O'Malley is either a stupid man or he is evil, or he thinks that we are stupid people.
O'Malley received a "staff level" letter. from a priest about abusee and essentially determined that it was none of his business.
O'Malley is a disgraceful enabler. A man complicit in the cover-up of the filthy sodomite predator pervert Theodore McCarrick.
When did the fraud O'Malley know and when did he know it?
He needs to resign.
“For the past several days, articles in the national media have reported accusations of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual improprieties with several adults and his criminal violations of the sexual abuse of minors. These alleged actions, when committed by any person, are morally unacceptable and incompatible with the role of a priest, bishop or cardinal.
“I am deeply troubled by these reports that have traumatized many Catholics and members of the wider community. In one case involving a minor the Archdiocese of New York, after investigation, has found the accusation to be credible and substantiated. While another accusation concerning a minor is yet to be investigated, the reports are devastating for the victims, their families and for the Church itself. Each new report of clerical abuse at any level creates doubt in the minds of many that we are effectively addressing this catastrophe in the Church.
“These cases and others require more than apologies. They raise up the fact that when charges are brought regarding a bishop or a cardinal, a major gap still exists in the Church’s policies on sexual conduct and sexual abuse. While the Church in the United States has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding the sexual abuse of minors by priests we must have clearer procedures for cases involving bishops. Transparent and consistent protocols are needed to provide justice for the victims and to adequately respond to the legitimate indignation of the community. The Church needs a strong and comprehensive policy to address bishops’ violations of the vows of celibacy in cases of the criminal abuse of minors and in cases involving adults.
“My experience in several dioceses and my work with the members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors have brought me to this conclusion. The Church needs to swiftly and decisively take action regarding these matters of critical importance. In every instance of claims made by victims of sexual abuse, whether criminal violations or the abuse of power, the primary concern must be for the victim, their family and their loved ones. The victims are to be commended for bringing to light their tragic experience and must be treated with respect and dignity. Recent media reports also have referenced a letter sent to me from Rev. Boniface Ramsey, O.P. in June of 2015, which I did not personally receive. In keeping with the practice for matters concerning the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, at the staff level the letter was reviewed and determined that the matters presented did not fall under the purview of the Commission or the Archdiocese of Boston, which was shared with Fr. Ramsey in reply.
“These accusations are understandably a source of great disappointment and anger for many. These cases, involving a cardinal, must be viewed in light of the last two decades of the Church’s experience with clerical sexual abuse. It is my conviction that three specific actions are required at this time. First, a fair and rapid adjudication of these accusations; second, an assessment of the adequacy of our standards and policies in the Church at every level, and especially in the case of bishops; and third, communicating more clearly to the Catholic faithful and to all victims the process for reporting allegations against bishops and cardinals. Failure to take these actions will threaten and endanger the already weakened moral authority of the Church and can destroy the trust required for the Church to minister to Catholics and have a meaningful role in the wider civil society. In this moment there is no greater imperative for the Church than to hold itself accountable to address these matters, which I will bring to my upcoming meetings with the Holy See with great urgency and concern.”
Are we being told that H.E. Sean Cardinal O'Malley was handed a dossier that documented Theodore McCarrick engaged in homosexual activity? Yes we are. Are we being told that the same Cardinal Archbishop did nothing? Yes, we are.
Sean O'Malley should resign, retire to a monastery.
Just how many other ranking Prelates are practicing homosexuals. I advise Catholics to begin speaking to priests, seminarians and the faithful in the dioceses of New York, Newark and Washington......
Wasn't the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors specifically set-up to deal with all matters concerning the sexual abuse of minors & all claims of misconduct by all members of the clergy to be investigated & dealt with promptly? I would therefore assume that staff level letters containing information of sexual assault of a minor by a prelate would automatically receive the attention of ++O'Malley. Subordinates should not have the responsibility of deciding what to pass on & what not to. This is in his particular area of duty &, as you rightly state Vox, is where the buck stops. If someone lower down the line has been disloyal then that person should be named. If he can't be because it was passed on to ++O'Malley & he is trying to excuse his own lack of support for victims in favour of covering a well-known colleague, then that also must be revealed.
Fire, defrock and imprison the whole lot of them. And give every diocesan penny to the victims.
In all fairness, the secretaries in chancery and VGs hold sometimes/oftentimes great power and the letters do not reach the hands of Bishops. This happened to organization I belong. We thought the Archbishop ignored us. We received an email from VG not do do any requests or inquiries any more.
When approached by one of our members to congratulate the Archbishop after his anniversary Mass, he was truly astounded that there was a letter from us. So, there's that.
"In the matter of the Church, the legal structure of a diocese is a Corporation Sole. The bishop owns it all. From the cathedral to the dining room table in an obscure parish to the dish soap under the sink."
This differs by state.
Fr. Ramsey was dealt with in accordance with the Charter for the Protection of Bishops. That policy was destined to remain operative FOREVER--until a couple of McCarrick's victims came forward.
The hierarchy will NEVER alter the status quo on its own initiative.
Shocked, I'm shocked I tell you! Well, not really. Saw this coming a million miles aways. The whole sect is full of sodomites so why is anyone shocked that sodomites were actually commiting sodomy. Its what the buggers do.
It sure did not take much to bring down a good bishop like Finn, did it? A priest taking pictures of children and with porn on his personal computer was able to take down the bishop who just happened to be a faithful Catholic. It did not take much to bring down Bp. Nienstedt did it. It has not taken much to bring down that S. American bishop with the full seminary or those bishops in Italy that welcomed Franciscans of the Immaculate....no, all of them were thrown under the bus. But bishops who paid off lovers, who wink at sodomy, who approve of priests who do it, who persecute and marginalize their priests who preach and teach the truth....well, they are Teflon. The left protects its own.
Anybody else notice that Cardinal O'Malley's comments are entirely about dealing with what has already happened and how to deal with future cases. As an RE teacher I had to sit through two hours of child abuse training and continue to do modules posted by VIRTUS, etc.
But we cannot seem to address how to deal with this problem proactively instead of reactively: no talk about screening homosexuals from entering seminary nor defrocking all of these creeps and cashiering them. Instead we have Cardinal O'Malley using focus group approved words and virtue signaling instead of addressing the problem.
Well, it’s been 60 yrs since Freemasons have been posing as our Popes, ofcourse perversion abounds. Maybe we should elect a Catholic man to the Papacy. Or maybe we just find it more interesting to see how debauched these interlopers will get. We’ll just wait and see who the pervs elect next, no problem here. Nope, just watching Freemasonic faggots desecrating everything holy, raping our children, robbing our family’s faith in God, carry on.
Questions for Sean O'Malley:"Are you being blackmailed? If so, by whom? What is the content of the blackmail? Who is involved in blackmailing you?"
Anyone else getting the impression that the Francis and the liberalization/destruction of Catholic thought is a spiteful payback for homosexuals in the heiarchy being caught with their pants down.
I think it may explain a lot of Francis's constant criticism of us rigid neo-pelagians.
What I really find amazing is our “conservative” Priests like Father Z urging calm about the sodomite phonies. I agree that it is FAR too late for lynch mobs, that was so 30 yrs ago. I say elect a Pope from VALID pool of clergy (PreVII Rites), blanket excommunication of ALL Vatican II Catholic clergy and then those will be lifted only after thorough and just inquisition.
Cardinal O’Malley didn’t think it was “none of his business” when he went on Meet the Press and started gabbing about my former bishop, whose diocese was far from Boston. He didn’t think it was “none of his business” when he flashed his concern for immigrants for all to see by celebrating Mass at the southern U.S. border, which is even further away from Boston than this diocese. Funny how people have no problem getting in other people’s business when it doesn’t concern them, yet they somehow can’t bring themselves to get involved when it does.
Don't worry. As soon as we have a policy to wave in the faces of the laity it will be all sorted.
The infestation of homosexuals into the priesthood is worse that what most people imagine. This "gaydom" has the power. The supreme law, of this gay church, is to protect it's members, not the salvation of souls. These men were dishonest when they entered the seminary. Those priests who oversaw the formation of these gays were dishonest and the bishops who knowingly ordained these gays were dishonest. Gay and straight Bishops have been sowing gay seed for decades. The harvest is bountiful but bitter. The financial consequences, of this harvest, can be measured, but the cost to souls, never. Fraus uno, fraus omnibus. Dishonesty in one area, dishonesty in all areas.
C O'Malley is just another Con Job, simply trying to work his way to the top!
As a note on Fr. Z. I think Ann Barnhardt called him out on his trying to turn all this sodomy into some unfortunate situation of male friendship gone wrong.
But Fr. Z is known for downplaying this. I even recall one time he was on Michael Voris' Mic'D Up show about the topic where Voris asked him to opine on the homosexuals within the Church and Fr. Z categorically refused to discuss it on the air.
As I believe Barnhardt mentioned, what is up with Fr. Z? And what does Fr. Z know? Is he just looking out for his friends?
Well, we're in a situation far past that now. Unfortunately for Fr. Z, he should start talking. Unless he fears a sword dangling over his head...
Right Johnno, and if Father Z is actually Catholic and not a crypto sodomite than the blanket excommunication plan might just save his neck and soul. Not only could we save the souls of the laity but maybe there are a few Vatican II Catholic priests who really wish to be Catholic but need a Catholic Pope and Church to do so. Vatican II Catholic church is gay and it always has been, it needs to go.
Cardinal O'Malley's face reminds me of Cardinal Marx's face, except not as rotund.
This is quite long and, possibly, confusing but the upshot is O'Malley was striving in Boston to have the church gain income by supporting abortion.
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