VATICAN CITY - In a surprise announcement this morning, the Director of the Vatican Press office announced that Pope Francis will celebrate a Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Easter Sunday morning. It will be in reparation for the worship of the Amazonian idol and the betrayal of the real Catholics in Communist China and the worldwide closure of churches, suspension of the public Mass, and the withholding of the Sacraments due to the Chinese Communist Party Virus; the German Synodal "Way" and in repentance for the attack on the traditional Mass in Traditionis Custodes and its follow up rescripts. Francis is making a full recovery from his recent cardiomyopathy and is reportedly, "joyously overwhelmed" by the preparations.
The Holy Father has been studying in secreto the Traditional liturgy and has been so moved by it and decided to revoke Tradtionis Custodes. He will do this during the Homily in a solemn pronouncement enacting the points of Summorum Pontificum as an Apostolic Constitution. The Pope was ordained in 1969 right after the implementation of the Novus Ordo Missae by Pope Paul VI. Although he is familiar with the ancient Mass of his youth and years in seminary he has never celebrated it as a priest. Sources would neither confirm nor deny reports that the Society of St. Pius X has been quietly working behind the scenes with the Pontiff on the liturgical fine points.
The Pope will enter St. Peter's Basilica carried on the sede gestatoria not used since the short pontificate of Pope John Paul I, suspected of being murdered by the wolves Pope Benedict XVI warned about. As for papal vesture, Monsignor Guido Marini verified that "the Pope will be properly dressed." This will include the fanon, buskins, and gloves as shown in this photo of Pope Paul VI. In fact, he will wear these exact vestments as shown including the mitre as these were used by Pope Paul VI the last Pontiff to celebrate the most solemn and ancient liturgy of the Latin Rite in St. Peter's Basilica.
It was also announced that the papal court has been reconstituted today in the Motu Proprio "Quis ego sum iudex nimis?" by Pope Francis and the procession will include the ostrich feathered flabellum not seen in over a half-century. In an effort to dissuade fears amongst PETLNFB -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Large Non-Flying Birds, sources said that in "harmony with the encyclical on the environment, Laudato si, no ostriches were harmed in the accumulation of feathers." Sources could not confirm if the Holy Father would wear the Papal Tiera.
It was also announced that the papal court has been reconstituted today in the Motu Proprio "Quis ego sum iudex nimis?" by Pope Francis and the procession will include the ostrich feathered flabellum not seen in over a half-century. In an effort to dissuade fears amongst PETLNFB -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Large Non-Flying Birds, sources said that in "harmony with the encyclical on the environment, Laudato si, no ostriches were harmed in the accumulation of feathers." Sources could not confirm if the Holy Father would wear the Papal Tiera.
Father Tom Rosica, CSB integral to this development
Sources indicate that between cleaning bedpans for retired Basilians at Presentation House, the once discredited and now rehabilitated plagiarist has been secretly studying the traditional rites and has been consulting with experts at the Toronto Traditional Mass Society and the Society of St. Pius X on the finer points of the liturgy. Father Rosica is studiously preparing to celebrate the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and the Ego Sum Vox Cantoris Schola Cantorum is expected to provide the Gregorian chant.
Countering speculation that this story is too far-fetched to be true, a new fresco has been unveiled outside the entrance to the Chapel of the Hotel Santa Marta where the Pope says Mass daily to commemorate the event which should answer any doubts as to the veracity of this announcement.
Come now, an April Fools Day joke has to be believable.
Good one!!!!!😂
You had me there for moment until I read about singing Jesuits.
You really fooled me! I was thinking "Wow! That's fantastic!" Then I read the last paragraph and was brought back to reality.
You're going to have do something really good to top that next year! :-)
Vox, This is hilarious! I won't admit publicly how far the hook, line and sinker got down my gullet, before the fresco induced a frantic regurgitation. ROFL!
This is amazing news! The best news out of Rome in years!!!
I agree with Brendan.....and that last photo.......when pigs fly! I also read another one, but realizing it's April 1st didn't bite on that one either.....that Francis has just announced his resignation. Well, that one is a LITTLE bit more believable, but not much more. :)
This is stunningly offensive — and on Easter!
not for one second....not for one iota of a second....not for one nanosecond of a second did I even begin to believe any of this.....but pretty funny nonetheless.
A MOST blessed and grace-filled Easter to you and yours good-servant Vox.....may your reward be great....and may your voice continue to trumpet the Truth.
Christos anesti!!!
You had me for a few lines, then I knew it couldn't be, lol. Good one, and I hate pranks, but we need to laugh these days.
Happy Easter Vox and All!
Yes, Bergoglio's blasphemies are enough to disgust anyone. (Oh, that isn't what you meant? You are shocked, shocked, then, that the man who calls his own perceived enemies every name in the book--and quite a few that aren't--should be subjected to a little pushback once in a while. Those are the rules, all right, for people who make up the rules themselves. They can dish it out, but they can't take it.)
This is great! Judging from a recent email exchange I had with him, Fr. Rosica is *totally* open to performing such a notable service to the Church.
ROFLMAO - Great Gag
April Fools! Genuflecting is what alerted me. Thanks for the laugh.
In reading the first paragraph I thought to myself, surely Vox can't believe this!😆 On a side note, Vox, the SSPX has cancelled all Masses and gatherings. From the email: So that is and was a joy, but now for a sorrow. We have all just today received new directives from Fr. Wegner, our superior. He is as of right now canceling all public Masses and sacraments. This includes all public gatherings of any kind at our chapels. Baptisms, anointings, funerals and weddings may still be done according to the legitimate social restrictions, but it is obviously with concern for the public aspect and nature of these services that he has cancelled them. He has acted out of a sense of justice, duty and charity.
So perhaps you should reopen your combox to those who were of a strident nature so that they may apologize.🤔
So Well Written ! and how deeply I wished it were true, as in your heart-of-hearts, dearest Vox, you too wish it would be: otherwise you could not have conceived such a spectacular essay ! Maybe by this time next year we have answers to all our questions and wonder of wonders: maybe the world will finally be consecrated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart - lets all pray for this - warmest regards, Consolata
LOLROTF at this great April Fool's Day post about our fool of a Pope.
ROFL !!! Vox you got me all over again !!!
Lol. You fooled me for a minute until I remembered it's April 1st
Cuando comencé a leer pensé "Dios escucho mis oraciones! Bergoglio se convirtió al fin!
Era demasiado bueno para ser real...
Felicitaciones por tu sentido del humor! Cuando vi la imagen de los cerdos volando me hiciste reír! 😁
Google translation:
"When I started reading I thought "God heard my prayers! Bergoglio was converted at last! It was too good to be true ... Congratulations on your sense of humor! When I saw the image of the pigs flying you made me laugh!"
Good one!
Shades of 'Eccles is Saved' ... great minds think alike.
Where is the satire flag for this one?
WOW, I GOT FOOLED! excellent and funny
Thought it possible until I got to the ‘in reparation for amazonian…’. Well, I do pray for the man’s conversion every day and what would be the point if I didn’t think it were possible? ��
A blessed Holy Week Vox and all. ��
I am usually fooled easily, but this was just too impossible! I thought, "It's April first!".
Bordering on false testimony but funny!😂
You got me!
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