In honour of Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, named a Cardinal today by the Bishop of Rome, we give you this post originally from October 23, 2015.
Or then there are these:
In a stunning announcement today, Blase Cupich (Soup-itch as in Campbell's Mmm, mmm good Soup for Sodomites), the once seminary Rector at the Pontifical Josephinum in
Ohio who obliterated Christ the King, from the chapel of St. Turibius, made an incredible move towards the restoration of the Catholic faith in Chicago.
Or then there are these:
In an exclusive interview with Vox Cantoris, Archbishop Cupich stated that, "If people come to a decision in good conscience to attend the Church's traditional Roman Liturgy then our job is to help them move forward and to respect that. The conscience is inviolable and we have to respect that when they make decisions, and I’ve always done that.”
Faithful Catholic are human beings
Denying that Catholics attending the Latin Mass in the Church's traditional liturgy were ever prevented from doing so, Cupich stated, “I think that people who desire the Traditional Latin Mass are human beings too
and they have a conscience. And my role as a pastor is to help them to discern
what the will of God is by looking at the objective liturgical teaching of the
Church and yet, at the same time, helping them through a period of discernment
to understand what God is calling them to at that point,” said Cupich.
Cupich concluded that, "It’s for everybody. I think that we have
to make sure that we don’t pigeonhole one group such as those who desire the traditional Roman liturgy as though they are not part of
the human family, as though there’s a different set of rules for them. That
would be a big mistake."
Pfleger experiences ecstasy
Pfleger has been studying the Church's traditional liturgy and is now concluding his Latin studies. Cupich has approved Pfleger's demand to open an Oratory of St. Philip Neri at St. Sabina's in Chicago with a Pontifical Mass to be presided over by Cupich on Gaudete Sunday this coming Advent. When asked why Gaudete was chosen, sources close to both Cupich and Pfleger indicated that the "pink vestments" would send the right message.
Bishop bans Latin services
March 27, 2002 11:00 pm •
RAPID CITY - A standoff between Latin-rite Catholics in Rapid City and their bishop has left the Latin Mass congregation of St. Michael's choosing to celebrate Good Friday services on the sidewalk instead of in church.
Members of the Latin Mass community, which has met in Rapid City for the past 12 years at Immaculate Conception Church on Fifth Street, say Bishop Blase Cupich has barred them from celebrating Good Friday and Easter vigil services at the church in an attempt to mainstream them into the English-language Mass.
"We've been prohibited by the bishop from celebrating the Easter Triduum liturgies and locked out of our church from noon on Holy Thursday until 8 a.m. on Easter morning," Dan Carda, 58, of Piedmont, said. Carda is a Latin Mass adherent who refuses to participate in the new-order English-language Mass that was mandated by the Second Vatican Council.
Instead, Carda and some of the other 220 members of St. Michael's congregation will gather at 3 p.m. today for Good Friday services on the sidewalk in front of the church.
Cupich sees his decision to not allow Good Friday Latin services at ICC as an invitation to unity, not a denial.
"We're just looking for an opportunity on an annual basis for us to all worship together, for one moment of unity as a Catholic church," Cupich said. "I'm looking for one time each year to do that, and it seems the day the Lord died for us all would be a good day to do it. That's all that this is about."
He said he would like the Latin Mass community to recognize unity with the wider Catholic church. "There has to be some occasion on a yearly basis to reflect the fact that we are one church under one bishop," Cupich said. "I would ask them, 'Why do they find it so difficult, on the day of the Lord's death, to celebrate with their bishop, who is the sign of the Lord's unity?'"
Carda sees it differently.
"This is his most-effective time to crack down, during Holy Week," Carda said, noting that Catholics such as he expect the elaborate pomp and circumstance of the Latin rite during Holy Week.
"I'm quite upset. It's disappointing and very disheartening," Carda, who has drafted a letter of complaint to Pope John Paul II, said. "I don't know why he feels like we are such a danger to him."
Carda and the Rev. Valentine Young, pastor of the St. Michael's community, say celebrating Holy Week in Latin is their right. They have a different understanding of the pope's position on the continuation of the Latin-rite Mass than does Cupich. The bishop's decision to prohibit some Holy Week services, as well as his recent decision to not allow children to make their First Communion or to be confirmed in the Latin rite, is contrary to the pope's wishes, Carda said.
"As long as the pope authorizes the Latin rite, I don't feel like I'm in violation of any of the legitimate authority of the church," Carda said.
After Vatican II, Carda stayed away from the Catholic Church for 30 years, returning only when the Latin rite started being celebrated again in a Sturgis congregation. "To me, the Latin rite is the real church. When you attend, you feel something very special that you do not when you attend a Novus Ordo (New Order) Mass," he said.
Young has said that the Ecclesia Dei document (the papal document allowing for the continuation of the Latin rite for people having trouble making the transition to English) ensures the right to worship in Latin. The document says, "Great respect should be shown to people still attached to the former Latin Liturgical Tradition." Cupich, he said, "is not showing these people respect by what he is doing."
Cupich says he's sorry the Latin Mass community is having trouble with his invitation to worship with him at the main Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help during Holy Week instead of at Immaculate Conception. "I'm supportive of their desire to have Sunday Mass there, and I'm going to be very patient with them," he said.
But his understanding of Ecclesia Dei is that "… eventually, Catholics have to understand that the reform of the Second Vatican Council is, in fact, an improvement and is important to our spiritual life."
Rome, Cupich said, has made it clear that any celebration of the Latin tradition is at the discretion of the local bishop. "And I've made my decision," he said.
Complaining about him to the Vatican and worshipping on the sidewalk probably won't help the Latin-rite cause, Cupich said. "My impression is that it will not help their standing with the wider church."
As long as praying for the sexual perverts, the divorced, the abortionists, the child molesters, and Goddess Gaia is not included in the Traditional Mass, don't expect Kupich or the majority of the Satanists-in-cleric-clothing to approve it. Capish?
Vox, Vox, Vox...
Aren't you clever?
You are missing the point entirely. Just like a black person calling on other blacks to kill whitey, can not possibly be racist - we all know that oppressed or formerly oppressed minorities are simply victims expressing righteous anger - so a modernist forbidding hateful Holy Tradition can not possibly be expected to respect the freedom to worship and the inviolability of conscience of a traditionalist/fundamentalist-hater ignoramus.
The point of the new and improved world order (where we the people reinvent and improve god of the times passed) is UNITY of hypocrites and intellectually disabled from all traditions and life styles.
In the superior postmodern "thought" that is no longer thought, we go by our gut feeling, not reason and logic. It is also useful to be a worshipper of Lucifer, the bearer of the Light for the dark ages, that were/are steeped in superstition, especially in the lie of the cross.
The way for humanity is to have fun, to love everything, and to sacrifice own identity and reason for UNITY, if possible, in an orgy. You can have one or more of the dozens of sexual identities, of course, but (Lucifer forbid!) you should have a national or religious identity. There is no "Catholic God" you silly one. That one was an evil Demiurg, whom Lucifer challenged in his love for humanity, its dignity and liberty and fraternity.
You know what diversity is, right? Everything is allowed. Everything is of the same value, no point of view is above another. The only exception is those who refuse to reconcile the irreconcilable. They need to be re-educated with some serious sex-ed.
The way of the NEW WAY is to sacrifice NOT out of love for Truth, but out of love for human folly. The end justifies the means, Vox. Perceived logical contradiction in Cupich's "reasoning" are a fruit of thinking in terms of truth and justice, not gut feeling and unity at all cost.
All who can not conceive of jumping on the band wagon (it would kill me anyway, for I would never stop vomiting), ought to be removed out of the way of the inevitable progress (of the light bearer, proud liberator of humanity- Lucifer) into the darkest corners of the universe (As in the works of A. Bailey under the guidance of ascended masters).
The genocidal internationalists communists-collectivists have never ceased to march.
Our Lady Immaculate Church & Priory
410 Washington Boulevard
Oak Park (Chicago), IL 60302
Sunday 7:30am & 10:00am High Mass
What revolting times.
We shall have the so-called "Traditional Catholic Mass" because it is CATHOLIC and it is OUR RIGHT, not a matter of "conscience". Soopich likes to use "conscience" when he holds out this bone to us dogs because he can the use "conscience" as his excuse for promoting perversion and every other kind of MORTAL sin. Not gonna work, Supitch. There is never a Mass so fra away that we can't get there at least monthly. We can keep holy the Lord's day even at home with pious reading and prayer. It is The Church who dictated that Mass attendence is the norm for fulfilling that obligation, but they forget their part if that obligation is to PROVIDE the Mass. Novus Ordo Freemason Man-Worship Service is NOT the Mass. So stick it on your era, Stupich.
Arriving home from Mass to find that not only is Cupich now a cardinal, but our recently-promoted-to-Rome Farrell as well. What makes it even more bizarre is that, just two days ago a colleague of my husband's was assuring him that Farrell had only been moved to Rome as a sort of reprimand and would surely be replaced by a solid, "conservative" bishop.
That dog won't hunt.
Pope Francis is doing everything he can to make sure the damage he is doing to the Church will be permanent. As the straws pile up the time will come when God intervenes. Perhaps soon.
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