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Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Cardinal Kasper has only demonstrated that he himself does not anymore live in the true Faith - Bishop Schneider

As the crisis in the Church brought about by Bergoglio and his minions, Bishop Athanasius Schneider has stated his support for Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller’s "Manifesto of Faith." He also deals quite firmly and harshly with the obvious heretic, Walter Kasper, the Cardinal who has done Bergoglio's bidding from the very beginning.

Cardinals and Bishops, you must speak now. You must confront Francis to his face. Your soul is at risk.


Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller’s recent Manifesto of Faith is a necessary and a very timely initiative, edifying the Faith and bringing light in the enormous spiritual confusion, which for quite a while reigns in the life of the Church and which has reached in our days unimagined dimensions.
Image result for bishop schneider kasperThis initiative brings to the faithful consolation and encouragement. In this Manifesto of Faith is being made from the mouth of a high-ranking representative of the Church’s hierarchy a public and unmistakable profession of the immutable Catholic Faith. This profession from Cardinal Müller covers particularly those truths of the Faith and of its sacramental practice, which in our days are mostly disfigured, being such a disfiguration often through a cunning and gnostic interpretation passed off as a hermeneutic or a “development of doctrine, in continuity.”
A clear profession of the Divinely revealed truths is in our days in the life of the Church often not anymore tolerated and is perceived even as a provocation, as one could see this, for instance, from the prompt, intolerant and astonishingly aggressive reaction with which Cardinal Walter Kasper has rejected the Manifesto of Faith of Cardinal Müller. With his reasoning against the Manifesto of Faith, Cardinal Kasper has only demonstrated that he himself does not anymore live in the true Faith of the Apostles and of the Church of all times, but, on the contrary, he represents a Christianity that in the manner of a gnosis has built up for itself a world of an alleged faith after the taste of one’s own ego or the predominance of the respective “Zeitgeist” (the spirit of the age).
Cardinal Müller’s initiative of Faith deserves full recognition. It is an important contribution to stem the flood of the neo-gnostic Christianity inside the Catholic Church. One must wish and pray, that inside the Church there will now sound a numerically growing, uniform voice of the true Faith, an “una vox verae fidei,” comprising all members of the Mystical Body of Christ, representatives both of the Magisterium and of the Lay Faithful. In their profession of Faith, they should not allow themselves to be confused or intimidated by anybody – not even from a Cardinal Kasper – for with Saint Paul they can serenely and convincingly say: “I know Whom I have believed! (scio, Cui credidi!)” (2 Tim. 1: 12).


Mary's Child Mariann said...

Thank you so very much for this! We have some standing with Christ and His Bride, the Church! Thanks be to God!

Tom A. said...

Unfortunately Vox, Müller's Manifesto is not a clarion call back to revealed truth. It is simply a call to Müller's conservative interpertation of Vatican II. The only two groups who have not abandonded the Faith handed down by the Apostle's are the sedes and the SSPX. Those who made their peace with Vatican II offered their pinch of insence to the Modernist gods.

Johnno said...

Good one Schneider!

Now anathemize him!

And send Cupich with him.

Aqua said...

The gauntlet is laid down. Beautifully, bravely, concisely said.

This far. No farther. The Faith Is this. Not that.

Anyone who actually cares for Christ, believes in heaven, hell, judgement, a Spotless Eternal Bride, must join those who stand up in the Arena and declare their loyalty to Christ and immutable, unchangeable Truth. I have done so, locally, more than once, and will continue. I hope Priests do the same, urgently and publically, before God, to the souls entrusted to them in Holy Mass.

Inaction is a decision of the worst (Laodicean) kind.

Peter Lamb said...

One never knows. ??????? a Paul beginning to rise from a Saul ????? Please God.

Dan said...

Whatever is said about Kasper is double for Francis because Kasper is just being his mouthpiece.

Michael Dowd said...

With Kasper in the driver's seat how much longer will it be before the Nicene Creed is updated to bring it line with modern thinking. i.e, disbelief.

Ana Milan said...

Bishop Schneider's words, although gratifying to our ears, will be lost on the filthy perverts running the Vatican & Episcopates. They do not believe in the Triune Godhead. Satan has them where he wants them & while we know he will not win this spiritual battle we do expect Action from certain figureheads who wear red hats signifying martyrdom. A clear & unequivocal denouncement must be made to Christendom that these monsters are not Catholic & never have been & that the one pretending to be Bishop of Rome (though never calling himself Vicar of Christ) has to be ignored as he never has held the Papal Office either validly or licitly. There cannot be a bifurcation of that Office as intended by the abdicating PBXVI. The Papacy is for life & will always remain so. This, of course, should have been made clear at the time - maybe he could be persuaded to come out of his 'retirement' & make good his errors?

A council should to be called immediately not only to state the obvious but also to scrap the China agreement & end the utter betrayal of Catholics in that country. A list of sodomite prelates & pro-abortion/euthanasia politicians should be quickly approved for excommunication & VII, from which emanates all this satanic filth, finally revoked. It is quite clear that Council never had the backing of the Holy Ghost who has used it to bring our attention to the crisis that was hitherto hidden from us by wicked perverts who have scandalised the entire OHC&A Church & trampled on their victims for decades & they have every intention of continuing to do so at this month's Synod if silent cardinals permit it. The ball is squarely in their court - God is watching & so are we.

Tom A. said...

Because Vatican II is in direct contradiction to the previous teachings of the Catholic Faith. Specifically, on ecumenism, religious liberty, and ecclesiology. Those who accept the validity of that Council are objectively opposed to the Faith handed down by the Apostles. Currently there are only two groups I am aware of that have not accepted the teachings of Vatican II, the SSPX and the sede groups. The conservative wing of the Vatican II church likes to present itself as orthodox and in continuity with tradition, but it simply is not true. They have succumbed to the ecumenical, religious liberty, and ecclesiologal errors of modernism. They just do a better job at hiding their heresy than Bergoglio. Proof of this can be plainly seen in the letter Schneider wrote supporting Müller. Schneider uses the phrase "Christian faith" when he should have said "Catholic Church." But to do so would have offended his protestant "brothers in Christ."

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

It won't be surprise to anyone who has seen my comments that I am less a well educated Catholic and a pious woman than an ignoramus prone to impatient rants.

Instead of spending my days on prayers, I waste some time on visiting places in the many dark corners of the internet (protestant, New Age, atheist, agnostic) which wise Catholics avoid.

But because of this unfortunate habit I can tell you that an effort is underway to equate in the minds of the ignorant and the brainwashed the Holy Tridentine Mass with satanism and human sacrifice.

I hear it here and there from people who call themselves Christian. Their disgust and hatred for the Traditionalists, and a resolve to punish and destroy us, seems to be increasing, as they circulate lies and fears.

While we celebrate every expression of our true faith, hoping for a brake-through, the enemy in the Vatican is working tirelessly to turn the world against us, as the worst kind there has ever been.

I hope to be mistaken.

God help us.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

This is not what it may seem to a pious Catholic. It is not an honest, intellectual and theological debate.

This is propaganda, spread via paid operatives in form of memes they release. Memes are like viruses.

People of the main stream begin to hear more about pedophilia and human/child sacrifice. The veil is being lifted. Through psych-ops a connection is being established in their minds between those rituals and traditional Catholics.

Anonymous said...

Well stated Mr Dowd.

Tom A, isolating two groups you think have held the Faith in this current state of confusion is foolish to say the least.
Been there done that and know they have their problem priests and confused Catholics posing as Trads too.

Tom A. said...

Anon11:25, believe me I wish the situation was different. But what are we to make of Vatican II? Is it Catholic or not? Did it change the Catholic Faith or is it in continuity? Until someobe can explain how the documents of Vatican II teach the same faith as handed down by the Apostles, I am afraid I can have nothing to do with those who adhere to this seemingly false new religion. Benedict tried to invent some hermeneutic of continuity, but frankly nonone has ever been able to say what that entails. Just ask yourself. Is Vatican II Catholic or did it introduce something new that was never taught by the Church before?

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that every ordained cleric does not see clearly how scandalous this situation has become and has been for many years.

The problem is there are also too many opinions.

It is well past time to listen to those of us who have born the hatred of the clergy in our daily lives.

I have.

The Catholic Church has been raped, pillaged and plundered.

The faithful laity MUST be heard and heeded.

Cardinal Dolan, you are my ordinary. Demand, in public from the pulpit at St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC, that Pope Francis resign, immediately and as a parting requirement that he MUST undo everything that he has done, good and bad, since he assumed the Papacy. If he refuses, resign, immediately and call upon all sitting bishops, in the entire world, to do so as well, immediately.

Get the ball rolling, or get out, Cardinal Dolan. You know well that I am a nobody, but you KNOW who I am and you know my story.


Lazarus Gethsemane said...

So now that the Titanic is going down for the count - these "courageous" prelates who sat back in silence lo these many heretical years are now rushing to the upper deck to (CONDEMN! CONDEMN, I tell you!) the Ice Berg of Antichrist as if the gaping holes of heresy in the hull can be repaired and the unstoppable flood waters of heterodoxy can be drained in mid-ocean.

Lazarus Gethsemane said...

Aqua said...

"The gauntlet is laid down. Beautifully, bravely, concisely said.

This far. No farther. The Faith Is this. Not that."

Drawing a desperate line in the sand when the back of ones heels are teetering on the edge of a steep cliff is hardly cause for optimism. This is too little - too late.

Tom A. said...

The line that should not have been crossed was Vatican II. Unfortunately, only token resistance was offered. Well over 99% of clergy and laity caved in to the heresy. So for them to draw lines now is just plain absurd.

Peter Lamb said...

An ecumenical council derives its authority from the Pope who promulgates it. So leave vii aside and look at the masonic heretic who promulgated it. Read Fr. Villa's "Paul the VI Beatified?" and look at the headstone the miscreant designed for his mother's grave. He was no Pope and the documents of vii are only useful for camping trips.

The SSPX have an ecclesiology unknown to Catholicism. The unseemly friction between groups of sedes is simply a symptom and result of the absence of a central authority to maintain discipline and good order - another sign that the sede is vacante.

Aqua said...

@ Lazarus Gethsemane,

Our heels are *always* teetering on the edge of a steep cliff. That's life in the battlefield. This world's Prince is Lucifer. Christ entered his kingdom and conquered it. And we choose every day God grants us breath: Lucifer or Christ. Pomp or poverty. Safety or martyrdom.

We who still have life, still have hope. But that will never change the fact that our feet are always on the edge of a cliff. We should never forget the danger of living in a world in which Satan prowls about like a lion seeking whom he may devour. Confession, Eucharist, correct belief, *Love*, Sacramental peace. Those are victory every time, guaranteed.

The overall victory already belongs to God. His Bride is pure as fresh powdered snow. He reigns in heaven. Satan is bound in chains. The only question is whether we will enjoy God in His Bride in Beatitude or not.

So, God and His Bride are not teetering on the edge of a cliff. We are, for sure. So we must choose correctly, now and always, in love of Christ and His creatures.

Peter Lamb said...

Bingo!!! Aqua.

Michael Dowd said...

Tom A. Re: "The conservative wing of the Vatican II church likes to present itself as orthodox and in continuity with tradition, but it simply is not true."

Conservative Catholics are often most protective of Vatican II to which they vigorously defend as I often find out from the commenters on the Crisis Magazine blog and The Catholic Thing blog. However, I have to say in the last few months, as the outrages of Pope Francis persist, their resistance to Vatican II critiques has weakened. It would be helpful to the anti-Vatican II cause if more Traditionalists would join me in the fray.

Kathleen1031 said...

I tend to agree with Tom A. At this point it becomes impossible to define anything good that came out of VII, and as scripture says, "By their fruit, you shall know them". Perhaps some had different goals when VII was going on, but it appears quite a few had dissembling the Catholic faith in mind, and one would have to say that goal has been met. Personally I believe the Catholic faith is only in the remnant, and that most clergy, certainly including this pope, are well into apostasy. It is like a mist has come over us all, because no matter what we hear or see, we can't quite believe it. I think the Catholics of prior eras would have required 1/100th of the evidence we have. It has left us with, where is the church, is it here, is it there? What a terrible place to be, may God send us guidance soon. We long for heroes, leaders, authentic Catholic men to show up and show us the way, only to find, it is not this way, someone throws cold water on our hope once again.
Stay the course, fellow Catholics. God will send the remedy, in His good time.
Tom A., I would offer, the SSPX has been largely silent these last few years, when Catholics are suffering. They might have been a voice of consolation, of encouragement, they might have thrown a light on in the darkness, but their focus seems to be on reconciling with Rome or at least not annoying Rome. For the supposed carriers of the faith, they're awfully quiet about it.

Lazarus Gethsemane said...

Aqua said...

@ Lazarus Gethsemane,

"Our heels are *always* teetering on the edge of a steep cliff. That's life in the battlefield."

That tired old argument of revisionist normalization no longer holds any historical Truth. Cite for me any other time in all the Church's tumultuous past when there were TWO supposedly legitimate "popes" - with a pope "emeritus" - and a ruling "pope" who openly contradicted settled Catholic doctrine on an almost daily basis?

I'll wait.

Lazarus Gethsemane said...

Aqua waxed ...

@ Lazarus Gethsemane,

"The overall victory already belongs to God. His Bride is pure as fresh powdered snow. He reigns in heaven. Satan is bound in chains. The only question is whether we will enjoy God in His Bride in Beatitude or not.

So, God and His Bride are not teetering on the edge of a cliff. We are, for sure. So we must choose correctly, now and always, in love of Christ and His creatures."

And Christ Himself answers your poetic sophistry with this harsh reality:

"But when the Son of Man comes, will He find any faith on the Earth?" ~ Luke 18:8

Kathleen1031 said...

If I may, I just re-read Cdl. Mueller's Manifesto of Faith, and as far as I can see he is reiterating Catholicism, not VII.

Tom A. said...

I have found that conservative NO's are more likely to believe Benedict is still pope since what Bergoglio is teaching is heresy. They at least understand that heretics cannot be pope. What they don't understand is that Ratzinger is also an heretic.

Aqua said...

@ Lazarus Gethsemane:

Ah, the limitations of blog comments.

I agree with you 100%. No arguments.

Except to point out, the victory is already won as far as the only One that matters is concerned: Almighty God. It's over. Satan is in chains and at the lowest level of hell.

Our heels are on the edge of a cliff (as you say), the decision yet to be made: heaven or hell. But that's just us, poor militant living souls.

God won at Calvary. It's over. Christ reigns.

Johnno said...

That there are conservative Catholics who defend Vatican II is largely because they are more or less having a knee jerk reaction in order to protect the Church and what they've been fed as the true faith.

These sort are usually the ones just tuning in late to the party and are only beginning the process of taking their faith seriously.

Inevitably they'll all have to come around. Especially when the modernists are doing what they usually do and intend to go even further. When the authority they ascribe Vatican II's legitimacy to itself increasingly abandons Vatican II, then the 'conservatives' will increasingly wake up, because they cannot serve two masters. And if the authority now is transgressing the oh-so-sacred Vatican II, then those amongst them who actually have two brain cells to rub together will come to the realization that if 'the authority' can depart from the faith now... is it not possible that this 'authority' departed from the faith, then?!

So you'll see the separation of the sheep and goats into two camps. One side towards Tradition and Orthodoxy, the other side more and more into the false belief that the faith is never a fixed thing and is ever evolving according to the gospel of Charles Darwin and the torah of Nicolai Copernicus.

Tom A. said...

Kathleen1031, yes the SSPX has gone dark as they say. Their desire to receive some sort of canonical recognition has made them enablers of the modernists.

Tom A. said...

Kathleen1031, re-read Müller's manifesto and ask yourself why does he sometimes refer to the "Church" and sometimes the "Catholic Church." The answer is right out of Vatican 2. The "Church" in modernist-speak means all Christians. When he wants to denote the Catholic Church solely, he uses the term "Catholic Church." When he means the greater body of believers and "Children of God," he uses just "Church." This is how modernist ply their evil trade of deception. Schneider is just as guilty. Read his letter of support for Müller. Instead of saying "Catholic Church" he uses "Christian faith." To the unwary, it at first appears orthodox. But is a clever modernist lie.

Lazarus Gethsemane said...

Aqua said...

@ Lazarus Gethsemane:

"Ah, the limitations of blog comments.

I agree with you 100%. No arguments.

Except to point out, the victory is already won as far as the only One that matters is concerned: Almighty God. It's over. Satan is in chains and at the lowest level of hell.

Our heels are on the edge of a cliff (as you say), the decision yet to be made: heaven or hell. But that's just us, poor militant living souls.

God won at Calvary. It's over. Christ reigns."

You're merely adopting a desperate form of denial by conflating the uncertainty of our personal final salvation with God's Omnipotence. In fact - it's a very Protestant form of false spiritual arrogance that borders on the heretical predestination of Calvinism which suspends the burden of our freewill thus making us guilty of the sin of presumption. And as Paul so aptly warned us about such certitude:

"Do NOT pronounce judgement before the time"~ 1 Corinthians 4:5

By all obvious evidence - we are in the end times of Satan's Counter-Church. And all of scripture warns us that these are unique and exceptionally perilous times. So to dismiss this with this Pollyanna ho-hum sort of delusional happy-happy joy-joy! doesn't serve anyone.In fact - if you read Our Lord's own warnings about these times - you will find that He is even more foreboding than I have been.

This is not the time for delusional cheer-leading. This is the time to be alert, concerned, and afraid. This is the time for the ultimate redemptive suffering:

"Work out your salvation with FEAR AND TREMBLING" ~ Philippians 2:12

Aqua said...

@Lazarus Gethsemane, I suspect you are not reading me carefully. Which is too bad.

If you are saying that Christ crucified and risen did not already conquer Lucifer, sin, the World and make all things new in Him, then I have to disagree with you. God reigns in victorious glory. We participate in His victory and His glory every time we pray Sacred Mass and receive Him. Every human creation chooses for or against every moment of every day in the battlefield, culminating at Holy Mass. But our success or failure as individuals does not lessen or alter His victory and eternal reign.

Lazarus Gethsemane said...

@ Aqua

You seem to be intentionally talking past my point and doubling down on your chosen strawman.

We live in this mortal realm - our salvation is not guaranteed. It can be lost.

Now you can keep obfuscating by citing the immutable goodness and victory of Christ over evil all day long and it still wouldn't guarantee our personal salvation as long as we live in this mortal plane where we are constantly temped by sin and suffering. And if you think that it DOES guarantee that - then you are delving into the heretical predestination nonsense of Calvin.

Aqua said...

@Lazarus Gethsemane:

Wow. And we are on the same team. You should try harder to understand a brother before making such serious accusations. You seem to be angry, And it is keeping you from understanding what I said in four different posts, all essentially saying the same thing, which is the precise opposite of what you think I am saying. I think we are in complete theological agreement (as far as I can tell).

Don't worry about my Calvinism. I know more about it than you may think. I have spent my (long) life trying to put the theological pieces together. I don't really care about anything else than that: What is Truth? I have studied all sides. Calvinism is one of the looniest, most unsustainable of all Protestant variations. And I have known that since I first heard the term. It is the opposite of my belief.

In any case, as far as I'm concerned, no hard feelings. A fascinating exchange with you.

Lazarus Gethsemane said...

@ Aqua

Congratulations, you didn't actually refute my point - in fact, you simply avoided it. Yet again.

Now remember, ice cream is good! And the goody-good-goodness of ice cream WINS in the end! And as long as you recognize that - you're saved! You're saved by simply stating that ice cream is so very very goody-good-good! Because see, you recognize ice cream's inherent goody-good-GOODNESS! Even though Satan knows as much - but never mind that! No problems! No problems at all! All is joy joy happy joy joy! Because the goody-good-goodness of ice cream will overcome all! Yay! Now all of a sudden all of the sewage and chaos and destruction around us is magically transformed into goody-good-joy-joy! It's really just a party! And suddenly, fecal matter is really just warm delicious fudge! Yay! Ice cream wins! We all win as long as we know ice cream wins! Yaaay!

Now here's what I want you to do: I want you to follow that up with your usual long winded poetic ramblings of abstract ontological nothingness that simply deny that's you're position without actually addressing the specific points in any meaningful effective way. Do you think you can do that for me? I mean, do it for the umpteenth time? Oh and, be sure to use the tired old tactic of pointing out my anger as a way of avoiding any salient points by obfuscating them with a personified attack on my supposed emotional state. Because after all, it's just cwazy that any Catholic would be bitter and angry in these joyous times - right? Oh and, let's just forget the salient reality that Our Lord's own words about these end times are steeped in bitter sorrow, desolation, and yes - anger. Because that's not conducive to our delusional happy-joy state of delusional Ice Cream JOY!

So... ICE CREAM! YAY! ICE CREAM WINS IN THE END!!! Let's all pretend we're past the end!!! We're currently in the Eternal Ice Cream joy of Eternal Ice Cream salvation! YAY!!! ICE CREAM WINS!!!