Better titled, "How NOT to receive Holy Communion."
Better there be NO Holy Communion than to follow this ridiculous, preposterous and sacrilegious instruction. Have these people gone mad? How do you remove your mask with the Blessed Sacrament in your hand?
For those of us that attend the traditional Latin Mass, there will be no Holy Communion, it will not be given in the hand, nor will we accept it in the hand. Now, what about my good Oratorian friends at Holy Family? In 2009 during H1N1, they gave Holy Communion in the hand at the Latin Mass in the extraordinary form. Will they do this again?
What insanity!

The Abomination of Desolation
The Lord Jesus really allowed his faithful to receive the Holy Eucharist in a standing position to show that they are in such circumstances as the Israelites during the last Passover before leaving Egypt! In addition, you could take the Host in your hand, because it is food for the journey! What should the faithful go from? From the Great Whore, which has all the qualities of a disgusting Sodom!
Revelation to John [18, 4-5] "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. "
In November, I asked the good God five times whether the daily Sacrifice stopped on October 27, 2019, and I got the answer five times - via the Holy Bible - that it happened that scary day! Carefully read the 3rd Book of Kings (1 Kings; DR version) [12, 25-31] and replace Jeroboam (meaning "the People Contend") with rebel Jorge the Apostate, instead of King Rehoboam of Israel (= meaning "He enlarges the People") put in our Lord Jesus Christ and his rightful descendants (that is Children of the Church), and in place of 2 golden calves give 2xPachamamas and "priests" from among ordinary people ("viri probati"), and you will understand all the drama of God's people these days.
I also received a physical confirmation of this situation: On December 26 [2019], I went with my son for the pardon to the baroque church of Saint Stephen (and Anna the Mother) in a neighboring village. We stood in a long queue for Communion in a narrow passage between the pews and the hanging ambo, and then one of the priests came and told me to go back so that he could give away hosts. There was a small commotion, backing away, I lost my balance, but my son supported me. We had to go back toward the temple exit. It was the day of stoning st. Stephen the Deacon outside the city walls, and then I realized that this priest did not come to us with the Heart of the Lord's Body (= the Holy Eucharist), but with a stone heart - the opposite of that of the prophet Ezekiel [36, 26]!
Why did the Lord Jesus not declare this fact - the cessation of the Daily Sacrifice - in an open text? After nearly 20 centuries of feeding us with his Holy Body, He expects his chosen ones to be mature enough to judge the state of affairs themselves, I suppose. Especially that for over 6 years they have often seen with what contempt Jorge the Apostate, alleged pontifex maximus, treats the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar in the absence of any protests from other priests. The measure of wickedness has been fulfilled. There is no more urgent reading these days than the Apocalypse.
January 2, 2020, Feast: Virgen del Pilar, Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain
The Church history shows that Catholics can survive for decades (USSR) and even centuries (Japan) without priests and the Blessed Sacrament. The Apocalypse, however, speaks of a period of three and a half years.
God does not share the altar with Satan. The daily Sacrifice ceased in Rome at noon [CET] on October 27, 2019. That day was the commemoratio of Saint Abraham the Poor (or the Child) - Abraham the Patriarch, the Father of Faith, has actually returned to his place! [Genesis 18:33]
If the abomination of desolation was placed on the altar of the Lord over the tomb of Saint Peter on October 27, 2019, than 1260 days will end April 8, 2023, Holy Saturday; 1290 days: May 8, the feast of Our Lady of Luján (Argentina), Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel (Gargano, Italy), Saint Stanislaus (in Poland); 1335 days: June 22, Ss. John Fisher (the last Catholic bishop, England) and Thomas More (the last Catholic Lord Chancellor, England).
Avoid anything to do with the Novus Ordo hierarchy. They are corruption and poison all they touch, including the ICK and FSSP. It is unfortunate but it is reality.
That image is pure freaking comedy.
It's literally training people to act like obedient electrons following a grid.
I'm convinced all this is just a placebo to avoid potential litigation by some random moron who might get sick and suspect he got it at your location for which he'll seek to sue for unspecified negligence with government and media backing because said location does not heed the decrees of government.
What makes this all more hilariously ironic is that the same idiots who can't say the black and do the red, and can't dress up properly or veil their heads for Mass to avoid eternal damnation, can suddenly have no problems following more rigid guidelines of follow the green, put on the mask, return directly home and lock yourself in to avoid what for 90% of people will be a risk of seasonal sniffles.
Someone should please do the Robot-dance on the way up there and make audible *whirring* machine noises during each step of this procedure, while having someone film you on their phone, and post it to TikTok.
I survived until I was 20 years old without any Sacraments. I know how to wait. If need be, I can abstain from Holy Communion for the time being. I'm not about to start pawing at the Sacrament because of Coronavirus.
Myron, I like your fidelity and I agree, that act by Bergoglio the Destroyer was a turning point. Even a lukewarm Catholic should understand when the pope breaks the First Commandment over the bones of St. Peter, nothing will be the same. It hasn't been.
I also believe Catholics can exist without the Sacraments and even the Holy Mass, as hard as that is for daily communicants. These times are unprecedented. We are left on our own, save Abp. Vigano and a handful of faithful bishops, so we have to do the best we can. God knows our hearts.
When the evidence of sacrilege and blasphemy and apostasy is as strong as it is now, we should not participate in the way these men are demanding.
I believe some of them are enjoying this. They are subduing, controlling, and humiliating God, as well as the faithful. They are making us all feel like vectors of disease. This is not Holy Communion.
We will not receive standing, after attending NO Mass most of our lives, and we will not receive in the hand.
Jesus is on the floor.
Tom A. is correct.
Faithful catholics need to wake up and stop defending the novus disorder and Vatican II. Garbage. Time to trash it.
Archbishop Viganò on Vatican II: “It Is Preferable to Let the Whole Thing Drop and Be Forgotten”. This link has his latest bombshell:
Tom A. is correct.
Time to throw the novus disorder and Vatican II to the garbage. Faithful catholics need to stop defending this filth. It's done enough damage.
This link shows what Abp. Vigano thinks of Vatican II:
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe the NO came some years after the close of VII i.e. it was a seperate and distinct undertaking although VII prepared the way for the NO. The eradication of VII and the NO would be two distinct and seperate actions.
You are correct.
The Council ended in 1963. I recall Mass one Sunday in 1965, a plywood table was set up in the sanctuary and Father Carroll was facing us. It was very strange, that is my recollection, I was eight years old. Two years later, I was congratulated for being in the first Altar Boy class that did not need to learn Latin. This was the "New" Mass as we were told. We, the people, had no idea another "New" New Mass was coming. The rats in Rome knew, no doubt the chanceries in our dioceses new, but the people did not. Nor was any of this demanded. The 1965 Mass was a transition, a warm-up. Yet, it, for all its faults, was what the Fathers of the Council had asked except for the larger lectionary which naturally would have taken more time. We were all deceived. Some, like my mother hated it, but accepted it because "father said so." He accepted it because the Bishop said so.
The two are separate but they have the same father.
They both need to be abrogated.
I keep asking myself, "What good has come from Vatican II?"
Here's an idea for the Novus Ordo's:
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