A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Cardinal Collins - Why is a "Gay" defrocked priest and former seminary Dean of Studies quoted in your newspaper and active in a parish "ministry?"

The photo below is of an article in the Toronto Archdiocese owned Catholic Register. It features information on AIM, a lay group with outreach at the Jesuit parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Toronto. If features a quote from one, Gordon Davies.

But just who is, Gordon Davies?

A "gay" man ordained in the Archdiocese of Toronto who rose to the rank of Dean of Studies at St. Augustine's Seminary and eventually left the priesthood and was defrocked. 

The other quoted, Pearce Carefoote, is also a "Gay" defrocked priest and now and Anglican cleric offering sacrilegious Masses and Holy Communion.

Former priests should have absolutely no ministry in the Church, official or otherwise. In fact, canonically, they have no authority to teach or speak on behalf of the Church.

It is time for Thomas Cardinal Collins to explain why a former priest is engaged in ministry in the Church in Toronto when he clearly dissents from Church teaching.

Why is the Cardinal's own newspaper (here we go again with Corporation Sole) featuring a dissenting, defrocked priest?

The Cardinal has and will have much explaining to do. 

More here:


Brian said...

Should we be surprised at this? Disgusted yes but not surprised. Considering the infestation of homosexuals into the priesthood (as much as 50% in my own diocese) this absence of vigilance in guarding the faithful where the homosexual playbook is concerned is understood. Cardinal "Timid Tommy" either supports this defrocked gay priest OR he does not have the courage to stop him, probably for fear of the flesh eating ridicule he would have to endure not only from the paganized secular press but also from "Catholic" voices among the priests and laity of his own Archdiocese. Can you just imagine the reaction of OECTA the so called Catholic teachers association of Ontario?

LORD deliver us from the negligence of the Bishops.

Tom A. said...

Because they are not Catholic. They belong to a new religion that was born from Vatican 2. As soon as you start associating the conciliar NO V2 with all the other heretical sects, the scales will fall from your eyes. As long as you keep associating the NO conciliar V2 church with Holy Mother Church, you will forever remain in confusion and contradiction. It is a mystery as to where we can find our true shepherds, but one thing is clear, it will not be in the Novus Ordo fake V2 sect.

Kathleen1031 said...

I'm with Tom A completely. It took time to come around to it, but there can be no doubt. We don't need a marker such as V2. We need only look at what the church is now to see whatever it was, it isn't anymore. Denial can only get you so far. Even a cursory analysis of Francis should be enough to show the church is in apostasy. Now in our house, we remain Catholics and will always be Catholics, but we do not participate in the NO church except that we attend the Latin Rite Mass but do not give any financial support except gift cards to our faithful priest. It's not optimal, but it's okay. There is no real refuge, here on earth. God in His infinite wisdom has allowed things to be as they are. We try to stay united to Him as best we can. God bless all trying to sort this mess out in their heads.
Vox, God bless you for calling out these dirty rats. What crust, presenting yourself as a layman and deceiving the people with your snake oil.

Peter Lamb said...

Dear Kathleen,

You are a long time miles Christi. You have come a long way and so now you can say you are with Tom. Tom as you know is a sedevacantist. All sedes say is that heretics can't be Popes - which is logical Catholic doctrine and that the Catholic Faith is indefectible - it remains unaltered for all men of all times. As one holy Pope said: 'He who is not a Member cannot be Head."

Stop going to your "Latin Mass' if:
1. If it is said "una cum." Praying to God in union with a satanic heretic is the height of blasphemy! For one who knows what is going on to attend an una cum, or novus bogus "mass" is a mortal sin.
2. Any "mass" celebrated by a "priest" ordained by a "bishop" consecrated in the new rite is invalid, as are the "priest" and "bishop".

You know what it's all about. Gird your loins. Take the step. Join St. Gertrude the Great Parish virtually. Tune in to valid Catholic Tridentine Mass daily on their live webcast, or get a DVD of the Mass from St. Joseph's and have virtual Mass daily and make daily Spiritual Communion. St. Leonard of Port Maurice, among others, says many have reached great holiness through Spiritual Communions.

You will be free of all NO filth. You will be living as a true Catholic and wonderfully privileged to be counted among the truly faithful Remnant. You conscience will be clear, your soul will be at peace while you live the Faith of our Fathers, just as it always was, is and will be, while we patiently await the Will of God to be done. "For God Alone!"

The 300 said...

In Cardinal Carter high school in York region, the male chaplain has started a Muslim students association. It’s all about getting converts in the very heart of a catholic high school. Where is cardinal Collins???

The 300 said...

And why is he allowing an anti-catholic Muslim students association to try to convert catholic students at Cardinal Carter high school in York Region???

Tom A. said...

Absolutely correct, Peter. To put that filthy heretics name in the Sacred Canon is blasphemy and sacrilege. To knowingly assist at a Mass in union with that filthy heretic must surely be a sin.