They should never have been admitted to the priesthood. They must get out.
It could have been you; it could have been me. It could have been anyone of us. They knew it and they covered it up.
It includes Erie in Pennsylvania.Who was the bishop for many years? How hard did that malefactor fight the corrected translation of the Third Roman Missal?
Trautman! A diabolical narcissist if there ever were one; and with a "bobblehead!"
ChurchMilitant also has a story today demanding that a bishop from Guam be removed over sexual assault allegations. They also report on James Martin, S.J.'s receipt of an award from an sodomite and lesbian group.
Every single priest. Every single bishop. Every single Cardinal. Must be exposed. Must be outed. Must be held to account.
Every. Single. One.
Six of state's eight Catholic dioceses under investigation
HARRISBURG — Four more Catholic dioceses — Erie, Greensburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton — have been swept into a grand jury investigation of clergy sex abuse and cover-up allegations in communities stretching from the Delaware River to the Monongahela.
On Friday, officials in all four dioceses confirmed they received subpoenas from the Pennsylvania attorney general's office. Their confirmations come a day after the Harrisburg Diocese told the newspaper that it, too, had gotten a subpoena.
The Allentown Diocese also is part of the grand jury probe, according to a state lawmaker who testified before the grand jury in Pittsburgh. Allentown diocesan officials have declined to comment on the probe.
State prosecutors have been taking testimony in Pittsburgh for months in a wide-ranging investigation that started with a scathing March report detailing allegations of abuse by about 50 priests and other religious leaders in the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese and a cover-up by church officials.
How can a priest practising sodomy be helpful and discerning to homosexuals in confession? He can not.
I know that the high clergy know about "Alta Vendita", about the research of father Dariusz Oko, about the propagation of sodomy in catholic schools under the pretence of tolerance. Many are sodomites themselves. Bergoglio knows.
They are letting our children and grandchildren be polluted by this evil. It seems that this is the plan.
Those priests who do not want the indoctrination of children with fornication and sodomy should speak out. Not doing it will only increase the evil. They should demand the immediate removal of all sodomy-friendly clergy form the Church. Let them be anti-God elsewhere.
Tolerance for these sodomites should not mean indifference toward a deliberate destruction of souls and the Church.
It is worth noting that the "archbishop" of Guam is a lifelong supporter and, if my memory serves me right, member of the Judeo-Protestant-Gnostic "Neocathecumenal Way". He helped them destroying whatever remained of Catholicism in Guam. In exchange, they have supported him up to recourse to victim blaming and denial of the most basic human and Christian mercy. From their fruits you will recognize them.
Lorenzo, Italy
P.s. Please forgive me if there are any errors in my English.
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