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Showing posts with label Bishop Dunn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Dunn. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Peter McLeod - an alleged priest in Bras d`Or, Cape Breton comes out as a homosexualist

Poor old Antigonish and what is left of its Catholic faithful continue to be abuse by its Bishop and its priests.

What did the Catholics of Cape Breton do to deserve this?

More homosexual predation.

More on Antigonish.

More on Bishop Dunn.




Different kind of church pride in Little Bras d'Or

Father Peter McLeod stands outside St. Joseph’s Parish in Little Bras d’Or, the Catholic church he has presided over for the past 12 years. Behind him is the Pride flag, flying in support of the LGBTQ community. It was put up by two congregation members who asked to have the flag flying. McLeod said it is primarily a sign that this church is “open” and “welcoming” to all.
Father Peter McLeod stands outside St. Joseph’s Parish in Little Bras d’Or, the Catholic church he has presided over for the past 12 years. Behind him is the Pride flag, flying in support of the LGBTQ community. It was put up by two congregation members who asked to have the flag flying. McLeod said it is primarily a sign that this church is “open” and “welcoming” to all. - Nikki Sullivan

Priest allows congregation members to fly Pride flag outside church

LITTLE BRAS D’OR. N.S. — St. Joseph’s Parish in Little Bras d’Or is showing a different kind of pride in its church these days.
There is a Pride flag raised in front of the Catholic church, something Father Peter McLeod, who has presided over the church for 12 years, said is a way to show people it is a church that is “a welcoming community to all people” and it “accepts all members of faith.”
There was a time one kid said to me, ‘why does the church hate gay people?’ When you hear something like that it hits you to the core,” said McNeil, who has been a priest for 27 years.
“You get these people who profess to be the real Christians and what they are saying (about the LGBTQ community) is anything but Christian … change can happen when people speak up.”
The idea to fly the flag came from two congregation members who asked McLeod if they could do so. He agreed to allow them to do and they put it up.
“(One of them) said she thought it was a time to move forward. She even told me if you have any issues over this that she would deal with them,” he said, laughing, but also pointing out he hasn’t had any negative comments yet.
It seems McLeod is a priest who is open to moving forward. He told the Post during a phone interview he has brought up acceptance and inclusion in some of his homilies. These are sermons base on scriptural readings.
“(In the Bible) there are many examples of Jesus breaking down boundaries of people being excluded, being there for them,” he said, adding that in society there are many times when the LGBTQ are the excluded.
But it isn’t just the LGBTQ community that is affected by being excluded and hearing negative comments. It is also the people who love them that can be hurt.
“I get a lot of people saying, ‘my daughter,’ or ‘my brother,’ — they are giving examples of people they love. Every time they hear something negative, it hurts them too. That isn’t part of the gospel.”
McLeod pointed to other things that are against the Catholic church’s teachings, such as having sexual relations before marriage or getting divorced instead of having the marriage annulled, which seem more accepted these days.
“Nobody seems to say anything about those, but they do seem to say things about the LGBTQ community. That’s a form of discrimination that needs to be addressed,” said McLeod, who is also the priest at St. Anne Parish in Alder Point and St. Joachim in Boularderie.
In the past, while presiding over other congregations, the Beaver Cove native said he had asked people of faith in the LGBTQ community why they stayed with the church when some of them treated them badly.
“Their response, which always inspired me, was ‘It’s my church too,’” said McLeod, who thinks the church can make positive changes.
“Being out there, creating bridges, showing inclusion and respect. We can start there.”
St. Joseph’s Parish
Built: 1912
Where: Church Road, Little Bras d’Or
Saturday service: 6 p.m.
Sunday service: 10:30 a.m.
Name: Father Peter McLeod
Grew up: Beaver Cove
At St. Joseph’s: 12 years
Priest: 27 years
Also at: St. Anne Parish, St. Joachim Parish

Friday, 1 April 2016

Brian Joseph Dunn, Bishop of Antigonish - To this bishop, the Catholic faith is not what is critical for the survival of Cape Breton!

Brian Joseph Dunn is the Bishop of the long-suffering Diocese of Antigonish on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia.

Catholics in Antigonish were once arrested for kneeling for Holy Communion. They had to suffer the infiltration of homosexuals into the priesthood who sodomised and raped their boys. They even had to endure the sodomite former bishop, Raymond Lahey who had a collection of child pornography on his laptop computer where he was quite pleased to use it for his masturbatory fantasies.

Now, the Diocese is having a fire-sale of real estate:

Sale of Land and Real Estate in the Diocese of AntigonishThe Diocese of Antigonish is in the process of selling properties throughout the Diocese. This process is being undertaken as part of the Diocese commitment under the Class Action Legal Settlement Agreement. The properties that have been approved for sale, to date, are diverse in both location and property type. In some instances the properties include buildings and in other situations it is land only. The properties are being listed with local realtors in different areas of the diocese.

How pathetic that the Catholics of Antigonish have had to suffer at the hands of these rotten bishops, and yet; what have they, what have YOU Catholic of Antigonish - what have you done to fight for the Faith? 

The "dunn's" cap belongs to Dunn for his desire to have women ministers in the Catholic Church as just one example of his heterodoxy. The diocese is full of corrupted religious orders. A few years ago, a group of desperate Catholics brought in Michael Voris to speak to them and encourage them. Wrath came down upon them for that.

Canada is on the verge of euthanasia, indeed, courts have already ordered it even before the legislation. Abortion is rampant and without regulation. Churches of great history across Cape Breton have been closed. There are no vocations. The faith is dying.

With all of this, Brian Joseph Dunn, Bishop of Antigonish, successor to the filthy pervert Lahey, administrator of millions of dollars in damages due to sodomite priests writes a Letter to the Editor of the Cape Breton Post.

About euthanasia, you say? Maybe the scourge of abortion? A little FrancisMercy perhaps?

No friend; Trains! That's right, Trains!

A rail line, not the Catholic faith! A rail line is critical to Cape Breton's survival!

Dunn was born in 1955 in Newfoundland, another loss for the Church in Canada and hotbed of sodomite priests who raped and hundreds of boys. He would have grown up with these perverts as his teachers and mentors. They knew only how to destroy the faith. Dunn learned well from them, too bad for him and the suffering Catholics of Antigonish he didn't learn how to correct the errors since.

Methinks this train is short a caboose.


Rail line critical to Cape Breton’s survival
Published on April 01, 2016
I am writing to share my concern regarding the future of the Cape Breton and Central Nova Scotia Railway.
The line’s current owner, Genesee and Wyoming, has applied to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board for permission to abandon the rail line.
This infrastructure is critical to the economic survival of Cape Breton. While the island’s traditional industries have ceased, a new sense of collaborative, entrepreneurial activity is pushing forward to create sustainable, long-term opportunities.
International shipping and finance companies have demonstrated interest for a new container terminal and I understand serious discussions are underway. Sydney Harbour has recently been dredged to support this new terminal. Donkin Mine presents new rail activity. Local manufactures and technology companies are currently supplying their products around the globe. A rail line is vital to the success of all these activities.
Statistics support rail as a more environmentally friendly and safer mode of freight transportation. Railways limit emissions, conserve fuel, and relieve highway congestion.
Our provincial government has subsidized the maintenance of this line for decades and if abandoned the current owner could sell the tracks and rail for substantial salvage value. I do not believe this to be fair to the taxpayers of Nova Scotia and ask this action be prohibited as discussions continue between Genesee and Wyoming and Harbour-Port Development Partners. The Scotia Rail Development Society has prepared a report worthy of your review.
Brian Joseph Dunn
Bishop of Antigonish

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Alinsky in Antigonish

A post below garnered this comment about a meeting at "Bethany" in Antigonish. "The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the structures of the church. This group at Bethany led by Sister Donna Brady, CSM, called the "Gathering of the Wisdom" clearly made it known their desire to take over the Church, rewrite Canon Law and even rewrite the Bible. When other members of the group found out who I was and what I was doing there, they spoke up and said to the group that they "have a mole in the group" in front of everyone. They were not very nice about either! The Pope needs to do something. Long live the Pope and God bless the Roman Catholic church."

A little web search reveals a dormant blog with a few posts.

Oh Martha, Martha as Jesus would say. We can ask, "what happened to the Sisters of St. Martha?

The tactics these Sisters used against the good man at this meeting were right out of Alinsky.

The good news is that biology will fix this; the bad news is there may not be many Catholics left in Antigonish to pick up the pieces.

Is this what they want?

My Catholic brothers and sisters of Antigonish; how much more will you take?

Is there more than a handful there who actually have the faith?

Saturday, 10 November 2012

The Sour Cream of Antigonish

Brian Dunn, Bishop of Antigonish
Bishop Brian Dunn of the Diocese of Antigonish, Nova Scotia has made the news in the secular media. Under the headline, "Catholic Bishop urges Vatican to allow women to take on a greater role" CTV Atlantic reports that His Excellency believes that women should be "officially recognized as lay ministers in the church,” says Dunn. “As soon as you have official recognition, that would be a major acknowledgement of the role of women in the church.” What we don't know is what does the bishop mean in these comments. Is it administration within a diocese? May the best person be hired. Is it something more? Does it mean an "Installed Lector" or perhaps an "Installed Acolyte" the former "minor orders."

Well, maybe we known this because according to one diocesan pastoral expert, "one of the subjects at the moment is the appointment of deacons within the church,” says Pat Bates.

One wonders where Miss Bates has her sources that indicate how this is high on the Holy Father's agenda?  

“Women have sustained their church in many capacities and I certainly don’t see any reason in the world why they can’t take more of a leadership role than they have been allowed, to date,” says women’s rights advocate Louise MacDonald. Yes, Louise, because it is all about you and "women's rights."

Louise is correct, women have sustained the Church. I can think here in this country of our own two St. Marguerite's; Bourgeoys and D'Youville or how about St. Joan of Arc or St. Hildegaard of Bingen? St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, St. Katherine Drecker or Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, St. Catharine of Sienna or St. Brigit of Sweden; were these not great women who sustained the Church! How about St. Teresa of Avila or St. Edith Stein, St. Theresa of Liseux or our own Lily of the Mohawks, St. Kateri Tekakwitha or is calling her a "lily" somehow insulting to women? I could go on, and on, and on, and on...to say nothing of the real nuns who built the health care and education systems in this country before they were corrupted by the likes of Remi the Polkaroo. They seemed to do quite a bit Louise and Pat, they were holy, strong-willed, successful and sacrificing women; women whom you and all Catholic women should emulate.

Abuse Crisis

Bishop Dunn was quoted in Reuters as saying that church leaders must "consider the reasons why this crisis (sex abuse) happened" and "put into place measures which will create safe environments for children and all who are vulnerable in the faith community."

Now laicised,  Sodomite Raymond Lahey
On the latter, no argument; on the former, it happened because homosexual men with a predilection for ebophilia (sex with boys) were admitted to the Catholic priesthood and when the problem was discovered they were shuffled around. Period! Let us consider briefly the last bishop of this long-suffering diocese in Nova Scotia; a not so in the closet homosexual who had a predilection for pornography involving sex acts with young boys to fuel his own masturbatory fantasies and who enjoyed his travels to Thailand a little too much? To the right we see the now Mr. Lahey in the clown vestments of the 2002 Toronto World Youth Day. Here's hoping that Mr. Lahey had less than a "good-time" in Hogtown!  Of course the question has never been answered, did nobody in Antigonish know what was going on? Did anyone ask the then bishop, "Excellency, what liturgical conference is taking place in Bangkok?"


Two years ago, Bishop Dunn sanctioned a conference lead by dissident theologian and former Jesuit Priest, Dr. Paul Lakeland of Fairfield University in Connecticut, who openly holds views on abortion, homosexuality, contraception and women priests that go against Catholic teaching. That's right, Paul Lakeland was invited, but when another man was invited by the laity the welcome mat was not only not put out but some associated with it were interrogated as if in a communist country. Perhaps one of the organisers, Anna Vautour said it best when she opined emotionally, that she felt this clandestine conference (with Mr. Voris) was "a huge comfort because so often we feel like we are fighting this battle for our children's innocence, their purity and their faith life and not supported within the Church and not within the clergy." 

How's that for a condemnation of the whole clerical establishment of Antigonish!

Kneeling Catholics Arrested

Then of course, there is the infamous scandal a few decades ago of having people arrested because they desired to kneel for Holy Communion? This fiasco directly lead to the law now in place in Redemptionis Sacramentum. Who do these bishops think they are?

Well, the "Cream of Antigonish" as the whole of the university faculty was referred to by a bishop to generations ago is nothing but a sour stench that didn't even get to become yogourt. The cream is supposed to rise to the top except in Antigonish.

What did the poor Catholics of Antigonish do to deserve this and lack of care spoken of so eloquently by Mrs. Vautour?