More Marxist, atheist, globalist drivel.
Bergoglio wants to "put the human person at the centre."
The mask continues to fall from the face to this man.
He forgot Someone, hidden again under his papers and his sinister hand.
Watch this instead.
I arise today through the strength of heaven
Light of
sun, radiance of moon
Splendor of
fire, speed of lightning
Swiftness of
wind, depth of the sea
Stability of
earth, firmness of rock
I arise today
through God's strength to pilot me
God's eye to
look before me
God's wisdom
to guide me
God's way to
lie before me
God's shield
to protect me
From all who
shall wish me ill
Afar and
Alone and in
a multitude
every cruel, merciless power
That may
oppose my body and soul
Christ with
Christ before me
Christ before me
behind me,
Christ in me
Christ in me
beneath me,
Christ above me
Christ above me
Christ on my
Christ on my left
Christ on my left
Christ when
I lie down,
Christ when I sit down
Christ when I sit down
Christ when
I arise,
Christ to shield me
Christ to shield me
Christ in
the heart of everyone who thinks of me
Christ in
the mouth of everyone who speaks of me
According to the Penny Catechism, God made man to know Him, love Him and serve Him in this world and to be happy with Him for ever in the next. It makes no reference to environmental conditions or the recycling of our garbage & if we don't, the necessity for confessing that error. PF is making up a new catechism, but one that contains no reference to the Triune Godhead. He reckons that Catholics/Christians are no better than infidels. 'Outside the Church there is no redemption' means nothing to him - maybe he even considers it to be a hoax. Catholics to-day are free to think likewise!
With so much time given to preaching about worldly conditions instead of the spiritual life of man's soul, it is no wonder that man has forgotten about God - our Pope & coterie certainly have. We can only look to Our Blessed Lady & continue to pray for Her Triumph to be soon at hand.
Following the same Atheistic tone of the Vatican, here's Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen who was appointed by Bergoglio last May to lead the largest diocese in Australia saying.....And I quote from the published story:
The Australian
12:00AM September 7, 2016
The bishop of the Catholic diocese of Parramatta has called on the church to accept homosexuality, lamenting that the faith is not a “trailblazer” against inequality.
Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen has gone further than the Pope, who has said God loves and accepts gay people.
The bishop of the Catholic diocese of Parramatta has called on the church to accept homosexuality, lamenting that the faith is not a “trailblazer” against inequality.
Bishop Long said it was not good enough to treat gay people with compassion and then define their lifestyle as “intrinsically disordered”. The comments, delivered in a speech in western Sydney last month, are likely to cause consternation in the church hierarchy, which is against same-sex marriage.
“We cannot talk about the integrity of creation, the universal and inclusive love of God, while at the same time colluding with the forces of oppression in the ill-treatment of racial minorities, women and homosexual persons,” Bishop Long said.
The rest is here:
Big Brother has spoken. Who would have thought it would be a Pope ushering us into the New World Order? Using such terms as "human person" gets him right in the groove of nu-speak.
Our Lord prayed for Peter’s faith and gave him the mission to
confirm the faith of his brothers: "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." (Luke 22:31-32). Pope Pius IX quotes these words in Pastor Aeternus, from Vatican I on July 18th 1870: "For the Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His revelation they might make known new doctrine, but that by His assistance they might inviolably keep and faithfully expound the Revelation, the Deposit of Faith, delivered through the Apostles. And indeed, all the venerable Fathers have embraced, and the holy orthodox Doctors have venerated and followed, their Apostolic doctrine; knowing most fully that this See of holy Peter remains ever free from all blemish of error, according to the Divine promise that the Lord our Savior made to the Prince of His disciples: "But I have prayed for you, so that your faith may not fail, and so that you, once converted, may confirm your brothers." This gift, then, of truth and never-failing faith was conferred by heaven upon Peter and his successors in this Chair, that they might perform their high office for the salvation of all; that the whole flock of Christ, kept away from the poisonous food of error by them, might be nourished with the pasture of heavenly doctrine; that the occasion of schism being removed, the whole Church might be kept one, and, resting on its foundation, might stand firm against the gates of Hell. "Given this doctrine of the Catholic Faith, taught by Our Lord in the Holy Scriptures and by the solemn and infallible Magisterium of the Church, it is impossible to see Francis as the true successor of Saint Peter, the Sovereign Pontiff of the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, the Vicar of Our Lord Jesus-Christ on earth. Bergoglio is heretical, impious and apostate, a fierce enemy of God, of His Holy Church, and of the salvation of souls.
Bergoglio is the current usurper of the See of Saint Peter, elected to head the false-ecumenical Church of Assisi and Vatican II.In order to keep the Catholic Faith, it is imperative to stay away from this false prophet, since through his heretical doctrine and his scandalous and sacrilegious gestures he inexorably leads Catholics to apostasy. "There be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:7-8)
Vox, if that is "Marxist drivel," then the Church has fed us "Marxist drivel," for centuries, as His Holiness Pope Francis is noted for his traditional adherence to Catholic Social Teaching.
What Pope Francis said in the video sounded 100 percent Catholic to me.
I return to something powerful that Rorate Caeli, a fierce basher in countless ways of Pope Francis, had said of him. Even Rorate Caeli recognized the following about Pope Francis:
"...the positions stated by Pope Francis on economic and social matters are much closer to the Traditional Catholic position on the economy and the State than not.
"Indeed, it can be said unhesitatingly that this is one area in which the Pope will find mostly allies in Traditional Catholics.
"They know by heart, also as victims of injustice (including within the Church), that the doctrine of the Church regarding people, society and economic relations, and individuals faced with government, is one which privileges "justice" as its foundational aspect.
"The traditional Catholic Social Doctrine is ours, it is wholly traditional, and it is our responsibility to defend it, to put it into practice in our communities (including with specific actions for the benefit of the most derelict in society), and also to defend His Holiness in those cases in which he makes its defense in the current economic environment."
It is amazing as to how as Catholic brothers and sisters, we hear and read Pope Francis' declarations, then form understandings that differ radically.
Vox, you view Pope Francis' Social Teachings as unorthodox.
Conversely, Rorate Caeli, with whom I disagree about many things, and I, view Pope Francis' Social Teachings as traditional teaching.
Each person, of course, believes that he is correct. But the bottom line is that we are called by Jesus Christ to treat each other with love and patience. That makes all the difference in the world. We are in this together.
Mark Thomas
Speaking of Marxist drivel... :-)
Could somebody explain to me how Pope Francis' comments upon Social Justice differ from the following "marxist" statements issued by Pope Benedict XVI?
For that matter, in keeping with this theme and the Pope's recent statement on the environment, could somebody explain as to how the following "radical" declarations by Popes Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI on the environment differ from Pope Francis' declarations in question?
I don't find any difference in Pope Francis' defense and promotion of the Church's Social Teaching as compared to that of his Predecessors.
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas,
How does Francis social message differs from his predecessors?
Bergoglio's promotes a materialistic humanism, trying to reduce the Church to a wisdom on par with confucianism or another NGO.
A good example of the materialism of Francis is his explanation of the miracle of the bread, when he said that the miracle was sharing.
There's too much focus on "us" already. It is such a magnificent grace to be able to attend the Ordinariate Mass and the TLM, and such a grace to be able to forget myself and lay my life at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ and to know that He, not me, is in charge!
Laudetur Iesus Christus!
Jesus Christ showed anger sometimes. He was not always patient. According to His teaching, we ought to have nothing to do with those who reject Him. It hurts to have someone say: Lever her alone, have nothing to do with her - and yet Jesus ordered us to do so.
Having nothing to do with someone is completely different from dialoguing, accompanying and having encounters. Whoever doesn't see the difference, doesn't want to see it. He is despicable in his dishonesty and wilful blindness.
There are only Catholics. Those who reject Catholic teaching cease to be Catholics. Placing "human persons" rather than Jesus Christ at the centre is not and has never been Catholic. The Word of God says clearly that there is no one who is good or just, because all goodness or justice come from God.
Calling on deniers of Christ to do good deeds and to create a just humanity without a reference to Jesus Christ, is anti-Catholic. It places "human persons" and their efforts at the centre. It is contrary to the Word of God.
The video doesn't contain a mention of Jesus Christ. This is proof that Bergoglio is not Catholic.
Stunningly beautiful prayer/song. Thanks!
ChrisR said..."A good example of the materialism of Francis is his explanation of the miracle of the bread, when he said that the miracle was sharing."
ChrisR, His Holiness Pope Francis identified the miracle in question in orthodox fashion. It is a fact that his comments about the miracle were misrepresented. That was discussed recently on Vox's blog.
Oakes Spalding, a blogger, claimed that Pope Francis denied the miracle in question. Now, Pope Francis' actual words in question, which upheld the miracle in question.
Part 1 of 2
Pope Francis said on June 2, 2013 A.D., that the "Gospel presents to us the account of the miracle of the Multiplication of the Loaves; I would like to reflect on one aspect of it that never fails to impress me and makes me think."
Pope Francis continued, then conclude with the following:
"This is the miracle: rather than a multiplication it is a sharing, inspired by faith and prayer. Everyone eats and some is left over: it is the sign of Jesus, the Bread of God for humanity."
What is the context of the phrase "This is the miracle: rather than a multiplication it is a sharing...?" Is Oakes Spalding's claim correct? No.
Oakes Spalding failed to report the context of the phrase "This is the miracle: rather than a multiplication it is a sharing..."
As Jimmy Akin noted, the undeniable context of Pope Francis' remark was that "God accomplished the miracle through an act of sharing, but it wasn’t the crowd sharing the food it was hoarding. It was the Apostles sharing the five loaves and two fish.'
"When Jesus blessed the five loaves and two fish, God didn’t suddenly multiply them so that the Apostles were looking at a pile of 5,000 fish and 200 loaves, which they then set to work distributing.'
"Instead, the miracle happened as they were sharing what they had with the crowd. God didn’t multiply it all up front; he kept it from running out. Yes, there was a multiplication, but it was a multiplication that occurred as the Apostles distributed the tiny amount of food they had.
"So there was a real, physical miracle, but it was accomplished through an act of the Apostles sharing what was originally a tiny amount of food."
The context of the phrase "sharing" is undeniable as during a homily about the miracle, Pope Francis emphasized the following:
"A final element: *******where does the multiplication of the loaves come from?*******
"The answer lies in Jesus’ request to the disciples: *******“You give them…”, “to give”, to share.*******
"*******What do the disciples share?******* The little they have: five loaves and two fish. However *******it is those very loaves and fish in the Lord's hands that feed the entire crowd."*******
"And it is the disciples themselves, bewildered as they face the insufficiency of their means, the poverty of what they are able to make available, who get the people to sit down and who — trusting in Jesus’ words — distribute *******the loaves and fish that satisfy the crowd."*******
As Jimmy Akin noted, Pope Francis' "emphasis on the Apostles giving (“You give them,” “to give,” to share). He then asks “What do the disciples share?”
"This indicates that, when he thinks of sharing in terms of this narrative, he’s thinking of the Apostles sharing, not the crowd, in confirmation of the point I made above.
"Further, he says “It is those very loaves and fish in the Lord’s hands that feed the entire crowd.” And that “the loaves and fish . . . satisfy the crowd.”
"It couldn’t get much plainer than that: This is a miracle, and not one of the crowd sharing among itself."
Mark Thomas
Part 2 of 2:
Fnally, Jimmy Akin noted that during Pope Francis' June General Audience, His Holiness said that a "few days ago, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, we read the account of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves. Jesus fed the multitude with five loaves and two fish.
"Note that he again calls it “the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves” and states frankly that “Jesus fed the multitude with five loaves and two fish.”
"That’s quite clear. This was a miracle of multiplication, not just an inspirational act of natural sharing by the hoarders in the crowd."
Again, the above is the undeniable context of Pope Francis' comments in question. His comments were 100 percent orthodox.
Oakes Spalding failed to discern the context of Pope Francis' comments.
Mark Thomas
ChrisR, I know that we disagree with each other, but I don't find anything unorthodox in Pope Francis' presentation of the Church's Social Teaching. I refer again to Rorate Caeli, who bash and trash His Holiness as viciously as they come.
But even Roate Caeli declared that when it comes to Social Teaching, Pope Francis is traditional. Again, from Rorate Caeli:
"...the positions stated by Pope Francis on economic and social matters are much closer to the Traditional Catholic position on the economy and the State than not.
"Indeed, it can be said unhesitatingly that this is one area in which the Pope will find mostly allies in Traditional Catholics.
"The traditional Catholic Social Doctrine is ours, it is wholly traditional, and it is our responsibility to defend it, to put it into practice in our communities (including with specific actions for the benefit of the most derelict in society), and also to defend His Holiness in those cases in which he makes its defense in the current economic environment."
Nobody can possible accuse Rorate Caeli of looking favorably upon Pope Francis. However, even Rorate Caeli has recognized and declared that Pope Francis is traditional when it comes to the Church's Social Teaching.
Mark Thomas
I would be alarmed if His Holiness Pope Francis failed regularly to mention Jesus Christ. But Popes have issued thousands of declarations that did not include mentions of Jesus Christ. That doesn't prove anything.
Anyway, for those who are concerned about the issue at hand, here are just a few of the countless times that Pope Francis referenced Jesus Christ:
-- Francis: You cannot follow Jesus Christ without the Church
From: Rorate Caeli:
Pope Francis said: "Teach your children that you can not be a Christian outside the Church, you can not follow Jesus Christ without the Church, because the Church is a Mother, and makes us grow in love for Jesus Christ."
-- Francis: "True Freedom is not personal autonomy, but serving Baby Jesus"
From: Rorate Caeli:
-- Pope Francis: Jesus Is the Only Way to Heaven
Pope Francis: "The Lord thus clearly says: you cannot enter eternal life by any entryway that is not the door – that is not Jesus," the pontiff said. "He is the door of our life – and not only of eternal life, but also of our daily lives."
Mark Thomas
Dear Mark, We have dealt with this matter ad nauseam previously.
On 2 June 2013 Bergoglio said:
"This is the miracle: RATHER THAN A MULTIPLICATION it is a SHARING, inspired by faith and prayer."
On 5 June 2013 Bergoglio said:
"... we read the account of the miracle of the MULTIPLICATION of the loaves. Jesus fed the multitude with five loaves and two fish."
That's what Bergoglio said! On 2 June it was NOT a miraculous multiplication, but a SHARING of the Apostles' loaves and fish. Plain English! The context changes nothing of the plain English: "... RATHER THAN A MULTIPLICATION IT IS A SHARING..." I'll make it simpler for you: "IT WAS NOT A MULTIPLICATION, IT WAS A SHARING." On this occasion Bergoglio denies the miraculous multiplication of Holy Scripture. You can twist and spin and deceive to your heart's content, but you can't change his plain words, or their meaning in English!
On June 5th, Bergoglio said that it was a MIRACULOUS MULTIPLICATION of the fish and loaves to accomplish the same results.
He contradicts himself over a period of 3 days! Those are the facts!
Mark Thomas -
Please stop using that outdated Rorate piece at every opportunity. We now have far greater insight into Francis' marxist goals & marxist collaborators, communist hammer and sickle crucifix and all, since 2014 when that Rorate contributor piece was written and we were still giving Francis the benefit of the doubt.
ChrisR -
Pay no attention to the distortions Mark Thomas is attempting to spin about Francis' beliefs about the Feeding of the Multitudes. We've already refuted him numerous times, but he continues to repeat himself another multitude of times hoping that he will trick a few gullible suckers. And he thinks that by repeatedly overloading you with verbiage in multiple posts that he's made his point.
I'll break down Mark Thomas' misleading attempt to overwhelm(and his quoted professional Catholic excuse-makers) for you.
Nowhere do we read of Pope Francis referring to the feeding of the multitudes as an actual miracle outside of emphasizing some message of sharing that fits his socialist message, and only referring to the account by it's actual title of 'The Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes.' But to refer to it by title is no actual proof of belief in the miracle, than if Francis were to refer to the 'Birth of Venus' as a miraculous formation of an adult woman from the foam of the sea alongside its details to draw some inspiration about themes of love and women and yet not believe it as an actual event.
Neither is Francis the first to discount miracles and re-read them in naturalist poetic fashion. Considering the company he keeps one should not be surprised that he thinks likewise as those who openly disbelieve in Christ's miracles.
But then again Francis, contradicts himself often, and even if it could be proven that he believed in the miracle, and for the sake of argument, let's assume he does, make no mistake, that he is using the account to put forward a socialist message that is economically suicidal, provides aid to the enemies of the Church and of a stable human economy and civilization, and reduces again Christ's actual message that God ALONE can provide what man needs, to instead supplant this with man-made utopian ideals.
Also beware of Mark Thomas, who has been exposed routinely for using misleading quotes, quoting out-of-context, and deliberately doing so in order to vainly defend his position or to bear false witness against others and then slander them in the comments. I'd advise you to steer clear of dealing with him unless you're prepared to take extra trouble to scrutinize him.
Johnno said..."Please stop using that outdated Rorate piece at every opportunity. We now have far greater insight into Francis' marxist goals & marxist collaborators, communist hammer and sickle crucifix and all, since 2014 when that Rorate contributor piece was written and we were still giving Francis the benefit of the doubt."
Your statement is preposterous.
From the first moments of his Pontificate, various traditionalists denounced His Holiness Pope Francis as an heretical Marxist. Traditionalists insisted that his record as Cardinal "proved" that his Social Teaching was "heretical."
Do you pretend that after nearly 15 months as Pope, Rorate Caeli did not possess sufficient insight in Pope Francis' Social Teaching to determine whether he was orthodox in regard to the Church's Social Teaching?
By June 2014 A.D., Pope Francis had pronounced time and again in regard to social teachings.
Please demonstrate where, in regard to his declarations on Social Teaching, that Pope Francis differs dramatically today as compared to June 2014 A.D.
By Decemnber 2013 A.D. alone, Pope Francis was under fierce attack by various traditionalists and conservatives that he was a Marxist. In fact, said attacks against him had reached such a fervor that he responded publicly to said attacks.
-- Pope says he is not a Marxist,
Pope Francis: I'm Not a Marxist
By June 2014 A.D., Pope Francis had time, and time, and time again had pronounced on Catholic Social Teaching. His body of Catholic Social Teaching had been established strongly by that time.
It was precisely against that backdrop, when Pope Francis had manifested his understanding of Catholic Social Teaching, that Rorate Caeli declared that Pope Francis was traditional in that regard.
Sorry, Johnno, but your attempt to lessen Rorate Caeli's favorable pronouncement on Pope Francis' orthodoxy has failed. Pope Francis was just as despised by and denounced as a heretic by various traditionalists in June 2014 A.D. as compared to today.
Again, when Pope Francis' view on Catholic Social Teaching had been establish beyond question, Rorate Caeli declared that "...the positions stated by Pope Francis on economic and social matters are much closer to the Traditional Catholic position on the economy and the State than not.
"Indeed, it can be said unhesitatingly that this is one area in which the Pope will find mostly allies in Traditional Catholics.
"The traditional Catholic Social Doctrine is ours, it is wholly traditional, and it is our responsibility to defend it, to put it into practice in our communities (including with specific actions for the benefit of the most derelict in society), and also to defend His Holiness in those cases in which he makes its defense in the current economic environment."
Mark Thomas
Peter Lamb,
I disagree with you. You disagree with me. That is where we stand.
Anyway, I have found that the context of Pope Francis' understanding of the miracle is beyond dispute. His comments in that regard are orthodox.
Peter, please recall that via Her Sacred Mysteries, the Eastern and Western Catholic Churches commemorate Pope Francis as the Church's orthodox chief shepherd.
That is all the holy testimony that I require to recognize that Pope Francis is orthodox. The Church, Triumphant, Militant, and Suffering, is united during each Divine Liturgy in Her unwavering belief that Pope Francis holds the Catholic and Apostolic Faith
Mark Thomas
Dear Mark, You do not deny that Bergoglio is an heretic excommunicant, yet you also maintain he professes Catholic orthodoxy!
An orthodox heretic is an oxymoron Mark.
You will have to choose one of the two - orthodox, OR heretic.
Peter Lamb,
I believe that His Holiness Pope Francis is an heretical excommunicant?
Mark Thomas
Johnno said..."...when that Rorate contributor piece was written and we were still giving Francis the benefit of the doubt."
Some 15 months into Pope Francis' Popntificate, "we were still giving Francis the benefit of the doubt?"
Really? Your statement is beyond being ridiculous. Some 15...seconds...into his Pontificate, "we" (various traditionalists) were bashing and trashing His Holiness Pope Francis.
"We" despised Pope Francis from the beginning of his Pontificate. You know that. "We" had never granted him the benefit of the doubt.
Just consider Rorate Caeli's initial posts about Pope Francis:
From the day that he was elected Pope, March 13, 2013 A.D.
-- The Horror! A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio
"We have many friends around the world, including in the dear Argentine Republic. And we asked a cherished friend, Marcelo González, of Panorama Católico Internacional, who knows the Church of Argentina as well as the palm of his hand to send us a report on the new pope. Here it goes:"
March 17, 2013 A.D.
-- Leonardo Boff: "Pope Francis is much more liberal than what is supposed."
Leonardo Boff is the famous former Franciscan priest who is one of the main names of the ideological movement known as "Liberation Theology."
From the first day of his Pontificate, "we" attacked Pope Francis. "We" hated his guts from the beginning. Literally, from day one of his Pontificate, Rorate Caeli has led the endless vicious assault against Pope Francis.
Johnno, your claim that after nearly 15 months into his Pontificate, that "we were still giving Francis the benefit of the doubt" is shocking and preposterous.
Anyway, as much as they despised and assaulted him verbally, nearly 15 months into his Pontificate, Rorate Caeli acknowledged that in regard to the Church's Social Teaching, Pope Francis held to traditional Church teaching.
Johnno, your attempt to erase Rorate Caeli's important declaration in question failed.
"We were still giving Francis the benefit of the doubt."
Oh, please. Unbelievable.
Mark Thomas
It seems Pope Francis's monthly messages are addressed to the World ,not to Catholics ,therefore Christ is not mentioned in order to appeal to non Christians ,which also explains the Hidden Cross.The more they talk of peace ,the more wars are been started .Back in the 1990s my nephew was been instructed for Confirmation ,the young priest told the boys Christ did not fast for 40 days in the desert ,because it would be impossible for a human being to live for 40 days without food ,that it was a symbolic fast.There are countless Saints who lived for years without food ,only consuming the Blessed Sacrament ,the most recent been Blessed Alexandrina of Portugal who for 13 years took no nourishment,who died in 1955 ,she was studied for over a month in a hospital 24/7 ,no medical explanation could be given.How can anyone today learn the Faith,when those who should be teaching it are contradicting the very words of the Gospel.
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