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Showing posts with label Cardinal Schönborn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Schönborn. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Christoph Schönborn, Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna lays waste to St. Stephen's Cathedral in a ritual of blasphemy and sacrilege

Christoph Schönborn, Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna recently let St. Stephen's Cathedral for a "rock" music concert featuring a homosexualist Philipp Hochmair pictured above standing on the Communion Rail.

No cause can, not even the "sacred" rite of AIDS fundraising can justify this blasphemy and sacrilege.

What must the laity do to win back our faith and our churches from these rotten men, these wolves, these putrid, effeminate malefactors such as Christoph Schönborn? Are there any Catholics left in Vienna? Are you in Vienna all so corrupted that you cannot see the evil that Schönborn has done by this act? Yet, what can one expect when the Bishop or Rome allowed a light show to be flashed on St. Peter's Basilica on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception? The evil stench comes from Bergoglio to all these filthy monsters. Remember that the malefactor Schönborn, is a great theologian, just like Kasper and that Bergoglio said we should look to him for the correct interpretation of Amoris Laetitia.

This is just plain evil.

If nothing else, it is up to whatever few Catholics are left to publicize this and mock this filthy cleric Schönborn until he repents and does public reparation for this scandal.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

"Pope" Bergoglio doubts his own orthodoxy - doubt no longer George!

What kind of intellectual pygmy in the realm of theology and philosophy is this Bishop of Rome who would need to ask if his crowning work, the abominable Amoris Laetitita, is "orthodox."

But he is no "intellectual pygmy." He knows exactly what he is doing.

Perhaps this is more of a "mafia" style. You know, a Mafia Don is caught in the act of something untoward by an underling and he says, "What did you see?" eliciting the response, "See? I didn't see anything?"

In a stunning revelation, his official "interpreter," Austrian Cardinal Christophe Schönborn, revealed that he had assured Bishop of Rome Bergoglio that this filthy and scandalous document penned by a committee of miscreants was "orthodox." and that assurance gave him "comfort."

Featured Image

The mask fell long ago on this papacy and the filthy minions around it. It is only now that it has become more clear to so many more.

The Spadaro's, Martin's and other priestly, clericalist boobs on Twitter can try to defend this monstrous intellectually bankrupt papacy, but it is no longer possible.

May God deliver us from this persecution without delay and send us a truly holy Pope who will restore all things in Christ.



Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Bergoglio, Schönborn and Spadaro - the Fascist-Masonic Junta that demand you submit!

Image result for spadaro schonborn popeSome make the mistake, often intentionally, that Islam means "peace." It does not. It means submission. The same false religion that spawns such submission is now dominant in our the Church of Christ under the Peronist thug now sitting in the Chair of Peter. Aided and abetted by his mathematically and theologically deficient Jesuitical sycophant. Antonio Spadaro, who is so tough, he blocks people on Twitter, these three amigos, which include the official interpreter of Amoris Laetitia,  Cardinal Schönborn, are ramping up the demand that Catholics submit to their pathetical and filthy heresies.


They want you to believe that the God who created the precise mathematical clock of the universe has lied to you for 2000 years. These men are traitors of Jesus Christ and His Church. Jorge Bergoglio must be resisted and confronted to his face that faithful Catholics will not accept the heretical teachings articulated in Amoris Laetitia and have had enough of his pathetic and near daily insults to the Faith and the faithful.

It is incumbent upon faithful Catholics to resist these men, including Bergoglio. It is absolutely necessary that we do not become silent but in fact, ensure that each of these men know that we resist, that we will continue to resist, we will do it in our lives and families, we will do it our conversations with other Catholics and we will do it on blogs and social media. We will make it abundantly clear to each of them that they will not succeed in this attempt to undermine the Faith. They may betray Christ and His Church, we will not. 

Note that this will make them very, very, very angry and they will come at you and at me. Let them, let them expose themselves for what they are. 

I direct you to this essay by Hilary White on OnePeterFive. It is a must read and deadly accurate assessment of that which we face and must face up to.


Oh, and a message for Tony Spadaro,Tommy Rosica, Kevin Farrell and the rest of you; you can block on Twitter but it's very easy to take out a second account to follow you and as long as one does not comment or link to those you might have blocked, we can still see your Tweets and PrintScreen them. You're not that smart.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Heresiarch Bishop Bonny seeks to bless sodomite "unions"

We have reported on this malefactor before. Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp.


Image result for bishop bonny

This latest leads one to conclude that this, so-called bishop, is nothing more than a homosexual himself. What a disgusting boil on the Body of Christ. A wolf in sheep's clothing. A sodomite, hidden in the priesthood to wreck the Church, to undermine the faith.

Is there any faith left in Belgium? Are there any Catholics there to challenge this viper, this fraud, this scum.

And if that is not enough to cause you to hurl your cookies. look at the two sodomites praised in Schönborn's Cathedral of St. Stephen's bulletin with the African boy they adopted. Poor kid, I guess these two have a new plaything.

One does not need a tin-foiled hat to recognise the obvious. The Bride of Christ has been infiltrated by sodomites, filthy perverts, to undermine the faith and destroy the Church. They now have in the Seat of Peter, a sympathiser. 

Lord Jesus Christ, glorious judge. Save your Church and us from these deceitful wolves.



In a book-length interview published next week  Johan Bonny, the Archbishop of Antwerp, proposes a rite for blessing homosexual persons in so-called same-sex "marriages", divorced and remarried couples, and cohabiting couples formally referred to as couples 'living in sin'. Archbishop Bonny   makes his proposals in a conversation with Roger Burggraeve and Ilse Van Halst published in the book, "May I? Thank you. Sorry: Frank dialogue about relationships, marriage and the family."

Archbishop Bonny proposes that the Church offers non-sacramental recognition, acceptance and blessing of individuals in illicit relationships. He outlines one possibility by asking can he as a bishop provide a ritual to believers who live together and wish each other the best, in the light of God's presence, similar to parents giving a cross to their children? He argues that a cross is not a sacrament, but belongs to the order of sacred signs and gestures. He wonders if the Church can establish shades  between the "nothing" for unmarried couples and the "all" of the sacramental marriage recognising what is "already" is, and simultaneously see what it is "not"?

Archbishop Bonny acknowledges that homosexual persons cannot enter into a true sacramental union because they cannot express the deep symbolic link between gender differences and fertility. However, he wants the Church to recognise that homosexual persons who pursue exclusive and lasting relationships. He questions whether the Church should squeeze everything into one model but instead asks whether the Church should evolve a variety of rituals to recognise the "love between homosexuals".

Regarding the divorced and civilly re-married, Archbishop Bonny proposes that the issue of communion for remarried divorced should be carefully considered. He recognises that this is not about a global 'yes' or 'no', but a balance. He proposes pastors make judgments based on the individual situation of the people in question. Or rather, they can and must decide with them on the basis of a number of criteria.

The Archbishop of Antwerp admits that he believes that the Church could bless  second marriages in some cases, even if the first marriage remains valid, following the example of the Orthodox Church. He sees such a blessing as an act of mercy that does not repeat or replace the first sacramental marriage, which remains unique.


By proposing that the Church bless so-called same-sex "unions" Archbishop Bonny ignores the warning given by Cardinal Ratzinger in 2003. What he wrote about legal recognition applies even more so to ecclesial recognition:

"Recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behaviour, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity. The Church cannot fail to defend these values, for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself."

Furthermore, it's hard to reconcile Archbishop Bonny's proposals for ecclesial recognition of divorced and civilly re-married couples with the explicit teaching of Our Lord on the indissolubility of marriage:

"They said, “Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to put her away.” But Jesus said to them, “For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.” And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter. And he said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her;  and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” (Mark 10: 4-12.)

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Is Cardinal Christoph Schönborn waking up to the horrible reality at his gates?

The Cardinal has since "clarified" his remarks.
“Europe’s Christian legacy is in danger, because we Europeans have squandered it. That has absolutely nothing to do with Islam nor with the refugees. It is clear that many Islamists would like to take advantage of our weakness, but they are not responsible for it. We are.”
He is correct, of course. 
But Muslims are an existential threat to Europe. Who pushed him to "clarify?"

Clearly,  somebody got to him though, he seems to be walking it back.

On Sunday, September 11, the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna gave a notable talk in St. Stephen's Cathedral. The date of course is that on which Mohammedans murdered over three-thousand souls in New York, Washington and rural Pennsylvania. The date was not an accident as it commemorated the last decisive victory over the Islamic hordes at the Gates of Vienna under the great Polish leader an Sobieski. 

It does not matter where a person is from or what race he or she belongs too. It is not the colour of skin or form of eyes or facial features. All are called to be with Christ and His Church. What matters is culture, not race. These clerics, like Schönborn, bear responsibility for weakening the Faith which in turn, weakened the culture. Can our culture stand up to this invasion? Not without Christ, not without the Sacraments, not without the Church.

As for Moslems, their Mohammed is dead. Mohammed is dead, his corpse rotted away. 

Jesus Christ is alive! 

False ecumemnism, religious indifferntism and dialogue and  liturgical destruction have lead to this loss of our cultural identity and unity.

As an aside, note this paragraph from the article below:
Before going to war, the Polish king, a devout Catholic, had entrusted his kingdom to the Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of Czestochowa. Drawing on this legacy, in 1684 Pope Innocent XI introduced Feast of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the date of Sept. 12. The feast was briefly struck from the calendar by liturgical reformer Monsignor Annibale Bugnini during Vatican II, but restored by Saint John Paul II in 2002.
Can anyone deny the impact that the Novus Ordo Missae and the destruction of the calendar has meant to our culture and identity? It is when I read paragraphs like this from writers you would not expect that I smile and recall the good friend who visited Bugnini's grave, a ground level niche, and suitably anointed. Can you say, "asperges?"

Christians of Europe, of North America, Australia wake-up. The only way to save our culture is by returning to it and then the conversion of those who now, seek to destroy us and think that their victory is at hand. The alternative is mass deportation and civil war because becoming one of them is simply not an option.

Yet, there is another option. Our governments will ban all religion. It will be done because Islam will be no longer tolerated. In our magnanimous embrace of equality one cannot just "ban" Islam. All religion will be banned. All churches, synagogues and mosques will be closed unless, - unless they adopt the new globalist creed syncretic religion of man that will be monitored and policed.  

My priest hole is ready. Sunday Missa Cantata in the dining room at 10.

Cardinal Schönborn. Credit: ©Mazur via catholicnews.org.uk.

Vienna, Austria, Sep 14, 2016 / 11:45 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has warned that Europe risks forfeiting its “Christian inheritance” and that an “Islamic conquest” could be in its future. 
Speaking in the Cathedral of Vienna on Sunday, Sept. 11, the Archbishop of Vienna referenced the feast day that commemorates the decisive victory of a Christian coalition over the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Vienna in 1683.
“On this day, 333 years ago, Vienna was saved,” he said. “Will there now be a third attempt at an Islamic conquest of Europe? Many Muslims think so and long for it and say: This Europe is at an end.”
“And I think that we should ask for Europe what Moses does in the reading of today and what God the Merciful does for the younger son: Lord, give us another chance! Do not forget that we are your people just like Moses reminds Him: They are your people, You led them out, You sanctified them, they are your people.”
On Sept. 11, 1683, Polish King John Sobieski III and Supreme Commander of the Christian Coalition Army, led 18,000 horsemen, with the famous “winged hussars,” against the enemy Turkish lines. In a battle that included what is considered the largest cavalry charge in history, Sobieski thoroughly defeated them. The victory of allied Polish, Austrian, Bavarian, Saxon, Venetian and other troops marked the historic end of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into Europe.
Before going to war, the Polish king, a devout Catholic, had entrusted his kingdom to the Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of Czestochowa. Drawing on this legacy, in 1684 Pope Innocent XI introduced Feast of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the date of Sept. 12. The feast was briefly struck from the calendar by liturgical reformer Monsignor Annibale Bugnini during Vatican II, but restored by Saint John Paul II in 2002.
Cardinal Schönborn, a confidante of Pope Francis, warned the congregation in the Cathedral of Vienna on Sunday, that Europe had “squandered and wasted” its Christian inheritance, just like the younger brother in the parable told by Christ.
“What will become of Europe?” asked the cardinal.
He closed his homily with a prayer:
“Lord, remember, it is your people. And if we have strayed and if we have squandered the inheritance, Lord, do not abandon us! Do not abandon this Europe, which has produced so many saints. Do not abandon us, because we have become lukewarm in our faith.
“…Have mercy on your inheritance, have mercy on your people, with Europe, which is about to forfeit your Christian inheritance! Have mercy on us and raise us up again, for the glory of your name and as a blessing to the world! Amen.”
The full homily in German can be found here: http://www.erzdioezese-wien.at/marianamen2016

Monday, 18 July 2016

Balloon Cardinal Schönborn to CDF?

Kath.net is reporting that Bishop or Rome, Jorge Bergoglio intends to remove Cardinal Muller as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and replace him with this, Modernist.

How wonderful.

There will be so much more to blog about.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Cardinal Schönborn is either mistaken or is a manipulative liar!

According to reports on OnePeter5, Cardinal Schönborn has stated that Amoris Laetitia is "binding doctrine." 

In the actual document, Francis, Bishop of Rome, or someone on his behalf, writes:

Since “time is greater than space”, I would make it clear that not all discussions of doctrinal, moral or pastoral issues need to be settled by interventions of the magisterium. Unity of teaching and practice is certainly necessary in the Church, but this does not preclude various ways of interpreting some aspects of that teaching or drawing certain consequences from it.

It is then perhaps this paragraph of Francis that Raymond Cardinal Burke has used to state that the document is not magisterial. In fact, Francis says it is not.

In addition to being a liturgical nincompoop, the Cardinal from Vienna is either deluded, mistaken or a liar.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Cardinal Schönborn took instruction from laity on papal vote - Did he channel Mahony's pen demon?

Well, what do we have here?

The Beer Mass approving, and Balloon Mass celebrating, Rock Mass aficionado and gay-positive embracing, Medjugorjan sycophant Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna, had two mystical experiences directing him to vote for Jorge Bergoglio as Pope of Rome.

Wow, this is just like old pervert protecting, Marxist heresiarch Roger Mahony wrote:

"I picked up my pen to write, and I began.  However, my hand was being moved by some greater spiritual force.  The name on the ballot just happened.  I had not yet narrowed my thinking down to one name; but it was done for me. I wrote it, then trembled deeply.  That's when I knew the Holy Spirit was fully working within the Church of Jesus Christ, and that my role was not to "select" the new Successor to Peter, but to "write down" his name--a name that had been given to me."

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn met up after a Mass with a couple of South Americans he knew and said to them:

"You have the Holy Spirit, can you give me advice for the Conclave that will start in a few hours? And the woman whispered in my ear ‘Bergoglio’, and it hit me really: if these people say Bergoglio, that’s an indication of the Holy Spirit.

This simply man has news for these two Cardinals.

It might have been a spirit, but it wasn't Holy!

You both need exorcisms.

Read it and weep.

Pope Francis elected after supernatural 'signs' in the Conclave – Cardinal

From John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor, The Telegraph

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, who was himself widely tipped as a possible successor to Pope Benedict, said he had personally had two “strong signs” that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was “the chosen one” in the run up to vote. The "Chosen One?" Chosen by whom? Would it be the one who directed Cardinal McCarrick to "talk (Bergoglio) up?" 

He said only divine intervention could explain the speed with which the Argentine Cardinal - who did not feature on any of the main lists of likely candidates compiled by Vatican experts - was elected. (Pope Benedict was quite clear, the Holy Spirit does not elect the Pope, at best, he prevents these men from electing someone who would totally destroy the Church. The Holy Spirit influences and guides but these men must be docile and based upon what we know about the period leading up to the conclave, they were anything but docile. They were lobbying, and had outside influence.)

Speaking to an Anglican conference in London, he also said the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, had a “strange similarity” to the new Pope. (Yeah, I'd believe it.)

He said that the two elections were a “little miracle” and a “sign from the Lord” that the two churches should work towards closer unity. (Only in his dreams maybe. Perhaps he's not heard of Anglicanorum Coetibus, that was the "little miracle.")

Addressing an audience of 5,000 people in the Royal Albert Hall, at a conference organised by the prominent Holy Trinity Brompton church in west London, he said that he was certain that on the evening of March 12, as the papal Conclave began, none of the Cardinals had known who would be chosen. (Some did)

“It was a tremendous experience of the Holy Spirit,” he said. (the god of surprises, maybe.)

“We were driven by the Holy Spirit to this man – he was sitting in the last corner of the Sistine Chapel: This man he is the chosen one.” (more like groupthink)

He added: “I received at least two strong signs: one I can tell, the other was in the Conclave I can’t speak about – but real signs of the Lord giving me indication ‘he is the one’.”

The Cardinal said that just after a special mass before the Conclave began he came across a couple from Latin America who are friends of his.

He said: “I met them outside the Basilica and I asked: ‘You have the Holy Spirit, can you give me advice for the Conclave that will start in a few hours?’

“And the woman whispered in my ear ‘Bergoglio’, and it hit me really: if these people say Bergoglio, that’s an indication of the Holy Spirit. (!!!)

“And I’m sure many of us have received similar signs during the Conclave, it wouldn’t have been possible to have this election so soon and so rapidly.” (The fact that it was so quick after what happened to Benedict XVI was a sign to me as I awaited the Habemus Papam that something was terribly wrong. When he came out, I wanted to vomit for hours.)

To applause, the Cardinal went on: “You know there is a strange similarity with your Archbishop Justin, I hope so much that they will meet soon.”

Laughing, he added: “I don’t know the secrets of the ‘conclave’ at Lambeth Palace.

“But it looks like a little miracle that he became the Archbishop, so I think the Lord as given us a great sign through these two elections and other signs and what I have deeply in my heart … it is as if he would say to the world ‘come home, I wait for you’.”

Friday, 11 September 2015

According to Cardinal Schönborn ; it's presumably okay to be gay

If ever one needed more evidence of the clouded and deluded thinking of our modernist Church prelates, it is this from the Archbishop of Vienna as reported in the Catholic Herald:

"Cardinal Schönborn spoke in the interview about a gay friend of his who, after many temporary relationships, is now in a stable relationship. “It’s an improvement,” he said. They share “a life, they share their joys and sufferings, they help one another. It must be recognised that this person took an important step for his own good and the good of others, even though it certainly is not a situation the Church can consider ‘regular’.”Image result for schoenborn balloons
The Church’s negative “judgment about homosexual acts is necessary”, he said, “but the Church should not look in the bedroom first, but in the dining room! It must accompany people.”
Pastoral accompaniment “cannot transform an irregular situation into a regular one”, he said, “but there do exist paths for healing, for learning,” for moving gradually closer to a situation in compliance with Church teaching. “We are not at risk of diluting the clarity [of Church teaching] while walking with people because we are called to walk in the faith,” he said. No synod member wants to change Church teaching."

This is like saying, "I've improved because I only beat my wife twice a week instead of the four times prior!" Or that, "I only abuse children on Thursday nights now." 

This erroneous notion of "gradualism" is heresy!

This is evil and is it corrupted thinking. This is the same warped thinking that produced the Relatio at the last Synod and the preposterous and heretical statement still appearing on the Vatican website that homosexuals have "gifts and qualities to offer the Christian community" all with the approval of Francis, Bishop of Rome!

This is a lie. People have gifts. There are no gifts arising out of the sin of sodomy for anyone in the Church. 

The Cardinal is leaving his "gay friend" in sin and error. The man will die and without repentance, he and his "lover," will objectively speaking, go to Hell. Is that what the Cardinal wants for his friend? The friend has gone from a slurp ramp or a night out at the glory hole palace to a "stable relationship?" Good grief Eminence, it is still sodomy! It is the act of the insertion of the male genitalia into the mouth and/or anus of another man? It is the "intrinsic disorder" of the behaviour. Are you an evil clown to think this way and to offer such a disgustingly absurd opinion? It is an act against nature. It is an act against God. The cultural fascism of homosexualism is destroying our families and our culture and is out for our children's minds and bodies and you say, it is an "improvement."

What kind of moral coward are you? Do you have any faith Eminence in the supernatural God and the revealed truth of Christ?

These men will stop at nothing to push their filthy and corrupted agenda on us and the Church of the Christ. They must be outed at every stage. Every statement they make, every heretical comment that they utter must be revealed.  

They must and they will be outed.

Every last one of these clerics no matter who they are.