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Showing posts with label Bishop Krzysztof Białasik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Krzysztof Białasik. Show all posts

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

What is the role of the Freemasonic Lodge at the Synod?

Last week, I wrote a post about Masonic commentary on the death of Cardinal Martini, Danneels presence at Lodge and the praising of the election of Jorge Bergoglio as Pope by the Grand Master of the Orient Lodge of Italy.

Did you get that?

Now, we have a comment by this heroic bishop that some at the Synod are promoting the interests of various "international organisations."

Now, if you follow the link above, you will find a video of Theodore McCarrick the former Cardinal Archbishop of Washington wherein he states that a "powerful and influential man" lobbied him to organise and elect Jorge Bergoglio.

Wake up people! 

You bishops and other Vatican minions reading this, and I know you are because vatican.va has been dropping by more than frequently, fear Christ or get out!


(translation: Toronto Catholic Witness. You may use, but you must credit us). 


Bishop Białasik: At the Synod there were certain topics that should not have been discussed

The Synod of Bishops was a wonderful experience of the universality of the Church, but it also had its weak side. Many important family matters were not taken up, said Polish bishop missionary from Bolivia, Krzysztof Białasik. He claimed that many beautiful words were expressed at the Synod, it was a valuable witness, but family issues were not exhausted. In the opinion of  Bishop Białasik, there was an unnecessary preoccupation with issues not associated with the gathering. 

Bishop Białasik: 

"In my opinion it is sad that we consumed so much time on issues that the Synod should not have been touching, because those issues are of a different nature. It surprised me that there is a particular group of cardinals and bishops who have spoken out not always properly on issues of the family, interjecting issues that should  be considered in another situation; especially Communion for the divorced and homosexualism. These are other problems, problems that are either doctrinal, or [problems] that have been artificially conceived to destroy the family. These are exactly the matters promoted by various international organizations, in the first place from the USA and Western Europe. But it is surprising that they also have an influence on certain bishops. I do not know what is behind all this; but, if there is such a group of cardinals or bishops, and there is, it means that something is standing behind all of this. This is what pains me the most, that there can exist such people amongst the bishops". 

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

How does a Catholic Bishop speak? Look no further than Bishop Krzysztof Białasik

This is how a true bishop and apostle of Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks.

One who is manly and not sold out to the world having been overcome by a guilty conscience due to their own predilections for sodomy, pornography and riches.

(translation: Toronto Catholic Witness. You are free to use, please credit us). 

Bishop Krzysztof Białasik on gender ideology and abortion:
"There are different influences that promote ideologies against the family. One of these is gender [ideology].  This ideology, which destroys life, and supports abortion, homosexual unions and the adoption of children by them; euthanasia - therefore this promotes death. As John Paul II said, it is a culture of death. God is the Lord of life and not death. Therefore, we are working so that the family will find new impulses of life.
Today, abortion is a very serious problem. In many places, as in Bolivia, some physicians say that abortion is not a problem, just a small operation, the removal of "lumps consisting of a few cells." We know well and the Church teaches this: that the human being must be protected from the moment of conception. It was once thought that the mother's womb was the safest place, this is not the case today. Many women think: "it's my body!". But it is not their body, but another person. Parents have no right to kill, because it is murder. Today abortion is a holocaust on a global scale; I call it the third world war. It is done in white gloves, but it is a holocaust" 