A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Showing posts with label SSPX Toronto Church of the Transfiguration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSPX Toronto Church of the Transfiguration. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Former Toronto SSPX priest sentenced to prison

Look at that punchable face. I remember it. Rostand was a priest at Transfiguration of Our Lord SSPX chapel in Toronto sometime before 2010. I attended there for a few months assisting in the choir between appointments. He was a creep. Aloof. Arrogant. Immature. I had no idea he was a pervert but it all fits. 

One year is hardly enough for this filthy degenerate. The scandal on the children and youths, the Society, the Church and the priesthood is scarcely satisfied.

Europe's courts are no better than our own.

Enjoy the millstone you stinking cesspool!

Former US SSPX district superior sentenced to 1-year in prison for molesting multiple underage boys - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

"The former U.S. district superior for the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) was sentenced to one year in a French jail after admitting in April to having molested seven underage boys between 2002 and 2018 in France, Spain and Switzerland.

 French outlets reported that a criminal court in Gap sentenced Father Arnaud Rostand, 58, to 12 months in prison with deferred incarceration. He is also required to undergo four years of “socio-juridical” monitoring and psychiatric treatment, as well as provide compensation for his victims."

Wednesday, 15 June 2022


In many cases, solemn feasts in the new calendar and modernist rite of the Mass are transferred. In Canada and the United States, this includes Epiphany, Ascension (exceptions of some U.S. Dioceses and the Anglican Ordinariate), Assumption and Corpus Christi. In the Ancient Use of the Mass, Feasts cannot be transferred, they must be celebrated on their days. However, recognizing that in a secular and industrialized West, the faithful cannot always attend, and from a day when Mass was not offered past 12:00 noon, the permission was given in at least three cases for what is called an External Solemnity where the Mass can be offered on the Sunday closest. These are Sacred Heart of Jesus, The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Feast of Corpus Christi. This Sunday, June 19, Toronto's St. Michael Priory of the Society of St. Pius X will offer the Holy Mass and Procession for Corpus Christi in Markham. Details are below. 

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Latin Mass at Midnight - SSPX at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration

The Society of St. Pius X has, for the last number of months, been able to use the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham, northwest of Toronto, for Mass. The Byzantine-Slovaks abandoned the building years ago over a dispute with the builder and landowner. Free is not good enough for some.

As the usual chapel is small and booked, I have been asked to advise that there will be room at Markham.

There will be carols at 11:30 and Sung Mass at Midnight.

Notwithstanding Rome, there are others at Midnight and Christmas Day, however, given government diktats, promotion of them is not possible due to the need to "book" a seat. 

May Our Lord free us from this tyranny.  Come, Lord Jesus. Come.

Schedule of Mass and Announcements for Toronto Area - District of Canada (sspx.ca)

Mass at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham
Address: 10350 Victoria Square Blvd, Markham, ON L6C 1H9
How to get there?
From downtown TOR, take DVP, then stay on 404. Exit Major Mackenzie Dr E, left on Woodbine Ave, right on Victoria Square Blvd. The cathedral will be on your left: you cannot miss it!
From 401 E or W or from 407, take 404 North...
Parking on the side of the road which leads to the church.
The Cathedral has public-accessible washrooms.

Saturday, 17 July 2021

On the matter of the Motu Proprio there is one thing you can do, tomorrow. THERE IS A MASS FOR YOU - GET TO IT!

Dear Friends,

The Bishop of Rome has taken the advice of some bishops, most probably Italy's and abrogated Summorum Pontificum using that very word. A word that was used by our Pope, Benedict XVI when he stated quite rightly that the Missal of 1570/1962 was "never abrogated." 

That Missal was and can never be abrogated. Let us remember, at this time, the words of Holy Gamaliel:

33 When they heard this they were enraged and wanted to kill them. 34 But a Pharisee in the council named Gamaliel a teacher of the law, held in honour by all the people, stood up and ordered the men to be put outside for a while. 35 And he said to them, “Men of Israel, take care what you do with these men. 36 For before these days Theudas arose, giving himself out to be somebody, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him; but he was slain and all who followed him were dispersed and came to nothing. 37 After him Judas the Galilean arose in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him; he also perished, and all who followed him were scattered. 38 So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this undertaking is of men, it will fail; 39 but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!”

The men who did this are evil and they are stupid. It is not judgemental to state it, to call them out or to proclaim loudly that "if they do not repent and recant and make amends, then Hell awaits them for this one act alone!"

Go to the traditional Mass in our diocesan parishes or to the SSPX. Go and show all of our episcopal leaders that we will not be moved.

Keep your powder dry and pray.

If you are in Toronto. here is what you do. 

The provincial government has now lifted specific occupancy limitations and has indicated that occupancy is dictated by "social distancing." I'm sure Susan from the Parish Council will be enforcing this vigoursly.

As Susan does not attend the traditional Latin Mass this is where you should go.

St. Vincent de Paul at 9:30 A.M.

Holy Family at 11:00 A.M.

St. Patrick's Schomberg at 11:00 A.M.

St. Lawrence the Martyr at 1:00 P.M.

If so inclined.

The Society of St. Pius X

Church of the Transfiguration at 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M.

Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham at 5:00 P.M. NO PRE-REGISTRATION!


Saturday, 3 July 2021

Traditional Latin Mass of the Society of St. Pius X in Toronto - Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham!


There is much local history about this magnificent edifice in Markham, northwest of Toronto. Its cornerstone and bell were blessed by Pope John Paul II during his cross-Canada visit. At the time, its superstructure was completed and its concrete exterior, exposed. Canadian mining magnate Stephen Roman of Denison Mines built it on his own land and with his own money for the Slovak Byzantine Eparchy. For many reasons, it is no longer the case.

Here we are in 2021 in a crazy CCP virus province where, starting tomorrow, July 4, attendance at church grows to the incredible number of 25% up from 15% in a month and 10 persons since November.

The St. Michael's Priory of the Society of St. Pius X has operated in Toronto for decades. From various locations to their home in Etobicoke, Church of the Transfiguration. It is a small church building that was purchased from a Baptist congregation and has served them well but is bursting at the seams. The new church committee was formed before the current situation but its work is even now more critical. 

Through incredible grace, the Cathedral above has been made available to the Society to supplement their Mass schedule and this is particularly helpful at this time. It allowed them to transfer the afternoon Mass to Markham in order to meet the needs of the faithful within the restricted numbers. 

If you are looking for Mass in Toronto on Sunday then may I recommend to you the booking page for the Society's church in Etobicoke and in Markham. The Read (Low) Mass is at 5:00 P.M. There are two Masses at the Etobicoke church 

Schedule of Mass and Announcements for Toronto Area - District of Canada (sspx.ca)

SSPX Toronto & Markham Mass Booking (office365.com)

For the Sacrament of Confession or Holy Communion outside of Mass:


Society of St. Pius X Ontario | SSPX Toronto New Church Campaign | Canadahelps

Sunday, 20 June 2021

In Toronto it's 15% Sunday in Ordinary Time - Recalling a time when Collins fullfiled his word, "I will shut you down!

All quiet on the Cardinal Collins front. He seems quite satisfied with himself having convinced Ontario Premier Doug Ford to classify religious services at the same level of importance as shopping for a pool noodle. Yes, friends, Collins has betrayed and abandoned us. The Church in Canada, as with the Residential Schools, has sided with evil Canadian governments for money rather than the little people.

During the draconian shutdowns, many priests cowered in their rectories, no doubt worried about their own "compromised immune systems." Not all did, though. Many did reach out to their flocks by phone, by email, by caring and did administer the sacraments and did so because it was what they were called to do by Our Lord in spite of the bully and tyrant who told them all in a webinar, "I will shut you down." God reward them all.

In 2010, Collins did shut down a parish - a growing community. It was the Toronto Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. They arrived in 2007 and took over an indult community and quickly started to grow it. They turned the Sunday, quiet Low Mass to a full sung Missa Cantata. They were treated badly. This writer was the Schola Master and Choir Director. Having been promised their own parish it was finally granted and three days later, cancelled. The enemies had heard of it and had enough - they ganged up on Collins and demanded he reverse his decision which he has often done after revolt and the Director of Communications spun the scandal that it was the FSSP priest's fault. "He released the information," said Neil MacCarthy to this writer. "Really Neil? Then how did it get into the Archdiocesan Update and on the web page? Is Father V your Webmaster?" The parish was to be Canadian Martyrs whose community would have been merged with St. Brigid Parish. Two months later, Collins banned Holy Communion on the tongue due to the last China Virus, H1N1. In the bulletin, Father V wrote, "At this Mass in accord with the laws of the Universal Church, Holy Communion is only received on the tongue." He defied the Cardinal and a few months later, Collins made sure that Father V and the Superior General of the FSSP knew it. 

He shut them down.

The result of this is that today, as for the last year, the famous Toronto Oratory will provide holy communion on the hand only at the traditional Latin Masses.

Yet, after his edict, this writer attended the funeral Mass of Msgr. T. Barrett Armstrong of St. Michael's Choir School. On the left in line, I went to the Deacon for Holy C0mmunion and abiding Collins' edict, received in the hand. On my right was the Cardinal who gave Holy Communion to people on the tongue. Do as I say and not as I do is not good leadership.

In Markham, northwest of Toronto, this privately-owned Cathedral of the Transfiguration which can hold 1000 will be filled to the dictated limit and 300 or so at two Masses will attend the Holy Mass. More than the Cardinal will have in his own Cathedral. 

The post-CCP Virus Church in Toronto is going into dark days and well deserved

Quite the legacy.

Toronto - Church of the Transfiguration - District of Canada (sspx.ca)

Sunday, 13 June 2021

It's Sunday once again and the most church attendance will not be at the Cathedral of St. Michael but somewhere else because for most non-essential Catholics

There is, in fact, 

Ontario Premier Ford has declared that attending church is as essential as buying pool noodles - non-essential retail. The blame for this lay at the door of the man pictured above. Ford reduced church attendance to ten persons; Collins cancelled the public Mass and would let nobody attend other than at a contrived Communion service. He had his Mass you did not. What clericalism! Collins thinks this is a victory and thanked the Premier for his munificence.

As churches "fill" to the maximum of 15% per Mass I thought it might be fun to show you where the largest attendance will be today and what form of the Holy Mass it will be and offered by which group of priests.

On Aldgate Avenue in Toronto's south Etobicoke community, there is a former Baptist church long ago purchased and owned by the Society of St. Pius X known as the Church of the Transfiguration. The priests serve the faithful in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury and St. Catharines from St. Michael's Priory and a few years ago, began a school in New Hamburg, west of Kitchener where there is also now a church in town sold to them by the Lutherans. During the varied CCP Virus fascist lockdowns, it is important to note that these priests did everything imaginable working within the draconian orders to provide the faithful with the Mass, in person and the sacraments. Unlike the man pictured above they did not close their church. They did not refuse Holy Communion and they did not refuse Baptisms as some Ontario bishops went so far as to do. These priests did not abandon the faithful. There is a fundraiser for a new church in Toronto worthy of support at this link.

Northwest of Toronto, in Markham, is a massive church and privately-owned. It is on the old farm of Canadian mining magnate, Stephen Roman. Roman had a vision - to build a cathedral for his Slovak-Byzantine Rite Catholic community surrounded by houses and shops recalling his village in Slovenia. In 1984, Pope John Paul II, whilst on a trip to Canada, blessed the bells and cornerstone of the already constructed walls and roof but yet, unfinished cathedral. Once able to be occupied the church was consecrated by the Slovak bishop. For complex reasons, the bishop later left in a dispute with Roman's heirs. Fast forward to 2021. Helen Roman-Barber heads the foundation which owns the church and has made it available to other Catholics. Jesus the King Melkite Church is there due to a fire at its home a number of years ago.

The Church of the Transfiguration on Aldgate normally has three Masses on Sunday, the third being at 5:00 P.M. It seats about 120 under normal circumstances with overflow in the hall. Due to demand and attendance restrictions, that Mass at 5:00 has been replaced now by two, one at 4:00 P.M. and one at 6.00 P.M. -- but not at the Church of the Transfiguration on Aldgate but at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham. Occupancy is at least, if not more than St. Michael's Cathedral, normally around 1,000.

How fitting, after months of denial of the Mass and Sacraments to the faithful that more people will be able to attend the Mass today offered by the priests of the Society of St. Pius X than that of Cardinal Collins in his own Cathedral.

Thursday, 11 June 2020


BREAKING NEWS: The Archdiocese of Toronto is at this hour holding an online conference with its priests to plan the reopening of churches for public Mass. 

Mass will not take place for the public this Sunday as after 12 weeks of lock-down, the plan to reopen could not be formulated well before now.

Without exception*, which means not even in the traditional Latin Mass, Holy Communion in the hand is mandated and priests are to refuse anyone who presents to receive Holy Communion by the tongue. (The SSPX Church of the Transfiguration remains an exception - you may register for Mass at https://sspx.ca/en/church-of-the-transfiguration and since you will be so thankful you were able to do so, you will be smart an go every week and take you money there too.) 

See the source image* While it is not in writing, there was discussion that if a person insists on receiving Holy Communion on the tongue they will be able to come after Mass. Sounds like the old drinking fountain practice. 


There is to be no kneeling for Holy Communion at any remaining communion rail (few and far between) or any prie-dieu because people touch it and it would need to be disinfected after each user. Fox (my wife) would like to add, that this would be a good job for Susan from the Parish Council or the numerous "Eucharistic Ministers" who shouldn't be touching It in the first place. This job is reserved for the priests.

It must be noted that the last time Cardinal Collins banned Holy Communion on the tongue during the H1N1 fraud, the Toronto Oratorian priests complied and distributed Holy Communion on the hand at the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Masses in their churches. 

In November 2009, Cardinal Collins banned Holy Communion on the tongue due to the perpetuated fraud and hysteria of H1N1. A few days later, I attended a funeral at St. Michael's Cathedral for the late Msgr. Barrett T. Armstrong of St. Michael's Choir School. As an obedient Catholic I went to Holy Communion and received in the hand (I was not fully woke and assured by the Oratorians that it would not be my "sin.") The Deacon to the right of the Cardinal provided me with Holy Communion in the hand. To my right a woman approached the Cardinal, opened her mouth and gave her Holy Communion on the tongue. I, who obeyed his edict watched him disobey his own edict. 

At the time, I was the Schola Master of the 19 month joy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter's apostolate in Toronto. They would not give Holy Communion in the hand. Father Howard Venette printed in the bulletin, "In accord with the Canon Law of the Universal Church, Holy Communion at this Mass is only received on the tongue." In March, they were gone after only two months earlier having the parish promised them revoked after a gang-up by the usual suspects outside the Cardinal's office. But I digress...



This writer will not be going to Holy Communion under any circumstances in public because I do believe that some priests just don't know how to do it and I've had more saliva in my mouth from other than I would like to recall. Neither myself nor my wife or myself will ever receive in the hand.

Now, speaking of Holy Communion.

A blessed Feast of Corpus Christi to you all.