A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Susan From the Parish Council Is the Serviette at Institute of Christ the King Oratory!

Susan, the Fairy god-mother.

 Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor


ATW said...

Is there a point to this post?

Vox Cantoris said...

Is there a point to your comment?

Anonymous said...

Is that woman actually 'serving' Mass?? Why on earth is she in the sanctuary?

Anonymous said...

The sky is falling! Quick! Tell Francis!

rubyroad said...

This is Saint Gianna's oratory in Tucson Arizona.Who is Susan, and what is she doing here?

Pulex said...

So far one can see, she is by no means serving Mass, but instead doing some cleaning or repair work at the Communion rail. The priests are saying their private Masses at different altars, and if there is any abuse to see it is the offering Mass without server. In the 1917 Code it was forbidden, unless you are in a priest-hole, Gulag, or any such place. Perhaps it is allowed under the 1983 Code and other recent rules, but altar girls and Communion in hand, too, are allowed.