“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Friday, 23 December 2022
Thursday, 22 December 2022
Monday, 19 December 2022
Regarding Father Frank Pavone, Bishop Strickland of Tyler calls out the real "blasphemers!"
Bishop Strickland of Tyler is a man without fear.
Father Pavone responds to the putrid action of the Vatican apparatchiks.
Make no mistake, Bergoglio made this decision.
Priests for Life Library: Fr. Frank Comments on Latest Developments
Sunday, 18 December 2022
Father Frank Pavone, founder of Priests for Life and a warrior in the fight against the murder of babies in the womb has been "laicized" by the Vatican where they actually refer to him as "Mr." The details can be read here: BREAKING: Vatican Dismisses Father Frank Pavone From Priesthood| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) The dicastery decision, no doubt approved by Bergoglio, even goes so far as stating that there can be no appeals. Make no mistake, this repugnant and diabolical action would not have happened without the full knowledge and approval of Jorge Bergoglio.
I cannot even imagine where Father Pavone goes from here. I won't sink so low as to refer to him as, "Mister." However, I imagine he knows much on which he has kept silent. What does he know about bishops and cardinals and others who have milked the Church for their own gain and have worked against the Gospel of Life? As Musk now knows, Father Pavone knows where many bodies are buried, and I'm not speaking of those aborted.
The dichotomy between the two priests and their actions in the above cannot be more apparent. On the left is a priest accused of "blasphemy" by uttering a curse using the name of God (from which he repented) and on the right, a priest who blasphemes the truth of Catholic teaching on the sin of sodomy of which he has never repented and is left to continue. On the left, is a priest that has been accused of disobeying his bishop and being too aggressive on the matter of abortion, and on the right is a priest whose error is ignored consistently by the Superiors of his Society and the Archbishop of New York where he ministers. On the left, a priest upholds Catholic sexual morality, and on the right, one embraces and promotes the opposite.
Just over a year ago, Phil Lawler wrote of the "coming showdown" Father Pavone's last stand | Catholic Culture. Father Pavone is a zealot for the unborn. Perhaps, in his zealousness, he has made some errors. Again, I refer back to the comparison above. The disobedience to the bishop is a serious one. Even St. Pio obeyed and went silent when it was ordered. But St. Pio was not dealing with mass murder. One wonders if this were the case, would he have retreated for the years that he did?
Look, this is not about uttering "g--- damn" or displaying fetal remains on a table sometimes used for Mass (not that it should ever have been, we are not in the catacombs, yet). This is about shutting him up and getting rid of him because of his zealous fight against the murder of the unborn.
This is the Vatican and Papacy that gives office space to Jeffery Sachs.
This is the Vatican and Papacy that has signed on and promoted the United Nations' anti-life sustainability goals.
This is the Vatican and Papacy that has utterly destroyed the Pontifical Academy for Life and is turning Catholic moral teaching on its head.
This is from the Pope that praised Italy's Emma Bonino, a notorious abortionist. A post on this blog about his praise of her remains the most widely read in the history of this blog. Vox Cantoris: Pope Bergoglio! Shall we look at what she did?
I could go on.
No, this is not about an argument with a bishop, profanity, or bad judgment in presenting a visual argument. This is about those Vatican rats shutting up a man who is an attack on their own consciences and the Democrat Party politburo who has had enough of these uppity Catholics.
A stinking disgrace.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Bishop Patrick Zubin of Amarillo, it is you, who should be investigated, not Father Pavone!
It is Bishop Zubin and every other bishop of the United States (and Canada) who should be investigated for not ordering that every priest preach as the Rector in Arizona did a few weeks ago on the matter.
That, is Bishop Zubin's crime and the crime of his brother bishops across North America.
He, and they, may wish to ponder that a little before too much longer.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
I stand with Father Frank Pavone!

Coming from anyone in power in New York, that's rich.
Matt C. Abbott at RenewAmerica has Father Pavone's response to this criticism.
For what it is worth, this blogger supports Father Frank Pavone and publicly thanks him for his work on behalf of the murdered, butchered children.
Placing the baby on the altar evoked, in my mind, the very sacrifice offered there to the Father. The Son was sacrificed on Calvary and re-presented on the Altar. The child was presented to God on that Altar and their soul presented back to him. The baby's suffering, in the great mind of God, was in unity with that of Christ. It was innocent blood spilt for greed and selfishness. It parallels the innocent blood spilt by Christ.
For a properly consecrated altar, as below, the candles and flowers are placed on the gradine, not the consecrated altar. Clearly, the supreme lawgiver doesn't care about the GIRM in the nervous disordered Missal and has absolved himself from any law in order to place upon this true altar, the Holy Beachball. While I cannot be certain, that used by Father Pavone, seems to be a private chapel and a table, not a properly consecrated altar. This is not a Mass and it was done to focus attention on the dastardly matter of abortion and the position of one of the candidates for President of the United States.
If you're not offended by the pathetic, disgraceful and blasphemous action of what Bergoglio did below after returning from WYD Rio, then you have a problem with your understanding of Catholicism. What does this photo say about this Jesuit's respect for the Altar?

These who have risen up against him are comfortable Catholics who want a comfortable faith. They would burn incense to Ba'al if it kept them in their comforts, and they often, do.
Perhaps this was an error in judgement on the part of Father Pavone, that is a debatable point. But given his tireless work for the unborn and his faithfulness to his calling, I will not throw him under the bus; something being done by the paid "catholic" bloggers and so-called, journalists out there who will have no problem voting for the devil.
God bless Father Pavone and confound those who shy away from the Truth.
My American friends, read the post below before you vote.
And where is your outrage over these, I can find more!