On this anniversary of Summorum Pontificum, I say thank you to Pope Benedict XVI, ingloriously reigning as Holy Father and Pontiff from his prison in the Vatican garden under the watchful eye of his two-faced, double-agent, Prison Warden, Ganswein, doing the bidding of the great impostor and his band of merry-minions.
I also restate advice to the SSPX. Just say, "No!"
Look, I don't accept much of the bovine excrement in the documents of Vatican II and I despise the manner in which the deficient and unjustified, abomination of a Mass of the Missal of Paul VI, no blessed or saint in my view, is celebrated, when even done well.
So, ya gonna kick me out, George?
The SSPX is Catholic, always was and, please God, will be.
They need to sign nothing.
If you can come up with any positive developments in the Church and the spread of the faith arising out of the Second Vatican Council, feel free to post a comment on what those might be...
Pfft to a Rome quickly becoming what Jack Chick proffered.
The Whore of Babylon!
It eases my spirit that someone else, who possesses wisdom and is faithful to Christ and His Church, voices the opinion that Pope Benedict XVI is being held as a prisoner as you do in the first paragraph. I don't feel so alone anymore.
French Bishop Consecrates Priest With Pagan Rites -- "Worst Bishop in France" https://eponymousflower.blogspot.ie/2017/07/paris-bishop-francois-fonlupt-has-been.html?showComment=1499470195353#c4577499768476498526
Indeed, we are all "not so alone" anymore. Why is it that Pope Benedict XVI has to have the "permission" of Francis to leave his premises? Indeed, why is that?? One would think he would be able to leave and go to Germany where his brother resides. One would think, wouldn't they? But, no, according to the meeting with Bishop Fellay, his power "stopped at that door" and he "cannot leave without Pope Francis' permission, as this retired pope said to him. Stops at the door? Wow, well, I guess he is in prison from what he told Bishop Fellay.
It is SO SAD that this good pope, no matter what some think of him, is in this horrible situation. I pray EVERY SINGLE DAY that God will keep him alive till after the death of Francis. Maybe that's not right, but that's how I pray.
Cherry - regarding that blog -
That's a sedevacantist website. Caveat lector!
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