A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday, 31 December 2018

Rosica blasphemes The Holy Family - Again!

Once again, Father Thomas J. Rosica of dying Congregation of St. Basil has blasphemed The Holy Family. The first was during the first Synod on the Family when he Tweeted the following:

An early start on reporting the filth of 2019.


Anonymous said...

A regular phenomenon in the apostatic and blaspheming NO Antichurch. Let us keep our peace and work on our salvation. Rab

NBW said...

Once again, Rosica is pushing an agenda. The Holy family did not break any laws; they entered Egypt LEGALLY. He cannot compare the Holy family to the migrant situation.

Lazarus Gethsemane said...

“...it is close to blasphemy to invoke the Holy Family as antinomian refugees, for they went to Bethlehem in obedience to a civil decree requiring tax registration, and they violated no statutes when they sought protection in Egypt.” ~ Fr. George Rutler

Kathleen1031 said...

Evil man using Christianity to advance his globalist agenda. No surprise here.

poni albinegro said...

Yes. Just because Christ treats charity to other as if done with his own, that does not mean the migrants are Christ. Besides, if we want to help migrants, letting them to come illegally is not going to solve the problem.

poni albinegro said...

Blasphemy is the worser way of "helping" people. ¿What about their souls?
An irregular family is the one which the NO promotes with amoris laetitia rubbish - divorced parents, adultery, lonely children.

Barona said...

Fr Rosica is a man without any credibility. He sadly proclaimed a few years ago that the Holy Spiritcwas guiding Justin Trudeau’s refugee policy. Then, after Salt and Light was unable to access tax payer money due to the summer jobs program, Fr Rosica denounced Trudeau as a dictator. Here, we have a sad priest, making not only a fool of himself, but disgracing the Catholic Church before the faithful and the general public through his statements that fluctuate between foolish and blasphemy, depending on the subject. This tragic man desperately needs prayer. May 2019 see Fr Rosica resigning from his various positions and devoting himself to quiet, obscure pastoral work in a parish.

Anonymous said...

He will be appointed as the archbishop of a major Canadian diocese soon. TS

Anonymous said...
