A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 21 June 2020

Today, we return - mind your paws!

If you are here in Ontario, you will be able to attend Sunday Mass for the first time in three months. Thanks be to God, not to our episcopal hirelings. What a disgrace as is this poster. 

As important as we think we are, we are not necessary for the Mass. if that were the case, why was the Mass being offered if we were not there over the last three months? The Holy and Divine Sacrifice of the Mass is not dependent upon me or you, it is dependent on the priest. It is not anyone's Mass but Christ's! The ignorance and deception of those who put out this poster is astounding. 

Initially, I supported the restriction of public Mass, but never the closure of churches for private prayer or private reception of the Sacraments - all of them! My wife and I are fortunate that we were never denied. I had Confession from the car, we attended three private Masses in a locked church and received Holy Communion. Thank you, God.

I supported the restrictions because at the time, Italy was our example of where the China-Wuhan Virus was going and not China which can never be trusted with the truth. We were heading for an overwhelmed heath care system. I believed that if we all stayed home for three weeks from about March 16, we would break the virus - because of its incubation period. Even choir practice became deadly. Something evil was going on.

I took an incredible amount of abuse over the matter. Almost as much as my defense of Michael Voris's actions against the alleged sexual abusers and the cover up in the Society of St. Pius X. (To my friends in the SSPX, especially in Toronto, you know this was not personal, only to get to the truth.)

Both resulted in the reduction on the blog roll and a loss of "friends" and followers. So be it. There loss.

I argued that Mass was still going on even though many insisted it was cancelled and suppressed. I went so far, and I still believe, that the Wuhan Virus was a chastisement from God for the betrayal of the Church in China and the worship of pagan idols by Bergoglio. I argued that it was and is your right to get the Virus by your carelessness, notwithstanding my taxes to make you better, but not to give it to me or anyone else just so you can go to Mass. Do you all remember this poor family

The Church should have been opened by Easter. That would have been nearly a month and would and would have allowed time to put safety protocols to be in place and a ticket system developed. On Tuesday, March 17, 2020 I wrote this:

At the time, I suggested reducing building occupancy and creating a ticket system. 

I'm glad they finally listened. 

My prediction is that this will be a turning point for the many dioceses. Some will go bankrupt and it will be well deserved. 

Many people will not return. Some will be put off by these absurd restrictions, some will have found something else "better" to do on Sunday morning, some will figure that I can be "at" Mass and still fold the laundry (it is a devotion on TV or the computer at best - you are not at Mass). Some will go to the SSPX (I know this is happening in Toronto and bully for them!). This will hurt and it will hit the income line and I say, hurray!

In a few hours, my wife and I will drive two hours to where I chant the Mass in the Ancient Rite. We will not receive Holy Communion, the priest will not distribute. He will not disobey his bishop and he will not disobey the Church's rubrics on the Holy Mass. We and the people will pray and not receive in our hands. Are we better than those who do? No. We are just more aware of the abomination of the practice.

You will be forced today in the Modernist Rite (and the Toronto Oratorians will go along with the abomination in the traditional Mass, just as they did in 2009 when Cardinal Collins banned communion on the tongue (send pictures please) to receive Holy Communion in the hand. 

I will tell you this. It is an abomination and I ask you to think twice before you do it. I understand the sacrifice you are making and have made. It is the sin of those who have denied you. It is the sin of Giovanni Montini who allowed it. Priests are compelled under obedience to follow it. It is a disgraceful tragedy in the life of the Church.

It is your decision friend.


Barona said...

Dear Catholic friends. I beg of you to NOT bend the knee to these men who demand you receive God into your hands. Absolutely do not receive, make a spiritual Communion.

And if these evil men continue to drag this out into next year, continue to resist them. Do NOT make your yearly Communion as commanded by Canon Law, because Canon Law is explicit: we have the RIGHT to receive on the tongue. The yearly reception presupposes the normative manner of receiving Holy Communion. To this day, reception on the hand is an indult, an exception.

These evil men are now using this virus as a psychological truncheon to beat you into submission, and then behaviourally manipulate you to accept this evil practice.

I have for years set in my mind a litmus test for a bishop, and his control over his diocese, and for a sign that the diocese is truly healthy. It is this: does the bishop/diocese permit Holy Communion in the hand?

Anonymous said...

Vox, you have never written anything that spoke for me more than this particular narrative. I agree with every syllable. I too, felt we only had Wuhan and Italy, and it was better to err on the side of caution. We were being told millions in our nations could die. At that point, you don't gamble. Of course now we see how progressives have used the quarantine, and how miserably our bishops capitulated to the state and abandoned the sheep. Sadly, that is not a surprise at all.
We will not again receive in the hand nor standing. This is not proper worship of God. We will not be treated like vectors of disease in our own church. Tragically, the bishops have shown who they are. They are not our spiritual guides. We do not trust them, we will not listen to them. Of all the outrages, the open worship by Pope Francis of Pachamama was the absolute breaking point. If a bishop did not call that out, he is complicit, so no longer our spiritual guide. We do not wish to follow apostates. We will attend the Latin Rite, but give no material support to the church, but only gift cards to the faithful priest. We would attend SSPX, but will follow the same rules as to giving. We are concerned about the Voris accusations and are watching. Frankly, we now fully realize, we have not heaven here on earth and all fall short. Still, we will not support pederasts anywhere. On that point as well, we are 100% with you. We believe Catholics have come too close to committing the sin of cooperating with sin, by not demanding accountability on the massive amount of pederasty committed with OUR support. At what point do Catholics ever say, NO MORE!
Thank you for remaining faithful to Christ and to Catholicism, David. As Pope Benedict said, "the future Church will likely be smaller". Indeed.
If it will bring back faithful popes, bishops, priests, amen, let it happen today.

Tom A. said...

This COVID episode should have opened the eyes of all the faithful who still think the Novus Ordo establishment is the Holy Roman Catholic Church, founded by Christ Himself. The Novus Ordo false church has shown the whole world in unambigious terms exactly what they believe concerning the Mass and the Eucharist. For them it is meal. For Catholics it is a Sacrifice. It is out in the open now for all to witness. Stop equating the heretical Novus Ordo Church with the Catholic Church.

Anonymous said...

This is what Novus Ordo has been pushing since it's inceptiotion...anthropocentrism, its all about the laity and their ministries. In this new rite transubstantiation can only take place with the laity in union with the presider. They all have a pert in the priestly vocation . Who needs a priest when there are presiders, sacred Tradition when we have modernism, a Church when we look to the United Nations to save us and Christ's Church when we have Vatican II where all "religions" lead to God?


Peter Lamb said...

If anybody seriously, really, wants to know how manipulated, evil, sacrilegious and invalid the novus ordo "mass" is, let him, or her, read "Work of Human Hands" by Fr. Cekada.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vox,

I live in Italy and I'd just like to say that many countries followed the Italian measures with regard to the coronavirus.
They were completely wrong to do that. Our government is the most incompetent and godless that you can imagine - of the leftist variety,

Many Italians are waking up to fact that parts of the North of Italy could have been put in quarantine for a period and also that it is still not clear how deadly the coronavirus really is. Instead the governments closed down the Whole country destroying the spiritual and material life of millions and millions…

All the rest (useless masks, social distancing, bombardment of "terror - coronavirus news" ) are all ongoing theatrics to continue their reign of terror. The leftist government have tasted "real totalitarian power" and they ain't about to give it up easily. Conte, the Prime Minster is particularly untrustworthy - to say the least. Despicable backstabber….

Last week during this grave national crisis a new bill of law was sneakily proposed against homophobia that would effectively shut EVERYBODY up about the truth of the evils of homnosexuality. Proposed punishments for those who go against the acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism would be : large fines, curfews for a year, withdrawal of driving licence for a year, working for 3 years in a LGBT environment…

We have a vile government (not elected by the people!) - do not believe what they say about the coronavirus or anything else. They absolutely cannot be trusted in anything.


Vox Cantoris said...

Dear Michael,

Mr. Conte has a good teacher in Justin Trudeau, particularly on the issue of the sodomite juggernaut that is destroying our culture. Filthy Marxist rabble, all of them.

But we will remain faithful forever to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church.

God bless you.

Brother de Montfort said...

Am I correct in understanding that the Oratorians will be distributing communion on the hand at the Traditional Mass in violation of it's rubrics?

If so I hope someone will post pictures or a video of this practice. Such abuse needs to be made public.

Vox Cantoris said...

Yes, Brother. You are quite correct

As for pictures?

Peter Lamb said...

Dear Brother de Montfort, Please may I ask you are you a real religious, or is "Brother" a pseudonym? If a religious, may I ask which order? I was educated by Christian Brothers who were wonderful men for the repose of whose souls I pray for daily.

Johnno said...

I can confirm that the Oratorians are allowing Reception in the hand at the Latin Mass (via their guidelines through e-mail), though they have also encouraged people to refrain altogether and to consider receiving Communion spiritually.

I decided to opt to go to St. Vincent De Paul for the Ordinariate Chair of St. Peter Mass. Not many people attend it and I don't have to put up with any ticketing system. Unfortunately they also allowed Communion in the hand.

I'd say people should also consider just attending a weekday Mass instead if they can't get into the Sunday Masses or just want to avoid the hassle.

The TTC is making masks mandatory in July, so I'll be making the point to travel less, but if I do, I'll be the guy in the Guy Fawkes mask.

We already knew after the initial sensible 2 week lockdown that the virus story was nonsense. Even if we grant 1 month as acceptable, this stupidity has gone too far. The press are hyping up the rising number of 'cases', which they neglect to mention were present in these people for the last few months already, and the death rate has stagnated, and all this is with their stupid inflated numbers where any sucker can be counted as COVID.

Every lefty cause has advanced under this episode - free money for unemployed, bail-outs for big businesses, eradication of many local businesses and big boosts for big chain retailers and the great almighty Amazon, and Government bail out loans for businesses mandating agreement with Liberal morality clauses and stocks and board observers for government and further nationalization of projects, and they hope will lead to Trump's overthrow, and the further censorship of any 'right'-leaning outlets who are composed of thinking individuals that are calling out this BS.

Also Ben Swann has a significant story that COVID may in fact be a man-made virus developed in partnership between the U.S. and China at Wuhan. No, this doesn't mean it can be classified as a category bio-weapon, because no bioweapon would have a response this poor, but it is likely artificial, and that means that MANY SPECIFIC PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE. And that doesn't rule out that the W.I.V. was not hoping to use it for bioweapons research.

Will governments finally stop tinkering with biological weapons research? Will these morons be hung for the estimated 500,000 deaths (their numbers) from COVID around the world?

Unfortunately that answer is probably, no. Hence why the about-turn to support for the young commies running around looting, burning, killing and tearing down 'racist' statues. I'd feel bad for the police, but then I recall that many of these same brutes in blue were also happy to harass people for stupid COVID regulation violations like standing too close to your children in an open park or drinking coffee by yourself in your car in an empty parking lot or feeding homeless people.

I suspect that the only reason it's generally 'peaceful' in Canada now is because the Liberals are in power. Had the Conservatives won the last election, we'd likely be seeing a much bigger riot now.

My advice to the good cops out there, if this madness should spill over into Canada - abandon the politicians and media personalities in their cozy homes and offices and parliament and protect the common people in your neighbourhood. Let the 'protesters' have a free target of Trudeau for blackface. Let them loot the CBC building of all their fancy TVs and cameras.

Amy said...

Guy Fawkes mask! Awesome!

It is important to remember that nothing happens to us in this life without God's will.

God did allow Vatican 2 to happen and all the fallout.

It was the oddities of 2013 that turned my eye towards the Church after being away most of my life.

We are in a time of Divine Mercy. But the time of judgement(also spoken to St. Faustina by our Lord) is upon us.

Get to confession all of us.

Pray VERY much for the priests and Bishops...

Amy said...

Pray that the 'Illumination of Conscience' comes soon.

We cannot evangelize without the grace of the Holy Spirit, coming like fire, to all those people of 'good will' who would consider our Church.

We are a mess!

Like Bishop Zumarraga wrote to King Charles V, "Without Divine intervention, this country is lost." Three days later, he saw the tilma of Juan Diego.