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Showing posts with label Ontario Assembly of Bishops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ontario Assembly of Bishops. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 December 2020

It's Sunday and you know the line. All together now ...

It is Sunday, the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas or if you follow the new calendar, the Feast of the Holy Family. It is also the Feast of St. John the Evangelist.

It is Sunday and in the Archdiocese of Toronto and most the Province of Ontario except for the Diocese of St. Catharines led by Bishop Bergie, there is

He really does a good impression of the Soup Nazi

What should Cardinal Collins have done?

Forget court. It is too late for that, he would be laughed out. He should have done this in March, he accepted the law, no matter how unjust or ridiculous.

Let us consider the current Ontario "lockdown." Chairman Douglas Ford, General-secretary of the Ontario Politburo has reduced church attendance from 30% to a hard number of 10, that is correct, 10! Even the cathedral as you can see one post below. Idiocy. Walmart, Costco and Pearson International Airport are swamped with people but there is no Mass for you.

St. Thomas More, someone whom Collins loves to quote, would have advised the bishops of his day to give due respect to the King and his Law. Give the devil his due as long as you do not sin. Let's work with ten.

1.    No matter the challenge, each pastor and secretary develop a list of people and a rotation, whatever works for them and their parish. Parishioners are expected to show patience and respect that fairness for attending is critical. 

2.    No public Holy Communion. Those of us in the Latin Mass communities have been doing without since March rather than receive on the hand. In the community where I am choir director and Cantor, we lost about 24% when we came back in June. Guess what? Since September, and Christmas morning was our largest yet, we have more people coming than we did pre-China virus We made up for all those who refuse to come back or left for the SSPX which is now also limited by the Ford diktats, and then some. Something else? They come, more and more and they know they cannot have Holy Communion.

3.    Holy Communion is by appointment only on the tongue, if requested, because the priest can wear a mask and wash his hands with soap and water before and after. Simple.

4.     Limit the homily to three minutes. 

5.    Every priest is authorised to offer up to five Masses. Two priests in a parish, that is ten Masses.

There, done.

The four ends of the Mass. - Adoration to God, thanksgiving to God for his blessings, the seeking of forgiveness for our sins and petitioning for our needs. Note that the first two are focused on Him, not us. The great error on Collins' part is the thelogy of assemblyism. Odd, considering his motto is "Adore God." 

Now, Your Eminence, find those two parts and get on with it. Enough of your cowardice in the face of evil. 

Monday, 15 June 2020

Diocese of Hamilton Priest accuses Ontario Provincial Government under Doug Ford of threatening to prevent Mass if Holy Communion not given by hand - "Could lead to suspension of the Latin Mass."

Updated: June 16, 2020 5:20 P.M.

The current situation with the beginning of Mass in Ontario is one of great distress due to the orders that Holy Communion only be by the hand. This is not how Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB of Vancouver has handled this question stating, "The faithful have the right to receive Communion in the hand or on the tongue." The Ontario's bishops are a different lot - they are much wiser and much more health conscious and no doubt, have been whipped by lawyers!

On June 15, 2020, this was made public by Father Brendan McGrath a priest in the Diocese of Hamilton and a chaplain for the "extraordinary form" of the Roman Rite.

Image may contain: text

I want you to read that third paragraph again.

I have reached out to Father McGrath to explain this inflammatory and hyperbolic rhetoric and he has not responded. I have asked him to justify this quotation and provide evidence to its veracity. He has not.

If true, this statement represents an intervention unseen in the Church in Canada in her history. It is akin to the French Revolution and it is unconstitutional. As much of it pains me to state it, Father Brendan McGrath has committed a grievous act by this statement and he must either lay out proof for this or retract it.

Why do I say that?

Because last Sunday, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter parish in Thorold, Ontario and the Society of St. Pius X in Toronto and elsewhere in Ontario all had Mass, and all followed the Province of Ontario's emergency regulations and all distributed Holy Communion on the tongue, the SSPX, after Mass.

Further, I have for you to read now, below, the actual documentation from the province made available to Catholic and Protestant Ministers across Ontario and nowhere is this threat made.  

The Government of Ontario under legitimate authority has reduced occupancy to 30%. That is it. They have mandated nothing else. Is Father McGrath suggesting that Douglas Ford, the Premier of Ontario made covert threats to the Cardinal and Bishops in Ontario? If so, this is global news. That is the potential of McGrath's statement. If anyone is responsible for this; if anyone has threatened the existence of the traditional Latin Mass in the Diocese of Hamilton and Ontario, it is Douglas Crosby, OMI, the Bishop of Hamilton, not the Premier of Ontario.

We have written to the Premier of Ontario, Douglas Ford and two of his communication staff and requested comment.

After reaching out today (June 16, 2020 to Mr. Neil MacCarthy, Director, Public Relations and Communications for the Archdiocese of Toronto, the following comment has been received:
     "Quite simply, the advice regarding the distribution of communion is coming from medical experts (both those consulted by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario and those in various municipal and provincial health jurisdictions) with extensive experience in pandemic containment, management and prevention." 
     "For this reason, acting responsibly for the common good, and conscious of Our Lord’s command to love our neighbour, Cardinal Collins and the other Ontario bishops have decided that on the basis of the best current medical information, and to protect other people, it is necessary to temporarily suspend the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue at this time."
This is consistent with what I have been told from other Dioceses. Why is Father McGrath intimating the black hand of government when it is clear, the medical experts consulted, and no doubt the lawyers, made these recommendations - the government simply required thirty percent!

McGrath must reveal the truth and his source or he must retract this statement and be held to account for this and the blatant accusation of governmental overreach for which there is no evidence other than one man's unproven and inflammatory rhetoric of epic proportions in the history of Canada. 

Friday, 6 March 2015

BREAKING: Does the General Secretary of Ontario's Catholic Bishops Assembly support the explicit Ontario sex education curriculum designed by a convicted child porn producer?

If the last few weeks have taught us anything it is this; you can't do things anymore in the Catholic Church that go against the faith and not be called out.

LifeSiteNews is reporting that Roger Lawler, the General Secretary of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario has been publicly active on Twitter condemning the position of Monte McNaughton a candidate for the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party concerning the explicit sex education curriculum being imposed upon Ontario's children. MacNaughton a Member of the Provincial Parliament has been outspoken against the proposed curriculum. As this picture we obtained from his Twitter page shows he has "re-tweeted" what appears to be his support for a "sex-ed update Ontario badly needs."

There is no hiding the fact that the recently convicted Bernard Levin a former Professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Assistant Deputy Minister of Education and adviser to Ontario's Premier Kathleen Wynne, a lesbian developed this curriculum which will be forced upon our Catholic schools. 

Reports are now coming to light at LifeSiteNews and The Rebel Media that there is a government cover-up  “These documents show Liz Sandals and Premier Wynne are now trying to cover up the fact that Levin was intimately involved in the ministry at the time. They have been deliberately misleading us,” Landolt told LifeSiteNews.

As LifeSiteNews reports "The curriculum that Roger Lawler, the ACBO’s general secretary since September 2014, has been defending teaches about anal and oral sex, masturbation, and contraception in grades 6 and 7, and begins discussing homosexual family structures in grade 3. Two Catholic psychiatrists told LifeSiteNews this week that they believe the program is “sexual abuse” because it sexualizes children prematurely."

Mr. Lawler has been asked to provide comment via his Twitter page but has not yet replied; he declined to comment to LifeSiteNews which advises that "Prior to his top position with the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario, Lawler was director of education for 15 years at the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB), which has been criticized as the “most non-catholic Catholic school board in Ontario.” Under his watch, the board approved several controversial materials for school use as well as problematic policies that critics at the time said “created an air of tolerance towards active homosexuality.”

Catholic Intelligence Blog, which has even more detail on this situation, has advised of this quote by Mr. Lawler from LifeSiteNews dating from November 2, 2007: "Lawler spoke of legitimate differences of opinion on matters of "faith and morals".  "Faith and one’s understanding of faith is not static. As we learned and have been taught as a Post-Vatican II people, we are a Church with rich diversity," he wrote.  Adding: "Diversity also can bring about differences of opinion in areas like theology, faith, and morals. This is natural and healthy for a living, dynamic Church."

How much more are Catholics in Ontario to take? 

We have just this week seen the scandal of a priest of the Congregation of St. Basil Tweeting STFU to Raymond Cardinal Burke and now we have this matter. 

How can the Catholic Bishops of Ontario from Cardinal Collins to Archbishop Prendergast and the others tolerate this continued scandal within the Church? Does Mr. Lawler speak for Ontario's Bishops and the Catholic faithful? Should a person of such influence and high position within an episcopal conference use his Twitter feed for such political lobbying? What else is going on in the Assembly that the laity is unaware of? When are our bishops going to act like bishops?

For all the details on this latest scandal click on the LifeSiteNews heading below.

The Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario can be reached at their website.

His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins (President)
Archbishop of Toronto
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto ON.    M4T 1W2
Phone:  416-934-0606  Fax:   416-934-3452

Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, c.s.b. (Vice-President)
Bishop of  London
1070 Waterloo Street
London, ON.  N6A 3Y2
Phone: 519-433-0658  Fax:  519-433-0011

Most Rev. Gerard Bergie (Councillor)
Bishop of St. Catharines
Catholic Centre – Diocese of St. Catharines
P.O. Box 875
St. Catharines, ON  L2R 6Z4
Phone: 905-684-0154  Fax: 905-684-7551

Most Rev. Marcel Damphousse (Councillor)
Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall
220 Montreal Road
Cornwall, ON  K6H 1B4
Phone: 613-933-1138  Fax: 613-937-4931

Roger Lawler email: rlawler@acbo.on.ca