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Showing posts with label Knights of Malta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knights of Malta. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Knights of Columbus change the Fourth Degree uniforms - Joining the new Francis fashion?

The Knights of Columbus have changed their Fourth Degree uniforms.

They now join the Francis revolution and the Knights of Malta in running down the brand.

Image result for knights malta meeting pope

Saturday, 29 April 2017

The Disgrace of the Knights of Malta

Today in Rome, the Knights of Malta are meeting in disgrace. A once chivalrous and brave Order has shrivlled as if a long dead mouse. The Pope of Rome's minions wrote to the former Grand Master to "order" him not to be present in Rome. A free man, barred by a fascist, clericalist thugs who have disgraced the Bride of Christ and betrayed Her founder.

Christine Niles at ChurchMilitant writers of the "greed, cover-up and betrayal," of this once great Order.
It's a complicated story and it has not all been told. Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Insitute does an outstanding job of digging into the mire behind the scenes.

Coup de Grâce? With Election Imminent, Has An Ancient Chivalric Order Been Toppled From Within?

Siege of Malta

This Saturday, April 29, 2017, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMoM) is going to elect its new Grand Master.  As preparations are being made for this election, anonymous sources within the Order have provided us with documentation, giving some depth and clarity on how it all came to this, who is behind it, and what it’s all about.
Since December 2016, there have been rumors, accusations, firings, suspensions, investigations, and outright lies regarding the SMoM.  It all began when the Grand Chancellor, Albrecht von Boeselager, was suspended for refusing to resign his post, due to his part in the distribution of contraception by Malteser International.
Von Boeselager takes his case to Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, who appoints a commission to investigate the matter.  Nearly two months later, Fra Matthew Festing, the Grand Master of the SMoM, is summoned to Rome where he is forced by the Pope to resign.  Four days later, Albrecht von Boeselager is reinstated.
During this time, there are stories about a search for Freemasons, a conflict of interest among the investigating commission, and a mysterious financial deal in Switzerland.

Read it all at:


Thursday, 2 February 2017

Bergoglio rescued Knights of Malta Grand Chancellor Albrecht Boeselager blames Cardinal Burke

Featured ImageThe condom distributing Boeselager of the Knights of Malta has blamed Cardinal Raymond Burke for the Order's crisis.

He went so far as to disclose a threat: 

“I think we cannot foresee and we will not make comments on what will happen to Cardinal Burke in the future. That remains the decision of the Holy Father,”

Feel free to make Cardinal Burke a white martyr of the faith, but before you do Jorge, consider this.

On February 1, Milo Yiannopolis was scheduled to speak to a few hundred. Violent fascist protesters in Berkeley gave him an audience of tens of millions.

This blog had a few hundred thousand readers after ten years until Tom Rosica, that brilliant media-savvy clericalist came along. Now, it has a growing international audience.

These occurrences are known as the Streisand Effect.

Go ahead, it will be the real Francis Effect. Take away his red hat. 

You'll only make him a greater saint.

As for the Knights of Malta, I feel great sorrow for two of my friends who are Knights, here in Toronto. 


Sunday, 29 January 2017

Can we all now just call out these filthy Romans for setting up whom we have always known is their real target?

Laudetur Jesus Christus!

Now that the once great Knights of Malta have folded like a bunch of effeminate bridge players can we now just admit what and who the real target of this sordid mess happens to be?

Related image

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. 
The Lord shew his face to thee, and have mercy on thee. 
The Lord turn his countenance to thee, and give thee peace. 
Numbers 6:24-26

And it is this last element that is the most newsworthy in the statement released this evening by the Order. As Settimo Cielo had correctly reported, Pope Francis has in effect granted the Order the faculty of proceeding according to its constitutions concerning its interim regency - now assumed by the Grand Commander of the Order, Fra' Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein - and the appointment of the new Grand Master. So the “pontifical delegate” will neither replace nor overlap the legitimate governance of the Order, as many had hoped or feared. Instead he will accompany it with the task of “spiritual” guide. A task, that is, very similar to the one that already belongs by statute to the cardinal patron.
The decapitation inflicted by Pope Francis on the Order of Malta is therefore twofold. Because what is falling is not only the head of Grand Master Festing, but also, de facto, that of cardinal patron Raymond Leo Burke. Meaning the ones who had brought about the removal of Boeselager in the certainty that they were thereby putting into practice the mandate entrusted to them by the pope, in a December 1 letter to Burke: to “promote the spiritual interests of the order and remove any affiliation with groups or practices that run contrary to the moral law.”

Go ahead Bishop of Rome Bergoglio, you'll make him a white martyr and set yourself against the work of faith for all to see. But you and your leftist, globalist cabal of malefactors, sodomites and Marxists will paint this man to be the real problem. 

You will have set yourself against Christ, just like those who put Him on the cross.

Your end will come, it will come soon. it will be devastating and it will be complete.

Repent, all you who have sullied Holy Mother Church. Repent or be damned in His judgement.