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Showing posts with label Fr. Federico Lombardi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fr. Federico Lombardi. Show all posts

Friday, 19 February 2016

The Bergoglio-Lombardi diabolical disorientation

When Pope Benedict XVI mused during an aeroplane interview about a male prostitute using a condom to prevent AIDS it was a theoretical proposition suited to a seminary lecture on moral theology and stating it was an error. 

The story of Paul VI granting permission for nuns in the Congo to use an oral contraceptive because they might become pregnant if raped is exactly that, a story. It was recorded in a book. There is no evidence he allowed it or ordered it and even if he did, it was not then and is not now, magisterial teaching.

The above being said and out of the way. Federico Lombardi, S.J. has now tried to spin a few things from yesterday's ridiculous interview with Jorge Bergoglio, Pope of Rome, and the world's anti-Catholic media. LifeSiteNews has the full report.

Lombardi is now affirming that Bergoglio was indeed speaking about the use of contraceptives for the Zika virus.

If this is true, then Lombardi is a corrupt and evil man. His duty as a Catholic priest was to advise the Bishop of Rome that he would not report such a scandalous affirmation and then promptly resign.

We are in a grave crisis unknown since Arius.

My brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not abandon your faith. Do not abandon our Holy Mother, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Do not flirt with sedevacantism, or the Orthodox who are schismatic. Abandon these monsters in clerical clothing but do not abandon our Mother. 

Fight friends. 

We were born for this!

Prayer of St. Clement Mary Hofbauer
O my Redeemer,
will that dreadful time ever come,
when but few Christians shall be left
who are inspired by the spirit of faith,
that time when Thine anger shall be provoked
and Thy protection shall be take away from us?
Have our vices and our evil lives
irrevocably moved Thy justice to take vengeance,
perhaps this very day,
upon Thy children?
O Thou, the beginning and end of our faith,
we conjure Thee,
in the bitterness of our contrite and humbled hearts,
not to suffer the fair light of faith
to be extinguished in us.
Remember Thy mercies of old,
turn Thine eyes in mercy upon the vineyard
planted by Thine own right hand,
and watered by the sweat of the Apostles,
by the precious blood of countless Martyrs
and by the tears of so many sincere penitents,
and made fruitful by the prayers
of so many Confessors and innocent Virgins.
O divine Mediator,
look upon those zealous souls
who raise their hearts to Thee
and pray ceaselessly
for the maintenance of that most precious gift of Thine,
the true faith.
We beseech Thee,
O God of justice,
to hold back the decree of our rejection,
and to turn away Thine eyes from our vices
and regard instead the adorable Blood
shed upon the Cross,
which purchased our salvation
and daily intercedes for us upon our altars.
Ah, keep us safe in the true Catholic and Roman faith.
Let sickness afflict us,
vexations waste us,
misfortunes overwhelm us!
But preserve in us Thy holy faith;
for if we are rich with this precious gift,
we shall gladly endure every sorrow,
and nothing shall ever be able to change our happiness.
On the other hand,
without this great treasure of faith,
our unhappiness would be unspeakable and without limit!
O good Jesus, author of our faith,
preserve it untainted within us;
keep us safe in the bark of Peter,
faithful and obedient to his successor
and Thy Vicar here on earth,
that so the unity of Holy Church may be maintained,
holiness fostered,
the Holy See protected in freedom,
and the Church universal extended
to the benefit of souls.
O Jesus, author of our faith,
humble and convert the enemies of Thy Church;
grant true peace
and concord to all Christian kings and princes
and to all believers;
strengthen and preserve us in Thy holy service,
so that we may live in Thee and die in Thee.
O Jesus, author of our faith,
let me live for Thee and die for Thee.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

"You cannot trust what you are hearing from Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica." - and more about "irregular families"

The beginning of the second week came to a screeching halt in the press hall when Fr. Federico Lombardi and Fr. Thomas Rosica had to address the news of a letter that had been signed by a number of cardinals last week saying, 
In fact, whenever anything happens of controversy in the Synod Hall among the bishops, Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica say nothing, reveal nothing, talk about none of it. They are masters at their profession of manipulating and orchestrating the flow of information to the media.
Fr. Lombardi hadn't told them about it, Lombardi simply answered, "I don’t have to tell you anything I don't want to."
And the point here is this: You cannot trust what you are hearing from Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica.
Why all the secrecy, the deception, the stacking of the deck? These are legitimate questions, and the Vatican has a duty to deal in a straightforward fashion, not play duck and weave when it comes to information.
So far, the press has heard very little from Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica except those heterodox positions. ... Meanwhile, those cardinals who oppose this heterodoxy are not heard from, aren't brought to the press briefings, and their concerns and objections are not reported by Frs. Lombardi and Rosica. It's like dealing with the KGB information officer.
Every day, reporters gather into the press hall to essentially be presented propaganda from heterodox Churchmen, who use the Vatican's Press Office to muzzle orthodox dissent from within the Synod Hall. 
Is Father Rosica saying that we need to accept this as a "family?"
(Vox's artwork over their posteriors)
Fr. Rosica and his non-stop drum-banging to keep the issue of homosexuality alive in the press room. Not a day goes by that he doesn't introduce heterodox language about gay sex into the press hall discussion.
Most recently, attributing it to the discussions in the Hall, Fr. Rosica said we have to begin to accept the changing understanding of family. He spoke of single-parent families, and, of course, managed to slip in (like he always does) his daily dose of sodomite propaganda: "same-sex families." Rosica is constantly jamming — a term developed by militant homosexuals which means constantly injecting into the conversation incorrect vocabulary that blurs the lines. 

There is no such thing as a same-sex family. Families are modeled on the Holy Family, not the current societal trendy flavor of the month, especially one as twisted and perverse as children submitted to two men having sex.
But Michael, Father Rosica said that the Holy Family was "irregular"
Rosica has to go — and while they're at it, so does most of the staff at the press hall. Until they start being more open and transparent, as well as more orthodox, they aren't worth listening to.

Pope Francis asks "pardon for scandals" happening everyday in Rome

The Holy See Press office head, Father Federico Lombardi, S.J. put out a message today repeating what Francis said at his audience in Rome;

When I go to Confession, three things are necessary. seeking forgiveness, penance and a firm purpose of amendment.

Sorry Pope Francis, sorry Father Lombardi, I only see one of those.

There will be no pardon from Vox Cantoris for the scandal which comes daily to those "disturbed by news" from Rome and the Synod, at least not from me.

No pardon until:

  • The Pope states that there is to be no discussion about, because there will be no change, that people who are in adulterous relationships -- remarried civilly without a properly obtained decree of nullity that the first marriage did not validly exist, will not be permitted to receive Holy Communion as this would be the sin of sacrilege and and a defaming of the Body of the Lord.
  • The Pope remove from the table any discussion on the blessing of same-sex relationships or any discussion on watering-down Catholic teaching on the sin of sodomy and lesbianism and that the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a magisterial document is correct in it use of "intrinsically disordered" for the acting out of same-sex desires and "objectively disordered" with regards to the desire and inclination to describe the desire to have sexual relations with the same sex.
  • The Pope send packing back to retirement in Belgium the pervert-protecting Cardinal Danneels.
  • The Pope renounce the heretical statements of Cardinal Kasper who he has previously praised and by doing so, opened this whole scandalous synod both last year and this.
  • The Pope ensure that all discussions and comments by bishops are made public to their flock and the comments of any other bishop and that voting take place in a full and open manner.
  • The Pope ensure that any heretical passages are stricken from the Instumentum Laboris that undermine Church teaching including "conscience" provisions that could allow for a complete unravelling of Humanae Vitae.
  • The Pope censure the Abbot Schröder directly for his disgraceful comments yesterday on  the blessing of sodomitical relationships and the devolution of Church governance and thus, doctrine and discipline.
  • The Pope remove from the table any discussion of possibility of such devolution.
  • The Pope order removed from the Vatican website the statements from last year's mid-term relatio on what homosexuality.
  • The Pope invite Cardinal Raymond Burke to the Synod.
Then I might consider it.

Friday, 9 October 2015

VATICAN ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE CAUGHT MISTRANSLATING OR LYING - WHICH IS IT? A proposed power-grab that would lead to heresy and dissent from doctrine!

BREAKING: English Translation Differs from French, Pushes More Control to Bishops’ Conferences

"[T]he group proposes that the episcopal conferences hold a determined power"

by Matthew Pearson  •   October 9, 2015   7 COMMENTS
VATICAN CITY, October 9, 2015 (ChurchMilitant.com) - The official Vatican English translation of the minor circle discussions at the Synod significantly differs from the original French translation and pushes for more power for bishops' conferences.
During the first week of the Synod, some of the most concerning rhetoric is that of more control — or relegation of duties — to bishops' conferences on decisions about Church discipline concerning the reception of Holy Communion to the divorced and remarried. 
This is incredibly problematic as this would essentially, in practice, result in an organized schism and would make Roman Catholicism a carbon copy of the Episcopal Church.
Adding to this concern was the release of the minor circle (circuli minoris) summary by Vatican Information Services (VIS). The summary was translated by VIS into English, French and Castilian, where a very striking difference emerged between the French and English translations, as discovered by faithful Catholics on Twitter.
Citing Msgr. Francois-Xavier Dumortier, S.J., rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University, the English section, which refers to bishops' conferences having more control, reads:
In this respect the group proposes that the episcopal conferences hold a determined power to allow their pastors to be good Samaritans in their ecclesial service. 
But when the French translation is consulted and properly translated, the message is very different:
A cet égard, il a été proposé par l’un d’entre nous — sans que cela ait été discuté par tous — que ...
The correct English translation is:
In this regard, it has been proposed by one of us — without this having been discussed by all — that ...
The official Vatican translation inaccurately states that the "group" made the proposal, whereas the actual French original clearly shows only one Synod Father proposed this idea without any input or discussion from others. The English translation deceptively makes it appear as if the proposal has backing from many, when in reality only one Synod Father offered the idea.
How can the English translation differ so drastically from the French translation on such an important issue? Catholics are wondering whether embattled Vatican spokesman Fr. Thomas Rosica exercises any influence in this regard, as he is on the staff of the English language team of the Holy See, and is the English language representative for the Synod on the Family.
The translation error in this instance is a grave one — if not an outright deception — by the Vatican's English translators, and it's incumbent on them to offer an explanation or a correction.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB has become "THE STORY" to the disgrace of Federico Lombardi and Pope Francis himself!

Father Thomas J. Rosica, the Vatican's English-language spokesman for the Synod, has committed the greatest error of any media spokesman or communications expert -- becoming the actual story.

Consider this screenshot from PewSitter.Com taken at 11:00PM, EDT on October 7.

Read those headlines - four specific articles about Father Thomas Rosica and what he has said and not said. One, is a republishing by LifeSiteNews of his interview with the heretic, defrocked priest, Vatican II expert and same-sex so-called marriage supporter Gregory Baum. Father Rosica has become the story. OnePeterFive writes, "Father Rosica's bias: Are we getting the full story?" Even Edward Pentin asks the question and gives the answers.

There is even more when one searches for what others have written on blogs and other social media. 

The public media has reported on the great discussions on sodomy and how the language for homosexuals must change in the Church. Rosica is quoted extensively. Yet, we have the proof, as I was tipped off early this morning and confirmed a few hours later by Archbishop Charles Chaput, that the number of points about homosexuality that came up at the Synod was "one or two." Yet, according to the global media, based upon comments in Zenit by Father Thomas Rosica, it was the preeminent issue.

Father Federico Lombardi, S.J. as Director of the Holy See Press Office and Jorge Bergoglio, the Pope have a responsibility to the English speaking world to ensure that we have the truth of what is discussed and what our bishops are saying.

Have you need for more proof that we are not getting the full story?

Barona, at Toronto Catholic Witness reports on Cardinal Jose Luiz Lacunza Maestojuan of Panama, being "rebuked" by the Greek-Melkite Patriarch of Antioch, His Beatitude Gregory III Laham. The Cardinal suggested that the Law of Christ be overturned for that of Moses. Yes, you read that correctly. How do we know this? Because Barona scoured the Polish blog of Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki. Yet, Father Rosica and Federico Lombardi did not feel that this example of "bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal" to quote Our Lady of Akita, should be known by you or me.

Do you need more proof? No one less than Archbishop Charles Chaput himself commenting that he can't read the official Italian texts and the English texts do not have accurate translations. The days are gone when Latin was the universal language to prevent this problem. All these prelates praising St. John XXIII and ignored his work on Latin in the seminaries. Fools.

Not acceptable!

A Synod, by its nature, is open and votes. The Pope has forbidden this. Adding to this the obfuscation of communication to the largest language group in the Catholic world is deplorable, scandalous and despicable that we, the Catholic faithful, should be kept in ignorance as to what is really being said.

The Synod is quickly becoming a sham and the proof is there for all to see and the Pope and Lombardi are responsible for it because they have set this up and allowed this scandalous charade.

Stating that the Holy Spirit is guiding it is an insult to Almighty God.

We must have full disclosure on what is being said without the filter of any agenda.

Viva Cristo Rey!

Friday, 2 October 2015

An apology to Kim Davis


Dear Mrs. Davis,

First, I wish to thank you for your witness to the truth against the abomination of what has been called "same-sex marriage" something which is simply not possible. May you find strength and consolation in Our Lord Jesus Christ. May you cherish the few minutes you had with the Vicar of Christ. May it be a continuing grace for you.

Second, I wish to apologise to you for the uncharitable Catholics who are not acting as Christ or even in modelling Pope Francis in his meeting with you.

It is my understanding that you did not seek out this meeting, but in fact, it was Pope Francis himself. This is based on the information given to us by Dr. Robert Moynihan who contacted your lawyers on behalf of the Vatican to arrange a meeting at the Nunciature in Washington.

Rather than rejoice in what Pope Francis did, to greet you in Christ, to build you up and encourage you, many media savvy Catholics have insulted you on Facebook, Twitter and blogs and in cable and main-stream media. Many question the Pope's actions, doubt them, think he was duped and more. They drag your name through the mud and some of these are priests.

Father CNN, also known as Father Edward Beck whose hair and teeth are the same colour and offset by his beautiful tan writes. Salt + Light, Canada's Catholic Channel of No Hope wonders what it means. Various priests of the Society of something other than Jesus make excuses. The secular media who hate all things Catholic tell the Pope what to do. 

Now, Federico Lombardi, S.J., who has no doubt received pressure from the embedded homosexuals in the Catholic Church intent on destroying the family in the same manner as the sodomites worldwide, has tried to distance the Pope from what was no doubt, a beautiful meeting between the two of you. Father Thomas J. Rosica continues to Tweet that the visit should not mean that the Pope supports her position. Should one assume then that the Pope should support so-called, same-sex marriage?

Is it any wonder Evangelical Christians want nothing to with "the whore of Babylon? These malefactors are trying to turn the Bride of Christ into that "whore." This is not the Catholic Church that Our Lord Jesus Christ willed to be under Peter. They are building a false church, a church of man, a church that is rich and corrupt, a church that is a against Christ and His Truth.

The Vatican says that the visit is not an endorsement of your views on so-called "same-sex marriage." The Vatican has clearly been taken over by a bunch of sodomites. What this really shows is that Pope Francis is not his own man. It was Pope Francis the man who desired to meet with you, to console and encourage you; this we must assume. It is the evil, corrupted and manipulative and deceitful clerics surrounding him who, when he stepped out of this stage-managed papacy, have come out now to back-track on his goodwill and insult you in the process.

For this, as a Catholic, I am sorry that they have used you.

May the LORD confound these malefactors and may the same LORD comfort you.

Please do not let these haughty and arrogant Catholics bother you, but let it be another cross which you must bear that will lead you to the fullness of faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church.

Thank you for your witness.

Vox Cantoris

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Vatican's "Spin-Doctors" have left something out! - Father Lombardi, answer the question!

The world's media has been reporting on the Pope's comment from his Wednesday, August 5, 2014 Audience, wherein he spoke of divorced Catholics. The media has been pronouncing on the Pope's words and adding their spin to make the Church and its doctrine appear mean, nasty and uncharitable. The Pope was not wrong in what he said, however given the tension between last year's Synod and the upcoming one, stress is being created on both sides of the issue.   

In the original Italian comments, however; the Pope refers at the Audience, to Paragraph 84 of Familiaris Consortio. The statement by the Pope is included in the full Italian text as follows:
La Chiesa sa bene che una tale situazione contraddice il Sacramento cristiano. Tuttavia il suo sguardo di maestra attinge sempre da un cuore di madre; un cuore che, animato dallo Spirito Santo, cerca sempre il bene e la salvezza delle persone. Ecco perché sente il dovere, «per amore della verità», di «ben discernere le situazioni». Così si esprimeva san Giovanni Paolo II, nell’Esortazione apostolica Familiaris consortio (n. 84), portando ad esempio la differenza tra chi ha subito la separazione rispetto a chi l’ha provocata. Si deve fare questo discernimento.

The Church knows well that such a situation contradicts the Christian sacrament. However, his gaze teacher always draws from a mother's heart; a heart, animated by the Holy Spirit, always looks for the good and the salvation of people. That's why she feels the duty, "for the love of the truth", to "discern situations." He expressed himself as St. John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio (no. 84), for example, bringing the difference between those who have suffered the separation compared to those who caused it. You must do this discernment.
The fact is, the Pope has said nothing new. the media and the Vatican spin doctors want you and the world to think he has. St. John Paul II said himself in that document that the Church must "help the divorced" so that they "do not consider themselves separated" from the Church.

Mercy was not suddenly sent down to earth in March 2013 any more than papal humility or kindness to babies and the sick or taking the bus. 

What game is being played here by the Vatican and its communications experts? Firstly, no other language has this paragraph. Secondly, the referral is only relevant in its doctrinal soundness if one goes to Familiars Consortio and reads it. This is a profound paragraph and it has not been reported on. The Pope referred to it, did he mean just that sentence about the situational "discernment" or did he intend to endorse the whole paragraph? -- a paragraph which upholds the doctrine as given to the world be Our Lord Jesus Christ!

The mainstream media outside of Italy would not be expected to research what he actually said in Italian. For this, they cannot be blamed - the lingua franca of the world is English in which it does not appear. One can forgive the Pope for not speaking English, one cannot forgive the Vatican communication experts for not properly translating and reporting on what the Pope actually said.

There is a game being played here. The Pope made a statement on a matter which is being hotly debated and the world's media has lapped it up. Yet, he included reference to doctrinal orthodoxy that has been ignored because it has not been translated. 

Is the Pope himself playing this game with full knowledge that as long as he says it in Italian, he can't be accused of being unorthodox? Or is he an innocent bystander to a corrupt and agenda driven Communications Office which is out of control and bent on changing doctrine through pastoral initiatives?

Remember this quote
"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."
It originated as best as we can tell by Richard Gaillardetz in the National Catholic Reporter and used repeatedly in talks without attribution by Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, Executive Producer of Salt + Light Television and a high-profile Vatican official and English-language spokesman for the Holy See and he is a well-known member of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. The man in charge of all of this is Jesuit Father, Federico Lombardi as Director of the Vatican Press Office.

Who can answer the question and explain why the English speaking world is not getting the full story? Imagine, the Church of Christ on Earth engaged in media spin and obfuscation. Expect it to increase before October.

Familiars Consortio 84.

e) Divorced Persons Who Have Remarried

84. Daily experience unfortunately shows that people who have obtained a divorce usually intend to enter into a new union, obviously not with a Catholic religious ceremony. Since this is an evil that, like the others, is affecting more and more Catholics as well, the problem must be faced with resolution and without delay. The Synod Fathers studied it expressly. The Church, which was set up to lead to salvation all people and especially the baptized, cannot abandon to their own devices those who have been previously bound by sacramental marriage and who have attempted a second marriage. The Church will therefore make untiring efforts to put at their disposal her means of salvation.

Pastors must know that, for the sake of truth, they are obliged to exercise careful discernment of situations. There is in fact a difference between those who have sincerely tried to save their first marriage and have been unjustly abandoned, and those who through their own grave fault have destroyed a canonically valid marriage. Finally, there are those who have entered into a second union for the sake of the children's upbringing, and who are sometimes subjectively certain in conscience that their previous and irreparably destroyed marriage had never been valid.

Together with the Synod, I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced, and with solicitous care to make sure that they do not consider themselves as separated from the Church, for as baptized persons they can, and indeed must, share in her life. They should be encouraged to listen to the word of God, to attend the Sacrifice of the Mass, to persevere in prayer, to contribute to works of charity and to community efforts in favor of justice, to bring up their children in the Christian faith, to cultivate the spirit and practice of penance and thus implore, day by day, God's grace. Let the Church pray for them, encourage them and show herself a merciful mother, and thus sustain them in faith and hope.

However, the Church reaffirms her practice, which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarried. They are unable to be admitted thereto from the fact that their state and condition of life objectively contradict that union of love between Christ and the Church which is signified and effected by the Eucharist. Besides this, there is another special pastoral reason: if these people were admitted to the Eucharist, the faithful would be led into error and confusion regarding the Church's teaching about the indissolubility of marriage.

Reconciliation in the sacrament of Penance which would open the way to the Eucharist, can only be granted to those who, repenting of having broken the sign of the Covenant and of fidelity to Christ, are sincerely ready to undertake a way of life that is no longer in contradiction to the indissolubility of marriage. This means, in practice, that when, for serious reasons, such as for example the children's upbringing, a man and a woman cannot satisfy the obligation to separate, they "take on themselves the duty to live in complete continence, that is, by abstinence from the acts proper to married couples."[180]

Similarly, the respect due to the sacrament of Matrimony, to the couples themselves and their families, and also to the community of the faithful, forbids any pastor, for whatever reason or pretext even of a pastoral nature, to perform ceremonies of any kind for divorced people who remarry. Such ceremonies would give the impression of the celebration of a new sacramentally valid marriage, and would thus lead people into error concerning the indissolubility of a validly contracted marriage.

By acting in this way, the Church professes her own fidelity to Christ and to His truth. At the same time she shows motherly concern for these children of hers, especially those who, through no fault of their own, have been abandoned by their legitimate partner.

With firm confidence she believes that those who have rejected the Lord's command and are still living in this state will be able to obtain from God the grace of conversion and salvation, provided that they have persevered in prayer, penance and charity.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Lombardi and the rest of the Vatican spindoctors

Oh give it a rest you clowns,

You say you're not "offended" that the clown El Presidente of Bolivia gave that wretched and blasphemous gift to the Pope? Well, I am offended.

You say that it is a about "dialogue?"

I say it is about murder and mayhem and the hatred of Christ.

You can't spin this and you can't try to make it seem like another form of a Roman crucifixion.

You also cannot know the intent of the Jesuitical artist (RIP) that allegedly made this piece of shite.

Get the hell out.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Pope's trip to South America is a disaster in the making

The Pope's trip to South America is a disaster a disaster in the making. If some of these instances were not so outright scandalous they might be considered as sick jokes. These instances reveal deep problems with this papacy and the people in the Vatican in general and specifically with the men that surround the Pope. Charitably, we must assume they are idiots, but they are most likely must more than that. Manipulative, evil, destructive, Christ-hating monsters. Freemasons, communists and homosexuals have have no faith and no fear of the Lord.

I will make three points.

The Pope's homily requesting the people of Ecuador to "pray fervently for this intention, (the Synod) so that Christ can take even what might seem to us impure, scandalous or threatening, and turn it -- by making it part of his 'hour' -- into a miracle. Families today need this miracle!"

A comment that Fr. Federico Lombardi said the Bishop of Rome did not refer to anything specific.

Really Padre Lombardi?

Do you think we're stupid?

We have the socialist El Presidente with the bad haircut presenting the Pope with a Corpus of Our Lord on a communist hammer and sickle. We are told the Pope said, "this is not okay." Or he may have said "I did not know that" after it was explained to him. Did he say the first? The second? Both? It does not matter, The Pope should have handed this blasphemy right back to the tinpot dictator who has disgraced his country. What Vatican official would not have known the protocols that gifts to the "leaders" are discussed beforehand? El Presidente also put an "pectoral cross" of this blasphemy around the Pope's neck.

Lombardi assures us that the monstrosity will not end up in a Church.

Want to bet?

This is another beach ball moment if I ever saw one.

Yet, the worst of all?

The Most Blessed Sacrament distributed by laymen from paper bags.

Well, at least the bags were white.

Paper bag ciboria here, plastic cups at WYD in Brazil.

These people have no faith.

They are deceived or bloody evil.

Get right or get out!

UPDATE; The Lord's Day July 12.

Father Z is reporting that it seems that they were not actually "paper bags." 

