It is a betrayal of the Jewish people and the Truth and it is, as I wrote then, I believe it to be fundamentally, anti-Semitic.
There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. No Protestants. No Jews. No Muslims, No Hindus. No Buddhists. No Mormans. No Jehovah's Witnesses. No animists, no atheists, no pagans. None will get to Heaven. All will go to Hell for all eternity and no puerile little videos by James Martin, EssJay will change that.
Now, can these Protestants, Jews and Muslims and others be saved by God? That is up to Him. God is not bound by His Sacraments, we are. If one of these is saved, it is not because of their false religion, it is in spite of it and because of the grace that flows from the Catholic Church and Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We cannot know who these are, who are saved or if in fact they will be. We can only give them to God in his Divine Mercy and the rest is up to Him.
How sad then with Jews for Jesus and Christianity Today seem to understand this more than our own Catholic leaders.They continue to report on the disgraceful document from Rome. Catholics have either ignored it or forgotten about it quickly enough.
When one puts into a search engine "Pope Francis dialogue" it is amazing how many times he has used that word. There is a blog called "Shaping the future with "dialogue" where they endorse the Vatican's latest.
They will dialogue themselves straight into Hell for this betrayal. It is a disgrace that a Catholic Pope betray the Church's mission with so much disregard for the Truth. We, as Catholics, must call him out and the bishops and cardinals who have put this document together. They are wrong. It is not breaking communion with the Church to state this. It is they who have broken communion with us.
I once asked an erudite religious superior and author about Paul VI, the greatest disaster on the Church in 500 years only eclipsed by Francis, how was it possible that a Pope could issue Humanae Vitae and the Credo of the People of God and then do so much other damage to the Faith which in every other aspect of his Papacy is clear and unequivocal? He replied that "Humanae Vitae and the Credo were issued by Paul VI, the rest was Giovanni Montini." How interesting that these Modernists waited until Father Luigi Villa died before announcing the "Beatification" of Paul VI. Perhaps, they knew he was right and would have rained on their parade.
I think that this is a good comparison to what we are experiencing now and a good explanation of what I intend when I refer to Pope Francis as Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome. When he is in communion with his predecessors and the Magisterium of two-thousand years, then he is Pope Francis, When he allows documents such as the one discussed here which is a profound betrayal and an embarrassment, a Modernist, Masonic diabolical betrayal, then he is Jorge Bergoglio.
On this document about Jews, just as the nonsense that he can bind us to believe junk-science at worst and scientific theory at best, I dissent. The Old Covenant to the Jews no longer applies. it is fulfilled in the New and in Christ. Jorge Bergoglio is wrong; and so are the Jews.