A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Douglas Crosbie and his masked marauders violate Ontario laws at Creche - no visits at Christmas!

"WISE MEN WEAR MASKS! So do good shepherds! This year's Christmas Crib at the Chancery has a COVID-19 pandemic addition. The Magi and the shepherds, who are not part of the Holy Family "bubble" are wearing masks! Since they cannot follow the social distancing protocol, the masks are mandatory! Thanks to the Christmas decorators for reminding us of our responsibility to care for one another especially during these dangerous times!" Latest Heart to Heart from Bishop Crosby, OMI - Diocese of Hamilton (hamiltondiocese.com)

Dangerous times? I'd like to find a good shepherd with a mask or without. There is only one, The, Good Shepherd. The rest of these immuno-compromised, episcopal-effetes  are "hirelings" at best and "wolves in sheep's clothing" at worst. 

This is the same Douglas Crosbie, OMI, who as Pastor at St. Joseph's Ottawa presided over and encouraged his congregants to harass four priests attempting to found an Oratory of St. Philip Neri at St. Brigid's Parish, now an event centre. I know, I was there. The same bishop that brought along two "co-pastors" whatever that means, plucking them out of Labrador and installing them in two historical Hamilton parishes. "Co-Pastors."

Co-Pastors? That sounds dangerous.


Johnno said...

Once again Holy Things are continuing to be put at the service of worldly marketing campaigns. These morons would put a statue of Joe Biden at the Nativity if they could get away with it.

I've seen abuses of Nativity scenes to promote Climate Change, Recycling, saving wildlife and all manner of garbage the puts the Gospels and Holy Scenes at the service of what the Zeitgeist wants.

Bergolio shot of the lights on the Nativity and used the entirety of St. Peters as a projection screen for some animal kingdom show.

These men have no sense of God or Sanctity or Holiness. The Church, like journalists, are nothing more than PR agencies offering their wares.

The sellers may not be directly in the Temple anymore, but they do have fancy offices bearing the emblems and symbols of the Church, religious orders and dioceses.

Christ led by example by kicking the shit out of them and whipping their ass. It's high time we began imitating our Lord in everything and not just those select areas these hirelings prefer us to focus on so that they might lead us to the slaughter without too much fuss.

Vox Cantoris said...

Don't give them any ideas!

Kathleen1031 said...

It's their pinch of salt. These people have turned into such relentless nags. I work in education, and all day long kids and the rest of us have to hear "wash your hands, stay 6 feet away, blah blah blah", we get it! But this is their religion and they must practice it. Putting a mask on figures is sick, it's not funny. The Holy Family was not threatened by any disease.
They cannot give people one moment of rest, not one. They must remind you of your guilt over illegal immigrants, your carbon footprint for having a little tiny home while they fly around on jets and light up mansions, and you must serve the Blessed Covid and show your respect by wearing your face diaper.

peasant said...

Hey Johnno, the peasant always has his shit kicking boots on. Lets go.
And the poops (I'm not good at spelling) nativity set this year looks like someone pulled some old Dr. Who props out of the garbage.

Barona said...

Is there no depth too low for these hirelings to plunge? What blasphemers!

Anonymous said...

For some reason this bishop seems to specialize in gimmicks and superficiality. Just take a look at the diocesan social media accounts.

Tom A. said...

Can anyone claim that their local bishop professes the Catholic Faith as taught prior to 1958?