A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Friday, 28 June 2024

Rosica`s Tweet from 2015 reveals a Twit!

 With a tip of the hat to Barona!

Rosica is a sad tragic figure. Rosica has some serious questions to answer before God one day.  He sold himself for a big income at Pepper + Darkness which nobody watches, not then or now, and notoriety with all the wrong people like Carlo Martini, James Martin, Steven Colbert, Katie Curic and more. I had direct dealings with him and his blatant dishonesty in 2015. The former papal advisor is a tragic figure as are those who assisted him in trying to destroy a Catholic family man and blogger for outing him for his statements and plagiarism. 

Nota Bene: Not plagiarised but paraphrased from Thomas J. Rosica. 


Barona said...

Brilliant. No truer words spoken!

Robert Mignella said...

As noted, occasional ghostwriter for the former Prefect for the Congregation of Bishops, my guess is that the recent shady scrutiny is causing discomfort for anyone chosen as Ordinary under his tenure - especially if there was direct influence in the selection.