he was fired because he "came out." They didn't care about the poor man's soul or what he did at night and with whom, they only cared about their image and the disruption and distraction that Charamsa caused.

The secular media has taken yesterday's Zenit report by Father Rosica, as well as the inane comments by the Archbishop of Gatineau in Quebec about deaconesses and had great fun with it. The morning papers in print and online will tout these great changes coming in the Church. It will be a rough day thanks to ill-advised words.

And yet, today; Father Paul Nicholson is reporting that:
"Yesterday, during a press conference at the Holy See office, the English spokesman transmitted to the media sentiments that sounded like consensus in the Synod.  He stated that there must be an end to "exclusionary language", "in particular in regards to homosexuals and gay persons" (We discovered today, October 7th, that in fact, only one or two bishops actually mentioned homosexuality, it wasn't a broad consensus as reported)."
It is diabolical in every way and it will lead to a loss of souls. We are living a repeat of Vatican II and Humanae Vitae. Careless prelates and priests are making statements, intentionally or not, and these statement are being used. Expectations are being raised. The Church is being mocked in the public square, Our Lord Jesus is suffering all over again and is being ignored in all of this. 

When all of this is done, Francis has two options. He can do what these men and the world demand and cause a schism and condemn himself and his history. Or he can uphold doctrine and refuse to change the Catechism and two thousand years of teaching which is essentially what they are asking, and thousands will fall away because their expectation were not met.

Either way, there are losses of souls. Our dear Pope Benedict XVI spoke of the "council of the media." We are living it all over again. 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

God help us, please; and help the Pope.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Fr. Dariusz Oko - the homolobby is "the dark side of the Church!"

BREAKING: Fr. Dariusz Oko speaks: the homolobby is "the dark side of the Church"

Fr. Dariusz Oko 
Fr. Dariusz Oko has given an interview this morning on the homolobby, and Krzysztof  Charamsa, for the Polish language el.pl [SuperExpress ]Toronto Catholic  Witness presents to readers a complete translation. Of note is Fr. Oko's prophetic combat against the existence of a powerful, and malignant  group of homosexual churchmen, that he rightly terms the homolobby. It is this same lobby that, according to Fr. Oko, enabled, protected and advanced the career of Krzysztof Charmasa.

The interview, in the original Polish, may be read here. 

[Note: you may republish this translation, but you must, in your re-publication, credit and link to Toronto Catholic Witness]

Super Express: You mentioned, Father, that you are in a position to finance the treatment of Father Christopher Charamsa, who admitted he was gay, and requests changes in the Church's teaching. Is he actually ill, or are we rather dealing with a cynical game?

Read the rest at Toronto Catholic Witness.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

BREAKING: Fr. Dariusz Oko responds to the slanderous attack by the Vatican "gay priest", Krzysztof Charamsa

EXCLUSIVE and BREAKING: Fr. Dariusz Oko responds to the slanderous attack by the Vatican "gay priest", Krzysztof Charamsa

Fr. Dariusz Oko 
Exclusive Toronto Catholic Witness translation of an interview granted to the Polish newspaper, wPolityce.pl.the original may be read here. 

Fr. Oko gained fame for his writings on "homoheresy". He has lectured and written about the infiltration of homosexuals into the priesthood. He has been proved correct.  From the Eponymous Flower:

Two years ago, the Polish Catholic journal Fronda published a long essay, which was also taken up by the German Catholic journal Theologisches. The subject of the review was the "Homohäresie" and the existence of a "gay mafia" in the Catholic Church. The author described the existence of a network of homosexual priests at all levels of the Church hierarchy, including the Roman Curia, who cover for each other....

(Note: You may use this this translation, but you must credit Toronto Catholic Witness)

Father Dariusz Oko on Fr. Charamsa: "in his pride me placed himself above the Church..." 

Question (Boguslaw Rąpała): Fr. Krzysztof Charamsa has publicly announced that he is gay. And it is you, Reverend Father Professor that are the target of his sharpest attack? How do you, Father,  react to this? 

Read the entire interview at:


Sodomite priest and theologian Monsignor Krzystof Charmsa has been dismissed today by the Vatican from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and put under the authority of his bishop.

Late last evening, reports of Charamsa's Gay manifesto demanding changes to Church doctrine, the Catechesm and even Holy Scripture broke wide open. In a clear attempt to undermine his Prefect, Cardinal Muller, the Congregation and put undue pressure and influence on the Synod on the Family, Charamsa diclosed his activist homosexual beliefs and an agenda that is opposed to the Catholic faith. A theologian and professor at two Pontifical Universities, Father Federico Lombardi indicated that he would lose his positions.

The world's media has now caught on to this. They will pour out their venom upon the Church. They will use Kim Davis and the two sodomites the Pope met with in Washington against him and the Church. A short peruse of any combox shows the hatred that the world has towards the Catholic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls. The world prefers sodomy with all its practices, they are all caught in the grip of the Father of Lies, Satan himself. This priest is now at least, honest. The devil has him and his sodomite friend by the throat and he will drag them down to Hell. 

This priest has created a grave scandal, yet, is it not good to bring it all out into the light?

Sandro Magister states today that Charamasa's was "a coming-out that might be expected even by many homosexual priests who populate the entourage of Pope Francis, playing leading roles and in unprecedented numbers."

Charamasa is just one example of the boldness of these sodomites and how deep the penetration by these filthy degenerates is in the Holy Catholic Church.

As Adfero at Rorate Caeli states:

And, one other nugget: According to the pope's spokesman, this priest being an active homosexual, that was not what got him fired from his numerous posts. No, that merits "respect," according to the Vatican. The only reason they fired him is because he held a press conference before the start of the Synod of Sex which would put the Synod fathers through "undue media pressure."


Who else in the CDF or other curial offices know of this filthy sodomite who committed sacrilidge (asuming he was not celibate and chaste) every time he celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? Why is Lombardi only concernede about the media firestorm and not the fact that this priest was subverting the faith and in grave pyschological, moral and spiritual crisis? Where were was the concern for this priest's immortal soul? Where is it now?

I ask again, how many others? 


Father Krzystof Charamsa, who held a post in the Vatican’s branch for protecting Catholic dogma, urged the Catholic church to change its ‘backwards’ attitude to homosexuality“I want the Church and my community to know who I am: a gay priest who is happy, and proud of his identity. I’m prepared to pay the consequences, but it’s time the Church opened its eyes, and realised that offering gay believers total abstinence from a life of love is inhuman”. Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa, 43 and Polish, who has been living in Rome for 17 years, speaks with a calm smile on his face. He is not just any priest, but has been a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since 2003, is assistant secretary of the International Theological Commission of the Vatican, and teaches theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome. Never before has a priest with such a high-profile role in the Vatican made a similar statement. Today, on the eve of the Synod on the family, Monsignor Charamsa will be in Rome at the LGBT Catholic International Meeting organized by the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics, to support the discussion on gay Catholics.
“The rule was introduced in 2005 when I was already a priest, and only applies to new ordinations. For me it was a shock. It didn't use to be like this, and I think this is a mistake that needs to be corrected”. Have you always known you are gay? “Yes, but at first I didn't accept the fact; I submitted zealously to the teaching of the Church and to the life it forced upon me, according to the principle that ‘homosexuality does not exist (and if it does, it needs to be destroyed)’”.
Why did you decide to come out?
The high-ranking Polish priest said that his decision to come out as gay was motivated by the Church's 'inhuman' attitude to homosexuality“There comes a day when something inside you snaps, and you can’t go on. If I had been alone I would have lived the nightmare of a denied homosexuality, but God never leaves us alone. And I think He has helped me take this important existential step. It’s important because of its consequences, but it’s also the premise for living honestly, which should be natural for every homosexual. The Church is already behind in tackling the issue, and we can't wait another 50 years, which is why I've decided to tell the Church who I am. I'm doing it for myself, for my community, and for the Church. It is also my duty towards the community of sexual minorities”.
What do you think you will achieve?“It seems to me that in the Church we are ignorant about homosexuality because we don't really know any homosexuals. We have them all around us, of course, but we never look them in the eye, because they seldom say who they are. I hope that my personal experience will help stir the Church’s consciousness in some way. I will personally reveal my identity to the Holy Father in a letter. And I will tell the universities in Rome where I teach who I am; to my great sorrow I will probably no longer be allowed to work in Catholic education”.
You are making this announcement on the eve of the Synod on the Family, which begins tomorrow at the Vatican. 
“Yes, I would like to tell the Synod that homosexual love is a kind of family love, a love that needs the family. Everyone – gays, lesbians and transsexuals included – foster in their hearts a desire for love and family. Everyone has the right to love, and that love must be protected by society and law. But above all it must be nourished by the Church. Christianity is the religion of love, and love is central to the figure of Jesus we bring to the world. A lesbian or gay couple should be able to openly say to their Church: ‘we love each other according to our nature, and offer this gift of our love to others, because it is a public matter, not just a private one; we are not merely engaged in some extreme pursuit of pleasure’”.
But this is not how the Church sees things.
“No, this is not the position of current Church doctrine, but similar views have been aired in theological scholarship. Above all in Protestant scholarship, but we also have excellent Catholic theologians who have given important contributions in the field”.
Catholic Catechism based on the Bible defines homosexuality as an “intrinsically disordered” tendency... 
“The Bible says nothing on the subject of homosexuality. It instead speaks of acts that I would call “homogenital”. Even heterosexual people may perform such acts, as happens in many prisons, but in that case they are acting against their nature and therefore committing a sin. When a gay person engages in those same acts, they are instead expressing their nature. The biblical sodomite has nothing to do with two gays that love each other in modern-day Italy and want to marry. I am unable to find a single passage, even in St Paul, that may be seen as referring to homosexual persons asking to be respected as such, since at the time the concept was unknown”.
Catholic doctrine excludes gays from the priesthood: how did you manage to become a priest?
How did you go from denial to being happy about being gay? 
“Through study, prayer and reflection. A dialogue with God and the study of theology, philosophy and science were crucial. Moreover, I now have a partner who has helped me transform my fears into the power of love”.
A partner? Is that not even more irreconcilable with being a Catholic priest?
“I know that the Church will see me as someone who has failed to keep a promise, who has lost his way, and what’s worse, not with a woman, but a man! I also know that I will have to give up the ministry, even though it is my whole life. But I'm not doing this so that I can live with my partner. The reasons are much wider-ranging and based on a reflection on Church doctrine”.
Could you explain?
“If I failed to be open, if I didn't accept myself, I couldn't be a good priest in any case, because I couldn't act as an intermediary for the joy of God. Humanity has made great progress in its understanding of these issues, but the Church is lagging behind. This is not the first time, of course, but when you are slow to understand astronomy the consequences are not as serious as when the delay regards people's most intimate being. The Church needs to realise that it is failing to rise to the challenge of our times”. English translation by Simon Tanner www.simontanner.com

Friday, 2 October 2015

Sodomite Priest buried in the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith seeks to undermine Prefect Müller, the Polish Bishops and the Synod on the Family - Demands changes to Catechism and the Holy Bible!

The sodomite mafia that we've long suspected in the Vatican is raising its filthy head on the eve of the Synod to detroy the family. Father Oko's work on the infiltration of the priesthood in Rome and in Poland must be held up as a warning of what was to come. The dossier of three hundred pages handed over by Benedict XVI to Jorge Bergoglio gathers dust but the truth will come out along with coming out of these sodomite moles into the light where they can no longer hide.
„Jestem gejem. Dumnym i szczęśliwym księdzem gejem”. Coming out księdza Krzysztofa Charamsy
A vile and satanic attempt by numerous priests, bishops and cardinals is underway to subvert the doctrine of the Catholic Church. The Christian people must wake up to this evil and diabolical crisis which we face under the very nose of the Bishop of Rome himself!

Polonia Cristiana is reporting on a priest working in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Krzyztof Charamsa who has reported, "I am a gay priest. I am a happy and proud gay priest. My joy and freedom is dedicated to a man whom I love, Eduard, my boyfriend, who able to bring out my best energies and also convert the remnant of fear on the strength of love."

This priest even demands the rewriting of the Cathechism of the Catholic Church and the Holy Bible!

According to Edward Pentin on Twitter, Charamsa's "self-'outing' is seen as an attack against Cardinal Muller, the CDF and the Polish bishops ahead of the Synod." Pentin reports that the Doctor of Theology intends to hold a press conference at noon, Rome time on Saturday.

Charamsa has issued his "new manifesto of liberation." It is only right to give it the widest possible distribution to expose this man and others for the evil work they do in the Bride of Christ for the Father of Lies, Satan himself.

1. Disposal of homophobia and anti-gay discrimination
We demand that the Catholic Church divest itself of activities, the mentality and language of homophobia, hate speech, humiliation and depreciating, marginalization, stigmatization and rejection of LGBT people. We demand the cessation of the Church of discrimination and soft persecution of these people so within it as well as beyond its borders.
2. Condemnation punishment for homosexuality
We demand that the Church unequivocally speak out against punishment for sexual orientation and against the death penalty or imprisonment, against any acts of cruelty against any discrimination against people based on sexual orientation, as well as against attempts to undergo "reorganizational therapies" of persons belonging to sexual minorities.
3. Abandonment by the Church to interfere in guaranteeing human rights by democratic states
We demand that the Church revise its past behavior to states and nations which, through democratic development of civilization seek to guarantee human rights, including the right to love and to civil marriage, persons belonging to sexual minorities . Civilized countries should respect their autonomy for the sake of the common good of all, not just Catholics.
4. Canceling incompetent and prejudicial documents
We demand from the pope revise the catechism and appeal all the documents, cruel and incompetent regarding homosexual persons who are the object of the Church's compassion and stigmatization. In particular, the documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the heir to the Holy Inquisition. Not acceptable documents are: a) the declaration "Persona Humana" from 1975, saying among others about "pathological constitution" of homosexual persons, which by their nature are supposedly "difficult to adjust socially" and carry the "anomaly" that "without the necessary and significant order" is "depravity"; b) "Letter on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons" of 1986, which calls for "compassion" for homosexuals, "sufferers", accepts the existence of a "fair discrimination" homosexuals, and rejects only the "unjust discrimination"; c) outrageous "considerations concerning the response to legislative proposals on the non-discrimination of homosexual persons" in 1992 r .; d) 'Considerations Regarding Proposals to legalize Unions Between Homosexual Persons "from 2003, according to which homosexuality is" devoid of any genuine affective, "and homosexual relationships are devoid of" human and ordered form of sexual relations "e)" Catechism of the Church Catholic ", points 2357-2359, teaches that not only works, but also homosexual orientation is" objectively disordered ". He also emphasizes that the nature of homosexual people, there is no emotional complementarity with other human persons that they love. And he adds that for most of us orientation is difficult experience requires compassion neighbor, but not without a just avoiding discrimination. How does he know what is our suffering and difficulty? Well, it is not sexual orientation, but homophobia of the Church. Learning by catechism is offensive, apart from the fact that the very definition of homosexuality is deficient, if at all not quite false. Cheaper is also analysis of the situation of homosexual persons.
5. Immediate cancellation of discriminatory instructions about avoiding the priesthood of homosexual persons
We demand that the pope immediately abolished regrettable instructions about avoiding the ordination of homosexuals, endorsed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005.                                
6. Initiate a serious scientific reflection interdisciplinary over the morality of human sexuality                                                                         
We demand that the Church initiate a serious and objective scientific reflection on sexual morality, taking note of the development - which so far sees as ideologically - science and reproductive health services, medical, psychological, psychiatric, biological, sociological, anthropological, Gender studies etc.
7. Revision of the interpretation of biblical texts on homosexuality.
We demand that the Church has treated seriously question their own interpretation of the Bible, freeing themselves from fundamentalism, spotting letters when they talk about homosexual people, they never condemning, and kontekstualizując biblical texts that address homogenital acts.
8. Adoption of ecumenical dialogue with our brothers Lutherans and Anglicans about homosexuality
We demand that the Church has taken a serious ecumenical dialogue on the issue of homosexuality with Christians, Protestants and Anglicans who, in an open and transparent process of maturation have developed their own beliefs on this subject, which may help the Catholic Church understand the reality.
9. The need to ask for forgiveness wines past and present church toward homosexuals
We demand that the Church went the way of request for pardon him wine age, neglect and silence, persecution and crimes against homosexuals and to cease committing similar acts from now.
10. Respect for believers, homosexuals and change distorted position of the Church on the issue of how it should look like their Christian life
We demand that the Church finally open up to believing homosexuals, for baptized persons belonging to sexual minorities who do not have the right to propose a total disposing of love and resignation with a healthy sex life, which expresses their nature and in accordance with their sexual orientation.
Text "Gazeta Wyborcza" received from the Father. Christopher Charamsy