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Monday, 23 January 2023

Did a lockdown sex party and priest charges and suicide lead to the resignation of the "Oratorian" Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle?

Just another day in the Ape of the Catholic Church. 

Is this why the Bishop of Hexham suddenly resigned a month ago? What did he know? Did he fail to act? Was he blackmailed? Maybe just getting out of the storm. What a coward.

After a visit from the police in April 2022 over historic accusations of sexual abuse, the priest in the article below hanged himself. Innocent people don't commit suicide. They fight to proclaim their innocence or they suffer false accusations as did Christ. 

Newcastle priest found dead was being investigated by police for historic child sex abuse - Chronicle Live

But worry not. The Vatican is investigating. Just like it is investigating the sodomite orgy that took place above the offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. How did that one go?

According to Francis, the Usus Antiquior of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the problem.

Move along, nothing to see here.


mazara said...

Strange he replaced the popular priest with the party priest ,soon after his appointment.This happening at a time when people were denied the Sacrements ,and died alone because family were barred from hospitals and nursing homes is beggers belief.

Robert Mignella said...

Hard to be witty or sardonic when a priest chooses the Judas option. Best disinfectant is sunlight. Once again, without your coverage, i would have never known.

Robert Mignella

Ana Milan said...

The decision of the Dicastery of Bishops to ask Archbishop McMahon of Liverpool to prepare an in-depth report on this heinous matter beggars belief, as he was the one involved in the Alfie Evans case not too long ago. At that time he told the press he couldn't get involved as they weren't Catholic - a huge blunder as Alfie's father was a Catholic & had Alfie baptised. He also, with Monsignor Devine, made no stand against the introduction of the Abortion Law by the Isle of Man government & allows LGBT indoctrination in Catholic schools in his diocese. I hope the Catholics of Hexham & Newcastle will work to have this decision revoked in order for the investigation to be totally independent & conclusive. Maybe a non-UK Bishop would be a more fitting appointment.

Lepanto said...

'Innocent people don't commit suicide'? How do you know? I tend to be a bit judgemental myself but this is over the top. Whatever he MIGHT have done, he is dead, for goodness' sake.