A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 5 August 2018

What is going on in Oklahoma that faithful Catholics should be so abused?

Vox Cantoris has been banned from posting on Twitter until August 9, 
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A guest post from Mr. Laramie Hirsch on the continuing saga of insult and attack on Catholics faithful to the tradition of the Church and Her liturgy.

After reading Mr. Hirsch's column, I am asking myself, "Does this priest suffer from "gay-rage?"

Catty Priest Insults Minorities In Homily...
By Laramie Hirsch

...And, by minorities, I don't mean brown-skinned people, immigrants, or homosexuals.  Instead, the minorities I mention are the most hated minorities in the Catholic Church: Traditionalists.

If you attended Mass at a certain parish in Tulsa early this July, you'd be pleased to see a good sized group of people at a diocesan Traditional Latin Mass.  While the priest there hardly spoke English at all, being a man from Ecuador, he nevertheless did his utmost to worship the Almighty.  Latin is the universal high language of the Church.  It was such a beautiful service, as it always has been ever since the TLM was brought to the parish about a decade ago.  The people there have been taught the beauty of the Church's tradition like never before.  This is all thanks to now-retired Bishop Emeritus Slattery and the former parish priest who has now left the state.

On that, the seventh Sunday after Pentecost, the parish's Extraordinary Form would feature a reading from Matthew 7:15-21 .  Only it wasn't read by the Hispanic priest.  He dutifully stepped aside, and the passage was instead read by the parish priest himself:

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?  Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit.  A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.  Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire.  Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.  Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven."

If only the Hispanic priest gave the homily.  By all accounts, he appears to love the Latin Mass.  Or, dare we dream, wouldn't it have been nice if the homily came from the former parish priest who introduced the Latin Mass in the first place?  (It seems that he was actually in town that day)  Or even the retired bishop who always protected the Catholic Tradition in this part of Oklahoma?  No.  The homily was given by the current parish priest.  Yet, surely after a full year of shepherding over the Traditionalist laity, this priest would have grown some kind of fondness for the flock beneath him.  Right?

The congregation waited for the kind-hearted instructions from their shepherd.
What Took Place

After reading from Matthew, the sermon took a strange turn.  At first, the priest didn't seem to make sense.  It was as though his words melted into typical post-Vatican II gobbelty gook language.  While he initially seemed to be deconstructing St. Paul's writing style, it all seemed one big incoherent ramble.  After that, the priest then talked about people's athletic ability.  He commented about how the people of Christ's day didn't need to go to the gym because they walked everywhere.

Suddenly, just when it seemed his sermon (?) should be wrapping up, he capped off his ramble by bringing up zip codes.  He talked about the parish' s own poor neighborhood, and that local income was not very high.  This was a common, perennial problem, he explained, as it's been a low-income neighborhood since the 1950s.  But then, he unmistakably complained about laity who drive in from widely divergent locations.  He appeared to scoff at those who would drive one to two hours every Sunday from other towns and counties.  And, of course, the only people doing this were the parishioners attending that diocesan Latin Mass.

Then, just as he did last year, he stated that the Latin Mass group in particular was not giving their proper share of money during collection time.  He told the congregation that he preferred having only a Spanish and English Mass.  They were reminded that the FSSP is across the river on the West side of town.  And then, to qualify himself, he said that he had done his job and kept all of his promises to them for the past year, ever since he took over the parish.

In other words: "I've done everything I was supposed to do for you people.  But really, you're not welcome"

He ended his "homily" abruptly and walked off.  He did not assist the Hispanic priest with distribution of the Eucharist after that.  I have to wonder, was the Hispanic priest aware of the American priest's statements?

Parishioners later noticed that the side chapel had its statues removed, and it looked blander and more Protestant.
What Was The Sunday Message?

So, did this priest think he appropriately tied his "homily" to the gospel reading from Matthew?  Was he comparing a good tree that produces good fruit to an evil tree that produces bad fruit?  More to the point: does this priest think the Latin Mass produces bad fruit?  After all, according to him, the Traditional Catholic community wasn't generating enough income for the parish.  So, shall we also conclude that, in this priest's mind, good fruit = money?  Bad fruit = less money?  Is money the objective?  Is it cash that should concern us?  Do diocesan Traditionalists produce bad fruit in the form of inadequate collection amounts?  If so, how much more do they need to fork over until they are good and worthy in this priest's eyes?

I always thought that, in post-Vatican II Catholic Church, good fruit = happiness, togetherness, community, fraternal charity, good feelings, and all that emotional hippy dippy stuff.  If so, this tradition-hating priest certainly doesn't value these aspects when it comes to interacting with the Latin Mass parishioners.  Certainly, dare I say, it does not appear as though this priest considers "good fruit" to be wholesome, clean, confessed souls in a state of grace.  (That's just a dusty, triumphalist, pre-Vatican II novelty).  Not in this "homily."  Allegedly, he does not even consistently hear confessions from the Latin Mass group on a monthly basis--as he said he would in the beginning of his tenure.  But even assuming these reports to be wrong: is confession once a month enough?

And what of those poor English and Spanish Mass parishioners, living in that low-income zip code?  Are their contributions inadequate and deserving of a scolding?  Do those communities produce bad fruit as well?  Or are they somehow exempt?  Are those poor folks mystically holy because of their poorness?  Do their low incomes make them virtuous, while the assumed higher incomes of the Traditionalists make them less virtuous?  Is it even accurate to assume the traditionalists have higher incomes, or is that a blanket assumption by the priest?

Did the priest even mean any of this?  Or was he simply ignoring the Sunday gospel reading, preferring to instead deliver a reckless, harsh message to a group of people who've done nothing to him?

What This Does To A Community
Modernist post-Vatican II priests have 20th Century liberal values.  They want to sweep the "old dusty Catholic Church" under the rug.  They want to shove all those un-hip, stubborn losers who "can't get with it" into a ghetto.  They are in the middle of transforming the Catholic Church into "a new thing," and laity holding onto how it's always been are in the way.  The New Order uses a sort of federal-government-eminent-domain tactic that runs over communities such as this.

There once was a strong community at this parish.  In fact, it was rather famous, regionally speaking.  People had always praised the good things Bishop Edward Slattery had done, and a lot of it took place in this very parish under a good priest.  But after the retirement and replacement of the good bishop, and after the installation of Pope Francis' new bishop, it has been demonstrated that there has always been a cabal of priests in this town who, under the surface, always vehemently opposed what Bp. Slattery did.  There have always been priests in Tulsa's diocese who have hated Tradition.  At best, these priests view Tulsa's traditionalist laity as an inconvenience.  Judging from the abuse this particular parish has received in the past year, we can conclude that some priests view this group of laity with contempt.  They have therefore tried to destroy this community--and not without results.

If we are going to refer to the fruits of good or bad intentions, then let's see this situation for what it is.  The fruit of this priest and the new bishop is the scattering of Tulsa's Traditionalist community in many directions.  The fruit of their work is angst, both in this community and beyond.  The fruit of these New Order clergymen has been to instill a deep sense of abandonment in laity in Northeast Oklahoma.  Those who hold on to their faith amidst these sorts of trials feel as though the Sword of Damocles hangs over their head.  These people have not been uplifted; they have been tolerated.  They have not been embraced and welcomed; they have been alienated.  They have no intrinsic worth to the local Catholic community.  No one dares ask them what they think.  They are an elephant in the room.  If a priest in the diocese dares to offer to learn the Latin Mass, he becomes a marked man.  Traditionalists are avoided.  They are shunned.  It wouldn't surprise me if they were given their own drinking fountains.  

If this is the fruit of the new bishop, the new priest, and those who agree with their agenda, then let us ask: is this good fruit or bad fruit?
Conclusions: Money, Money, Money...?
Let's recap what the three congregations were contributing last October, the last time this very same priest complained about money.  According to that church bulletin, the figures were as follows:

Anglos (28% of the parish) contribute 40%
Hispanics (60% of the parish) contribute 46%
Latin (12% of the parish) contribute 24%
(The term "Anglos" is the priest's terminology, not mine.)

As you can see, the Latin Mass congregation was contributing twice the amount that they represented for the pleasure of having this priest spit in their face.  Today, thanks to a steady diet of nasty, passive-aggressive discouragement, the Latin Mass community has been reduced to 60% of what they once were.  Yet, these people continue to provide more money than they actually represent.

Even more interesting is the fact that some of the Hispanic laity have also witnessed this priest's actions.  After all, it was a combination of the English, Spanish, and Latin Mass congregations who helped to build and complete the St. Toribio Shrine.  Yet, this new priest is undoing many of the Catholic reforms the former priest brought to the parish.  This hasn't gone unnoticed by the Hispanic community.  No es bueno.  They don't like it.    Some have even left for another Tulsa Spanish-speaking parish.  Some tried attending the TLM at one point--perhaps longing for traces of their former shepherd.  I can't help but wonder what changes took place in that congregation since last year.

If money truly was the end goal of this priest, he would stop being ugly to the Latin Mass laity.  Why?  Because they've been carrying a large portion of the parishes' finances on their shoulders.  If and when they go, the parish will be all the poorer for it.  In effect, this new priest will have driven out a large source of income.  But ultimately, does he really care about the money?  Or does this priest value the removal of those Trads over everything else?

In this situation, at best, we can assume that this priest is materialist.  But what is more likely is that this priest is acting in malice towards these people.  He wants them gone.  Period.

Saturday 4 August 2018

The "Pope" Called Francis, this Jorge Bergoglio is a Heretic, a Danger to the Faith and an Enemy of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Vox Cantoris has been banned from posting on Twitter until August 9, 
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As tough and strong a man as I may be, I am scandalised in the classic and theological sense. My peace and the peace of my wife and my close friends have been disturbed. The peace of many of you readers has been disturbed. The fact that this has been brought about by the man chosen by the Cardinals of the Catholic Church to be the Vicar of our Sweet Christ on Earth is what is most profoundly sad and distressing.

Whether he has been tried or not; whether those with the authority to act or not declare it, Jorge Bergoglio, - the man known as Pope Francis - is, in my opinion, a heretic, a likely antipope and may, because of his varied actions and words, have lost the papal office. He certainly acts and behaves as if he has no papal charism, no grace of office.

Look friends, and I point this out mainly to the papal positivists and apologists out there engaging in papolatry - Popes are not infallible in everything they say or do. Their statements are infallible and decisions are only infallible on matters of faith and morals, and only when they declare it. Period.

This change in the catechism regarding capital punishment is a disgraceful abuse of power and pompous arrogance. 

I can not, -- I will not accept what was not always the teaching. What was true yesterday is still true today. You may choose in your own conscience to disagree with capital punishment, that is your right. You may think it is not the duty of the State, today. that is fine, you may hold that opinion, that belief. The problem is that the Church cannot compel you or me to believe that it is wrong when it has always taught that it is permissible. You cannot be compelled to assent in mind and heart and belief to something that was okay yesterday but not today. 

This is a really a red-herring, or as if something is shouting to a dog, "squirrel." You can easily research capital punishment statistics. It is not public policy in Europe or Canada or most "western" countries. It is on the books in Russia, but it has not been used in decades. China, Iraq, Pakistan, mostly Muslim countries and oh, yes; the United States of America still have capital punishment as an option in sentencing. There are fewer than 2000 people per year executed. This is not the most pressing issue in the world. 

Remember, this Francis has also said that "life in prison is like a death sentence." So, is that next? Does the State, legitimate authority, have any right to protect its citizens and punish guilty criminals. Criminals, who conduct the most heinous crimes? Mass murderers, killers of police or prison guards, child murderers? Sure, lock them up, throw away the key; - once could argue that 30 or 40 years of solitary confinement may be worse than an execution, I get it. It is in civil discourse and politics a debatable point, it is also permitted by Holy Scripture and the Church throughout history. 

There is more.

The wider problem is this is not only a smokescreen that over the pervert crisis of homosexuals in the priesthood, episcopacy and cardinaliate, but it is what it portends for the future.

If this heretical monster, this malefactor gets away with this, then he may very well attempt it again, but the next time the chopping block will include the teaching on same-sex attraction and behaviour and then Humanae Vitae.

From the night that this malefactor Bergoglio walked out on the loggia my peace has been disturbed. My urge to vomit was a warning to be mindful of what was coming. It went on for hours, my unsettlement for days and weeks.

The time has long since past for this man named Pope Francis to be called out by the bishops and cardinals for his errors and is heresies.

We are alone against the cowards. Half of our shepherds are cowards and the others are wolves.

May they repent, lest they are damned.

Predator Pervert Theodore McCarrick's work goes on

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness reports that disgraced Archbishop and homosexual predator pervert Theodore McCarrick ordained to the sacred priesthood, the dissenting and homosexualist, Daniel Horan whom we have written of previously.

Who else of has been ordained by Pervert McCarrick?

America's Political Left Will Now Use Heretic Bergoglio's Capital Punishment Edict to Whip Support for Democrats

Vox Cantoris has been banned from posting on Twitter until August 9, please Tweet my posts.

In a post below, I opined that one of the reasons Bergoglio did this catechetical change, which remains an abuse of his authority, is to undermine Donald J. Trump and support the Democrat Party in the mid-term American elections. Remember, it was the fraud on the Chair of Peter who, returning from a trip to Mexico said about Mr. Trump, "Real Christians don't build walls."

I give you this:

From Wikipedia: Jane Fleming Kleeb is an American political activist. She is the founder and president of Bold Alliance, Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party and a board member of Our Revolution. 

But killing babies is just fine.

London, Ontario's Victoria Hospital Urges Lucid Patient Asking for Home Care to Kill Himself - With Their Kind Help, of Course!

Vox Cantoris has been banned from posting on Twitter until August 9, please Tweet my posts.

CTVNews.ca Staff
Published Thursday, August 2, 2018 10:00PM EDT 
An Ontario man suffering from an incurable neurological disease has provided CTV News with audio recordings that he says are proof that hospital staff offered him medically assisted death, despite his repeated requests to live at home.
Roger Foley, 42, who earlier this year launched a landmark lawsuit against a London hospital, several health agencies, the Ontario government and the federal government, alleges that health officials will not provide him with an assisted home care team of his choosing, instead offering, among other things, medically assisted death.
Foley suffers from cerebellar ataxia, a brain disorder that limits his ability to move his arms and legs, and prevents him from independently performing daily tasks.

Friday 3 August 2018

Count Your Days, Mr. Wuerl - You're next!

Vox Cantoris has been banned from posting on Twitter until August 9, please Tweet my posts.

Image result for donald wuerl holy card

The Heresy of "Pope" Francis Has Now Opened the Door for Approval of Homosexual Practice - New Ways Ministry Says So!

The imprudent and evil machinations of the heretic Pope named Bergoglio has now allowed New Ways Ministry to push what some of us predicted a day ago.

The malefactor on the Throne of Peter must be held to account.

What Does Change in Church’s Death Penalty Teaching Mean for LGBT People?

Church teaching can change.
While many of us knew this before, we’ve just received news that is contemporary proof positive.  From The New York Times:
Pope Francis at August 1st audience in St. Peter’s Square
“Pope Francis has declared that the death penalty is wrong in all cases, a definitive change in church teaching that is likely to challenge faithful Catholic politicians, judges and officials in the United States and other countries who have argued that their church was not entirely opposed to capital punishment. . . .
“The church also says it will work “with determination” for the abolition of capital punishment worldwide.”
It’s important for Catholic advocates for LGBT equality to take note of this change because for decades Catholic opponents of LGBT equality argued that it is impossible to change church teaching.  They often pointed to the fact that condemnations of  same-sex relationships were inscribed in the Catechism, and so were not open for discussion or change. Yet, the teaching on the death penalty is in the Catechism, too, and, in fact, to make this change in teaching, it was the text of the Catechism that Francis changed.  Here’s the announcement from the Vatican press office:

New revision of number 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the death penalty – Rescriptum “ex Audentia SS.mi”, 02.08.2018

The Supreme Pontiff Francis, in the audience granted on 11 May 2018 to the undersigned Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has approved the following new draft of no. 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, arranging for it to be translated into various languages and inserted in all the editions of the aforementioned Catechism.
The death penalty
2267. Recourse to the death penalty on the part of legitimate authority, following a fair trial, was long considered an appropriate response to the gravity of certain crimes and an acceptable, albeit extreme, means of safeguarding the common good.
Today, however, there is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the person is not lost even after the commission of very serious crimes. In addition, a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state. Lastly, more effective systems of detention have been developed, which ensure the due protection of citizens but, at the same time, do not definitively deprive the guilty of the possibility of redemption.
Consequently, the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that “the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person”,[1] and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide.
The New York Times explained what was changed by this revision:
“In the catechism promoted by St. John Paul II, in 1992, the death penalty was allowed if it was ‘the only practicable way to defend the lives of human beings effectively against the aggressor.’ “
What is also interesting is how the Vatican news service explained the change,  In their news story, they included the following section under an important subhead:

Revision in continuity with preceding Magisterium

In the Letter to the Bishops  Cardinal Ladaria [prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith] explained that the revision of n. 2267 of the CCC  [Catechism of the Catholic Church] “expresses an authentic development of doctrine that is not in contradiction with the prior teachings of the Magisterium” and said “these teachings, in fact, can be explained in the light of the primary responsibility of the public authority to protect the common good in a social context in which the penal sanctions were understood differently, and had developed in an environment in which it was more difficult to guarantee that the criminal could not repeat his crime”.
So, the change is not a contradiction, even though it is the opposite of what came before it? Hmmmm.
What does this death penalty news mean for Catholic advocates for LGBT equality?  A few things.
First, we now have a clear, explicit contemporary example of church teaching changing, and also a look into how it can be done: with a papal change to the Catechism.
Second,  we can see that the process that brought about this change has been decades of theological debate and discussion, and not just a papal whim.  That means the theological and even ecclesial discussions and debates right now about LGBT people have great potential to shape future changes in church teaching in regard to those topics.
Third, the death penalty is condemned because it violates the human dignity of a person.  In Ladaria’s “Letter to the Bishops” explaining the change in teaching, he quotes Pope Francis: “no matter how serious the crime that has been committed, the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and the dignity of the person.”  The dignity of the human person is the same foundation upon which many of the arguments for LGBT equality are based in theology, so seeing this teaching promoted more vigorously by Pope Francis and other church leaders is a positive step for Catholic LGBT topics.
Fourth, Pope Francis emphasis that human dignity is not eradicated despite whatever condition a person may be in highlights an important theme of his papacy which has been helpful for pastoral ministry to LGBT people: Because everyone has inherent human dignity, the Church should be open and welcoming to all people, regardless of whether or not their lives conform to church teaching in other areas.  The church should not leave anyone out.
Fifth, the quote from Ladaria in the indented excerpt above explains that one of the reasons for the change  in teaching is a new social context that has new understandings of punishment.  Again, this development bodes well for change in Catholic LGBT issues because society has been witnessing a tremendous change in social context of LGBT people, as well as new understandings of sexuality and personhood.
Sixth, and perhaps most directly related to this new and strong condemnation of the death penalty from the Catholic hierarchy, is that this new teaching can be used to protect the lives of LGBT people in nations where they are criminalized and subject to the death penalty.  This new teaching from Pope Francis comes with a promise that the Church will work “with determination” for the death penalty’s “abolition worldwide.”  Ladaria’s “Letter” concludes by reinforcing this point:
“The new formulation of number 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church desires to give energy to a movement towards a decisive commitment to favor a mentality that recognizes the dignity of every human life and, in respectful dialogue with civil authorities, to encourage the creation of conditions that allow for the elimination of the death penalty where it is still in effect.”
If church leaders in fact follow through with this promise, the result can greatly help the LGBT people who are most oppressed in our world.
Of course, what would be really good is if the Vatican simply condemned the criminalization of LGBT people, regardless of the punishment–a cause for which New Ways Ministry has been campaigning for several years.  Such a condemnation would not even require a change in church teaching, as  the church, even in the Catechism, forbids discrimination against and oppression of LGBT people.  It would only take the Vatican leaders developing the political will to do so.
That would be another great change to celebrate in the Church!
Francis DeBernardo, New Ways Ministry, August 3, 2018

Sorry "Cardinal" Kevin Farrell - Your "Authority and credibility is compromised"

Image result for cardinal farrell

Correcting the Heretic Pope named Francis and His Papolater Apologists

From a priest friend in Canada; Fr. PMJMcD

Death penalty and catechism of the Catholic Church

" Thou shalt not kill‎ ‎" does not concern Society, but the individual man. The doctrine of the Church has never condemned the death sentence when it comes to society protecting itself. It is even for her a DUTY , a charity (read Liberalism is a sin of Don Sarda y Salvany). The catechism of the Catholic Church, published by John Paul II in the original French version of 1992, still indicates this in article 2266 :

"Preserving the common good of society requires the incapacitation of the aggressor, and as such, the traditional teaching of the Church has recognized the validity of the law and the DUTY of public authority. It is legitimate to punish by penalties suited to the gravity of the offense, without excluding, in cases of extreme gravity, the death penalty ... The penalty has the first effect of compensating for the disorder introduced by the fault. voluntarily accepted by the culprit, it has the value of atonement , the sentence also has the effect of preserving public order and the safety of the person.Finally, the sentence has medicinal value, it must, as far as possible, contribute to the amendment of the culprit. "(Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pocket MAME / PLON Edition, Manchecourt 1992, article 2266, pp. 564).

Don Sarda y Salvany, Doctor of Theology, Priest of the Diocese of Barcelona and director of the newspaper "La Revista popular", in his book Liberalism is a sin (1887) specifies the Catholic doctrine on the subject of charity:

"Catholic theology gives us the definition by the most authorized body, ..., the catechism, so full of wisdom and philosophy.This definition, here it is:Charity is a supernatural virtue that inclines us to love God above all things and the neighbor as ourselves for the love of God ... To love is to want the good to the one we love ... It follows from that we can love the neighbour, well and much, by displeasing him, by annoying him, by causing him a material injury and even on certain occasions by depriving him of life. Everything is summed up, in short, to examine whether, in the event that one displeases him, where we oppose him, humiliate him, do it, yes or no, for his own good, (1) for the good of someone whose rights are superior to his own (2), or simply for the most great service of God (3).

1) For his good . If it is shown that by displeasing the neighbor, by offending him, one acts for his good, it is evident that one loves him, even in the annoyances and disgusts imposed on him. for example :
We love the patient by burning him with the cautery or by cutting off his gangrenous limb; we love the wicked by correcting him by repression or punishment, etc., etc. All this is charity, and perfect charity.

2) For the sake of another whose rights are superior . It is often necessary to displease a person, not for his own good, but to deliver others from the harm it causes him. It is then an OBLIGATION of charity to defend the attacked against the unjust violence of the aggressor; and the aggressor can be done as much harm as the defense of the attacker demands. This is what happens when a robber is killed by a traveler. In this case, to kill the unjust aggressor, to wound him, to reduce him in any other way to impotence, is to act as a true charity.

3) For the service due to God . ... Just as in a just war men hurt themselves and kill each other for the service of the Fatherland, so they can hurt themselves and kill each other for the service of God. In the same way that, in accordance with the law, it is possible to execute men because of their offenses against the human code, we have the right, in a Catholic society, to do justice to men guilty of offenses against the divine code. in those of his compulsory articles in the external forum. ...

Modern liberalism does not understand it that way, which is why it is wrong.... By his apostrophes and his banal accusations of intolerance and uncompromising intransigence, he disconcerts even very firm Catholics. Our formula is very clear and concrete. Here it is: the sovereign Catholic intransigence is none other than the sovereign, charitable charity .This charity is exercised relative to the neighbor, when, in her own interest, she confounds, humiliates, offends and chastises her neighbour...

And because today there are few true hardliners, there are also few truly charitable people. Liberal charity, fashionable at present, is condescending, affectionate, tender even in form, but at bottom it is only the essential contempt of the real goods of man, the supreme interests of truth and of God. "(Don Sarda y Salvany, Liberalism is a Sin). 

Thursday 2 August 2018

Barred from Twitter


I am barred from Twitter for 7 days for Tweeting about Bergoglio's coverup of "sodomite perverts" by his announcement today. If you can let my readers know I would appreciate it. \


Bergoglio embraces pervert priests - this is what he wants you to forget, don't let him do it!

 Image result for mccarrick pervert

Image result for coccopalmerio bergoglio

Bergoglio Quotes Himself to Justify Change in the Catechism - is the teaching on Homosexuality next?

We awoke this morning to find that the Bishop of Rome has changed the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its teaching on capital punishment. In the letter to bishops, Bergoglio, unable to quote anything from Holy Scripture, Church Fathers, Saints or other Popes to justify his decision, humbly quotes himself.

Allow me to quote myself.

You can read erudite words from Louie Verricchio and Steve Skojec and Edward Pentin and others on this matter, I will be brief.

Jorge Bergoglio is wrong. Not only is he wrong, he is manipulative and deceitful. He cannot change the catechism and he cannot compel you or me to accept something that is contrary to what we accepted before. How can something that the Church has had a position on for two thousand years be fine yesterday and not today? It is simply not possible. 

I do not accept this change. I reject it. I condemn it. I renounce it and him. I welcome any canonical censure imposed upon me from this wretched malefactor. 

Here in Canada, we do not have capital punishment and have not had it for decades. I accept that I don't agree with it, but I accept it. I also believe differently.

Now, I wish to address something more salient.

Why now?
  1. It is a manipulative attempt to take direction off the scandal of Mr. Theodore McCarrick and is enables and those Cardinals who knew and covered it up.
  2. It is an attempt to pressure American Catholics to abandon Donald J. Trump and vote Democrat in the November mid-term elections.
If you think that this heretic will not shortly amend the catechism to change the teaching on homosexuality then you have not been paying attention.

Mark my words; a future pope will declare this man a heretic and all of his work and appointments will be anathematized. 

Jorge Bergoglio is an enemy of the Faith. He must be denounced.

Monday 30 July 2018

Episcopal Sodomy: Exposing the Enablers

Episcopal Sodomy: Exposing the Enablers: The first in series of special reports

Bergoglio's Fraudulent Humility on Display Again - Distraction and Vatican Spin to Deflect from an Abuse and Homosexual Crisis!

For five years now, from the moment he emerged on the loggia, the Vatican media machine continues to spin how "humble" is our Pope Francis. From his house cassock to the Motel St. Martha and his car, to carrying his own bags or kissing the poor or disfigured. It is all a show, all spin, all a fraud. We can find many pictures of other popes doing charitable acts. Papal kindness and charity did not begin with Bergoglio. 

Of all the machinations, manipulations and spin, put out by the likes of Spadaro, Rosica, Burke and their ilk in the past, this one takes the cake. His Humbleness has forgotten Our Blessed Lord's words in the Gospel of Matthew found in Chapter 6, beginning at verse 3.

TAKE heed that you do not your justice before men, to be seen by them: otherwise you shall not have a reward of your Father who is in heaven. Therefore when thou dost an almsdeed, sound not a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be honoured by men. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward.  But when thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth. That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee.

It is particularly galling considering the crisis that the Church is in due to the perversion of its priests and bishops, and let us not forget, its cardinals due to sodomites -- homosexuals who have infiltrated the clergy to an extent where one must only conclude that the majority of them, are faggots. These filthy men have betrayed Christ, they have betrayed you and me. They have used the Church to get close to their potential victims. They are repugnant, filthy monsters and they still, as in the case of James Martin, -- they still push their corrupt, evil, filthy agenda. They are frauds, all of them.
Pope Francis makes surprise visit to elderly woman in Rome
Demonstrating once again his compassion and pastoral concern for those in need, Pope Francis makes a surprise visit to a sick, bedridden lady in Rome.
Pope Francis this weekend visited an elderly lady, whom he knows, in Rome’s Salario district on the Via Alessandria.
The Pope arrived late on Saturday afternoon aboard his blue Ford Focus to pay a visit to the lady who is bedridden and had repeatedly invited the Holy Father to her home.
He was accompanied by only a few Vatican Gendarmes and several plainclothes Italian police officers, who waited outside as the Pope entered the house.
Pope Francis stayed with the lady for around an hour, and was greeted as he left by a small crowd of local residents who had recognized his blue car.
The Pope greeted the well-wishers, shaking hands and hugging them affectionately. He took a moment to play with a child, as a young woman sought to hold back tears of joy.
A sick man who lives in the same residential complex also made his way outside to receive the Holy Father’s blessing and words of comfort.
After greeting everyone present, Pope Francis blessed them and returned to the Vatican in his inconspicuous Ford Focus.

If this humble fraud truly wanted to be "inconspicuous" we would not be reading about it.

Image result for pope ford focus

Saturday 28 July 2018


Sodomite Predator Pervert Theodore McCarrick "resigns" from College of Cardinals

The sodomite predator former Archbishop of Washington, Theodore McCarrick has resigned from the College of Cardinals. McCarrick was instrumental in the election of Jorge Bergoglio to the bishopric of Rome had come under the influence of powerful and secretive men and instructed to lobby others to elect Bergoglio as repeated reported on Vox Cantoris. 

Curiously, the video of Father Thomas J. Rosica's Salt + Light 2012 interview with the pervert McCarrick has gone dark. 

It is most likely that Pope Francis has "requested" that the "gay" McCarrick resign, His obedience in the light of credible victims of his predatory ways coming forward does not indicate that he resigned of his own accord.

Yesterday evening the Holy Father received the letter in which Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington (U.S.A.), presented his resignation as a member of the College of Cardinals. Pope Francis accepted his resignation from the cardinalate and has ordered his suspension from the exercise of any public ministry, together with the obligation to remain in a house yet to be indicated to him, for a life of prayer and penance until the accusations made against him are examined in a regular canonical trial.

This is not enough. 

The facts show that the predatory behavior of this filthy sodomite was known for decades. Every bishop who knew about this pervert must be exposed. 

Pope Francis has enabled these men. After a valiant effort on the part of Pope Ratzinger to rid the stables of this filth and succumbing to their evil machinations, Francis has given the sodomite mafia, - the homosexual mafia free reign in the Church. 

McCarrick is not alone. There are other Cardinals, other bishops, countless priests. Every one of these filthy sodomites, these homosexuals must be exposed and outed. They must be driven out of the priesthood and the buck stops with Bergoglio.

The homosexual mafia is running scared. We must not let up on the pressure. Victims and those in the know must be encouraged to come forward and out these evil, pathetic monsters.

Expose them all. 

Thursday 26 July 2018

Bergoglio's confidant Maradiaga - another enabler of the homosexual mafia

Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga of Honduras attends a Mass for Latin America in St. Peter's Basilica in 2011.
Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga of Honduras attends a Mass for Latin America in St. Peter's Basilica in 2011. (AP photo/Riccardo De Luca)
VATICAN |  JUL. 25, 2018
Honduran Seminarians Allege Widespread Homosexual Misconduct
But to date, Cardinal Maradiaga has not responded publicly to the allegations regarding his archdiocesan seminary.
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Nearly 50 seminarians in Honduras have protested against what they say is a widespread and entrenched pattern of homosexual practice in Tegucigalpa’s major seminary.
In a letter written to the seminary’s formators that was subsequently circulated in June to the country’s Catholic bishops, the seminarians asserted “irrefutable evidence” exists that a homosexual network pervades the institution and is being protected by its rector.
“Heterosexual seminarians are scandalized and really depressed,” one of the seminarians who drafted the letter told the Register.

Withhold all your money Starve out the Bishops





Wednesday 25 July 2018

Sean O'Malley: A fraud and an enabler of perverts and predators

Sean O'Malley, the Cardinal Archbishop of Boston where the abuse crisis in the United States burst forth has issued a statement.

O'Malley is either a stupid man or he is evil, or he thinks that we are stupid people. 

Image result for cardinal sean o'malley mccarrickIf a letter is sent about a serious matter to a corporation it is fundamentally sent to the Chief Executive Officer. He is responsible even if it is not read by him. His staff is duty bound to inform him if it is of a serious matter. In the matter of the Church, the legal structure of a diocese is a Corporation Sole. The bishop owns it all. From the cathedral to the dining room table in an obscure parish to the dish soap under the sink. 

O'Malley received a "staff level" letter. from a priest about abusee and essentially determined that it was none of his business. 

O'Malley is a disgraceful enabler. A man complicit in the cover-up of the filthy sodomite predator pervert Theodore McCarrick.

When did the fraud O'Malley know and when did he know it?

He needs to resign.

“For the past several days, articles in the national media have reported accusations of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual improprieties with several adults and his criminal violations of the sexual abuse of minors. These alleged actions, when committed by any person, are morally unacceptable and incompatible with the role of a priest, bishop or cardinal.
“I am deeply troubled by these reports that have traumatized many Catholics and members of the wider community. In one case involving a minor the Archdiocese of New York, after investigation, has found the accusation to be credible and substantiated. While another accusation concerning a minor is yet to be investigated, the reports are devastating for the victims, their families and for the Church itself. Each new report of clerical abuse at any level creates doubt in the minds of many that we are effectively addressing this catastrophe in the Church.
“These cases and others require more than apologies. They raise up the fact that when charges are brought regarding a bishop or a cardinal, a major gap still exists in the Church’s policies on sexual conduct and sexual abuse. While the Church in the United States has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding the sexual abuse of minors by priests we must have clearer procedures for cases involving bishops. Transparent and consistent protocols are needed to provide justice for the victims and to adequately respond to the legitimate indignation of the community. The Church needs a strong and comprehensive policy to address bishops’ violations of the vows of celibacy in cases of the criminal abuse of minors and in cases involving adults.
“My experience in several dioceses and my work with the members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors have brought me to this conclusion. The Church needs to swiftly and decisively take action regarding these matters of critical importance. In every instance of claims made by victims of sexual abuse, whether criminal violations or the abuse of power, the primary concern must be for the victim, their family and their loved ones. The victims are to be commended for bringing to light their tragic experience and must be treated with respect and dignity. Recent media reports also have referenced a letter sent to me from Rev. Boniface Ramsey, O.P. in June of 2015, which I did not personally receive. In keeping with the practice for matters concerning the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, at the staff level the letter was reviewed and determined that the matters presented did not fall under the purview of the Commission or the Archdiocese of Boston, which was shared with Fr. Ramsey in reply.
“These accusations are understandably a source of great disappointment and anger for many. These cases, involving a cardinal, must be viewed in light of the last two decades of the Church’s experience with clerical sexual abuse. It is my conviction that three specific actions are required at this time. First, a fair and rapid adjudication of these accusations; second, an assessment of the adequacy of our standards and policies in the Church at every level, and especially in the case of bishops; and third, communicating more clearly to the Catholic faithful and to all victims the process for reporting allegations against bishops and cardinals. Failure to take these actions will threaten and endanger the already weakened moral authority of the Church and can destroy the trust required for the Church to minister to Catholics and have a meaningful role in the wider civil society. In this moment there is no greater imperative for the Church than to hold itself accountable to address these matters, which I will bring to my upcoming meetings with the Holy See with great urgency and concern.”