July 1.
Once known as Dominion Day after the 72nd Psalm, "And he shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the great river to the ends of the earth." It recalled the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans and the St. Lawrence River. It remains, for now at least, on Canada's Coat of Arms.
We are a nation that has lost its way.
It was founded by Catholics and its natives were protected and nurtured in the faith, there were no "Indian wars" here. Champlain, Montcalm, MacDonald, Cartier, would they recognise this land today and what it has become?
A nation that wipes out its generation of young in the womb and now sending its old to the tomb. It sanctions so-called "marriage" of the same-sex, stands by whilst the Court recognises that oral sex with an animal is just fine, legalises marijuana and more.
A nation that has two anthems, one which speaks of the Cross and the other asking God to keep us "strong and free." It is a mockery, they disgrace our history, our culture and the faith of our Fathers, - English and French, protestant and Catholic. Canada long ago under the father of our current Prime Minister became radically secularist. So much so that Catholic Prime Ministers - Trudeau, Clark, Mulroney, Chretien, Martin, and now Trudeau again, have betrayed their faith and their land.
A nation that has two anthems, one which speaks of the Cross and the other asking God to keep us "strong and free." It is a mockery, they disgrace our history, our culture and the faith of our Fathers, - English and French, protestant and Catholic. Canada long ago under the father of our current Prime Minister became radically secularist. So much so that Catholic Prime Ministers - Trudeau, Clark, Mulroney, Chretien, Martin, and now Trudeau again, have betrayed their faith and their land.
Weep for her.
I will not stand up at the anthem whem it is played. I cannot take the hypocrisy of "God keep our land glorious and free"..when we as a nation led by mostly "catholic" prime ministers have turned our backs to God.
I'm an American. Not a surprise for me...every Canadian I met probably 12 of them in Japan in the 1990s were whacked out secularists living licentious immoral lives and mocking me and other Catholics because of our faith in Christ.
It's just now gone viral and ubiquitous in the tragically lost maple leaf nation.
I am American and I feel the same way about my country. I am so upset about the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion that I don't even want to live here anymore, but where would I go. I will just continue to say the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet and hope that God will intervene soon.
After a while you will not weep for Canada.
Eight years ago Americans elected a snake named Barry. He was the golden idol. The strange god. Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear, saw the ugliness in him. A spiritual wrecking ball in our midst. He relentlessly tears down. Every day he destroys what little is left. At first you weep. Then you stop singing "God Bless America" and "My Country Tis of Thee". Eventually you cling to the Psalms and plead for undeserved rescue.
Monday is the Fourth of July -- our iconic day of celebration of our independence. Another day that Barry gets to play golf.
The whole world has been infested with Modernism - there is nowhere to go. We need Divine intervention & fast. Maybe this coming year with Lund & the hundredth anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions at Fatima, we'll get it.
Here's a trivia tidbit to stump your friends:
The real cause of the American Revolution was when King George III gave Catholics in Canada freedom of worship. The American colonists believed that he betrayed his coronation oath. That's what started it all.
Btw - Dominion Day is also the Feast of the Precious Blood on the Traditional Latin calendar. I hope that gives you some consolation.
I went to an hour of Adoration for our nation, as I had read in Faustina's diary that she had done that for Poland's starving children. Christ appeared to her with tears in his eyes and told her that those little children were holding up the world. And now....we have no children. Millions murdered in their mothers wombs. Can you imagine the weeping of Christ now? He MUST return.
I went to an hour of Adoration for our nation, as I had read in Faustina's diary that she had done that for Poland's starving children. Christ appeared to her with tears in his eyes and told her that those little children were holding up the world. And now....we have no children. Millions murdered in their mothers wombs. Can you imagine the weeping of Christ now? He MUST return.
Take heart friends, these are trying times and our hearts are heavy for our nations, but God is always in control, not these mere men, and He will have the last word. What a time to be a Roman Catholic! We do not have nation, nor culture, nor at times friends nor family to support and comfort us, we must rely on God alone! In the past the saints often had at least a supporting group, we may have nobody but the people in blogs to accompany us. But Jesus is here, Our Lady, the Saints, we have all these, and the Rosary, our authentic Catholic sensibility. We have Scripture, God's word He gave us when He saw this would happen one day.
We should pray and remain hopeful, in the year 2017. God bless all here.
It is a never-ending nightmare.
Trudeau the clown calling himself a Catholic, takes his young children to a pride in sodomy parade, while wearing halal socks honouring the end of Ramadan. Ontario premier, the mother of three, who chased their father away into the basement, to move a lesbian into the marital bed, and who asked a paedophile, Mr. Levin, to craft a sex-ed program for Canadian children, marched right by their side.
Canada is Sodom, perhaps worse.
It was foretold; we were warned, right since the time of St. Paul that the "operation of error" would come; why it would come and how it would end. God's will is being done. We have nothing to fear, if we stand firmly and patiently with our pure, unadulterated Catholic Faith, in trust and in patience. Woe to those who aid, abet, or follow the false shepherds.
Catholic... Canadian... and depressed. How far have we fallen. Quebec has hauntingly beautiful empty Churches, but is a corpse. Ontario is rotten to the core. We no longer have the Church to support. We have evil, evil "leaders". Burkas and beards everywhere. Toronto overflows with Sodomites and "pride" filled filth. We are taxed to death and the money is at best wasted and more often used for purposes evil. I was at the local Canada 150 celebrations and we had Mohemeddan, Buddhist and other pagan "leaders", "praying" for the dead of Vimy. This is not right... Canada belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ, to St Anne, to St. Jean Brébeuf, to St Joseph and St John the Baptist. All appears lost. Maranatha.
Thank you for the lovely post. We all need prayers and the grace of God in order to remain faithful to Him.
Z nami Boh! God is with us!
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