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A corporal work of mercy.
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Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Is Francis really coming to Canada?

Is Francis really coming to Canada? He is scheduled to arrive next week to engage in a farce of apology to the native people of Canada. He has recently cancelled a trip to Africa and that was not the first. The Canadian bishops and Vatican clowns have pagan imagery in the logo and a phrase just reeking of ableism, "walking together" as the theme, clearly excluding those in wheelchairs. That, no doubt, will be the next apology.

Briefly, graves were discovered on the grounds of some residential schools. Graves, in what were cemeteries. Not "mass graves" as in one open pit NAZI or Pol Pot or Stalin style. The children died of many things, influenza, Diphtheria, pneumonia and many other diseases. There is not one piece of evidence that any of these poor children were murdered. It is all a lie. Were some physically or sexually abused? No doubt, some. This happened in all boarding schools. None of it should ever have happened in Catholic schools. One was too many. The residential schools were official Canadian government policy. They wanted the natives off their lands for resources, railroads and farmers from Ukraine. The "Crown," the Government of Canada, broke every Treaty it ever signed. All Christian religious denominations in Canada, along with the Catholic Church, took government money -- all of them took children from their homes, families, and communities and took them at the government's orders to their boarding schools. That, particularly for the Catholic Church in Canada, was a crime against them and the Faith. There can be no debate about this. It was wrong, the Bishops should never have done it. Children always have a right to be at home with their parents, the Church and State never have a right to remove them unless they are in obvious physical or emotional harm and culture and language and history do not equate. But, it was done by all at the coercive hand of the Crown.

The Church in Canada had every obligation in the name of Christ to convert the natives and bring them to Christ. This should have been done by living amongst them as did St. Jean de Brebeuf and his companions, not removing them from their homes.  

As for an apology, the Canadian government already did it as did Pope Benedict XVI and the Canadian bishops. This new action is a political show to force an official apology directly from the Pope in order to set up each diocese in Canada for a massive lawsuit due to the collective guilt they have accepted and the apology they will give. That is what this is about. The Canadian bishops are fools for inviting Bergoglio. Any Catholic who gives one penny for this visit or reparations is an equal fool. Justin Trudeau has already granted $30,000,000.00 for the visit of our tax money. 

The texts of the Masses and Vespers have been seen by this writer. They are the basic Novus Ordo Mass texts for the day. Nothing odd. However, as expected, a smudging ceremony will be undertaken in Edmonton. A pagan ceremony will be used to "purify" a Catholic Church and Bergoglio.

As with his worship of Pachamama which unleashed a horror on the world, do not expect anything good to come from the worship of false idols and false religion by the one who walks in the "Shoes of the Fisherman," or goes along with a ceremony of Smudging to purify a the Temple of God. What utter blasphemy from a blasphemous nation and Pope.

But I return to my original question. Will Papa Hagan Lio actually make the trip or will he cancel at the last minute leaving Canada's Catholic bishops holding the bag? And speaking of a bag, just what kind of bag is it? Is it a Prada? A Ferragamo? A Louis Vuitton? 


mazara said...

Notice when these claims are found to be false ,they receive no publicity.The same tactics were used in Ireland to silence the Church before the abortion referendum.

Barona said...

The bishops - unilaterally - also decided to try to jump on long-suffering Catholics for a $30 million cash grab for "indigenous Canadians". Given the feudal structure of the First Nations, the monies will be handed to the chiefs and their lapdogs in the tribal hierarchies. Long-suffering indigenous Canadians (still without running water) will continue to suffer after all this money (if ever raised) has disappeared. Indicative of the corruption is the removal of one honest chief from the Assembly of First Nations as she refused to hand out over a million in tax dollars to the other chiefs and their underlings. It is time to truly free up indigenous Canadians and allow them to live as freemen, and not as children beholden to a granny State and corrupt chiefs.

Fr. VF said...

The crocodile propaganda tears are all the more nauseating in that they come in the midst of a 30-month crime wave emanating from the Vatican.

Viganò is the only bishop ON EARTH not collaborating with Bergoglio in the Covid hoax and the conspiracy of silence about the mass murder by Remdesivir, and the second mass murder by the bioweapon injections. Bergoglio is a criminal under the Nuremburg Code--for his propagandizing for murder, and his mandating the death shots for all Vatican residents and employees. Not a few bishops have joined him in criminally mandating the injections for clerics, seminarians, and students in Catholic schools.

Should the Nuremburg Code be enforced conscientiously, the hierarchy of the katholyk church will be more than decimated.

Nancy Reyes said...

did you ever hear why South Africa instituted apartheid? The Boers argued that every culture should be able to exist and that it was wrong to impose another's culture on the natives. As a result, the natives were left in poverty, without education or modern medical care, or opportunities to enter into the modern world as an equal.

Boarding schools are not the only answer, (local schools would be a better solution) but when I hear condemnations of trying to educate children to give them tools to succeed in the modern world, I wonder: What is your alternative? Do you really want people to live in poverty and disease, without offering them the way to change?

Unknown said...

There were other Catholic religious who warned about the pandemic being a psy-op and prelude to establishing a New World Order. In May 2020, a number of bishops, cardinals and lay people including Archbishop Vigano published a document where they sent a warning to every Catholic regarding the response to the Covid-19 pandemic and plans to vaccinate everyone. The link to the document is below.


Vox Cantoris said...

Nancy, do you know where the South Africans Townships? Canada and it’s Reservation system. You clearly don’t understand what I wrote.