A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Canadian Jesuits admit being behind Toronto's "gay" church movement

On this feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, I present to you some of his sons. May he intercede before God almighty to drive these filthy perverts out of the Society of Jesus. May he slay them and execute God's holy judgement on these filthy perverts as this image suggest with Heresiarch Luther.

Gilles Mongeau, S.J. allegedly offering Holy Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Toronto

All Inclusive Ministries : 6 years as a bridge between the Church and LGBT+ Catholics
By Stephen Noon, SJ
July 23, 2019 — This summer marks the sixth anniversary of All Inclusive Ministries (AIM). AIM is a real gem in the collective mission of the Society here in Canada (and perhaps also one of our best kept secrets). We are based at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and gather once a month to celebrate the Eucharist together. This monthly mass, and the social that follows it, brings together a richly diverse group of LGBT+ Catholics. This short video will give you some flavour of who we are and what we do:

Wednesday 17 July 2019

The New Immaculata at St. Mary's, Kansas

God grant your blessings upon the Society of St. Pius X and their courageous priests and bishops who labour for the faith and your people.

When the false church which resides in the true Church of Christ ordains a woman as a deacon and the Ordinary of your diocese goes along with this abomination, the Society will be our only refuge.

You know it and I know it.

The schismatics are not in the Society of St. Pius X, they are in Rome and in your diocese. 

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Pope Francis condemns Catholic "Fanatics" about doctrinal clarity

Observe the look on this filthy monster's face when he calls you and me "fanatics." He hates us. 

Did you know that?

Friday 5 July 2019

Bye-bye Tom

Image result for rosica vox cantoris

ell, our serial plagiarist, litigious loser and homosexualist priest, Thomas J. Rosica, has now effectively disappeared. 

Stripped of academic honours and more even the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has removed all of his writings. He has been tossed overboard by the failing Salt + Light, and his social media propaganda outlets at Twitter and Facebook have gone dark.

The filthy pervert-protecting Bergoglio has lost his chief water-carrier in Canada.

This writer was on to this clerical fraud a decade ago. It was this writer who relentlessly called out this intellectual bumpkin for his statements and speeches. It was this writer that first publicised his plagiarism five years ago. It was this writer who suffered by his arrogance and his rich Toronto Italian neo-Catholic friends (you know who you are and so do I) by his frivoulous and vexatious attempt at a law suit.

As I look back now, it was that lawsuit attempt and the massive blogger publicity worldwide through the great help of Michael Voris that was the beginning of the end for this man. His assent was to continue for a short time more, but the die was cast. He would be brought down by his own hand. His own words. His own writing, or lack-thereof and his own arrogance.

The record of this filthy malefactor's work will reside on this blog. It will not be removed nor will the link at the left. It will serve as a testament of his rotten work.

My hope for Tom is that he now rediscover his vocation and work out his salvation with fear and trembling. Yet, based upon his priestly work I doubt he ever really had one. Someone close to Tom contacted me numerous times over the last few years and filled me in on his youth and the family and the history of the family and the Basilians in Rochester. On one occasion he said to me, "You must do everything you can to prevent (him) from every becoming a bishop."

I did.

Thursday 4 July 2019

Viganò accuses senior Vatican offiicals of covering up a recent case of serious sexual deviancy and abuse -- Is Bergoglio implicated?

Viganò Accuses Pope Francis of Lying
Carlo Maria Viganò, and the Apostolic Pervert=Protecting Liar
In another testimony former Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, has given a statement about the ongoing sexual deviancy and perversion in the Church. This time, with names and events taking place within the Vatican walls. 

He makes the charge against Francis himself:

Coming back to your question.  You ask me if I see any signs that the Vatican, under Pope Francis, is taking proper steps to address the serious issues of abuse. My answer is simple: Pope Francis himself is covering up abuse right now, as he did for McCarrick.  I say this with great sorrow.  When King David pronounced the greedy rich man in Nathan’s parable worthy of death, the prophet told him bluntly, “You are the man” (2 Sam 12:1-7).  I had hoped my testimony might be received like Nathan’s, but it was instead received like that of Micaiah (1Kings 22:15-27).  I pray that this will change.

Read the whole story here:


Wednesday 3 July 2019

Hey, what do I care, I never use the place anyway

It must be that this malefactor thinks that he is either going to live forever or there will not be another Pope.

“I no longer live in the Apostolic Palace, I never use this chapel, I never [celebrate] Holy Mass here, and we have St. Peter’s relics in the basilica itself, so it will be better if they will be kept in Constantinople”

What a disgusting, evil man is this Jorge Bergoglio.