A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Saturday, 15 July 2017

Me, and my buddy

Tony Blocked-By Spadaro, EssJay, and Luis lobbying-to-be-the-next Pope Tagle, enjoying some fun time together.

Nice bar boyz.

Who's apartment?

Where's Coco?


Charlie said...

Having a gay old time.

Anonymous said...

Boy, doesn't that make for a pretty picture? No, I'm not referring to the two apostates, I mean the depiction of the Last Supper above the booze. Makes me sick to my stomach.

Vigilant said...

Noting bottles in background, am not surprised the pair look so contented.

Ana Milan said...

Finishing the left-overs from the cocaine fest. Nothing must be wasted.

Anonymous said...

We have so much fun. You idiots pay the bills.

JayJay said...


Barona said...

Friends, this is how you reach out to the poor, the peripheries.... with lots of hard liquor, expensive art and furniture....

I understand that unemployment in Italy is running at 12%. Poor families, struggling families, lost jobs etc...... and these men? Jet-setters, high-flyers and a disgrace to the sacred priesthood.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

The bottle collection right under the depiction of the Last Supper tells a story.

Anonymous said...

Sickning' yes Jorgees friends are all over the Vatican' as he boots out his enimies' the faithful servants of our lord, he brings in his demons to occupy the house of the Lord..

Anonymous said...

Who needs the gifts of the Holy Spirit when you have access to all those alcoholic 'spirits'?

Donna Ruth said...

Hmmmmmmm. Yes, we know real, Big E Evil is afoot in the Vatican and in chanceries, and we do right to decry it, but, sorry, Vox, this strains Christian charity. Posting snide articles like this one first generates the ugly, ungracious comments found below it, fosters a lack of charity in the hearts of other readers, and encourages more of the same. You are no longer a provincial blogger with a few hundred readers. You have an international readership, including folks like Fr. Rosica, and when they read stuff like that it adds to their likely less-than-charitable conclusions about folks who are genuinely distressed about the nonsense in the Vatican. Yes, I get it. The situation is bad - very bad - and intensely distressing to faithful Catholics, but I believe we need to find more creative ways for expression of public ire. We must try to avoid the temption of public snideswiping.

Anonymous said...

Looks like two feminine Homosexuals at a gay bar. You got to be kidding me. This photo says 1000 words about the Gay Catholic Church. Where are the real Men ?

Dan said...

Ehhh... the Pope makes ungracious snideswiping comments about us... seems okay to give a bit back.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

Vox, I encourage you to step down - regularly - from your usual higher planes to the pastures below, where you can be saturated thoroughly with the smell of the sheep. As saintly as you are in private, you must take the lead of you betters in avoiding the temptation of staying true to your higher nature, for it will undoubtedly make you appear elitist. Remember practicality and messiness of life, whenever abstract ideals of our faith force themselves on your mindful attention. Avoid the trap of Pharisaical rigidity. Also, always take transit. And repeat after me: Who am I to judge?

John the Mad said...

Donna Ruth:
Frankly, I don't give a rat's ptui about what Father Rosica may, or may not, think. He will think the worst of Vox and orthodox Catholics anyway. He'd agree with the pope that we're all rigid, neo-pelagian, doctors of the law, pharisees, or something. "Public snideswiping." I like that, and you do have a point.

Kathleen1031 said...

This is all new territory but, I tend to disagree. Not enough Catholics know about these men and how it is, and there should be a public record of their shenanigans. The time for pretending, putting our heads down, acting as if all is well, being polite, has to be over. The gloves need to come off, because this is a serious battle, both temporally and spiritually. We have to realize gentility is going to get us nothing but walked on by these men. We have to wake everybody up, if we can.

Anonymous said...

No Donna Ruth,

Jesus the Messiah called out priests in public - in public - because priests are public officers - I am 47 years of age here in Ireland and I have never taken a drink - I expect better from the priestly scum - these are scum who profane the Blessed sacrament and do not realise the seriousness of our times.

Anonymous said...


There is certainly no evidence of "Gospel Poverty" in the background. These two reek of "The World"...

Never forget what Bella Dodd confessed all those years ago. H



Anonymous said...


nazareusrex said...

Esos apostatas marxistas viven como reyes del dinero que damos a la Iglesia lo utilizan para beber bebidas alcohólicas, esa es su preocupación por los pobres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sarto2012 said...

WHOSE apartment. Tut, tut.