Mass will not take place for the public this Sunday as after 12 weeks of lock-down, the plan to reopen could not be formulated well before now.
Without exception*, which means not even in the traditional Latin Mass, Holy Communion in the hand is mandated and priests are to refuse anyone who presents to receive Holy Communion by the tongue. (The SSPX Church of the Transfiguration remains an exception - you may register for Mass at and since you will be so thankful you were able to do so, you will be smart an go every week and take you money there too.)

There is to be no kneeling for Holy Communion at any remaining communion rail (few and far between) or any prie-dieu because people touch it and it would need to be disinfected after each user. Fox (my wife) would like to add, that this would be a good job for Susan from the Parish Council or the numerous "Eucharistic Ministers" who shouldn't be touching It in the first place. This job is reserved for the priests.
It must be noted that the last time Cardinal Collins banned Holy Communion on the tongue during the H1N1 fraud, the Toronto Oratorian priests complied and distributed Holy Communion on the hand at the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Masses in their churches.
In November 2009, Cardinal Collins banned Holy Communion on the tongue due to the perpetuated fraud and hysteria of H1N1. A few days later, I attended a funeral at St. Michael's Cathedral for the late Msgr. Barrett T. Armstrong of St. Michael's Choir School. As an obedient Catholic I went to Holy Communion and received in the hand (I was not fully woke and assured by the Oratorians that it would not be my "sin.") The Deacon to the right of the Cardinal provided me with Holy Communion in the hand. To my right a woman approached the Cardinal, opened her mouth and gave her Holy Communion on the tongue. I, who obeyed his edict watched him disobey his own edict.
At the time, I was the Schola Master of the 19 month joy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter's apostolate in Toronto. They would not give Holy Communion in the hand. Father Howard Venette printed in the bulletin, "In accord with the Canon Law of the Universal Church, Holy Communion at this Mass is only received on the tongue." In March, they were gone after only two months earlier having the parish promised them revoked after a gang-up by the usual suspects outside the Cardinal's office. But I digress...
This writer will not be going to Holy Communion under any circumstances in public because I do believe that some priests just don't know how to do it and I've had more saliva in my mouth from other than I would like to recall. Neither myself nor my wife or myself will ever receive in the hand.
Now, speaking of Holy Communion.
A blessed Feast of Corpus Christi to you all.
I suppose the suffragan bishops will, monkey see monkey do, follow suit.
I wonder how the Oratory will respond. I want to support them but they're captive under this ridiculous policy.
Collins is a wolf, stop defending him.
It is impossible for a Catholic to practice the Catholic Faith inside a non Catholic organization. Why do so many try?
Last week you said the SSPX was of the Devil because Michael Voris said so.
Now we should go there?
Pardon me for insulting my readers. You stupid liar, I never said any such thing.
I will not go there for Mass this weekend because it is not where I usually go and I have some class and won't "bump" someone who does.
You dare come on here and lie about me?
I have always supported the SSPX in every way except to cover up for sodomites and those who cover them up.
If I can call Bergoglio a pervert protector for his inaction on McCarrick and others, I can call Fellay one for what he did not do. I've made it quite clear that I don't agree with Voris's commentary on the canonical issues.
Take your eyes and fingers and go to another blog.
Well my wife and I in Renfrew will not attend any mass. Ottawa is close and St.Clement's was our parish when we live there. The FSSP will comply there also I believe. For all intensive purposes we are now catacoumed with our faith in the country home where we live. I am compiling a years worth of Masses, TLM to support our Sunday obligation, which we will keep here. Spiritual communion for receiving Our Lord. We cannot under any circumstances comply with this usurpation of our Faith. There are now two Catholic Churches, and we are not part now of the one in view. When the vaccines come with the mark of the beast in it, these bishops will promote that also. Welcome to the Canadian Government Catholic Church, run by the various health departments in your area. This is an affront to God, no? Not us thank you.
Before Fr. Venette went to Toronto, I was an acolyte for him in London. I was sad to see him leave, but I thought, naively, that he would be given his own church and start to build up a vibrant community in Toronto. I have often wondered why he departed Toronto. Thanks for the details. The wolves, as I suspected, were at work.
Communion in the Hand:
Saint Thomas Aquinas:
"The dispensing of Christ's body belongs to the priest for three reasons. First, because ... he consecrates in the person of Christ ... Secondly, because the priest is the appointed intermediary between God and the people, hence as it belongs to him to offer the people's gifts to God, so it belongs to him to deliver the consecrated gifts to the people. Thirdly, because out of reverence toward this sacrament nothing touches it but what is consecrated, hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it, except from necessity — for instance, if it were to fall upon the ground, or else in some other case of urgency."
Father Luigi Villa:
"With the Instruction, “Memorial Domini”, Paul VI authorized the Episcopal Conferences to grant the distribution of Communion in the hand. It was another sacrilegious act!
With the Instruction “Fidei Custos”, Paul VI, in 1969, authorized the “laity” to distribute Holy Communion, counter to the mission that Jesus had reserved for the Apostles and the Clergy."
Saint Hermenegild:
King Hermenegild, son of Leovigild king of the Visigoths, was converted, from the Arian heresy, to the Catholic faith, by the preaching of the venerable Leander, Bishop of Seville, one of my oldest and dearest friends. His father, who continued in the Arian heresy, did his utmost, both by promises, and threats, to induce him to apostatise. But Hermenegild returned him ever the same answer, that he never could abandon the true faith, after having once known it. The father, in a fit of displeasure, deprived him not only of his right to the throne, but of everything he possessed. And when even this failed to break the energy of his soul, he had him put into close confinement with chains on his neck and hands ...
It was the Feast of Easter. At an early hour of the night, when all was still, his wicked father sent an Arian Bishop to him, with this message, that if he would receive Communion from his hands, (the Communion of a sacrilegious consecration!) he should be restored to favour. True to his Creator, the man of God gave a merited reproof to the Arian Bishop, and, with holy indignation, rejected his sinful offer ... The Arian father raged, and straightway sent his lictors, bidding them repair to the prison of the unflinching Confessor of the Lord, and murder him on the spot. They obeyed; they entered the prison; they cleft his skull with a sword;... Miracles soon followed, whereby heaven testified to the true glory of Hermenegild; for during the night, there was heard sweet music nigh to the body of the King and Martyr,--King indeed, because he was a Martyr. It is said that lights were seen at the same time burning in the prison. The Faithful were led, by these signs, to revere the body, as being that of a martyr. As to the wicked father, he repented for having imbrued his hands in his son's blood; but his repentance was not unto salvation, inasmuch as, whilst acknowledging the Catholic Faith to be the true one, he had not the courage to embrace it, for he feared the displeasure of his subjects. When in his last sickness, and at the point of death, he commended his son Reccared, a heretic, to the care of Leander the Bishop, whom he had hitherto persecuted, but from whom he now asked, that he would do for this son what he had, by his exhortations, done for Hermenegild. Having made this request, he died, and was succeeded, on the throne, by Reccared, who taking, not his wicked father, but his martyred brother, as his model, he abandoned the impious Arian heresy, and led the whole Visigoth nation to the true Faith. He would not allow any man to serve in his armies, who dared to continue the enemy of the God of hosts by heresy."
(From the book of the Dialogues of Saint Gregory, Pope.)
I am astonished that they would give advice on mask removal like that. The advice they are giving is absolutely incorrect.
Prior to mask removal, the individual should wash hands with soap and water; or, use a 60% + alcohol based hand sanitizer. The pretext that hands will be sanitized prior to entering the church does not hold, as many people will touch their face, their arms, their clothes, perhaps a prayer book etc., etc. Further they make no mention where the mask will be placed during the interim period of its removal.
Another huge problem:
Given the person will be stepping into a zone just previously occupied their will be droplets and aerosols, given that that space will be (according to the Archdiocese's own directives) a zone where "dialogue" shall take place, it will be a zone where there is an increased risk for exposure to the coronavirus. This has even greater implications for those who will be near the end of the Communion line as droplets and aerosols emit from the mouth upon speaking, and those at the end of the line would be entering a zone of ever increased density of droplets and aerosols, increasing viral load.
EVERY priest and Eucharistic Minister should be tested prior to participating at any liturgical service. Because they will be one-half of all the "dialogue" within the zone. Further, "Corpus Christi" and any other "dialogue" should absolutely be BANNED to minimize droplet and aerosol emissions.
I write this only to point out the lack of consistency and logic on the part of the Archdiocese. It does not indicate I support these measures, as I do NOT.
There is growing body of evidence that the virus is burning itself out (as did MERS and SARS). Further the IFR is 0.26% [CDC figures, seasonal Influenza is 0.1%). A far more rational response is to resume Masses with an increased Sunday Mass schedule to spread congregational attendance around.
Sorry. This is the link I meant to post.
Small addendum please. On the masks, this will kill people. Check out Dr. Mikovits here,
...and on your Novel Corona Virus, oops Covid-19.. They like to tell you what come your way, they the globalists. Covid19, Certificate of Vaccination ID-19
Digital Identity Alliance
Have a pleasant evening.
I think Irenaeus just nailed it.
Vox, I'm with you, 100% on the SSPX situation. Thank you for taking a stand.
I'm afraid we have all been complicit already, maintaining support for a church which has allowed and all but endorsed, boy buggery. No more, not for anybody will we do that. I don't like saying this, but Catholics have made their own comfort a priority over doing what it right, ending their support for these pederasts and heretics. When will they say, enough!
If ever there was a time to boycott, this is it, but I can only speak for myself.
I will not stand to receive the Holy Eucharist ever again. It disrespects Our Lord. I will not receive Our Lord in my hand. My hands are not consecrated. I am prepared to never receive, if it comes to it. God will sustain me. It is more important to maintain my love and respect for proper worship. If I err, God knows my heart. He knows I am trying to do the right thing.
These men cannot use extortion to change my mind. If they no longer practice Catholicism, what use have I for these men?
Perhaps if they walked into their hideaways (our churches) and saw empty rooms week after week, they might have a change of heart.
It is an awful thought, but what is better, attend and insult the Lord? Attend and worship improperly? Attend, support them and continue to endorse boy buggery and dissident homosexuals and Communists in the clergy?
It is a last consideration, but I do not want to be treated like a vector of disease in my own church, like a dirty, infected rag that has to be disinfected. In truth, they are the ones who need to be disinfected! This entire set of protocols insults the dignity of the human person, and that is not insignificant. They have no right to alter worship nor make Catholics feel as if we are all Typhoid carriers. If Holy Communion cannot be distributed safely, then cease Holy Communion for the laity.
What they are trying to do is break down your resistance to it and make receiving in the hand and standing familiar. They'll keep this going forever. Don't do it!
Our Lord said "Feed my sheep". Sheep don't have hands.
"I will not stand to receive the Holy Eucharist ever again. It disrespects Our Lord. I will not receive Our Lord in my hand. My hands are not consecrated."
" It is more important to maintain my love and respect for proper worship. If I err, God knows my heart. He knows I am trying to do the right thing."
" If they no longer practice Catholicism, what use have I for these men?"
"What they are trying to do is break down your resistance to it and make receiving in the hand and standing familiar."
Great comment Evangeline!
Mandatory Communion only in the hand and other methods of showing disrespect and desecration of the Sacred Species is just one more step toward the abomination of desolation. They, which includes all levels of religious will attempt to lead the lay faithful in all manner of conduct against God and creation. New commandments include the wearing of a modified unisex niqab while in a Catholic Church. Another is the sanitizing of hands before entering a Catholic Church because the Body of Christ is contaminated or is the contaminant. Rules designed to lead you smoothly to the one world pagan religion. ...and Bergoglio saith obey the UN.
Here is the procedure at the Oratory.
Reception of Holy Communion: Keep physical distancing while going to altar rail, and try not to touch the rail if possible. There will be tape on the altar rail at 2 metre intervals. “Upon the strong recommendation of medical authorities, Holy Communion is received only in the hand at this time. (Since each communicant has the right to receive communion either on the tongue or in the hand, the traditional practice of the option of receiving on the tongue will be restored as soon as the public health situation allows for that).” (From the Archdiocesan document on the reopening of churches.) We will keep to this practice even at the Extraordinary Form Masses. The faithful who bring in a paten of their own or a clean piece of white fabric, may have the Host placed on that and should consume the Host while still at the altar rail. (The faithful should purify such patens or cloths afterwards to make sure that particles of the Host do not fall to the ground. Cloths can be soaked in water and the water poured out in a garden or flower pot.) There is also the venerable tradition of making a spiritual communion.
Also to join the Oratory for Sunday Mass, you need to register through Eventbrite and get a ticket that will be checked. Capacity over 90 people will be turned away. Those who can't attend are dispensed.
Regular weekday Masses, require no registration.
I'll probably just attend Saturday morning masses, and not receive Communion. Or go for a weekday Mass if I can and just skip Sundays until this entire stupid affair is over.
Humanity really should hang its head in shame.
"“Upon the strong recommendation of medical authorities"
What undiluted crap !!! Covid is no more dangerous than annual flu. This farce has nothing to do with medicine - it is all political. The NWO flexing it"s muscles. You will obey!!!
The Orthodox stand as do all Eastern Rites Catholics. They receive on the tongue with a gold spoon.Some are receiving with a disposable plastic spoon while others are swishing the spoon in alcohol and wiping it before reuse. Masks are pulled down to receive.
All RC Catholics AND Orthodox partook of the Eucharist with their own fingers at some point in the history of Christianity.
The Orthodox ( and Eastern Rite Catholics) just started using the "spoon" for the leavened bread in the past thousand years.
Interestingly the title "Pope" was used to designate Patriarchs on the larger Sees . Originally the Patriarchs of Antioch, Alexandria and Rome were referred to as Popes.
Love God with your whole mind soul and heart and love your neighbor as you love yourselves.
No Pope ,Cardinal ,Bishop or Priest or Deacon is right thinking who either abuses another , especially a child, or covers up for one whom he knows has.
SSPX definitely has cult like features and members.
Why is it that only the Orthodox have verbally and in writing stated , "No homosexuals are permitted to serve at our altars."
How is it ONLY they remove the same quickly from public ministry?
Surely our Catholic Diocese could be doing the same?
'nighty, night baby'...........
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