Perhaps a few less foreign trips might reduce Bergoglio's carbon footprint. Will someone tell him that the mission of the Church is the SALVATION OF SOULS!
Bless me Father Bergoglio, for I have "sinned."
- I have used air conditioning at home and in the car and the office in order to control my asthma so that I can function during the day to take on the enormous responsibilities I have for my employees and clients.
- I consume a half tank of petrol every Sunday driving 412 kilometers to attend Mass and return home where I have been appointed to sing the Gregorian chant when I really should forsake this apostolate and attend my own local parish where they care not for the proper celebration of the Holy Mass and in fact, refused my mother's funeral because the request was that it be, in Latin.
- I threw a piece of plastic into the regular garbage last evening instead of making the extra effort to ensure that it ended up in the recycling bin even though most of what is in the recycling bin ends up in the regular garbage.
- I have failed to use compact fluorescent bulbs and maintain a stockpile of beautiful warm incandescents, enough to last me until I am 99 years old, should the good Lord above grant me the grace to live that long.
Hey Jorge, what about Asia Bibi?

The total lack of concern about this poor woman's plight (despite petitions & media coverage) is a scandal. The total betrayal shown in the persecution of Christians in the ME is also beyond belief. The total disregard for Catholic priests when attacked (& in one case killed) by IS monsters when celebrating Holy Mass shows a complete lack of faith in what the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church (Christ's Church on earth) stands for. The ignorance of this Pope when he say that all religions are the same - everyone can get to Heaven, there is no Hell (that doctrine is incompatible with the infinite love of God) is paganistic.
By their complete silence our Hierarchy have aligned themselves with this non-Catholic Modernist & will have great difficulty in retrieving the trust of the laity they once held. They gave us this excuse for a real pope, they now have the charge of removing that which has turned out to be totally false & elect a Catholic man of God who will not rest until His Church is fully restored to the True Faith.
Oh no!!! Now Catholics can sin against creation.
Does anyone know if mowing the lawn is a mortal, or venial sin?
If I plan to mow, and get a bit of pleasure from it, does that make it worse?
I should note that I use a gasoline powered mower which of course increases the seriousness of the sin.
I'm doomed.
In honor of this Francis pasture pie I think i will leave the A/C on all next week when I am out of town.
An excellent post, BTW, Vox.
Hollywood gave us the vulgarian comedy Waynes World. The 2013 conclave has given us Jorges World. It is a world of the here and now. Vatican II started the aggressive cleansing of the Church of Catholicism. Jorge has simply upped the pace.
Asia Bibi's family met His Holiness Pope Francis, received his blessing and assurance of his prayers for Asia Bibi and her family. They are pleased with Pope Francis.
Pope Francis: “I am praying for Asia Bibi and for all suffering Christians”
"During today’s meeting with the Pope, including a handkiss, after the Wednesday General Audience, Asia Bibi’s family entrusted Pope Francis with the suffering of an innocent woman who has been locked up in a Pakistani prison for the past five years and sentenced to death on false accusations of blasphemy.
“Holy Father, pray for Asia Bibi, for us, for all persecuted Christians in Pakistan.”
"The Pope listened to them, welcomed them and blessed them, assuring them of his closeness and prayers: “I am praying for Asia, for you and for all suffering Christians.”
Mark Thomas
Asia Bibi attorney, Joseph Nadeem, praised Pope Francis' closeness to Asia Bibi and her family, as well as the manner in which His Holiness has handled the situation with Asia Bibi.
Joseph Nadeem, is a Pakistani who also serves as executive director of Renaissance Education Foundation. He risks his life to defend and help Asia Bibi’s family
"In a statement to Vatican Insider, Joseph Nadeem, who has been looking after Asia’s family, comented that:
"An appeal from the Pope would cause quite a few problems for us right now. Let us recall the violent way in which fundamentalists reacted to Benedict XVI’s words.
"We know Pope Francis is close to us.
"But any public appeal he makes, even though it is made in good faith, will do nothing to help Asia Bibi’s safety nor will it help ensure her release.
"Instead we must trust in diplomacy as a weapon."
Mark Thomas
The only time the phrase “care of this world” appears in Holy Scripture, is in Matthew 13:22 - the Parable of the Sower. “And he that received the seed among thorns, is he that heareth the word, and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choketh up the word, and he becometh fruitless.”
An accurate description of naturalist Bergoglio's gaia-loving concern for the temporal, at the expense of the supernatural. Bergoglio is choking out the Gospel of He who is the True Light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world (Jn 1:9,11.) and Who directs him to his true, eternal home.
Habemus Papam.
We have a pope. And his name is George Soros!
PF needs to get his finger out & swiftly send his Secretary of State, Cardina Parolin, to Lahore. Her situation is very similar to the baying mob urging Pilate to crucify Christ - again on trumped up charges.
The inactivity on the part of the Vatican in regards to Christian persecution is appalling & demeaning to all Christians. They are not elected politicians, although you might think they were, the attention being given to non-religious affairs e.g. environmental issues & Islamic migrants. George Soros must be exceedingly pleased!
In your face and Dan's posts had me laughing out loud. They're also sadly accurate. I'm sure Francis and his new envirochurch will find a way to make mowing the lawn a sin soon, just like A/C. What a clown.
Vox, what "nonsense" did His Holiness espouse in regard to his address for the "Care of Creation?"
I would somebody to demonstrate why the Pope's above address, which reflects 100 percent Catholic teaching in regard to the care and protection of God's creation, particularly man, is "nonsense."
By the way, was it the Orthodox Church, on September 1, 1989 A.D., or George Soros, who established the "movement toward a yearly commemoration of the biblical mandate to exercise stewardship over God’s creation"?
Mark Thomas
Is the following from the Orthodox Church, which reflects the teachings that the Catholic Church and His Holiness Pope Francis espouse, "nonsense"?
"This paper was first presented to the InterOrthodox Conference on Environmental Protection, Crete, 1991."
Orthodox Liturgy and the Care for Creation
Mark Thomas
In his address today, His Holiness Pope Francis quoted His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew as follows:
"For human beings… to destroy the biological diversity of God’s creation; for human beings to degrade the integrity of the earth by causing changes in its climate, by stripping the earth of its natural forests or destroying its wetlands; for human beings to contaminate the earth’s waters, its land, its air, and its life – these are sins.” Further, “to commit a crime against the natural world is a sin against ourselves and a sin against God."
That is to be dismissed as "nonsense" from Patriarch Bartholomew?
Here is beautiful teaching from the Orthodox:
Environmental Justice and Peace
Quotes by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Mark Thomas
Mark, what is the first and ultimately, the only mission of the Church?
It is, as you know, THE SALVATION OF SOULS.
All must come to Christ or they will be lost. Period! If there are exceptions then we cannot know this for fact or by example. There is NO SALVATION OUTSIDE THE CHURCH. I know that you know this.
This environmental worship is not Catholic. Good stewardship is one thing, following this globalist agenda is quite another.
The air is cleaner now, at least in places other than China, then at anytime in the last 500 years! My house was heated with coal, so was my whole neighbourhood. What do you think the air was like in Toronto 100 years ago? The Great Lakes are cleaner than at anytime in the last 100 years. Rivers do not set afire anymore.
Who is he speaking to?
Nations must enact laws to protect their water and air and forests because it is the right thing to do and is part of sound economics.
It is not the Church's job.
The Church's job is the SALVATION OF SOULS.
Not Soros' radical environmental agenda and the lie of global warming which is part of a globalist Marxist agenda! The Pope is being used, willingly, as a tool.
As for Asia Bibi, he snubbed her family. There was no private audience. he walked by them in a fence line in St. Peter's Square. As said above, get Parolin to Pakistan and get her out!
He just doesn't care enough because she is not Zuckerberg!
@ Mark Thomas
You want to know the character of a person? Watch his friends and his enemies.
How does Jorge Bergoglio know that humans have caused climate change? What depopulation, euthanasia and abortion fanatic advised him on this? Do you know?
Are you aware of Jorge Bergoglio having admonished Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Mark Zuckerberg and so many others he was photographed with for possession and maintenance of many energy-consuming and CO2 producing, fully air-conditioned mansions? Has he admonished them for not sharing their vast wealth not shared with others, or for very public fornication, support for abortion and sodomy, to the point of refusing to marry their partners as long as sodomites were not be able to marry, and adopt children?
You do know his admonishments and verbal abuses of those of us, who see a problem with the above.
Know his friends, and know his enemies. People ha targets, whom he compares to ISIS-terrorists, are most people commenting here.
Jorge Bergoglio equated head-chopping, child-raping, Christian-slaughtering Islamic jihadists to Christians peacefully fulfilling the Great Commission.
Your actions are often despicable.
I know that you are intelligent enough to see this. I also know that you deliberately spin everything, to question the soundness of minds and souls of those, who admit to what they see.
"The Antichrist will not be so called; otherwise he would have no followers ... he will come disguised as the Great Humanitarian; he will talk peace, prosperity and plenty not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves ... He will tempt Christian(s) with the same three temptations with which he [satan] tempted Christ ... He will have one great secret which he will tell to no one: he will not believe in God. Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counterchurch ... It will have all the notes and characteristics of the [Catholic] Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ." (Communism and the Conscience of the West.)
Bergoglio "shares some noteworthy characteristics and ideological predilections that have long been foretold to be a feature of these apocalyptic figures. The obsession with the environment. The excessive concern for the distribution of material resources. The condemnation of all war, even just war. The joint worship with Lutherans [Jews, Islamists]. The admonition that members of other faiths should not convert to Catholicism. The constant tinkering with sacred teaching and tradition. The scrupulous avoidance of the mention of what we must do to get to heaven. The scrupulous omission of the mention of God in his addresses on world affairs. If Francis’ role is not that of the Biblical False Prophet, his actions and statements are paving the way for the acceptance of this terrifying creature."
I should have added that if Bergoglio cared about the salvation of souls, and if he were a Catholic (he has no business being pope, if he rejects Catholic teaching), he would know that so called charity work doesn't save souls. Faith in Jesus Christ does.
Has Zuckerberg announced after the meeting that he is now a believer? Oh, I forgot - proselytizing is sheer nonsense. I forgot, we have a so called social justice-centred, not a God-centred pope.
There is no collective salvation. The beauty of our faith is among other things in our belief that each of us is a child of God as a concrete individual.
Like other politicians, Bergoglio likes to think of collectives, as in migrants, as in the poor. He also likes to meet very privileged people and listen to their charity propaganda.
I know, because I worked with the homeless, that poverty doesn't make one noble. Sometimes, I have seen, depravity makes one homeless. I cared for every depraved person, I discriminated against no one, but many, very many, showed no gratitude, but accused me of having a home to go to instead, as though it were a crime.
My understanding of justice is different than Bergoglio's. I have little, but feel like I am very privileged, especially in comparison to those who have even less, or to my former life in Poland.
Do I think I am guilty because I have a condo while some are homeless? Do I think I am guilty because I pay lots of money to heat my place in the winter? Do I think I am a sinner, because my siblings still live with my parents? NO!!!
I use discernment to help those who I think will make good use of my help. I would hate for anyone (including Bergoglio) to force me to give more or give differently. This is not Christianity. It is godless communism.
Part 3, for I forgot important things.
Catholic teaching on social justice promotes the principle of subsidiarity. I dare say subsidiarity is the opposite of centrally and globally administered wealth redistribution. People like I, who was born and raised poor, and who pays lots of taxes at a time, when everyone around me is being fired form their jobs, should listen to Francis now, a totalitarian dictator (of immoral, materialistic principles) who wants to slam more taxes on me, in order that people I never met could have their revenge or justice for sins against the climate I never committed?
I am quite sure that many people living in those affected countries are better off than I am. Or maybe they live humbly, yet grateful for all they have? I know some people from those countries, who confirm what I just said. Actually, they want to go back, because "help" is too expensive here, and they don't like loading the washing machine (or unloading it and folding laundry). Many are back in Latin America.
I say we take care of those close to us, we make sure that money we give to charities is not stolen (for example, by Clinton Foundation for Clinton's expenses) from the needy, or misused for bureaucracy. We take back our land from mega-corporations, and we take care of it, as we used to, for our children and grandchildren.
We do not believe those who deny the validity of subsidiarity and propose global wealth redistribution, administered by the wealthiest and most ruthless enemies of our children and grandchildren, people who would rather kill them in their mother's wombs than see justice for them.
But most importantly, we don't envy those who have more, and we are grateful for all the good in our lives.
I learned about the global wealth redistribution in a Master's program in a Canadian university back in 1996. I learned about the clandestine work of the so called NGO's to bring it about. I learned about the necessity to brainwash the young into earth worship, and the necessity to make little children "agents of change", behind their parents' backs. Bergoglio uses the term "agents of change" for children. Is there any wonder, he hates people with respect for tradition? I learned about sustainable development.
Have you read "Behind the Green Mask"? Do you know of the Delphi method used as a tool of population intimidation and marginalization in order to implement so called smart growth? These people are advisors to Bergoglio,
Since he trusts psychopaths, abusers of trust and power, since he cooperates with them, I will do what I can to expose him.
Are we headed toward the destruction of our planet via climate change? If so, I will pray to God for mercy, but I will not listen to psychopaths and professional liars.
Mark Thomas has completely eased my mind.
I was really getting worried about Pope Francis because he sounds more like he is leading a group of LGBT practitioners of wicca, than the Catholic Church.
I think Pope Francis should just go ahead and declare himself a saint now!
Dan said...
Me too! Mark Thomas has done a wonderful job of dispelling any fear I had that Bergoglio was not firmly rooted in Catholicism's 2,000 year Tradition.
It's articles like Barnhardt's (link below) that create unnecessary anxiety for people like me.
It's a nightmare that we never get to wake up from. I wish he would just go away. The See of Peter used as a lackey by the (((synagogue of Satan ))). Pius the XII is spinning in his grave.
Vox, in regard to salvation of souls, as you know, His Holiness Pope Francis has preached constantly the message of Confession, Confession, Confession. He has exhorted us constantly to go to Confession. He has warned us repeatedly that Satan seeks to devour us.
Pope Francis instituted the Year of Mercy to stress the need for repentance and reformation of our lives.
In regard to Catholic Social Teaching:
Pope Francis is called by God to teach stewardship.
Vox, did you read yesterday's address and prayer by Pope Francis? If you did, please cite that which you deemed "nonsense."
Thank you.
Mark Thomas
Vox said..."As for Asia Bibi, he snubbed her family. There was no private audience. he walked by them in a fence line in St. Peter's Square. As said above, get Parolin to Pakistan and get her out!"
1. Pope Francis stopped in front of Asia Bibi's family.
2. He listened to them.
3. He expressed his prayers for and closeness to Asia Bibi.
4. Asia Bibi's attorney, Joseph Nadeem, expresses his appreciation for Pope Francis' closeness to Asia Bibi and her family.
5. "We know Pope Francis is close to us," said Mr. Nadeem.
6. Joseph Nadeem said that an "appeal from the Pope would cause quite a few problems for us right now. Let us recall the violent way in which fundamentalists reacted to Benedict XVI’s words.
"We know Pope Francis is close to us.
"But any public appeal he makes, even though it is made in good faith, will do nothing to help Asia Bibi’s safety nor will it help ensure her release."
"Instead we must trust in diplomacy as a weapon."
Vox, Asia Bibi and her family don't share your criticism of Pope Francis in regard to how His Holiness has handled the Asia Bibi situation.
On the contrary, they are very pleased with the prayers and support that they've received from His Holiness Pope Francis.
Vox, we need to join Asia Bibi's family and attorney in the wonderful support that they've given to Pope Francis. We need to rally around Pope Francis and join with him in praying for and supporting Asia Bibi and her family — particularly in the manner in which Asia Bibi's family believes is in their best interests.
Anyway, Asia Bibi's family is pleased with the prayers and support that they and Asia Bibi have received from Pope Franics. That is what counts in this situation.
Vox, they are happy with Pope Francis. That is good enough for me.
Mark Thomas
Dear Mark,
Bergoglio denies a dogma of the Catholic Church - he denies eternal punishment in hell. Do you dispute that statement?
Therefore, per definition, he is a heretic. Do you dispute that statement?
Therefore he is not a member of the Catholic Church. Do you dispute that Statement?
Catholics are required to let heretics be anathema. Do you dispute that statement?
Therefore nothing that Bergoglio does, or says, is of any relevance to Catholics. Do you dispute that statement?
I'm sure when Asia Bibi is executed the pope will remind us of just how peaceful is the religion of Islam.
Here is the profession of Faith from "Preces Gertrudenae". Note the great promise Our Lord made to St. Mechtilde, especially in these times when doubt and despondency try to creep in:
O MY God, thou ancient and absolute truth, I (N.) believe with my heart, confess with my mouth, and profess by my actions, that I most firmly believe all and every article of faith which the holy Roman Church proposes to us to be believed, and that I will believe them to the end of my life.
And although I can in no wise understand how the truths which the faith delivers to us are possible, nevertheless I bring my understanding into captivity to the obedience of Christ, I revere these most sacred mysteries with profound submission, and I beseech thee to render them availing to my salvation. And even as I now profess this faith, so I vow, promise, and swear, in presence of all the holy angels and saints, and above all in thy presence, O most holy Trinity, that I desire to live and die in the same. So help me God and these his holy Gospels. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Here commend thy faith to God, as follows:
for our Lord revealed to St. Mechtilde that those who do so shall be preserved from temptations against the faith to their lives’ end.
I COMMEND this my faith to thine omnipotence, O eternal Father, beseeching thee that thou wouldest so strengthen me therein with thy divine strength, that I may never depart from it or waver in it.
I commend it to thine unsearchable wisdom, 0 only-be-gotten Son, beseeching thee that thou wouldest so enlighten me with the light of thy knowledge, that I may never be led astray by the spirit of error.
I commend it likewise to thy most compassionate goodness, O Holy Ghost the Comforter, beseeching thee that this my faith may so work in me by charity, that at the hour of my death it may be found perfect and entire.
Asia Bibi Sentenced To Death For Faith. But in the Vatican Her Case Is Taboo.
Sandro Magister " gives a very different account to the one cited by Mark Thomas here. I believe Sandro Magister!
Peter Lamb,
Pope Francis address yesterday about stewardship as well as Vox's reference to Asia Bibi are the topics of Vox's post.
Peter, I will respond to your questions, but first...
Attention: Whiners (folks who only single me out to whine that I go off-topic and "ruin" Vox's posts.)
If Vox approves my replies to Peter, please don't whine that I have gone off-topic and ruined Vox's post. Whiners, please note that I'm aware that this thread concerns Pope Francis' address yesterday about the care of creation, as well as Vox's reference to Asia Bibi.
Whiners, please note that I have stuck to those topics. But if I am to answer Peter's off-topic questions, and if approved by Vox, then please do not post your standards whines about me.
Peter, should the whiners surface to attack me for going off-topic, then I will direct them to you. Peter made me do it! Peter made me do it! :-)
Mark Thomas
@ Vox
You ask about the Church's main mission, and here is what you get in response:
"Vox, in regard to salvation of souls, as you know, His Holiness Pope Francis has preached constantly the message of Confession, Confession, Confession. He has exhorted us constantly to go to Confession. He has warned us repeatedly that Satan seeks to devour us.
Pope Francis instituted the Year of Mercy to stress the need for repentance and reformation of our lives."
I ask: Where does the Church teach that its main mission is to preach: Confession, confession? Where does it teach that proselytizing is nonsense, as Bergoglio does? How can Zuckerberg go to confession, if he is not Catholic? Salvation, according to your friend, equals confession? How then can the Church help souls to salvation, if she refuses to teach the Gospel to non-believers, and if she refuses to admit the necessity of confession (your friend talks about confession, when you ask about Church mission - he uses deception to avoid answering your question).
Are you going to indulge this deceiver? If you are, please say why?
You know that he knows all the un-Catholic teachings of Bergoglio, even anti-Catholic. You know there are many victims of this replacement of truth and lie with shades of grey, with deliberate obfuscation and relativization of truth.
This person MT is treating all of us here like fools.
No one contributes more to global warming than Francis. Every time he opens his mouth, hot air envelopes the earth he loves so dearly.
Ana Milan, you are free to believe Sandro Magister.
Conversely, I believe Asia Bibi's family, as well as her attorney Joseph Nadeem. They are far more expert in regard to Asia Bibi and her situation than Sandro Magister. Again, I believe the true experts in regard to Asia Bibi.
The prayers and concern that His Holiness Pope Francis has for Asia Bibi and her family should encourage us to follow the Pope's lead in that regard.
-- Ashiq Masih, Asia Bibi's husband: "The Holy Father blessed and encouraged us."
-- Holy Father, pray for Asia Bibi, for us, for all persecuted Christians in Pakistan," the family asked Pope Francis after the Wednesday General Audience.
The Pope heard their plight and offered his blessings. "I am praying for Asia, for you and for all suffering Christians," he said.
Joseph Nadeem, Asia Bibi's attorney:
"An appeal from the Pope would cause quite a few problems for us right now. Let us recall the violent way in which fundamentalists reacted to Benedict XVI’s words.
"We know Pope Francis is close to us.
"But any public appeal he makes, even though it is made in good faith, will do nothing to help Asia Bibi’s safety nor will it help ensure her release.
"Instead we must trust in diplomacy as a weapon."
Asia Bibi's family, as well Joseph Nadeem, her attorney, have offered expert and beautiful testimony as to Pope Francis closeness to and concern for Asia Bibi and her family.
Therefore, let us pray that God will grant Pope Francis holy success as the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis, performs God's work in regard to Asia Bibi's situation.
The video and photographs of Pope Francis interacting with Asia Bibi's family are beautiful and uplifting. We see a holy and humble Pope with his spiritual children, the holy and humble family of Asia Bibi.
Sorry, but I don't understand as to why anybody would attempt to defame Pope Francis' beautiful interaction with Asia Bibi's family. Why would Catholics wish to attack that? That is very mysterious.
Anyway, Asia Bibi's family, as well as her attorney, have expressed appreciation for their meeting with Pope Francis, and the blessing, prayers, and encouragement that they and Asia Bibi received from Pope Francis. can have Sandro Magister. I will take the experts — Asia Bibi's family and attorney. They know best.
Mark Thomas
Ana Milan said..."Sandro Magister " gives a very different account to the one cited by Mark Thomas here. I believe Sandro Magister!"
I simply referenced and reacted to statements made by Asia Bibi and her attorney. Therefore, the "different account" that you rejected is the account(s) offered by Asia Bibi and her attorney.
You prefer Sandro Magister's account over the account(s) offered by Asia Bibi and her attorney? Oh, okay.
Mark Thomas
George Soros said: "I am the Pope's boss now".
Hmm.....sounds to me as if ol' Georgie Porgie is once again giving the Pope his marching orders. "Proclaim the glory of the earth, and bring all those "new Catholic babies" to a standstill, for they will surely desecrate her majesty, Mother Earth." After all Catholics need not 'reproduce like rabbits' you know!! Funny how according to Francis and his "Joy of Love" we can now divorce, remarry and still be an integral part of the Church, Communion and all, but if we neglect to recycle......."Woe be to us! It's off to Confession!!" Paganism is the new Catholicism.
this is easily my favorite Catholic blog. It's orthodox and concise. But I must agree with Dorota. This person "Mark Thomas" is constantly contaminating the comment section with extra-long consecutive posts, heterodox writings, repetitive arguments, etc. Also, his logic is utterly broken. For example, he is justifying Pope Francis' open heterodoxy by saying that previous "post Vatican II" popes also made semi-heterodox statements. When he is exposed, criticised and asked to stop with it, he just ignores that, and you let him continue with his arrogant behaviour. But, in the end, it's your blog and your rules.
Mark Thomas: Please give links to your quotes as I cannot find them.
The debate is important. We need to support, but also to challenge one another. I like to give a free forum for all here, with very few restrictions.
For example, my good friend in South Africa, Dr. Peter, is a sedevantist. Most blogs would block him. I won't. If I block Mark, what about Peter.
Thank you for enjoying my work. Comment more!
O dear how does Jorgeeeee cope with Matthew 21:19
And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.
We have a full blown nut on our hands, clearly bad leadership is punishment for our sins.. Lord have Mercy!
Yeah Vox !!! :)
P.S. I've just made a post, just before I saw these comments, which is seriously sede and will definitely ruffle a few feathers. :) Vox Cantoris, as far as I know, is the only blog which truly allows free debate, obviously within reasonable limits. I have been blocked by many others. The reason for this, in my opinion, is that the other big blogs have vested interests and financial goals. They only commune with the like-minded. Has anybody ever seen a solicitation for money on Vox Cantoris? Vox is as straight as an arrow and stands on his own two feet. There are not many men who have the guts to do so and fewer bloggers still. We are all Catholics who seek a Catholic solution to our bizarre situation and therefore we debate.
Frankly I love the comment exchange. Mark Thomas and all.
Dear Vox,
Please continue to allow Mark Thomas to post his comments. His insights obviously take a different tack than the majority of other commentators on your site.
He frequently raises very good counter points that I welcome in that I must run my opinions through the "MT crucible" to see if they can withstand a serious critique of them.
A courteous exchange of opinions (sprinkled with a dash of occasional humor) should be welcome. We are Catholics for Pete's sake, we have nothing to fear (as opposed to the tyrants at other Catholic sites that squash different opinions). We are all adults here seeking the truth. Let's trust the Lord that He can guide us, as He has the Church, via debate and challenges to Tradition (ie. Church Councils).
God bless you Vox for your faithfulness to Christ and His Church! And God's blessing on all readers/commentators of this site, including those with whom I may disagree with.
I would assume those in materially poor villages in a third world country have a better attitude than many of those here. They have people with issues, too, but are probably not poor for having not made the effort and/or for wasting it on substance abuse, fast cars and fast women (sorry for the double negative).
Peter Lamb,
I look forward to responding to your questions. But I wonder first about the following:
Peter, I know that you belong to the sedevacantist wing who believes that Pope Venerable Pius XII is the last true Pope. Does that mean that the only Catholics on earth are those who are members of that wing?
Are those who assist at Novus Ordo Masses Catholic? Or are they schismatics/heretics?
Are those who assist at TLM Masses offered by the SSPX, FSSP, ICK, etc. ("Traditionalist" groups) Catholic?
Are Novus Ordo Masses, TLMs, and Eastern Catholic Divine Liturgies, offered by priests in communion with His Holiness Pope Francis licit?
Vox-permitting, before we begin our discussion, I wish simply to understand where you stand on the above issues.
Thank you.
Mark Thomas
Where do you draw the line when it comes to comments? Can proponents of women ordination get on your blog and comment?
As for Peter Lamb, I cannot judge his intentions but objectively speaking he's not a Catholic. I'm sure the current horrible crisis led him to draw the conclusion that the Holy See was vacant, which is a solution that seems straightforward and is enticing for many confused Catholics. However, it's a most pernicious error. It used to be prohibited to read books that propagate heresy and schism. This prohibition is most likely still binding in conscience. So if you let someone propagate schism (Sedevacantism) on your blog, you participate in their sin by giving them a forum to spread their erroneous views.
I think the lax comment rules are one of the downsides of the Catholic blogosphere.
Ana Milan:
Here are the links.
-- Papal blessings for Asia Bibi’s family, as death sentence still looms
By Andrea Gagliarducci
Vatican City, Apr 15, 2015 / 03:13 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis has blessed the family of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani woman sentenced to death for blasphemy, as they continue to work for her release.
Bibi’s husband, Ashiq Masih, said “the Holy Father blessed and encouraged us.”
-- Francis: “I am praying for Asia Bibi and for all suffering Christians”
During today’s meeting with the Pope, including a handkiss, after the Wednesday General Audience, Asia Bibi’s family entrusted Pope Francis with the suffering of an innocent woman who has been locked up in a Pakistani prison for the past five years and sentenced to death on false accusations of blasphemy.
“Holy Father, pray for Asia Bibi, for us, for all persecuted Christians in Pakistan,” they asked Francis in tears during the brief meeting which took place after the General Audience.
The Pope listened to them, welcomed them and blessed them, assuring them of his closeness and prayers: “I am praying for Asia, for you and for all suffering Christians,” the Pope said.
(Joseph Nadeem is Asia Bibi's attorney.)
"In a statement to Vatican Insider, Joseph Nadeem, who has been looking after Asia’s family, commented that:
"An appeal from the Pope would cause quite a few problems for us right now. Let us recall the violent way in which fundamentalists reacted to Benedict XVI’s words.
"We know Pope Francis is close to us.
"But any public appeal he makes, even though it is made in good faith, will do nothing to help Asia Bibi’s safety nor will it help ensure her release.
"Instead we must trust in diplomacy as a weapon."
The bottom line is that Asia Bibi's family, as well as Joseph Nadeem, her attorney, have declared that Pope Francis met them, blessed them, offered encouragement to them, assured them of his prayers for Asia Bibi, and is close to them.
Joseph Nadeem, Asia Bibi's attorney, declared that "any public appeal" from Pope Francis "will do nothing to help Asia Bibi’s safety nor will it help ensure her release."
Ana Milan, I will throw in with Asia Bibi's family, and attorney, over Sandro Magister. They, not Sandro Magister, are the experts here.
They have offered positive comments in regard to the manner in which Pope Francis has dealt with their situation. They, not Sandro Magister, know best.
Mark Thomas
Konstantin said...
Where do you draw the line when it comes to comments? Can proponents of women ordination get on your blog and comment? ...
I think the lax comment rules are one of the downsides of the Catholic blogosphere.
A few weeks ago, one did!
One post was not approved yesterday because it was a profanity against Pope Francis. A man named Lionel is barred because he slanders me on his blog and a Toronto priest is generally barred because he has slandered a brother priest, whom I know and is a friend.
Why do I allow Peter, a sedevacantist? He has always been kind to me in private emails. We disagree on one thing. Frankly, I am closer to Peter than to the one at the link above. Would you not agree? Sedevacantists accept the full articles of Faith, there is one thing we disagree on. If you sat down with James Martin, S.J., would you find him more or less orthodox than Peter? Frankly, I'd sooner have Peter at my table than James Martin, or even my friend, Thomas J. Rosica, who refused my offer of dinner and then tried to sue me.
Mark Thomas
1. Pope Francis stopped in front of Asia Bibi's family.
- Will His Holiness stop in front of the Mohammedans and preach them the Gospel?
2. He listened to them.
- Can His Holiness also listen to the Holy Ghost once in a while and drive out Modernism and its clone Nouvelle Theologie from Holy Mother Church?
3. He expressed his prayers for and closeness to Asia Bibi.
- Did His prayers go to the Mohammedans to give up their heretical belief?
4. Asia Bibi's attorney, Joseph Nadeem, expresses his appreciation for Pope Francis' closeness to Asia Bibi and her family.
- The Pharisees also expressed their appreciation for Our Lord Jesus Christ. Where did that lead?
5. "We know Pope Francis is close to us," said Mr. Nadeem.
- Why not become Mohammedans and become even more closer?
6. Joseph Nadeem said that an "appeal from the Pope would cause quite a few problems for us right now. Let us recall the violent way in which fundamentalists reacted to Benedict XVI’s words.
- Why doesn't His Holiness go and preach eco-friendliness to the Mohammedans, since He won’t / is struggling to preach unchanging doctrine?
@ Wolverine
It is neither wise nor noble to encourage everyone to share opinions. This is a very modernist, foolish and harmful attitude. It is deceitful to pick and choose at will from a vast supply of evidence, to spin and fit a false narrative.
When a parent refuses to correct the mistakes of a beloved child, stressing the positive instead, they neglect their parental duty.
When a Catholic defends an anti-Catholic pope, under the pretext of obedience, it is foolish and evil. I ask: Who is the pope supposed to represent?
We have a pope who tells young priests that they should discern shades of grey, that by learning clear distinctions between black and white, they have not received proper formation. We hear him speak about listening to each sinner, discerning properly the particulars of their individual circumstances. One rule does not fit all.
When it comes to all things material, however, the same pope pushes for a top-down distribution of wealth. No room for discernment, when it comes to so called environmental justice.
Wit, good humour, is a very valuable thing, of course.
Creating platform for sanctimonious deceivers, so that they continue to deceive by providing partial and misleading evidence, is wrong.
I provided my individual story to portray the injustice of the proposed global wealth redistribution. It is nowhere to be found in the Word of God.
Yet we read: "Go and make disciples of all nations."
"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1: 6-10
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20
Dear Konstantin, Thanks for your frank opinion. I have mentioned before, that anti-sedes regularly make broad, general statements about sedevacantism, but have, so far, proved unwilling, or unable to substantiate their criticism from Catholic doctrine.
1. You say that I am objectively, not a Catholic. Fair enough, but now back up your statement please. Explain to me, in detail, why you think I am not a Catholic.
2. Please explain, in Catholic theological detail, why sedevacantism is a most pernicious error.
3. Please explain how you equate sedevacantim with schism.
Konstantin, let's chat about this. :)
Should have added:
Mark Thomas is NOT open to a... dialogue (how I despise this word, thanks to all this fruitless dialoguing around us).
I don't think anyone intelligent here has any doubt that he has ANY interest in looking at evidence of Bergoglio's unfaithfulness to Jesus Christ.
He is not interested in truth, he is interested in spinning truth to fit a false narrative. This is despicable.
I ask, does he do it deliberately, to conditions all of us here (we are but a handful of people, but many more read than comment) for acceptance of bold lies and cleverly designed half-truths as the norm? Bergoglio does it with great mastery, too.
I will state very clearly that his actions here are very upsetting to me. The odour of his insincerity and stubborn defence of falsehoods and evils is unbearable to me. I am convinced he does not love Jesus Christ, yet he loves to appear right about the pope, when he knows he is clearly not. It is sickening.
Dear Mark, I also look forward to you answering my questions, without further preliminaries, distractions, or ado. :) A numbered series of "Yes" and "No" will do.
Then I will be happy to answer all the questions in your most recent post above.
Again, I neglected to stress a matter of great importance here:
Jorge Bergoglio makes no secret of his ideological leanings - neither in his demotions and promotions nor in the choice of visitors and travel destinations.
No sane person with moderate knowledge of his fundamental transformation of the Church can have any doubt that he is deliberately destroying Catholicism and changing it into something more in line with Teilhard de Chardin's New Age religion.
According to that Jesuit (a liar who faked - twice - geological finds in support of theory of evolution, and who was deemed a heretic prior to becoming Bergoglio's inspiration for "Laudato Si") we are co-creators of the evolving universe.
So, Mark Thomas, know that it is not lack of knowledge of these heresies that causes me to find your method of "dialoguing" despicable. And please, should you stoop to not ignoring me, do not explain that JPII was a big fan of Teilhard, the father of the New Age movement (some claim). I know. When a poor student many years ago, I bought his expensive book "Christian Personalism" (I am translating from Polish). His Alpha to Omega scheme had me all excited for decades.
Liars. Want to be a New Ager? A Mason maybe? Stop manipulating an "transforming" Christians with your lies. Are we all Christs? Have you achieved Christ-consciousness?
"The ultimate destiny of the universe is in the fullness of God, which has already been attained by the risen Christ, the measure of the maturity of all things. Here we can add yet another argument for rejecting every tyrannical and irresponsible domination of human beings over other creatures. The ultimate purpose of other creatures is not to be found in us. Rather, all creatures are moving forward with us and through us towards a common point of arrival, which is God, in that transcendent fullness where the risen Christ embraces and illumines all things. Human beings, endowed with intelligence and love, and drawn by the fullness of Christ, are called to lead all creatures back to their Creator."
Mark Thomas: Having looked up your links, it seems that Joseph Nadeem belongs to a foundation that helps (probably financially) Asia Bibi but her actual lawyer is Safil Malook who is a Muslim.
We know PF is praying for her (aren't we all?) but he needs to do more & sending his Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin to Lahore to conduct the necessary sensitive negotiations on her behalf would be well worth the time & effort - she is a Catholic & should in these dire circumstances be supported by the CC. As diplomacy is Cardinal Parolin's expertise, he is the ideal choice to undertake this mission. He could also head down to the ME to see if he could bring to an end the gross persecution of Christians & broker a deal to allow Christians return to their homes without harassment & their priests to continue to minister to them. Muslims are allowed to practise their religion without interference in other countries so the same should apply to Christians, but they take us for easy fodder & no-ne can blame them as there is silence from the Vatican no matter how horrific their crimes, even Fr. Hamel's death didn't enrage them as it should have.
I'm sure if Asia Bibi was your own daughter or wife you might take a different attitude to the silence of the Vatican. I know I'd be livid! That cup of water has cost her dearly. We pray that PF will not allow it to proceed any further without his personal intervention.
To support my anger (righteous, I know), here is a quote by Jorge Bergoglio:
"The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! ‘Father, the atheists?’ Even the atheists. Everyone! And this Blood makes us children of God of the first class! We are created children in the likeness of God and the Blood of Christ has redeemed us all! And we all have a duty to do good. And this commandment for everyone to do good, I think, is a beautiful path towards peace. If we, each doing our own part, if we do good to others, if we meet there, doing good, and we go slowly, gently, little by little, we will make that culture of encounter: we need that so much. We must meet one another doing good. ‘But I don’t believe, Father, I am an atheist!’ But do good: we will meet one another there.”
I will leave at this. Should anyone need an explanation, what is wrong in the above words, the answer is simple: If they are spoken by a person claiming to be a catholic, the person is lying about his identity. He is definitely not a catholic.
Why I am so angry with the machinations of Mark Thomas? Just like Bergoglio, he supports and uses GRADUALISM as a means to achieve change. Change in teaching, change in rules of discourse, change in basic standards of honourable behaviour.
Little by little he is conditioning the readers here to accept heresies unquestioningly, and double standards and dishonesty as virtuous, respectable, praiseworthy human behaviour. This is often called PROGRESS, These progressives just love "moving forward". So they do.
Like I stated, Bergoglio and his admirerer's non-catholic views and modus operandi are theirs to be had and practised. I understand why they would hold those views, and I think I know why they use this abhorrent gradualism on trusting, unsuspecting subjects.
While the sold out catholic media offer Bergoglio an unrestricted platform to spread his heresies, and while they sometimes cover them up, Vox challenges this evil.
He has even been called "a holy man" by a very wicked, sanctimonious visitor. This smells bad.
Thank You, Vox.
I know you know you are not holy, But you are OK.
May God bless you.
Ana Milan,
Joseph Nadeem has also been identified repeatedly as Asia Bibi's attorney (or one of her attorneys).
Why would I take a different attitude if I were related to Asia Bibi? Her family is very much on board with not having His Holiness Pope Francis offer grand public declarations about Asia Bibi.
As it was explained by Joseph Nadeem, "An appeal from the Pope would cause quite a few problems for us right now. Let us recall the violent way in which fundamentalists reacted to Benedict XVI’s words.
"We know Pope Francis is close to us.
"But any public appeal he makes, even though it is made in good faith, will do nothing to help Asia Bibi’s safety nor will it help ensure her release. Instead we must trust in diplomacy as a weapon."
Moslem fundamentalists would go berserk should Pope Francis became involved publicly in Asia Bibi's case.
Public declarations by Pope Francis would make it impossible for Pakistani official to release Asia Bibi. If they released Asia Bibi, the fundamentalists would claim that officials bowed to the "Infidel Crusader" Pope. Riots would ensure.
Pope Francis must not be viewed publicly as having interfered with the process of Islamic law.
That is why Asia Bibi's family do not want grand public declarations from Pope Francis about Asia Bibi's case.
By the way, who said that Rome is "silent" about Asia Bibi? As Joseph Nadeem noted...diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy.
Anyway, Asia Bibi's family is very pleased with the manner in which Pope Francis has approached the situation at hand. That is all that matters.
Sandro Magister's nonsense doesn't matter...not a bit.
Here it is again - the despicable and highly offensive denial of grave inconsistencies.
"Moslem fundamentalists would go berserk should Pope Francis became involved publicly in Asia Bibi's case."
I ask: Did Bergoglio say the words quoted below, to convince "Moslem fundamentalists" of his total submission?
"Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."
Of course, if Asia Bibi were as peace-loving and unity-building via denial of Christ, when conducive to one world and world religion, as Bergoglio is, she would never have gotten into trouble with the law. She would speak from all sides of her mouth. Jesuits have perfected duplicity and situational ethics.
To conclude, I will mention Cardinal Zen and the recent betrayal of Catholics in China. Berogolio's peons bash Wyszynski and Mindszenty as conflict-stirring egomaniacs now.
Here speaks another egomaniac, Cardinal Zen:
"Obviously our underground communities are non-existent for the Government. But now is even the Vatican ignoring them in negotiations, to appease their Chinese counterparts? To "save the day" will we abandon our brothers and sisters? But they are the healthy limbs of the Church! (Of course, they too have their problems, especially when dioceses remain without bishops, which can only lead to disorder). Is silencing the underground community to please the government not a form of suicide?
In the recent negotiations there has been no mention of the case of Msgr. James Su Zhimin in prison for 20 years, nor of Msgr. Thaddeus Ma Daqin of Shanghai under house arrest for more than three years, because these issues have been deemed "too sensitive" !?"
Is the following quote about Cardinals Zen, Wyszynski and Mindszenty or is it about the person of the year, as announced by "The Advocate", first catholic pope-celebrity with sodomites, Jorge Bergoglio?
"If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world."
"An unjust man is abominable to the righteous, And he who is upright in the way is abominable to the wicked."
"Then will they hand you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name."
Dorota, thank you again for your comments. You eloquently speak the mind of most of us here. At a certain point, the time for "debate" and "dialogue" is over when it comes to Bergoglio and the heretics destroying the Church. Instead we should all be focusing on how we can oppose their evil efforts, not defending them. Vox, I know this is your blog and you were OK with debate, but it has just gone far too long at this point. Eponymous Flower has finally taken the step of moderating comments and deleting the incessant attacks and deceptions of the Pollyanas and neo-Catholics. It was nice to see sanity restored on what had formerly been, as yours is, a wonderful blog. I sincerely hope you will consider the same step. Most of us here believe that the combox situation has degenerated too much due to certain commenters. No offense, but enough is enough.
Let's get back to focusing on keeping the TRUE Faith and supporting one another against the modernists overrunning our Lord's Church.
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