A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Friday, 20 November 2020

Cardinal Collins cancels public Mass in Toronto and west of Archdiocese - more to follow?

Earlier today, Ontario Premier Douglas Ford put two regions, Toronto and Peel to the west, under serious restrictions. Included in this is a limit of ten persons at religious services. In response. Toronto's Cardinal Thomas Collins has decreed that the celebration of public Mass in these areas is suspended.

As of this writing, there are 518 people in hospital in the Province of Ontario. From Windsor at the border with Detroit past the Thousand Islands shared with upstate New York and past Ottawa to Quebec. Across Superior to the Manitoba border, 518 people out of 20,000 hospital beds for a population of 13.5 million. That is 0.003% of the population. 

Utter insanity and wickedness.

Understand this. Premier Douglas Ford has not closed churches nor has he ordered the ending of public Worship of God and the abolition of the Sacraments.

Thomas Collins, the "Pope in Toronto" has done this. 

An absolute and utter disgrace.

Read it and weep, along with Jesus.

From: MacCarthy, Neil <neilm@archtoronto.org> on behalf of Office of Public Relations & Communications <communications@archtoronto.org>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 6:30:40 PM
To: Office of Public Relations & Communications <communications@archtoronto.org>
Subject: Communication from Cardinal Collins re November 20 Province of Ontario Announcement on Covid-19 Restrictions


November 20, 2020 

To all clergy, staff and the faithful of the Archdiocese of Toronto,

Before providing an update on the latest measures implemented by the province of Ontario regarding churches in the Archdiocese of Toronto, I wish to express my gratitude and admiration for the heroic work that has taken place following our June re-opening. 

Since that time, more than 1.3 million Catholics have attended Mass in our archdiocese. Following our robust WorshipSafe protocols, clergy, staff and volunteers have created a safe and welcoming environment, ensured proper distancing, the use of masks, as well as sanitizing churches after every service. You have also reached out with creativity and love to care not only for the sick and bereaved, but also for the needs of those suffering in other ways, who are isolated, who are facing psychological and spiritual trauma. You have been there for them. I thank you for fostering a culture of compassion that is needed more than ever, in the midst of this pandemic. 

Participation in the Mass and especially the opportunity to receive the Eucharist and other sacraments gives all of us the spiritual strength to not only endure the crisis, but also to reach out to serve, day after day, all of those who are suffering. 

We also must recognize the gravity of the situation before us. The number of positive cases of Covid-19 continues to rise at an alarming rate in many areas of our own archdiocese and in other regions of the province and country. We are still in the midst of a pandemic, which has already taken the lives of more than 11,000 Canadians. 

We are grateful to those who have been dedicated to fighting the virus – first responders and front line workers along with those working selflessly in our long-term care homes among others. In my conversations with political leaders and medical officers of health, I continue to assure them of our ongoing prayers as they make difficult decisions to protect all of us. 

In view of all of the above, I am deeply disappointed that, in some regions of the archdiocese, we must restrict participation in the sacraments (details enclosed). This will inflict a great spiritual pain upon those who safely and with great dedication have been drawing spiritual strength to sustain them, and to help them to serve those suffering in this pandemic. As we have demonstrated our ability to safely worship together, I trust that we will soon be able fully to resume public worship. 

Meanwhile, now is the time to go ever deeper in prayer, and with continued love and creative zeal, build up our community of faith and reach out even more to those who are suffering in these difficult days. 

Sincerely in Christ,  

Archbishop of Toronto 

Recognizing the health and safety measures announced by the Province of Ontario on November 20, 2020, I am directing parishes to implement the following in their respective regions: 

Toronto & Peel Region (Lockdown – Emergency Restrictions) 

  • By Monday, November 23, 2020, parishes must restrict attendance inside the church to 10 people, including priests hearing confessions or a staff member/volunteer required to monitor capacity restrictions. Due to these measures, public Masses must be temporarily cancelled. Priests are asked to celebrate private Mass daily for the intentions of parishioners and for those suffering from Covid-19. 
  • Churches, wherever possible and according to the judgement of the pastor, are encouraged to remain open for private prayer and for the faithful to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Weddings, funerals and baptisms (without Mass) are restricted to 10 persons, including those who are involved in ministry (priest, cantor, etc.). First Holy Communions and Confirmations should be postponed at this time. 
  • Parishioners are encouraged to view online/livestream/televised Masses. A full list is available at www.archtoronto.org and I will continue to celebrate the livestreamed Mass each day from St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica at 7:30 a.m. 
  • No meetings should take place in parish halls or other church spaces at this time. The only exception would be those deemed as essential services eg. Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous Meetings. These meetings should be restricted to 10 people and ensure that all appropriate health and safety measures are in place (use of masks, hand sanitizer, physical distancing, etc.). Virtual meetings should replace in-person meetings wherever possible.

·       Parish offices should move to Phase 1 – Parish Offices Closed/Significant Operating Restrictions. Only essential staff in the office. Employees should work remotely wherever possible. Parish offices closed to the public - limited essential appointments only. Staff should take direction from the pastor regarding the local situation on the most prudent approach. In larger parishes, it may be possible to rotate staff.

York & Durham Regions (Red Zone – Control Restrictions)

  • By Monday, November 23, 2020, parishes must restrict attendance at all liturgical celebrations (Mass, Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, First Holy Communions, Confirmation, etc.) to 30% capacity. Please continue to ensure strict adherence to sanitization, distancing and other measures as outlined in our protocols.
  • No meetings should take place in parish halls or other church spaces at this time. The only exception would be those deemed as essential services eg. Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous Meetings. These meetings should be restricted to 10 people and ensure that all appropriate health and safety measures are in place (use of masks, hand sanitizer, physical distancing, etc.). Virtual meetings should replace in-person meetings wherever possible.
  • Parish offices should move to Phase 2 – Limited Operations.

Simcoe Muskoka & Orangeville (Orange Zone – Restrict Measures) 

  • No change to current operations. Parishes must restrict attendance at all liturgical celebrations to 30% capacity. 
  • Indoor meetings restricted to 50 people maximum.


Barona said...


Barona said...



We are dealing with a novel Coronavirus that has an IFR of no more than 0.01%. I have done some rough math and the chances of a person outside of LTC settings dying from the virus is approximately 1 in 17,000. The virus is NOT rampaging in our communities or country.

This misleading and useless publication about “cases” is nothing but propaganda to mislead the gullible. Besides precautions for the frail and those with preexisting conditions, life should continue EXACTLY like in any bad flu season.

There is no need to close, or even restrict the churches. We can and should, without restriction reopen theatres, cinemas, sports, and concert halls. We need to reopen without conditions or restrictions.

Jonah said...

Inch by inch, step by step, our shepherds have departed from the Truth. Our flock is now undeniably mad.

Anonymous said...

Underground it is then. Time to leave these Judas' and shake the dust off our sandals.

Remnant....let's go.

And may I posit here that anyone who participates in anything remotely having to do with COVIDISM moving forward more than likely will be in danger of not receiving the divine moniker "you good and faithful servant" at the end of their lives. God will only allow you to spit in His eye for so long.


Anonymous said...

On the plus side, it eradicates sacreligous Communions and liturigal abuses. God works in mysterious ways.

Anonymous said...

So much for the Mass being the source and summit of Christian life, eh Cardy? Any priest or bishop who thinks the Holy Eucharist is not essential, please leave the Catholic Church. Your services are no longer required.

Tom A. said...

Why would anyone expect anything else from a modernist apostate who is a “bishop” in the new religion?

Johnno said...

The stupidest thing about all this is that the lockdowns are not even based on the already existing phony 'cases.'

They're based on 'projected' 'cases'!!!

We're being locked away based on the soothsaying of mathematical models by the same geniuses who allegedly can't program a function that can reliably count votes!

I predict that this virus threat will magically show up very year just in time to shut down Easter and Christmas masses perpetually. So those twice-a-year Catholics ain't ever coming back. Aka - the majority of them.

Kathleen1031 said...

Once again I take a seat next to Tom A.
Humanly speaking, only civil disobedience on a grand scale can end this.
Freedom, once lost, can really only be regained by sacrifice. If the people are quiet, it is guaranteed to continue.
But are these men giving you what you clamor for? Find the Latin Rite Holy Mass, friends. Support that, support those faithful priests.

Tom A. said...

Mankind has a date with the Anti-Christ. The stage is being set. There is no avoiding it. Flee the heretics, grab your rosaries, and prepare to be persecuted for the Faith.