In March of this year, we knew little of the China Virus. We had no masks, in fact, were told we did not need them. Churches should never have been closed. They should have been open for private prayer. Limits on capacity were argued on this blog weeks before the preposterous closure. The Cardinal should have argued that churches be exempt from a strict number cap, it should be based on square footage and ability to distance. In some churches, the 30% capacity could not be met because one could not meet the distancing requirement. It is insanity. Costco has not been limited to 50 persons. Common sense should dictate. Not hysteria.
Will the Cardinal cancel public Mass on Christmas too? Will he pre-empt Premier Douglas Ford? Oh, and while I mention Premier Ford, to my fellow Ontarians, it could be worse. Think about "catholic" Andrew Cuomo!
I feel bad for the faithful in Toronto, but if you continue to call that brood of vipers the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, then get used to having no masses at all. Flee the heretics and find independent true Catholic Masses. If there are none in your area, there are plenty online. Collins is a modernist pretending to be your ordinary and Francis is an apostate pretending to be your Pope. Every day the evidence mounts that these men do not hold the Catholic faith. Stop supporting their lies. Flee.
It is not beyond possibility Mr.Ford may shut us down Provincally from Mid December until Mid January.After all, we did not have Easter this year-the precedent is clearly established.
The bishops shut our churches before the Premier Ford. The bishops did not fight. They betrayed us.
With Churches closed worldwide almost there is effectively no public worship of God. That leaves the world in a very precarious state. Recently saw a picture where a Cathedral was closed to the public, but the gift shop was open for business.
The Novus Ordo is a worship of Man, not God.
I hope that the conciliar fake bishops shut down everyone of your NO fake masses. They are affonts to Almighty God. They are protestant worship services. They are sacrilegious and blasphemous. And I hope every so called mass that is said in union with that blasphemous apostate Bergoglio is shut down for good and never reopens. Find a true Catholic Mass and have nothing to do with the heretics and apostates.
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