A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Rosica reportedly "lied" to the producers of "Bella." Was it an attempt to sink the movie?

Bella was a delightful film.  

John Zmirak writes at The Stream about an incident relating to Rosica, Salt + Light and the producers of Bella and the Toronto International Film Festival.

"We were driving to his studios when I got a phone call out of the blue. On the line was a 20-something employee at Salt and Light. She was crying. She told us that Father Rosica’s motives weren’t pure. That he didn’t like us or our film, and he intended to air our interview that very week. That would have been during the Festival, which then we’d be sure to lose.
I got off the phone, kind of skeptical. Would a priest really do something like that? Would a journalist break an embargo he’d promised to respect? I talked the question over with the other producers. At last we agreed. To be on the safe side, we would cancel the interview.
We turned the car around and I called Father Rosica. I told him that our schedule wouldn’t permit an interview after all.
He got violently angry, and shouted that he’d been counting on the interview to fill air time that same week. We’d left a hole in his broadcast schedule.
I was taken aback. I said, “Father, you promised us this interview wouldn’t air until after the Festival. That’s why we agreed to do it.”
Rosica got silent. He said something condescending and hung up the phone.
I guess we were foolish to trust someone, just because he wore a Roman collar.
Rosica did want to politicize the film, in a way we’d warned him would sink it. And he was willing to lie in order to do that. His motives? I won’t speculate on those."

Just one more example of the character of this deceitful man. A man who put my wife and I under great distress. A man who on no less than two occasions tried to undermine my employment.

A most repugnant man.

Monday 25 February 2019

Hey Rosica - Plagiarise this!

The quotes below are not plagiarised. They were not written by a Salt + Light intern. They were written by a Catholic priest, the Executive Producer of Salt + Light, a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for Social Communication and a man who is now discredited in the academic community for his theft of other people's ideas.

All written by Thomas J. Rosica, CSB

Can you imagine that behind my back he would go to my employer and gossip about me and undermine me?

“How sorry I feel for you.  I know people who know you at the XXXX XXXX and elsewhere.  They have also expressed the same thing.”

When challenged he responded.

“Say no more!  I don't speak to your co-workers.  They speak freely about you. Broadcast yourself.”

Note, he was talking about my employer, he was trying to undermine me and my career!

More can be read here.

Other emails, a dozen, have included such quotes from Tom Rosica directed to me:

"Something went wrong somewhere and I feel your sadness."

“May the Lord help you as you wallow in a vortex of sadness and negativity. “

“In addition to a good confessor, you should seriously consider a counselor of sorts to assist you..”

"I might make the suggestion the title of your blog be changed to "Vox Umbris" rather than Cantoris!"

"May the Lord grant you the peace you are seeking this Lent. No guarantees you will find it this side of the Resurrection but keep seeking."

"All it takes is a keyboard and screen to become an expert. Fr. Z is one of many. Why do you feel it necessary to follow the crowd? What is really eating away at you regarding the liturgy? It says much about you."

"Your keyboard and your monitor do not make you a bishop or liturgist."

"God bless you and grant you peace you are not finding in our Church! Amen."

"In "broadcasting" yourself, you actually set yourself further and further away from the Church. You are above any form of recommendation and suggestion and are part of a clericalism far worse than any cleric."

"How sorry I feel for you."

"The Father Corapis, Eutenauer and the Vorises of this life will not lead you into true life and authentic healing. I know you know that but will simply not admit it."

"I am sure you would have difficulty with her (Mary's) response to the angel, and her Son’s response to the sinners with whom he kept company."

"As the stories emerge from those who know you and from the pastors and parish communities whom you tried to assist with your "chant" and succeeding in causing such division, know that we keep you in our prayers. It is indeed a very sad story that hides itself behind Latin, chant, and a blog that is nothing more than a story of anger and sadness."

From: Thomas Rosica [mailto:rosica@saltandlighttv.org]
Sent: August 18, 2011 10:36 AM
To: xxxxx.xxxxx@rogers.com
Subject: Voris' TV exposed for what it is

Dear David,

For all your chant and rant, you obviously have very poor judgment in those you prop up as your gods... and those with whom you enjoy being photographed!

Read this story below which has broken in the news today as Mr. Voris is exposed for what he is... and isn't.

I beg he Holy Spirit to open your eyes, heart and mind to the Truth, not the myth you are pushing as the real Church, the "real" Catholic TV, the real nonsense.

God bless you... from Madrid .

Fr. Rosica

It's over for you Tom

Thomas Rosica has resigned, or "resigned" from St. Michael's College for plagiarism, He states that it was not willful. How can this be? It went on for at least 25 years and pre-dates any possible "Intern" and the whole technology of "cut and paste." 

Rosica shows no contrition. No recognition of the wrong done.

Just as he showed no contrition or offered and apology to me and my wife for the suffering he put us through.

He is a sociopath.



I will post for public record the inflammatory, mocking and disgusting quotes from a series of emails he sent to me.

It has been confirmed to me that on at least two occasions he attempted to interfere with my employment. 

The man is wicked.

Sunday 24 February 2019

Argentine accuser of Pope Francis' friend, Gustavo Vera, found dead!

Featured Image

what is going on in ...
BUENOS AIRES, February 23, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) -- Natacha Jaitt, an Argentine media celebrity who had accused Gustavo Vera, a friend of Pope Francis, of sex crimes, was found dead during the pre-dawn hours on Saturday at a resort near Buenos Aires. Jaitt tweeted in October that Vera was Pope Francis’ “accomplice.” She wrote: “Justo Gustavo Vera, is a pimp, sex-trafficker, and accomplice of the Pope and, as I predicted, was tried for misappropriation of funds at Alameda and other illegal acts. God will do what is just, someday. Amen.” 

Rosica's plagiarism extends to his academic papers. All of his credentials are now in question!

Image result for father rosica
The Tom, "I'm a Serial Plagiarist" Rosica theft of other people's writing exposé has taken a new twist. 

Just as a pedophile doesn't become one overnight, nor does a plagiarist. Both are serial actions that begin at a younger age and increase based upon the ability to continue to get away with it.

Josh Hochschild of Mount St. Mary's University and author of A Mind at Peace, has exposed Rosica's academic plagiarizing on Twitter @JoshHoshschild, the entire thread is copied below. 

According to Tom Rosica's biography on Wikepedia:
"(He) has an undergraduate degree in French and Italian from St. John Fisher College, in Pittsford, NY. He entered the Congregation of St. Basil as a novice and studied Theology and Sacred Scripture at Regis College in Toronto. He continued his studies in theology and scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, and then École Biblique et Archéologiaue Française de Jérusalem."
Visiting his Wikipedia page, one will notice that his work at World Youth Day and Salt + Light occupies six lines. The "Conflict" with this writer occupies five. The new plagiarism paragraph is three. I suspect that will now change.

Every University that gave a degree to this man must investigate the worthiness of these Letters. His dissertations, his academic papers and multiple degrees are now all called into question. It is only a matter of time until other investigations reveal more plagiarism.

Kevin Storey, CSB is the General Superior of the Congregation of St. Basil. he has issued a statement: 
"Plagiarism of any kind is wrong. When it is committed knowingly it rises to the level of a moral offense. As a community of Catholic educators we condemn it, without qualification. At the same time, we embrace our brother despite this failing for which he has taken full responsibility. With him, we apologize to those who have been offended by the misuse of their literary gifts."
Yet, Rosica blamed his "Interns" presumably at Salt + Light, as there would be no other place a priest would have "Interns." 
His apology seems suspect. The Catholic Register reports on Rosica's quote in the National Post wherein he states:
"I will apologize that this came to light, and it’s wrong, and it’s not going to happen again,”
How in the name of all that is good is this a recognition of doing wrong? How is this an apology?

Tommy Rosica of the pervert-cover up and well-sued Congregation of St. Basil has been hiding a lot.

One wonders what else is being kept hidden.

Saturday 23 February 2019

Memories of the Plagiarizing Litigious Rosica

Image result for rosica vox cantoris lawsuit

Well, of course there was the original story. Thomas J. Rosica with a "pro-bono" lawyer named Nina Perfetto (also on the Board of Governors of the recently scandalised St.Michael's College where a boy had a broomstick shoved up his rectum) from the eminent Toronto firm of Fogler Rubinoff, tried to sue this blogger.


We made Breitbart!


And Renew America!


The National Catholic Register


LifeSiteNews and Cardinal Raymond Burke.


And of course, hundreds of fellow Catholic bloggers!


Friday 22 February 2019

Rosica blames his "interns" for his plagiarism - well, here is something written by him!

Image result for tom rosica nose

Congratulations to Dorothy Cummings McLean and all at LifeSiteNews who were able to humble this man enough. Yet, not enough. He blames his interns for his theft, his plagiarism. He apologises to the University of St. Michael and then states that the apology is that the matter become known.

Well, we'll see what the universities and his "teaching" Congregation do now.



While I hate to be a braggart, I was the first to report on Rosica's plagiarism. It was from an article in the National Catholic Reporter by the modernist "theologian" Richard R. Gaillardetz

"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."

Rosica frequently used it without accreditation.


Here is something that he did not plagiarise.

From: Thomas Rosica [rosica@saltandlighttv.org]
Subject: Voris' TV exposed for what it is
To: -----.-----@------.com                                                                                
Date: Thursday, August 18, 2011, 2:36 PM

Dear David,

For all your chant and rant, you obviously have very poor judgment in those you prop up as your gods... and those with whom you enjoy being photographed!

Read this story below which has broken in the news today as Mr. Voris is exposed for what he is... and isn't.

I beg the Holy Spirit to open your eyes, heart and mind to the Truth, not the myth you are pushing as the real Church, the "real" Catholic TV, the real nonsense.

God bless you... from Madrid.

Fr. Rosica


How strange that this man should write me this from Madrid during that World Youth Daycare. Imagine, over there with Pope Benedict XVI and he thinks of me.

I must be pretty special.

My Tom, how far you've fallen. 

What a "sad, sad man" who is "neither a bishop, nor a liturgist."

Those were, your words to me.

Suing innocent Catholics.

Stealing writing.

Brought down by his own hand.

CHURCH in CRISIS: Pope Francis, Vatican Losing Control

Thursday 21 February 2019

Viganò calls on Summit Bishops to convert!

From Archbishop Viganò.

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We cannot avoid seeing as a sign of Providence that you, Pope Francis, and brother Bishops representing the entire Church have come together on the very day on which we celebrate the memory of St. Peter Damian. This great monk in the 11th century put all his strength and apostolic zeal into renewing the Church in his time, so deeply corrupted by sins of sodomy and simony. He did that with the help of faithful Bishops and lay people, especially with the support of Abbot Hildebrand of the Abbey of St Paul extra muros, the future Pope St. Gregory the Great.   

Allow me to propose for our meditation the words of our dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI addressed to the people of God in the General Audience of Wednesday, May 17, 2006, commenting on the very passage of the Gospel of Mark 8:27–33 that we proclaimed on today's Mass.

Peter was to live another important moment of his spiritual journey near Caesarea Philippi when Jesus asked the disciples a precise question: "Who do men say that I am?" (Mk 8: 27). But for Jesus hearsay did not suffice. He wanted from those who had agreed to be personally involved with him a personal statement of their position. Consequently, he insisted: "But who do you say that I am?" (Mk 8:29).

It was Peter who answered on behalf of the others: "You are the Christ" (ibid.), that is, the Messiah. Peter's answer, which was not revealed to him by "flesh and blood" but was given to him by the Father who is in Heaven (cf. Mt 16:17), contains as in a seed the future confession of faith of the Church. However, Peter had not yet understood the profound content of Jesus' Messianic mission, the new meaning of this word: Messiah.

He demonstrates this a little later, inferring that the Messiah whom he is following in his dreams is very different from God's true plan. He was shocked by the Lord's announcement of the Passion and protested, prompting a lively reaction from Jesus (cf. Mk 8:32–33).

Peter wanted as Messiah a "divine man" who would fulfil the expectations of the people by imposing his power upon them all: we would also like the Lord to impose his power and transform the world instantly. Jesus presented himself as a "human God," the Servant of God, who turned the crowd's expectations upside-down by taking a path of humility and suffering.

This is the great alternative that we must learn over and over again: to give priority to our own expectations, rejecting Jesus, or to accept Jesus in the truth of His mission and set aside all too human expectations.

Peter, impulsive as he was, did not hesitate to take Jesus aside and rebuke Him. Jesus' answer demolished all his false expectations, calling him to conversion and to follow Him: "Get behind me, Satan! For you are not on the side of God, but of men" (Mk 8:33). It is not for you to show me the way; I take my own way and you should follow me.

Peter thus learned what following Jesus truly means. It was his second call, similar to Abraham's in Genesis 22, after that in Genesis 12: "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospel's will save it" (Mk 8:34–35). This is the demanding rule of the following of Christ: one must be able, if necessary, to give up the whole world to save the true values, to save the soul, to save the presence of God in the world (cf. Mk 8:36–37). And though with difficulty, Peter accepted the invitation and continued his life in the Master's footsteps.

And it seems to me that these conversions of St. Peter on different occasions, and his whole figure, are a great consolation and a great lesson for us. We too have a desire for God, we too want to be generous, but we too expect God to be strong in the world and to transform the world on the spot, according to our ideas and the needs that we perceive.

God chooses a different way. God chooses the way of the transformation of hearts in suffering and in humility. And we, like Peter, must convert, over and over again. We must follow Jesus and not go before Him: it is He who shows us the way.

So it is that Peter tells us: You think you have the recipe and that it is up to you to transform Christianity, but it is the Lord who knows the way. It is the Lord who says to me, who says to you: follow me! And we must have the courage and humility to follow Jesus, because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life."

Maria, Mater Ecclesiae, Ora pro nobis,

Maria, Regina Apostolorum, Ora pro nobis.

Maria, Mater Gratiae, Mater Misericordiae, Tu nos ab hoste protege et mortis hora suscipe.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò

Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio
February 21, 2019
Memorial of St. Peter Damian

Was Mr. Theodore McCarrick one of Bella Dodd's plants into the Catholic Church?

No surprise to me. I've been saying it for years.
Beyond his horrendous evil of homosexual predation for decades, Church Militant has learned exclusively that McCarrick may also have been clandestinely trained by Soviet Communists here in Europe during his younger years, making him effectively a Communist plant in the heart of the Church. 
Through a back channel, Church Militant has obtained information from former Communist personnel who were instrumental in setting up a secret network of indoctrination and training centers throughout Europe in the aftermath of World War II, and their information directly implicates the involvement of Theodore McCarrick.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Nick Sandmann launches a $250,000,000.00 lawsuit against The Washington ComPost

Wow, this is incredible.

Teach all of them a lesson.

Image result for nicholas sandmann

Todd V. McMurtry, Hemmer DeFrank Wessels, PLLC





NICHOLAS SANDMANN, by and through his parents and natural guardians,








NOW COMES Nicholas Sandmann, by and through his parents and natural guardians, Ted Sandmann and Julie Sandmann, and by and through his counsel, states his Complaint against Defendant, WP Company LLC d/b/a The Washington Post (“the Post”) as follows:


The Post is a major American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. which is credited with inventing the term "McCarthyism" in an editorial cartoon published in 1950. Depicting buckets of tar, the cartoon made fun of then United States Senator Joseph McCarthy's "tarring" tactics of engaging in smear campaigns and character assassination against citizens whose political views made them targets of his accusations.

In a span of three (3) days in January of this year commencing on January 19, the Post engaged in a modern-day form of McCarthyism by competing with CNN and NBC, among others, to claim leadership of a mainstream and social media mob of bullies which attacked, vilified, and threatened Nicholas Sandmann (“Nicholas”), an innocent secondary school child.

The Post wrongfully targeted and bullied Nicholas because he was the white, Catholic student wearing a red “Make America Great Again” souvenir cap on a school field trip to the January 18 March for Life in Washington, D.C. when he was unexpectedly and suddenly confronted by Nathan Phillips (“Phillips”), a known Native American activist, who beat a drum and sang loudly within inches of his face (“the January 18 incident”).

Nicholas stood quietly and respectfully for several minutes after being targeted and bullied by Phillips and Nicholas’ body language remained non-aggressive and passive throughout the incident.
Nicholas is 16-years of age, is 5’9” in height and weighs 115 pounds.

The school field trip to the Nation’s capital was the first out-of-state trip Nicholas had ever taken without being with his family.

In targeting and bullying Nicholas by falsely accusing him of instigating the January 18 incident, the Post conveyed that Nicholas engaged in acts of racism by “swarming” Phillips, “blocking” his exit away from the students, and otherwise engaging in racist misconduct.

The Post ignored basic journalist standards because it wanted to advance its well-known and easily documented, biased agenda against President Donald J. Trump (“the President”) by impugning individuals perceived to be supporters of the President.

As a 16-year old secondary school student, Nicholas’ political beliefs are anything but established and entrenched in his young mind.

Nicholas has zero history of political activism or aggressiveness and did not exhibit any such conduct even when confronted with unbridled racist attacks by activist bullies at the National Mall.

The Post’s campaign to target Nicholas in furtherance of its political agenda was carried out by using its vast financial resources to enter the bully pulpit by publishing a series of false and defamatory print and online articles which effectively provided a worldwide megaphone to Phillips and other anti-Trump individuals and entities to smear a young boy who was in its view an acceptable casualty in their war against the President.

Unlike the Post’s abuse of the profession of journalism, Plaintiffs do not bring this lawsuit to use the judicial system to further a political agenda. This lawsuit is brought against the Post to seek legal redress for its negligent, reckless, and malicious attacks on Nicholas which caused permanent damage to his life and reputation.

The Post bullied an innocent child with an absolute disregard for the pain and destruction its attacks would cause to his life.

The Post proved itself to be a loud and aggressive bully with a bully pulpit.

In this country, our society is dedicated to the protection of children regardless of the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, or the cap they wear.

But the Post did not care about protecting Nicholas. To the contrary, the Post raced with a reckless disregard of the facts and truth because in this day and time there is a premium for being the first and loudest media bully.

The Post wanted to lead the charge against this child because he was a pawn in its political war against its political adversary – a war so disconnected and beyond the comprehension of Nicholas that it might as well have been science fiction.

The Post must be dealt with the same way every bully is dealt with and that is hold the bully fully accountable for its wrongdoing in a manner which effectively deters the bully from again bullying other children. In a civil lawsuit, punishment and deterrence is found in awarding money damages to the victim and target of the bully.

In order to fully compensate Nicholas for his damages and to punish, deter, and teach the Post a lesson it will never forget, this action seeks money damages in excess of Two Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars ($250,000,000.00) – the amount Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person, paid in cash for the Post when his company, Nash Holdings, purchased the newspaper in 2013.

An Open Letter from Two Cardinals to the Bishops gathered at Rome. Why only two?

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Dear Brothers, Presidents of the Conferences of Bishops,

We turn to you with deep distress!

The Catholic world is adrift, and, with anguish, the question is asked: Where is the Church going?

Before the drift in process, it seems that the difficulty is reduced to that of the abuse of minors, a horrible crime, especially when it is perpetrated by a priest, which is, however, only part of a much greater crisis. The plague of the homosexual agenda has been spread within the Church, promoted by organized networks and protected by a climate of complicity and a conspiracy of silence. The roots of this phenomenon are clearly found in that atmosphere of materialism, of relativism and of hedonism, in which the existence of an absolute moral law, that is without exceptions, is openly called into question.

Sexual abuse is blamed on clericalism. But the first and primary fault of the clergy does not rest in the abuse of power but in having gone away from the truth of the Gospel. The even public denial, by words and by acts, of the divine and natural law, is at the root of the evil that corrupts certain circles in the Church.

In the face of this situation, Cardinals and Bishops are silent. Will you also be silent on the occasion of the meeting called in the Vatican for this coming February 21st?

We are among those who in 2016 presented to the Holy Father certain questions, dubia, which were dividing the Church in the wake of the conclusions of the Synod on the Family. Today, those dubia have not only not had any response but are part of a more general crisis of the Faith. Therefore, we encourage you to raise your voice to safeguard and proclaim the integrity of the doctrine of the Church.

We pray to the Holy Spirit, that He may assist the Church and bring light to the Pastors who guide her. A decisive act now is urgent and necessary. We trust in the Lord Who has promised: “Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world” (Mt 28,20).

Walter Cardinal Brandmüller

Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

Monday 18 February 2019

La cage aux folles

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Image result for mccarrick tom rosica

Image result for mccarrick tom rosica

According to Marco Tosatti, the book, Sodom, by Frederic Martel convicts Bergoglio of knowing about McCarrick

The sham synod on "child abuse" is about to take place. As heinous as child sexual abuse is, it is not the problem, it is the result of the problem. The problem is homosexuals -- sodomites have been ordained to the priesthood and elevated into the episcopacy, cardinaliate and perhaps even the papacy itself. Those who have "same-sex attraction" and are ordained and quietly and prayerfully offering up their sufferings and ministering faithfully while renouncing their predilection, remaining chaste and affirming church doctrine are an entirely different matter, and, nobody should know because they are not "gay." These men are not LGTBQ, they are men who are predisposed to sin as any other, you and me. There are no "gays" in heaven. Let that be clear. The Bishop of Rome, or whatever he and his ilk are, refuse to deal with the fundamental problem. Sex between a man and a boy is a crime. Sex between two men, particularly one with power over the other, may not be a civil crime but it is a spiritual crime and it is against God. 

Our job is to maintain the pressure on Bergoglio and his filthy minions in whatever way possible.

You must withhold your Bishops collection contribution and the collection plate. Buy your priest groceries or fix his car, slip him $20. If the church roof leaks, hire the contractor and pay for it. If the church hall needs a floor waxed, go rent a machine and do it yourself. Give the money to the poor and good causes directly. Otherwise, starve them all. But be prepared for these episcopal sodomite and clericalist rats to then close your parish and sell the land to keep it going.

Prayers is necessary but it is not all.

Pray as if all depends on God, work as if all depends on you.

From Marco Tosatti's blog.


Sodom, the book by Frederic Martel we have been dealing with in recent days, reserves sensational news. According to the author, in the English version of the text, and we offer here our translation, Pope Bergoglio was really informed by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò of the past of predation towards seminarians and young priests, but he did not consider the fact so important. And consequently not only did he relieve him of the restrictions that Benedict XVI had imposed on him (whose existence was confirmed, as well as by Viganò, by Cardinal Marc Ouellet) but he also used him as an advisor for appointments in the United States (the promotion of Kevin Farrell to Camerlengo and entrusting Blase Cupich with the organization of the summit on child abuse are the more recent confirmations, if ever they were needed) and he used him as his personal representatve both in the United States (with Obama) and abroad in China, Armenia, Iran and Cuba.

In our opinion, this is a case of an extraordinarily interesting “friendly fire”; because if there is someone of whom Frederic Martel speaks well, when not enthusiastically, in his long work, it is really Pope Bergoglio. Martel, as we know, was helped and hosted by prelates in the Vatican, to carry out his task. In a television interview, he mentioned at least four high prelates close to the Pope who favored and encouraged him. He said he had met the Director of Civiltà Cattolica, Antonio Spadaro sj several times; in the book there is an interview with Spadaro, and an interview with Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the great director of the Synods (more or less pre-arranged) about the family and the young. He is a “famiglio” of the Pontiff, a man of his trust. So we have to believe Martel, particularly because he puts the central phrase in quotes. Here is the little song we have translated:

<… cardinals and bishops of the Roman Curia and  the American episcopate who, according to him, took part in this huge cover-up: it is an endless list of names of prelates, among the most important in the Vatican, who were thus “outed”, whether right or wrong. (When the Pope dismissed the allegations, his entourage indicated to me that Francis ‘was initially informed by Viganò that Cardinal McCarrick had had homosexual relations with over-age seminarians, which was not enough in his eyes to condemn him’).

If Martel writes the truth – and there is no reason to believe the opposite, since he is certainly not a conservative homophobe Pharisee moralizing and hypocritical – some considerations are required.

The first: even though  the seminarians were not under age, if a person hierarchically in a high position, and who can decide the fate of one of his subordinates, sexually harasses him, it is no longer a question of sex between consenting adults: there is a form of violence. Now we know that this fact does not seem important to the Pontiff. Or at least, not so important, at least not to favour and use the abuser until this bond becomes too embarrassing, and then sacrifice him to the public opinion.

Second: it is months and months that the Catholics are waiting for an answer: Did Viganò lie, or not? It seems that according to Martel, and according to the entourage of the Pontiff he has told the truth.

So why not admit it? Why not to say, as a man and a Christian, “it’s true I was warned, but I thought it was not so serious. I was wrong in my judgement, forgive me”.?

Such behaviour would have a very different effect from the savage reactions with which the Pope’s hand and pen men, assisted by obliging mass media, were unleashed in the aggression of the person of Viganò, trying to ascribe the responsibilities of the ascent. and of the glory of McCarrick to previous popes, trying to deny that Benedict XVI had imposed the restrictions that could be imposed on the state of affairs, and that these restrictions had in fact been cancelled by Pope Bergoglio. Let us not forget that the Nuncio Viganò wrote to card. Parolin, Secretary of State, a letter asking whether the sanctions against McCarrick should be considered abolished. Without ever receiving an answer …

A final consideration regards the cynicism implied by the Pontiff’s reaction.

To lighten a dramatic theme, those of my age remember the political manifestations of the ’70s. Paraphrasing a slogan very used in those times, we can say: “It is the Pope – who taught us – to harass a priest – is not a crime (or a sin, if you are rigid and Pharisaic)”.

Sunday 17 February 2019


Today is Septuagesima Sunday, the "pre-Lent" season, banished within the Novus Ordo world. As a Cantor for the Novus Ordo I would check the "Ordo" frequently of course and found it humourous that on the three Sundays prior to Lent, the priest was encouraged to remind the faithful that Lent was coming. How silly. It was to be abolished! Yet, it was if it was screaming to be known.

With today, or last night's Vespers to be accurate, the Time After Epiphany has left us, a long one this year, short by one Sunday of as long as it could be. The colour is Violet, the Gloria is gone (except on certain feasts), the Alleluia is no more, substituted with the Tract. It is a time of preparation and contemplation for the real season of preparation for Easter. Another unnecessary loss for those stuck in Ordinary Time, as if the Church seasons could ever by, "Ordinary."

It is time to get what is left of that Christmas cake and candy and chocolate eaten up. It is time to prepare for Lent.

If we resolve to keep Lent as strictly as we can, we have the right to enjoy ourselves for the next couple of weeks.
Like it or not, Christmas has left us. In the Ordinary Form of the Latin Rite we must make do with the first bout of Ordinary Time (a name Benedict XVI confessed to not liking). In the Extraordinary Form and the ex-Anglican Ordinariates, this season continues to bear its hallowed name of “Time after Epiphany”.
The following season is Septuagesima, which begins with the Sunday it takes its name from – February 17 in 2019. The name refers to “Seventy”, as in days till Easter. As a result, the two following Sundays are called Sexagesima and Quinquagesima, as in “Sixty” and “Fifty” (Lent in Latin is Quadragesima, hence the Spanish Cuaresma and French Carême). The two days after Quinquagesima Sunday – Lundi and Mardi Gras in French – lead inevitably into Ash Wednesday. Either way you cut it, we are in Pre-Lent.

Saturday 16 February 2019

Mr. McCarrick is defrocked and Bergoglio laughs

As expected, Theodore Edgar McCarrick, a pervert, a rapist, a homosexual - a sodomite, has been reduced to the lay state and is known as "Mister" if he even deserves that. It is a move by Bergoglio on the eve of the already discredited Vatican conference to take place on abuse, a conference which will not deal with the sodomites in the priesthood, that is too little, too late.

The text from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is as follows:

On 11 January 2019, the Congresso of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, at the conclusion of a penal process, issued a decree finding Theodore Edgar McCarrick, archbishop emeritus of Washington, D.C., guilty of the following delicts while a cleric: solicitation in the Sacrament of Confession, and sins against the Sixth Commandment with minors and with adults, with the aggravating factor of the abuse of power. The Congresso imposed on him the penalty of dismissal from the clerical state. On 13 February 2019, the Ordinary Session (Feria IV) of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith considered the recourse he presented against this decision. Having examined the arguments in the recourse, the Ordinary Session confirmed the decree of the Congresso. This decision was notified to Theodore McCarrick on 15 February 2019. The Holy Father has recognized the definitive nature of this decision made in accord with law, rendering it a res iudicata (i.e., admitting of no further recourse).

Wise readers will know that this means little. Until every bishop and cardinal who knew and covered up is held accountable it remains too little, too late. Until there are actual criminal charges and financial consequences, it remains a joke.

A joke.

And this Peronist sits on the Seat of Peter laughing at you.

Image result for pope francis laughing

As for the conference, whilst the problem is manifested most violently in the abuse of children and youths, the fundamental problem is sodomites in the Priesthood and Episcopacy, Cardinaliate and maybe even the papacy itself. Every sodomite priest must be outed and removed from the clerical state. What if they are chaste? It does not matter, they are compromised if it is known that they have "same-sex attraction." They can be blackmailed, manipulated. They must be removed. If that means we lose 30% or 50% or more of our priests, then so be it. Drive further to Mass.

Don't think for a minute that this Argentinian Marxist thug named Jorge Mario Bergoglio takes this matter seriously. He does not, he is laughing at you. Just like these three homosexualist heresiarchs one of which this Bergoglio has now appointed as Camarlengo, one who actually lived with McCarrick and the others who were all his Protégés.

Let them laugh now. 

They won't be laughing forever.

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