A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday 31 May 2021

Cardinal Collins - the weekend has come and gone and Ford has done nothing. What will you do?

Well, Your Eminence, it is Monday morning. You wrote last week that you would take action if Doug Ford did nothing by the end of the weekend.

It's in your court.

Premier Doug Ford to make an announcement shortly - will he heed the call of Cardinal Collins?

Update: No indication from the presser that Ontario will open phase 1, even though over 63% of Ontarians have received at least one does of the experimental genetic manipulation. #FordLied

Well, Your Eminence? What will you now do?

Ontario Premier Douglas Ford is to make a public statement beginnings at 10:30. 

We will see if the interventions of Cardinal Collins will have fallen on deaf ears.

Again, if His Eminence finally takes up the fight, this blog will be with him. 

How sad that we have had to wait for so long.

On May 26, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, issued a letter to all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese wherein he discussed the latest diktat from Ontario Premier Doug Ford's so-called, "Roadmap to Reopen." Ontario is and has been for months, under the most severe restrictions to our freedoms and economy in all of North America. Ford, an alleged Conservative, has shown himself to be an autocratic dictator with no respect for individual or religious rights.

Currently, the restrictions on indoor religious services remain at ten persons. Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have seen fit to reduce that to zero and some have gone so far to even ban baptisms! The current restrictions in Ontario will move to a different phase twenty-one days after specific levels of experimental viral spike protein injections are completed. What was the first three-week to flatten the curve and reduce the strain on our hospitals in April 2020 has become fourteen months of draconian actions by Ford, tolerated by our religious leaders. As I wrote previously,  a worst-case scenario is Sunday Mass on August 1 due to the still draconian action to prevent indoor worship until the second phase of the Ford plan. Ford insists on opening retail to 15% but not a church, this is a clear case of a violation of constitutional law and must be challenged in the public square and the courts.

Collins reports that he has had a meeting with the "Premier's office." As someone who was a Special Assistant in the former actual Conservative government of Premier Mike Harris, this means he met with the likes of this writer, back then, not the Premier himself. How tragic that the Premier of Ontario does not hold this Prince of the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto in enough respect to sit down with him directly. His Eminence reports that he made clear his "dissatisfaction" regarding the limit of ten persons. No doubt, if the Premier's minions were reasonably well-read, they would have immediately responded, the Eminence, "doth protest too much, methinks."  

It appears that the Cardinal threatened the Premier with a similar online letter-writing campaign as was done in March official in the chancery office. That action resulted in over 15,000 emails to Members of Provincial Parliament and copies to the Premier no doubt resulting in an easing from ten persons to fifteen percent. We congratulated the Cardinal for this initiative while at the same time bemoaning that it took him so long.

Collins indicates that if no action on the part of Ford is announced by the end of this week, the previous campaign will be renewed with the assistance, according to the Cardinal, of other faith communities throughout Ontario.

While the emergency orders have permitted outdoor worship and we can see how one parish in St. Catharines has successfully implemented this, Collins has, thus far, forbidden it. The Cardinal has indicated that if there is no action by the Premier by June 1, he will issue guidance and recommendation on outdoor liturgies.

Cardinal Collins deserves rebuke and criticism for his cowardice and lack of action of this and other failures over the last year. For a moment, let us set this aside.

You, dear reader, must write to the Cardinal and the Premier demanding that our churches immediately reopen. 

This writer will do everything possible on this blog and social media to promote Cardinal's initiative to take on Ford on this issue and urge an immediate court challenge, a year later, to be sure.

I only regret that it has been so little on the part of our spineless episcopal leaders and so late.

Official Archbishop email

Actual email to Thomas Cardinal Collins

Bishop Ivan Camilleri

Bishop John Boissonneau

Bishop Vincent Nguyen 

Bishop Kasun

Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications

Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford

Trust the Vatican's ethicists?

I won't trust Bergoglio and his filthy crew with liturgical or catechetical doctrine, why would I trust these Bergoglio rats with my health?

Thomas Collins has also advised us to take the experimental genetic manipulation. I can't wait for the lawsuits that will come from his quack advice.

Trust the Vatican's ethicists on vaccines, encourages official (aleteia.org)

Sunday 30 May 2021

For the second Trinity Sunday in a row, thanks to Thomas Collins, there is


For well over a year now, our liturgical cycle of true worship to God has been turned on its head. The cowardice of our episcopal shepherds is without compare except in Tudor England but they had one who stood up to the corrupt and evil king. This man opines frequently on the likes of St. John Fisher but follows him not.

Doug Ford has lied to us. He said that if there were 60% of Ontarians who had at least one dose of the experimental genetic manipulation injection, we would enter Phase 1. Collins has said that he has met with Ford's minions and if there was no announcement by now on the opening of churches he would order a campaign of protest by the faithful.

Well, where is it, Your Eminence? Tomorrow then?


Friday 28 May 2021

But Cardinal Collins says it is "common sense" and for the "greater good" and an "act of charity."

If you took experimental genetic manipulation because Thomas Collins or your parish priest convinced you to by saying it is "common sense" or an "act of charity" or "for the greater good," take care and observe what is happening in your body.


"WE MADE A BIG MISTAKE AND WE DIDN'T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW. ... THE SPIKE PROTEIN IS A TOXIN!" - - Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph.

Who is Dr. Bridle?

Alex talks with Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph about new peer-reviewed studies that suggests there may be terrifying reasons side effects such as heart inflammation, VITT, and other serious issues may occur in those who have been vaccinated.

Premier Doug Ford to make an announcement shortly - will he heed the call of Cardinal Collins?

Update: No indication from the presser that Ontario will open phase 1, even though over 63% of Ontarians have received at least one does of the experimental genetic manipulation. #FordLied

Well, Your Eminence? What will you now do?

Ontario Premier Douglas Ford is to make a public statement beginnings at 10:30. 

We will see if the interventions of Cardinal Collins will have fallen on deaf ears.

Again, if His Eminence finally takes up the fight, this blog will be with him. 

How sad that we have had to wait for so long.

On May 26, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, issued a letter to all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese wherein he discussed the latest diktat from Ontario Premier Doug Ford's so-called, "Roadmap to Reopen." Ontario is and has been for months, under the most severe restrictions to our freedoms and economy in all of North America. Ford, an alleged Conservative, has shown himself to be an autocratic dictator with no respect for individual or religious rights.

Currently, the restrictions on indoor religious services remain at ten persons. Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have seen fit to reduce that to zero and some have gone so far to even ban baptisms! The current restrictions in Ontario will move to a different phase twenty-one days after specific levels of experimental viral spike protein injections are completed. What was the first three-week to flatten the curve and reduce the strain on our hospitals in April 2020 has become fourteen months of draconian actions by Ford, tolerated by our religious leaders. As I wrote previously,  a worst-case scenario is Sunday Mass on August 1 due to the still draconian action to prevent indoor worship until the second phase of the Ford plan. Ford insists on opening retail to 15% but not a church, this is a clear case of a violation of constitutional law and must be challenged in the public square and the courts.

Collins reports that he has had a meeting with the "Premier's office." As someone who was a Special Assistant in the former actual Conservative government of Premier Mike Harris, this means he met with the likes of this writer, back then, not the Premier himself. How tragic that the Premier of Ontario does not hold this Prince of the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto in enough respect to sit down with him directly. His Eminence reports that he made clear his "dissatisfaction" regarding the limit of ten persons. No doubt, if the Premier's minions were reasonably well-read, they would have immediately responded, the Eminence, "doth protest too much, methinks."  

It appears that the Cardinal threatened the Premier with a similar online letter-writing campaign as was done in March official in the chancery office. That action resulted in over 15,000 emails to Members of Provincial Parliament and copies to the Premier no doubt resulting in an easing from ten persons to fifteen percent. We congratulated the Cardinal for this initiative while at the same time bemoaning that it took him so long.

Collins indicates that if no action on the part of Ford is announced by the end of this week, the previous campaign will be renewed with the assistance, according to the Cardinal, of other faith communities throughout Ontario.

While the emergency orders have permitted outdoor worship and we can see how one parish in St. Catharines has successfully implemented this, Collins has, thus far, forbidden it. The Cardinal has indicated that if there is no action by the Premier by June 1, he will issue guidance and recommendation on outdoor liturgies.

Cardinal Collins deserves rebuke and criticism for his cowardice and lack of action of this and other failures over the last year. For a moment, let us set this aside.

You, dear reader, must write to the Cardinal and the Premier demanding that our churches immediately reopen. 

This writer will do everything possible on this blog and social media to promote Cardinal's initiative to take on Ford on this issue and urge an immediate court challenge, a year later, to be sure.

I only regret that it has been so little on the part of our spineless episcopal leaders and so late.

Official Archbishop email

Actual email to Thomas Cardinal Collins

Bishop Ivan Camilleri

Bishop John Boissonneau

Bishop Vincent Nguyen 

Bishop Kasun

Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications

Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford

Thursday 27 May 2021

Cardinal Collins to threaten Doug Ford with action - "Dost thou protest too much?"

On May 26, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, issued a letter to all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese wherein he discussed the latest diktat from Ontario Premier Doug Ford's so-called, "Roadmap to Reopen." Ontario is and has been for months, under the most severe restrictions to our freedoms and economy in all of North America. Ford, an alleged Conservative, has shown himself to be an autocratic dictator with no respect for individual or religious rights.

Currently, the restrictions on indoor religious services remain at ten persons. Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have seen fit to reduce that to zero and some have gone so far to even ban baptisms! The current restrictions in Ontario will move to a different phase twenty-one days after specific levels of experimental viral spike protein injections are completed. What was the first three-week to flatten the curve and reduce the strain on our hospitals in April 2020 has become fourteen months of draconian actions by Ford, tolerated by our religious leaders. As I wrote previously,  a worst-case scenario is Sunday Mass on August 1 due to the still draconian action to prevent indoor worship until the second phase of the Ford plan. Ford insists on opening retail to 15% but not a church, this is a clear case of a violation of constitutional law and must be challenged in the public square and the courts.

Collins reports that he has had a meeting with the "Premier's office." As someone who was a Special Assistant in the former actual Conservative government of Premier Mike Harris, this means he met with the likes of this writer, back then, not the Premier himself. How tragic that the Premier of Ontario does not hold this Prince of the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto in enough respect to sit down with him directly. His Eminence reports that he made clear his "dissatisfaction" regarding the limit of ten persons. No doubt, if the Premier's minions were reasonably well-read, they would have immediately responded, the Eminence, "doth protest too much, methinks."  

It appears that the Cardinal threatened the Premier with a similar online letter-writing campaign as was done in March official in the chancery office. That action resulted in over 15,000 emails to Members of Provincial Parliament and copies to the Premier no doubt resulting in an easing from ten persons to fifteen percent. We congratulated the Cardinal for this initiative while at the same time bemoaning that it took him so long.

Collins indicates that if no action on the part of Ford is announced by the end of this week, the previous campaign will be renewed with the assistance, according to the Cardinal, of other faith communities throughout Ontario.

While the emergency orders have permitted outdoor worship and we can see how one parish in St. Catharines has successfully implemented this, Collins has, thus far, forbidden it. The Cardinal has indicated that if there is no action by the Premier by June 1, he will issue guidance and recommendation on outdoor liturgies.

Cardinal Collins deserves rebuke and criticism for his cowardice and lack of action of this and other failures over the last year. For a moment, let us set this aside.

You, dear reader, must write to the Cardinal and the Premier demanding that our churches immediately reopen. 

This writer will do everything possible on this blog and social media to promote Cardinal's initiative to take on Ford on this issue and urge an immediate court challenge, a year later, to be sure.

I only regret that it has been so little on the part of our spineless episcopal leaders and so late.

Official Archbishop email

Actual email to Thomas Cardinal Collins

Bishop Ivan Camilleri

Bishop John Boissonneau

Bishop Vincent Nguyen 

Bishop Kasun

Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications

Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford

Monday 24 May 2021

The Toronto Chancerycrats who have prevented you from recieving Holy Communion for a year and have made sure that there is No Mass For You!

These are the episcopal leaders of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Oops, there is a liaising ayman in there somewhere. These are the people responsible for locking you out of the church and shutting down the Mass. These are the people responsible for denying Catholics who will not receive communion in the hand, the Holy Eucharist for over one year. These are the people who have taken government money and have sold you out for it. 

Some pages post email and ask you to respectfully write. I respect my readers more and just suggest that you write in whatever manner you desire.

neilm@archtoronto.org (The liaison and the one "handling it" snidely know by priests as Excellency Neil, the commissar who runs the show)

archbishop@archtoronto.org - the chanerycrat email that never gets read or automatically gets deleted. Collins doesn't read this which is why you don't get an answer.

tcpc@archtoronto.org - the Head Hireling

icamilleri@archtoronto.org    - the new kid on the block

office@bishopboissonneau.com - always a bridesmaid, never a bride 

northern.region@archtoronto.org - the Brideshead revisted

eastern.region@archtoronto.org - smoking is bad for your health, Bishop, and the person in the confessional.

central.region@archtoronto.org - "do you like my new hat?"

Sunday 23 May 2021

For the Second Pentecost Sunday in row, Cardinal Thomas Collins has decreed that there will be


How does it feel to know that you have missed Lent, Eastertide, Ascension and Pentecost in 2020 and here we are in 2021 and you missed all of that again and all the green Sundays, except for a paltry few weeks if you could get a ticket at 15% plus. You missed Advent, Christmas and Epiphanytide and Lent before that. What a fool, what a coward. what a government toady is Thomas Collins. He has submitted the Holy Catholic Church of Christ to the State and there will be no extracting from this precedent unless he acts and acts now.

Collins must immediately defy Ford and announce that Church is essential and that retail stores cannot open at a greater level than Churches. Aside from that, remember that Ford has capped attendance at 10 persons, Collins has shut down the Mass to the faithful. This Bishop who once said, "I am the Pope in Toronto" has shut down the public worship of God which is our need and His due!

Barona, our friend and colleague at Toronto Catholic Witness frankly states utter betrayal and the delivery of the Church into the hands of the State. I urge you to watch the forty-second video snippet.

neilm@archtoronto.org (The liaison and the one "handling it" snidely know by priests as Excellency Neil, the commissar who runs the show)

archbishop@archtoronto.org - the chanerycrat email that never gets read or automatically gets deleted. Collins doesn't read this which is why you don't get an asnwer.

icamilleri@archtoronto.org    - the new kid on the block

office@bishopboissonneau.com - always a bridesmaid, never a bride 

northern.region@archtoronto.org - the Brideshead revisted

eastern.region@archtoronto.org - smoking is bad for your health, Bishop, and the person in the confessional.

central.region@archtoronto.org - "do you like my new hat?"

tcpc@archtoronto.org - The real email address directly to Collins should you wish to wish him a Blessed Pentecost because remind him that he has a Mass but there is No Mass for You! Share it widely. Use it. He will see this email as opposed to the one ignored by the chancerycrats.
They have stolen from you and me, from your family and mine. These men are cowards who have sold out to the State for their thirty pieces of silver. Tens of millions of dollars in relief funds from the government. The good news? It will dry up and so will have the collection plate. So many Catholics have found something "better" to do on a Sunday, will think that post-scamdemic, they can watch Mass on TV or their computer screen moving forward, or have been so fed up just not come back. 

The balance sheet is bleeding redder than Collins robes. 

Friday 21 May 2021


Ontario Premier Douglas Ford has announced a plan to end the draconian lockdown, arguably the most severe in all of North America. Ford, allegedly a conservative, is more of an authoritarian fascist having removed Members from the caucus for opposing the measures. While there are many components to the reopening we will deal with two issues here, the division of society, intimidation, coercion and shaming of those who refuse to take the experimental genetic therapies (EGT) and the ridiculous limit of ten persons in church - a matter which has been long addressed here since Cardinal Thomas Collins and most, but not all of Ontario's bishops, have interpreted this as zero and have cancelled the public celebration of the Holy Liturgy, particularly, the Mass. 

There will be a shaming of those who for health or moral reasons refuse the EGT. Doug Ford has set this up in the reopening plan. It is deceitful, unconstitutional and coercive and violates the Nuremberg Code 1947. 

"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment."

Collins is Ford's useful idiot who does his bidding and preaches from his Cathedra and Ambo where the Word of God is to be proclaimed but rather lectures us that it is "common sense" and for the "public good." They will blame those who refuse the EGT. Will a yellow star be next?

Currently, 58% of Ontario residents have had at least one dose of the EGT. Ford has decreed under emergency powers that there will be no change to the current Orders until that figure reaches 60%. Because the EGT provides no protection for up to three weeks after it is administered the tiered relaxation of the fascist orders will take place 21 days later. The next tier is 70% first and 25% for the second dose and decline in intensive care and another 21 days. Here is the issue. Church, Synagogue and others cannot reopen beyond ten persons until that 70/25 figure is reached and then, 21 days later. Assuming this all happens, there will be No Mass For You until at least after the 26th of July and no Sunday until August 1.

It is important to note that currently one can go and purchase liquor and marijuana but no other non-essential items and cannot attend religious services. Further, the first phase of 60%/21 Days reopens all non-essential retail at 15% occupancy but still, the church is limited to ten persons. At the second level, 70/25, the attendance will be limited to 15% in church and 50% in retail.

Thomas Cardinal Collins now has a choice to make. Will he acquiesce as the coward and bought off government toady he has proven to be over the last year and disgrace his episcopacy in its final months with a legacy of compromise, corruption and failure or will he answer the call to the red he wears and stand up for the faith and the little sheep. Based upon history, he will do the former, but I'd like to admit I am wrong.

The time has come.

Thomas Cardinal Collins - I call upon you to immediately defy the Premier and announce the churches will open immediately to a reasonable occupancy and take the government to court on the grounds of discrimination and a violation of constitutional rights. It was easy for the fascist thugs to pick off a few scattered, unaffiliated Christian pastors, it will be something quite different to take on the Catholic Church! 

Sadly, the Cardinal will prove to all of us the failure he has been, the coward and the hireling of whom Our Lord warned us.

"He who is a hireling and not a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hireling and cares nothing for the sheep." John 10:12-12 NRSV-CE

Your Eminence, prove me wrong.

Sunday 16 May 2021


Originally published on the real Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, last Thursday but republished today because there is still...




Our Lord ascended into heaven to prepare a place for us. is apostles were sent to teach all nations what He had commanded them. We must now cleanse our hearts from sin, which cannot enter heaven, and store up good deeds, performed in the state of grace. These will speak for us when we appear before God. 

INTROIT Acts 1:11

Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? Alleluia! He shall come in the same way as you have seen him going up to heaven, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Ps. 46:2. O, clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with the voice of exultation.

V. Glory be . . . 


O Almighty God, we firmly believe that Your only-begotten Son, our Redeemer, ascended this day into heaven. May our minds dwell always on this heavenly home. Through Our Lord . . . 

LESSON Acts 1:1-11

In the former treatise I made, O Theophilus, of all things which Jesus began to do and to teach, Until the day on which, giving commandments by the Holy Ghost to the apostles whom he had chosen, he was taken up. To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion, by many proofs, for forty days appearing to them, and speaking of the kingdom of God. And eating together with them, he commanded them, that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but should wait for the promise of the Father, "which you have heard"(saith he) "by my mouth. For John indeed baptized with water: but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost, not many days hence."

They therefore who were come together, asked him, saying: "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom of Israel?" But he said to them: "It is not for you to know the time or moments, which the Father hath put in his own power: But you shall receive the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the uttermost part of the earth."

And when he had said these things, while they looked on, he was raised up: and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they were beholding him going up to heaven, behold two men stood by them in white garments. Who also said: "Ye men of Galilee, why stand you looking up to heaven? This Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come as you have seen him going into heaven." 

Alleluia, alleluia! V. Ps. 46:6

God ascends His throne amid shouts of joy, the Lord is taken up with the sound of trumpets. Alleluia!

V. Ps. 67:18-19. The Lord is in Sinai, in the holy place; ascending on high, He has led captivity captive. Alleluia! 

GOSPEL Mark 16:14-20

At that time, Jesus appeared to the eleven as they were at table: and he upbraided them with their incredulity and hardness of heart, because they did not believe them who had seen him after he was risen again. And he said to them: "Go ye into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall he condemned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents: and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay their hand upon the sick: and they shall recover."

And the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God. But they going forth preached every where: the Lord working withal, and confirming the word with signs that followed. 

After the Gospel, the Paschal Candle is extinguished


God ascends His throne amid shouts of joy, the Lord is taken up with the sound of trumpets, alleluia! 


Accept, O Lord, the gifts we offer to celebrate the glorious ascension of Your Son. May Your mercy free us from our present dangers and lead us to eternal life. Through Our Lord . . . 


Sing to the Lord, who ascends above the heaven of heavens to the East, alleluia! 


Almighty and merciful God, grant that this Sacrament, which we have received in this visible sacred Rite, may bring us Your invisible help. Through Our Lord . . .

Friday 14 May 2021

Pastor Pawlowski speaks and his words are an indictment of Thomas Cardinal Collins!

If Toronto's Cardinal Thomas Cardinal Collins had the courage of Pastor Pawlowski our churches would be open for Holy Mass. The police would not do to Collins as they did to this man. This man is an easy target. Collins is a disgraceful coward. Pawlowski has more courage than the man in scarlet. 

What a coward.

What a legacy.

Post-jail Interview: Pastor Artur Pawlowski speaks on communism and freedom in Canada - Rebel News

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Archdiocese of Toronto Council of Priests meeting reveals much about the Cardinal's shut down of Holy Mass - and the attitude of many priests and faithful.

"Go Leafs, go. Gosh, this is a stupid picture, what was I thinking?"

As reported here continuously, Thomas Cardinal "No Mass For You" Collins has shut down the public celebration of Holy Mass even though the Premier's draconian and unjustified restrictions limit attendance at religious services to ten persons, down from fifteen or thirty percent, depending on the levels of the Wuhan/CCP Virus 0r on what Dougie Ford had for lunch.

Sources within the presbyterate have provided this writer with the minutes of the Priest Council meeting held on April 27, 2021. Neil MacCarthy Director of Communications seems to have full control of the meeting agenda. This is also evident from viewing him online. Why a layman is leading anything in the priest meeting rather than being a notetaker is beyond this writer's comprehension.  

Shall we have a  look?

The late to the game campaign to open churches back in Lent resulted in over 15,000 emails from the Archdiocesan faithfully of nearly 2,000,000. Impressive, eh? This is consistent with what previous sources indicated. The result was Ford backing down on the ten-person limit to fifteen percent. This occurred after a one-hour meeting between the Cardinal and others and Ford, Health Minister Christine Elliot and David Williams, Chief Medical Officer of Health. Clearly, the Cardinal's impression made upon them was a weak one as only a month later, the limit was back to ten persons which in Collins's mind, means zero. They consider the campaign "successful" yet they believe it would be "difficult" to mount a similar campaign given the current situation. A complete example of the Cardinal throwing in the towel and depriving all of the Holy Mass.

More concerning is that rather than a uniform intent on the part of Toronto's priests to open churches and offer Holy Mass, there is a "differing view" amongst the clergy. Some are quite rightly demanding that the Cardinal be more "aggressive" and "push hard" against Ford's diktats whilst most are "nervous" about their own health, fearing a virus more than God!

The Cardinal and his boys impressed upon Ford that clergy should be considered "essential workers" and bumped up on the priority list for the experimental genetic manipulation tested on or containing the fetal stem cells of an aborted child. The Cardinal considers his priests "essential workers" but the Mass for the faithful is not, "essential."

Sadly, many Catholic faithful revealed themselves for their lack of faith and obvious cowardice, calling the Chancery to indicate that they were not "comfortable receiving Holy Communion" from priests or what Neil calls "Eucharistic ministers" which is not what the laity are but unnecessary "extraordinary minister of Holy Communion." There were demands that they and others involved in liturgy, including presumably, Cantors such as this writer, must have a vaccine passport and some inquired as to whether a vaccine passport would be necessary to attend Mass. No minute is noted that these people were chastised for the outrageous demands and questions or that a "passport" would be an affront to God.

Once again, Cardinal Collins directly "encouraged both clergy and the faithful to be vaccinated." Presumably, Collins included the Astra-Zeneca mantra - "best vaccine is the first vaccine" which has now been removed by Ontario and Alberta for being unsafe. Seems like a lawsuit would be in order for his interference in the individual's medical decision by a non-doctor. My body, my choice, Right Tom?

It was noted that most faithful attending the Cardinal's contrived "communion service" were in fact, the elderly. Good for them for desiring the Lord enough but a pox on those who said that they should be reminded that a "dispensation" is in order so that they should just, stay home. And a pox on the Cardinal and his predecessors that only the elderly are interested in Jesus Christ and Holy Mass.

A discussion took place about how unfair it is that in some parishes, staff, donors or others known to the pastor are attending his private Masses. The Cardinal stressed the need for "impartiality" on who are able to attend private Masses so that there is "no impression of favouritism" proving my view that according to Thomas Cardinal Collins it would have been better for everyone RMS Titanic to have died because there were not enough lifeboats for all.

A question was asked as to whether priests should have the freedom to choose whether or not to take the COVID vaccine and be "ready to accept the consequences." No answer was given in the minutes.

The Cardinal "encouraged" pastors to stand firm and uphold the provincial diktats in place over the complaints from parishioners.

There we have it, friends. Nobody is coming to save us. 

Thomas Cardinal Collins' "virtuous" public health officials have committed crimes against humanity - Sue them all!

As I write this, Dr. David Williams, Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health and Dr. Durk Huyer are giving a press conference. It seems that the Astra-Zeneca experimental genetic injections are being halted due to issues related to its safety. 

Now, these medical monsters are suggesting that the others can be combined if one has not had both doses. They like to cite studies on this but they refuse to cite studies into Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. 

My usual pharmacist has told me that it is near impossible to obtain Ivermectin. Why is that? Is it because it works and these medical minions and their political bosses are hoarding it for themselves?

If you took the Astra-Zeneca dose, you are a fool. I can't be any more charitable than that. If you are Catholic and took it because your Archbishop, Thomas Cardinal Collins urged you to do it as an "act of charity" for the "common good" and as "common sense," sue him personally and the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Archdiocese of Toronto, corporately.

I’ve said it before, the smartest doctors did not go into public health, those were the ones at the bottom of the class. This proves it.

'Very little excuse' to continue to use AstraZeneca in Canada: infectious diseases specialist | National Post

'Very little excuse' to continue to use AstraZeneca in Canada: infectious diseases specialist | National Post

Monday 10 May 2021



The Declaration

We are a broad and diverse group of Canadian physicians from across Canada who are sending out this urgent declaration to the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of our various Provinces and Territories and to the Public at large, whom we serve. 

On April 30, 2021, Ontario’s physician licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), issued a statement forbidding physicians from questioning or debating any or all of the official measures imposed in response to COVID-19. 1 

The CPSO then went on to threaten physicians with punishment – investigations and disciplinary action. 

We regard this recent statement of the CPSO to be unethical, anti-science and deeply disturbing. 

As physicians, our primary duty of care is not to the CPSO or any other authority, but to our patients. 

When we became physicians, we pledged to put our patients first and that our ethical and professional duty is always first toward our patients. The CPSO statement orders us to violate our duty and pledge to our patients in the following ways: 

1. Denial of the Scientific Method itself:  The CPSO is ordering physicians to put aside the scientific method and to not debate the processes and conclusions of science. 

We, physicians, know and continue to believe that throughout history, opposing views, vigorous debate and openness to new ideas have been the bedrock of scientific progress.  Any major advance in science has been arrived at by practitioners vigorously questioning “official” narratives and following a different path in the pursuit of truth. 

2. Violation of our Pledge to use Evidence-Based Medicine for our patients:  By ordering us not to debate and not to question, the CPSO is also asking us to violate our pledge to our patients that we will always seek the best, evidence-based scientific methods for them and advocate vigorously on their behalf. 

The CPSO statement orders physicians, for example, not to discuss or communicate with the public about “lockdown” measures. Lockdown measures are the subject of lively debate by world-renown and widely respected experts and there are widely divergent views on this subject. The explicitly anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration – https://gbdeclaration.org – was written by experts from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford Universities and more than 40,000 physicians from all over the world have signed this declaration. Several international experts including Martin Kuldorf (Harvard), David Katz (Yale), Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford) and Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) continue to strongly oppose lockdowns. 

The CPSO is ordering physicians to express only pro-lockdown views, or else face investigation and discipline. This tyrannical, anti-science CPSO directive is regarded by thousands of Canadian physicians and scientists as unsupported by science and as violating the first duty of care to our patients. 

3. Violation of Duty of Informed Consent:  The CPSO is also ordering physicians to violate the sacred duty of informed consent – which is the process by which the patient/public is fully informed of the risks, benefits and any alternatives to the treatment or intervention, before consent, is given. 

The Nuremberg Code, drafted in the aftermath of the atrocities perpetrated within the Nazi concentration camps – where horrific medical experiments were performed on inmates without consent – expressly forbids the imposition of any kind of intervention without informed consent. 

In the case of the lockdown intervention for example, physicians have a fiduciary duty to point out to the public that lockdowns impose their own costs on society, including in greatly increased depression and suicide rates, delayed investigation and treatment of cancer (including delayed surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy), ballooning surgical waiting lists (with attendant greatly increased patient suffering) and increased rates of child and domestic abuse. 

We, physicians, believe that with the CPSO statement of 30 April 2021, a watershed moment in the assault on free speech and scientific inquiry has been reached. 

By ordering physicians to be silent and follow only one narrative, or else face discipline and censure, the CPSO is asking us to violate our conscience, our professional ethics, the Nuremberg code and the scientific pursuit of truth. 

We will never comply and will always put our patients first. 

The CPSO must immediately withdraw and rescind its statement of 30 April 2021. 

We also give notice to other Canadian and international licensing authorities for physicians and allied professions that the stifling of scientific inquiry and any order to violate our conscience and professional pledge to our patients, itself may constitute a crime against humanity. 

1 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Statement on Public Health Misinformation (4/30/21). https://twitter.com/cpso_ca/status/1388211577770348544 

The College is aware and concerned about the increase of misinformation circulating on social media and other platforms regarding physicians who are publicly contradicting public health orders and recommendations. Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public and have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements and/or promoting unsupported, unproven treatments for COVID-19. Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations. Physicians who put the public at risk may face an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action when warranted. When offering opinions, physicians must be guided by the law, regulatory standards, and the code of ethics and professional conduct. The information shared must not be misleading or deceptive and must be supported by available evidence and science.

Sunday 9 May 2021

On this Fifth Sunday After Easter in the Archdiocese of Toronto and a most of Ontario, thanks to cowards and hirelings like this, there is



INTROIT Isa. 48:20

Declare it with the voice of joy and let it be heard, alleluia! Announce it to th eends of the earth: the Lord has delivered His people, alleluia, alleluia!

Ps. 65:1-2. Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; sing a psalm to the glory of His name; proclaim His glorious praise.

V. Glory be . . . 


O God, the source of all good, grant us Your inspiration that we may have proper thoughts, and Your guidance that we may carry them into practice. Through Our Lord . . . 


Gregory, the chosen friend of St. Basil the Great, was born in Cappadocia about the year 325, and was made bishop of Nazianzus, his native town. When Gregory was 50 years old, he was chosen patriarch of Constantinople, where the Church was being desolated by various heresies. He rekindled the torch of the Faith in Constantinople, but then his enemies banded together against him. Hoping to restore peace to the city, Gregory resigned his see and retired to Nazianzus. Because of his profound knowledge of the sacred sciences and his inspired exposition of the mystery of the Trinity, he is called "The Theologian." 

O God, may blessed Gregory intercede for us in heaven as he once instructed Your faithful on earth and directed them in the way of eternal salvation. Through Our Lord . . . 

EPISTLE James 1:22-27

Beloved: But be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if a man be a hearer of the word and not a doer, he shall be compared to a man beholding his own countenance in a glass. For he beheld himself and went his way and presently forgot what manner of man he was. But he that hath looked into the perfect law of liberty and hath continued therein, not becoming a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work: this man shall be blessed in his deed. And if any man think himself to be religious, not bridling his tongue but deceiving his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation and to keep one's self unspotted from this world. 

Alleluia, alleluia!

V. Christ has risen and has given light to us, whom He redeemed with His Blood. Alleluia!

V. John 16:28. I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again I leave the world and go to the Father. Alleluia! 

GOSPEL John 16:23-30

At that time, Jesus said to His disciples: "Amen, amen, I say to you: if you ask the Father any thing in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto, you have not asked any thing in my name. Ask, and you shall receive; that your joy may be full. "These things I have spoken to you in proverbs. The hour cometh when I will no longer speak to you in proverbs, but will shew you plainly of the Father. In that day, you shall ask in my name: and I say not to you that I will ask the Father for you. For the Father himself loveth you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came out from God. I came forth from the Father and am come into the world: again I leave the world and I go to the Father."

His disciples say to him: "Behold, now thou speakest plainly and speakest no proverb. Now we know that thou knowest all things and thou needest not that any man should ask thee. By this we believe that thou camest forth from God." 


Bless the Lord our God, you nations; loudly sound His praise. he has given life to my soul, and has not let my feet falter. Blessed be the Lord who has not refused my prayer nor His mercy to me, alleluia! 


Accept the prayers and offering of the faithful, O Lord, and let our love and devotion lead us to the glory of heaven. Through our Lord . . . 


O Lord, let the blessed Bishop and Doctor Gregory always help us, and through his intercession accept our offering and pardon our sins. Through our Lord . . . 


Sing to the Lord, alleluia! Sing to the Lord, and bless His name; announce His salvation day after day, alleluia, alleluia! 


Grant that we, who have been fed at Your Heavenly Banquet, O Lord, may desire only what is right and that we may fulfill these holy desires. Through Our Lord . . . 


O Lord, may this Sacrifice bring us closer to our salvation through the intercession of Your blessed Bishop and illustrious Doctor Gregory. Through our Lord . . .

Saturday 8 May 2021

Thursday 6 May 2021

A day is coming and on that day they will know the evil they have done

There is a day coming when some people will find themselves in the situation of this soul. I imagine it is the moment of death and there is no joyous light to go to. Rather, there is in one instant, the full knowledge of the evil that they have done and where they will go for eternity and the clarity of what put them there.

Our Lord Jesus Christ has said, "To whom much is given, much is expected." In another place, He has said to those who would scandalise and abuse children and endanger them in lust and evil, "It would be better that a millstone be tied around their necks and they be thrown to the bottom of the sea than to scandalise one of my little ones." Think on that. The fact that that action would be better than what the Lord Jesus as the terrible and just judge will do.

Something for some to ponder but they won't because they don't believe it. But they will. Oh yes, they will. Every, single, one. They will believe it and they will know exactly why they will be there. I imagine they could repent and ask for forgiveness but how do you get back the horse that has left the barn after you left the door open? How do you payback for that which can never be recovered? A near eternity in the lowest level of purgatory is probably the best that they could hope for if they repent. Yet, the damage they have done will deserve Hell. 

It is a good thing that God is merciful. I would not be. 

Monday 3 May 2021

No more oath breaking! Nineteen active and retired police officers take Province of Ontario to court


Sunday 2 May 2021

It's the Fourth Sunday After Easter and the Feast of St. Athanasius and in Cardinal Collins' Archdiocese of Toronto, there is


A blessed Eastertide to the abandoned flock of Our Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in the Archdiocese of Toronto and much of the Province of Ontario without Holy Mass under the fascist diktats of Premier Doug Ford of the Ontario Politburo - a bigger ignoramus is unknown to this writer. Yet, this is not the case in all of Ontario. No. not all. You see the god of covid is smart, very smart and has not discovered the Diocese of St. Catharines where Holy Mass continues under the provincial order or in parking lots by creative, faithful and courageous priests. Not here though. Not here in the Archdiocese of Toronto where rather than offer you Holy Mass you get Knights of Columbus and York Regional Police preventing you from gathering to pray the rosary. Ford may have reduced it to ten people, Collins reduced it to zero.

Have you got it yet? You and I have been abandoned by this man pictured above and his ilk. False shepherds! Hirelings! Useful idiots!

St. Athanasius lived at the time of the Arian heresy. Today, we live in a time of the Modernist heresy, the Bergoglian heresies and the god of covid heresy. How different is our time from the Saint's? Hear his words today:

“May God console you! ...What saddens you ...is the fact that others have occupied the churches by violence, while during this time you are on the outside. It is a fact that they have the premises─but you have the Apostolic Faith. They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith. You remain outside the places of worship, but the Faith dwells within you. Let us consider: what is more important, the place or the Faith? The true Faith, obviously. Who has lost and who has won in this struggle-the one who keeps the premises or the one who keeps the Faith? Thus, the more violently they try to occupy the places of worship, the more they separate themselves from the Church. They claim that they represent the Church; but in reality, they are the ones who are expelling themselves from it and going astray. Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ.”

In the traditional Missal, the Offertory today is Jubilate Deo. If the Ordinary Form used the Proper of the Mass and the Gregorian chants, the Antiphon would also appear, though not quite in the same order. It comes along twice in the year, on the Third Sunday After Epiphany and this day. I will miss singing it today, in church, at least. At least in the mind of this Cantor, there is no more joyous chant to sing. The text itself is quite short, only two sentences. The melismas of this composition are outstanding, glorious and building to a crescendo that is almost an ecstasy. Incredibly, it becomes quiet, almost mystical when the Psalmist writes to "come and hear." 

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; sing a psalm to the glory of His name. Come and hear, all you who fear God, the great things the Lord has done for me, alleluia!

My friends. For those of you who can go to Mass today, pray for all of us who have been locked out of our churches. Not by the State, for in Ontario, Premier Doug Ford has limited occupancy to ten persons, but by our cardinals and bishops who have determined that there will be no Mass for you because it is "just not worth it" for ten. It's just not worth saving anyone from RMS Titanic because there were not enough lifeboats for all. That is how the twisted mind of Collins and his ilk think, it's just not worth it, it's just not fair. For those who cannot, watching the Mass on television or your computer screen may be a devotion but it is not Mass. It would be better to do this:

1.    Pray Matins and Lauds this morning from here according to Divino Affaltu Divinum Officium Matutinum

2.    Pray the text of the Mass complied daily by this good Deacon. TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS PROPERS IN ENGLISH: FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER; SAINT ATHANASIUS (373 A.D.) Bishop and Doctor of the Church (tridentine-mass.blogspot.com)

These are both, work. Watching on your screen is not. Put in the work. Defy these monsters who have shut you out of the church, who send effete Knights of Columbus to stop you from praying the rosary and have the State jackboots there to arrest you as did "Msgr." Gregory Ace and Neil MacCarthy doing the bidding of Collins

A shameful legacy of a tyrant to his priests, a bully to his sheep and in truth, a coward.