Communiqué from the Superior General to All Members of the Society of Saint Pius X at the conclusion of the meeting of major superiors in Anzère (Valais), June 28 2016
Following the meeting of the superiors of the Society of St. Pius X, in addition to the statement he read on June 29, 2016, during the priestly ordinations in Ecône, Bishop Bernard Fellay, the day before, had addressed the priests in a statement that DICI publishes today exclusively.
Meeting of Major Superiors of the Society of Saint Pius X (25-28 June 2016).
For the glory of God,
for the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His Most Holy Mother,
for our salvation.
for the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His Most Holy Mother,
for our salvation.
In the present grave state of necessity in the Church, which gives it the right to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, the Society of Saint Pius X does not seek above all a canonical recognition, to which it has a right because it is Catholic. The solution is not simply juridical. It depends on a doctrinal position that it is imperative to express.
When Saint Pius X condemned modernism, he traced the whole argument of the encyclical Pascendi back to one initial principle: independence. Now the world makes all its efforts to change the axis around which it must turn. And it is obvious to Catholics, as it is to those who are not, that the Cross is no longer that axis. Paul VI said it very well: man is (See Closing Speech of Vatican II, December 7, 1965).
Today the world turns around this, according to him, definitively established axis: human dignity, man’s conscience and freedom. Modern man exists for his own sake. Man is the king of the universe. He has dethroned Christ. Man exalts his autonomous, independent conscience, to the point of dissolving even the very foundations of the family and marriage.
The Society of Saint Pius X has always opposed this project of deconstruction of the universe, both the political society, and the Church.
To remedy this universal disorder, the Good Lord raised up a man, a Christian, a priest, a bishop. What did he do? He founded a society—a hierarchical society—the principle and end of which are just the antidote to this universal disorder: The Sacrament of Holy Orders. The purpose of the Society of Saint Pius X continues to be not only the actual remedy of the crisis but also thereby the salvation of all who cooperate in it. The Society is determined to keep doctrinal, theological and social rectitude, founded on the Cross of Jesus Christ, on His Kingship, on His sacrifice, and on His priesthood, the principle of all order and of all grace. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre fought his whole life long for the triumph of these fundamental truths. It is incumbent on us at the present hour to redouble our efforts and to intensify the same fight on the same principles.
We are not “conciliarists”: for they deny that Christ’s cross is the world’s axis; neither are we dissenters who reject the social nature of the Church. We are a Society of priests of Jesus Christ, of the Catholic Church.
Is this truly the moment for the general restoration of the Church? Divine Providence does not abandon its Church, the head of which is the Pope, the Vicar of Jesus Christ. This is why an indisputable sign of this restoration will be the express desire will of the Supreme Pontiff to grant the means with which to reestablish the order of the priesthood, of the faith, and of Tradition, sign which will moreover be the guarantee of the necessary unity of the family of Tradition.
Christus regnat,
Christus imperat,
Deo gratias,
Christus imperat,
Deo gratias,
+ Bernard Fellay
Anzère, 28 June 2016
on the vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul
Anzère, 28 June 2016
on the vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul
(Source : FSSPX/MG –DICI dated July 16, 2016)
Are there any Novus Ordo Bishops who have the confidence and serenity to talk this way? Haven't heard of one in a long time.
So the destruction of the CC continues & along with it the saving of souls through the wilful neglect of evangelisation in accordance with Modernism. The erroneous ecumenism the Vatican has adopted since VII spurns Traditional Catholics who have been crying out for the return of Tradition & the upholding of the Deposit of Faith & Magisterium. All Papal Exhortations & plane interviews given by PF totally contradict Scripture, the Ten Commandments, necessity of TLM & catechesis etc. as he continuously shows intent to demoralise those Catholics who go against his Modernist innovations in order to stay faithful to Christ. With Synodal authority coming the Traditional Orders will soon not be allowed to minister at all.
As Catholics we must start taking the difficult steps necessary in order to ensure the continuance of the CC as it was prior to Vat II & to make it even more resplendent. We must demand the CDF call out PF as a heretic. They have plenty of material to do so, both prior to his appointment, his dubious election & the heresies he has been promulgating since taking up office. It is not enough that Cardinal Müller may speak privately with PF. The fact that as Pope PF is teaching heresy would surely point to his not being a True Pope. If he was a True Pope he could not do this, as the Holy Ghost would stop him. The CDF have been dragging their feet for far too long and Catholics cannot withstand much more. We don't want violence but any more of this intransigence might very well provoke it.
Francis IS the Pope. The Holy Spirit has permitted it. Do NOT despair. This time of trial is a blessing.
We attended our first SSPX Mass today....truly felt like we were at Pella, or perhaps with the Essenes in the wilderness. God bless and aid us all....terrible times.
'Ana Milan said... So the destruction of the CC continues ..'
Ana, God bless you and yours; it is not the destruction of the Catholic Church but the wilful self-destruction of its New Order replacement. Dear Lord help us all, this does mean the deliberate abandonment of souls by those allotted to lead them (on the path to salvation) .. yet this was the Modernist intention (even before Vat-II) - to make each soul his or her own priestly and sovereign elder (presbyteral leader), and thus to do away with the heavenly grace of ordained ministerial responsibility. We can thank God that some - indeed many - young men and women have rediscovered creation's heaven-set need for religious ministry and priestly service (in addition to the call that we all must answer or face the consequences of ignoring: to take up the cross and follow); for even if our own generation must also pass as way too many previous generations have passed since 1966 .. with pastors who know not what it is to feed their flocks, or do not recognise the food wherewith they are to feed them, and the awful responsibility this lays upon them .. yet the Immaculate Heart shall triumph as heaven so wills and has declared to us.
Guest 108
He can't be Pope with this background!
Vox's headline:
"Communiqué of Bishop Fellay - where are the rest of the "Catholic" bishops..."
Where are the SSPX Resistance bishops? Why do they despise Bishop Fellay and the "new" and "heretical" SSPX?
Vox, to expand upon your headline, where are the dissenting priests within the SSPX? Why don't they stand with Bishop Fellay, who works to establish peace and regularization with Rome? Where are the dissenting Faithful who, while attached for now to SSPX chapels, badmouth Bishop Fellay to the point of labeling him a "heretic"?
On SSPX-related internet forums and Twitter, many Catholics attached to the SSPX, alongside SSPX Resistance types, as well as sedevacantists, have denounced yesterday's SSPX Vox's headline:
"Communiqué of Bishop Fellay - where are the rest of the "Catholic" bishops..."
Where are the SSPX Resistance bishops? Why do they denounce Bishop Fellay and the SSPX?
Vox, to expand upon your headline, where are the dissenting priests within the SSPX? Why don't they stand with Bishop Fellay, who works to establish peace and regularization with Rome? Where are the dissenting Faithful who, while attached for now to SSPX chapels, badmouth Bishop Fellay to the point that they insist that he's a "heretic"?
On SSPX-related internet forums and Twitter, many Catholics attached to the SSPX as well as SSPX Resistance types and sedevacantists have attacked yesterday's SSPX Vox's headline:
"Communiqué of Bishop Fellay - where are the rest of the "Catholic" bishops..."
Where are the SSPX Resistance bishops? Why do they denounce Bishop Fellay and the SSPX?
Vox, to expand upon your headline, where are the dissenting priests within the SSPX? Why don't they stand with Bishop Fellay, who works to establish peace and regularization with Rome? Where are the dissenting Faithful who, while attached for now to SSPX chapels, badmouth Bishop Fellay to the point that they insist that he's a "heretic"?
On SSPX-related internet forums and Twitter, many Catholics attached to the SSPX as well as SSPX Resistance types and sedevacantists have attacked yesterday's SSPX communiqué as fiercely as they did the communiqué released a few weeks ago.
They have insisted that the communiqués prove that the SSPX has lost its resolve, is determined to obtain a "deal" with "modernist" Rome, and has betrayed Archbishop Lefebvre.
Why do priests of the SSPX continue to abandon the Society in favor of the Resistance?
So, where are all of the above folks?
But in specific reference to "where are the rest of the 'Catholic' bishops?...yes, where are SSPX Resistance bishops Williamson and Jean-Michel Faure? Why do they continue to create division and dissension within the Traditional Catholic Movement?
Why don't they join Bishop Fellay in seeking peace with His Holiness Pope Francis? Why don't they work to benefit Holy Mother Church via peace with the Vicar of Christ?
Mark Thomas
Our SSPX chapel has added about 20% new parishioners in the last month or so. Young, old, couples, single people, families with children. They come once and they return each week. At this rate we will have to add onto the chapel. Praise God!
What a peculiar statement by Fellay of all people! The pope is not the head of the Church, Jesus Christ himself is head and founder of the Church. Providence cannot "abandon" what is divine, any more than the Trinity can divide itself.
I've heard Fellay use modern popular expressions before but there was room for interpretation due to context. A formal written statement leaves no room for misunderstanding. Fellay seems to clearly believe the same New Church idea as the pope that the Divine Institution is no more than another denomination, a human organization guided by the Holy Spirit, but not created of the Spirit.
Now I see why he had no trouble breaking from the Church, first time I wonder if this was all for his own glory, not the Faith's? Very shocking and disappointing to read his words.
Anon 6:48, there are enough problems without people making up new ones. The pope most certainly is the VISIBLE head of the Church, Christ the invisible Head. A vicar is one who stands in for the King under the King's authority, in the King's absence (in this case, the King's visible absence). That's the whole meaning of Jesus giving Peter, and only Peter, the keys (read a little history on the subject as understood by the Jews, and reference Isaiah 22). This is CAT 101. It is undeniable, and it is thoroughly Catholic.
That's why I can only square bergoglio's heresies and blasphemies against Christ's very words and the 2000 year old Magisterium, in an effort to tear down the Church of Christ and erect a church of man, in one of two ways; either he isn't a valid/canonically elected pope (there being a very solid argument to be made for this...though only in the Church's competency to proclaim), OR these are indeed end days and he is the one spoken of in St. Francis' last prophecy. Either way, these are UNIQUELY horrible times, and Bp. Fellay is speaking with clarity, wisdom, and grace. Stop making boogey men out of sentinels.
Excellent post Vox. We might call this the silence of the wolves--our shepherds in sheep's clothing whose jobs are more important that the souls of their flocks.
The tragedy for me and many is we have only recourse to podcast masses and dvds to attend the Mass.
We are without access to the traditional church because many bishops disallow the traditional groups to enter areas.
Bishop Fellay wrote:
"This is why an indisputable sign of this restoration will be the express desire will of the Supreme Pontiff to grant the means to reestablish the order of the priesthood, of the faith, and of tradition, which will moreover be the guarantee of the necessary unity of the family of tradition"
What planet is Bp. Fellay living on? Does he really believe that the most Extreme Modernist Pope Ever is going to allow the SSPX to reestablish the priesthood, the faith, and tradition? Pope Francis is against all of these things. Yet the Pope's supposed desire to "grant the means" will be a guarantee of unity? How incredibly bizarre!
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