A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 18 July 2021

Behold, I will visit upon you for the evil of your doings

The First Reading today from the modern Lectionary for the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

Jeremiah 23:1-6 

23 Woe to the pastors, that destroy and tear the sheep of my pasture, saith the Lord. 

2 Therefore thus saith the Lord the God of Israel to the pastors that feed my people: You have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold I will visit upon you for the evil of your doings, saith the Lord. 

3 And I will gather together the remnant of my flock, out of all the lands into which I have cast them out: and I will make them return to their own fields, and they shall increase and be multiplied. 

4 And I will set up pastors over them, and they shall feed them: they shall fear no more, and they shall not be dismayed: and none shall be wanting of their number, saith the Lord. 

5 Behold the days come, saith the Lord, and I will raise up to David a just branch: and a king shall reign, and shall be wise, and shall execute judgement and justice in the earth. 

6 In those days shall Juda be saved, and Israel shall dwell confidently: and this is the name that they shall call him: the Lord our Just One.

Repent! Repent!

He's speaking of you!


CJ said...

Don’t let the evils perpetrated by Francis get to you. It was God who permitted that we suffer a Francis in the Chair of Peter. God will deal with him, Vox.

Vox Cantoris said...

I know, C.J. I know. My inner locution of March 13, 2013 was a gift.

“ The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Anonymous said...

When I saw him on the loggia I thought "OH NO!"
I have posted this here before.

As a college seminarian in the 80's I saw a number of monsters like him...people eager to tear down the Church and replace it with something else. Something dark and horrible. Jorge is the head of the dumpster church...like a dumpster it accepts every filthy rotten thing, every perversion and iniquity. It is so open and accepting!

The only thing rejected is Holiness and proper worship
of God.

The dark church prophesied by blessed Emmerich has become clearly visible to all with even a modicum of discernment.

Anonymous said...

He has revealed himself as the monster he is.
No one can look at his actions and avoid seeing how cruel, brutish, and vindictive this is. He is fulfilling his own vendetta against God Himself, against the Catholic faith, against faithful Catholics. It is all so unnecessary and the only explanation can be a demonic hatred of all those, the fulfillment of the reason he was elected by evil or corrupt men. It is obviously personal, as it always has been. He is not neutral. This is an act of searing hatred, cruel and uncaring. He makes sure the faithful know they WILL be deprived of the Mass of the Ages even if they have temporary respite (God forbid they feel hopeful!), they WILL swear fealty to the Novus Ordo (their pinch of incense to the gods) and if they do NOT, they will be punished by being banished to the outer realms.
No pope, no decent man, no minimally Catholic person, acts in such a way.
He has most definitely revealed himself, and we are about to find out in the same clear way, what each bishop is made of, and Who that bishop follows, Christ or Satan. It is now made clear who he is, and the bishops and Cardinals are about to make themselves clear.

CJ said...

Sadly, my very first thought at the sight of Francis on the balcony was..,”What a dope.” How I would have loved for him to prove me wrong.

john Grant said...

In 2204, Obama spoke at the Democratic convention, I saw and heard him on TV for the first time. I knew within minutes, he was a liar and a phony who would become a thorn in my side for years to come. I felt the same way about this "guy". It's no coincidence that he has chosen this time when the world is roiled with tension and confusion to turn up the heat. He and his cohorts have given up on rehabilitating traditional Catholics to join them in the new world order religion and decided instead that the time is right for an amputation. I do prefer the old Mass but the new Mass done properly (ad orientum with kneelers and Holy Communion on the tongue) is also respectful.

Barona said...

I have often wondered what passes through these men's minds and hearts as they read the Breviary. Are they blind? DO the words of the Apostle Paul apply to them? "And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate mind. to do those things which are not fitting" (Romans 1:28. Some translations substitute "indecent" at the end of the phrase.

Or should we consider the words of St. Jude?

"Such men sneer at the things they cannot understand; like the brute beasts they derive knowledge only from their senses, and it serves to corrupt them. 11 Woe betide them, they have followed in the path of Cain..."

There is no doubt in my mind that some sort of blindness has come upon these men. Let us rejoice for Our Lord Jesus Christ is in total control. HE is the HEAD of the Church. The Pope is but His errand boy. Our loyalty, obedience is to Christ. Alone. Let us also be on our guard from the danger to play into their hands and so they can come forth shouting that the "Bergoglio conspiracy" has justified their attack. This is what they are hoping that we will succumb to. Rage, infighting, back biting, name calling, hatred. And the very WORST of actions: apostasy by leaving the visible Church and joining a heretecil or schismatic sect. NO! Our DUTY is to STAY with Our MOTHER at Her bedside and minister to her whilst these men administer poison to Her. Through joyful resistance to the face and an increase in prayer we can show Her that WE will NOT abandon Her. If anyone leaves Holy Mother Church, let it not be us!

I ask: when Ahad had promulgated Baal worship, did St. Elijah the Prophet leave Holy Mother Israel, did he abandon her to being raped by Ahab? Let us recall Ahab's murderous attack (goaded on by Jezebel) on Naboth's vineyard (let us see the parallel to the Church)which set in motion St. Elijah's moves against this evil, apostate monarch. God struck down the sinful king. Let us ask St. Elijah for strength as these modern day "prophets of Baal" gather around their modern day "Ahad". Let us pray they repent, for it is a frightful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

Anonymous said...

I’ll try to say it one last time:

Jesus promised that the Church built on Peter cannot be prevailed upon by the gates of hell. The idea that you have to be in union with the vector of schism to avoid going to hell is simply a illogical.

Everyone who is not in communion with the pope is a schismatic
The pope is a vector of schism
Everyone not in communion with a vector of schism is a schismatic

Now this schism is not based on bad moral character, but is related to him teaching anti-Catholic things. How would you you convince a non-Catholics that a pope is an essential part of Christ’s true Church if listening to his teachings will lead you to hell? The trad Catholic media has spent 8 years whining about the pope, but if you doubt his legitimacy you’re a schismatic. I don’t think God tells us to ignore reality to be to Him. God is reality, reality can never contradict the faith:


CJ said...

Just to report...our Mass at 7:30 AM was packed. People were out in the hallway and ushers were scrambling for chairs. It’s usually only like this for Easter Sunday or Christmas Day. Thanks, Francis!