Various writers there have taken an anti-historical and anti-catholic stance on the great and pure, Saint Maria Goretti. You all know the story of this holy virgin, I do not need to repeat it here.
What I do need to say is this.
Simcha Fisher, Mark Shea, Mary Pezzulo, Father Dwight Longenecker (yes, him too), Dave Armstrong, and many others write "click-bait." They receive their income from their writing and every click at Patheos and Aleteia feed them. Some, such as Mark Shea, goad people into fighting in the combox with him, a direct attempt to get more "clicks."
Not only that, in the case of Patheos, they also feature pages on Wicca, Paganism, Atheism and more. Why would any faithful Catholic write on religion for any group that just places the One, True, Faith on the panorama of world religions as if all are true and equal?
It is frankly, blasphemous and that is what Longenecker, Shea, Fischer and the others are doing when they write there.
Austin Ruse challenges the writing of these people on the great Saint.
It is a must-read and should be shared.