A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday, 17 March 2018

The snakes driven out by Patrick are back

Isn't that a grand face. Quite the little leprechaun. 

The snakes driven out of Ireland were not literal snakes, they were sodomites. Ireland's pagan culture was worse than that of Greece for its affection for sodomy and what we now call homosexuality. 

It has not gone unnoticed how many homosexual priests in Canada convicted of abusing children were of Irish ancestry. Sorry Irish friends to rain on your St. Patrick's Parade.

This is what makes James Martin and Daniel Horan's homosexualist advocacy so infuriating, it was homosexuals admitted to the priesthood who abused the boys. Dead stop.

No man with any homosexual orientation should have ever been ordained to the Catholic priesthood. Every one who is should be removed.

Homosexuality is an intrinsic disorder. A man who is homosexual is incompatible with the Catholic priesthood. 


Malachy Finnegan, why was this sodomite ordained?

A former Catholic priest remembers Fr Malachy Finnegan when he was at the Stroud treatment centre for sex offenders in Gloucestershire, England. It was 1995, and the former priest had himself been sent there because he was gay and was considered a sex addict by church authorities.
He recalls Finnegan during group therapy sessions when everyone was expected to be open and honest about their activities as part of their treatment “He never opened his mouth for the four months he was there [at the sessions] except to say, with resolute stubbornness, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong’.”


Kathleen1031 said...

There is naught but God to rid us of this plague on mankind.
No human force can or will take care of these homosexuals who prey like vultures on our boys and young men. Countless lives ruined by them, how many wrecked lives, suicides, and even, more victims as so many of the victims became the victimizers?
And we go on and pretend those boys and young men were not victimized. And that these monsters are not now in power. And that these same men rail against the faith and work to destroy it. Of course they do! They are mentally and spiritually disordered! That priest said "I did nothing wrong", because in his disordered mind, he DID not do anything wrong. To a man taken over by Satan with this particular vice, his heart and soul filled with blackness where there should be light, the sexual abuse and molestation of vulnerable boys and young men is GOOD for them! It's L-O-V-E, and don't they enjoy it? This is one reason pederasty and "pedophilia" are so relentlessly impossible to stop. It is a sick obsession, and the perpetrators are convinced it is a GOOD thing and not only is no one harmed, it does the victim GOOD. What happened and happens to our boys and young men is NOT pedophilia, it is ephebophilia, the sexual molestation of adolescents and teen boys. It is called pedophilia to give these men COVER. We ought not do that. Call it what it is, the homosexual predation of boys and young men by our Catholic priests and bishops.
Dear God in heaven, please protect innocent and vulnerable children caught in the continuing path of these sociopaths who would use them for their own selfish pleasures and then cast them aside when they are no longer "interesting". Deliver us from this plague consuming your church and indeed, the world. Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus.

Melanie said...

Does anyone know what happened to Toronto Catholic Witness? I’ve never seen any people provided with a less deserved apology. The day before St. Patrick’s Day and one of the good guys gives the snakes an apology? Maranatha, indeed!

Ana Milan said...

To be fair Vox, sodomy & incest exist the world over & have done since the downfall of Man. The Vatican, Episcopates & Seminaries are chock-full of them intent on making their way of life acceptable in this century. In order to do this they must give equal licence to all mortal sin, so mercy without repentance is the order of the day. PF spoke for them when he said that Hell doesn't exist & all can get to Heaven by good deeds. He hasn't explicitly said he believes in God or an afterlife as no journalist has pushed him on this question. To single out one country on their National Day is not proper, even though we hate what the named men stand for, other former missionary countries are as much in the doldrums as Ireland. The Rosary campaign there, Poland, Italy & spreading is at last providing some hope that Our Lady is watching. I shall be joining with them to-morrow (3.30p.m. my time, 2.30p.m. their time & 9.30 a.m. yours) in reciting the Holy Rosary & asking Our Lady of Knock to protect them (& us all) against the demonic evil of abortion, sodomy, euthanasia etc. that is suffocating the followers of Her Divine Son. Please ask others you know to join in this effort also.

LGBTQI relentless activism is making it impossible for the majority of people to overcome - all faiths, governments, UN,EU, business organisations, academia, the list goes on & on. It is a spiritual battle that is being waged - Satan against God. We are in the middle of it with no weapons to provide us with cover other than prayer (the Holy Mass & Rosary) which only some dedicated followers of Christ still adhere to. The call for the consecration of Russia (the perpetrator of all such evil) is falling on deaf ears, not only in Rome but also on those who are stubborn in thinking it has already been done & dusted, despite Fr. Amorth saying it hasn't been fulfilled according to Our Lady's wishes as he was beside St.JPII when he performed his 'consecration'. We are now facing the prospect of Russia, China & N. Korea against the world & probably each other too. If & when Our Lady is listened to will depend on how the folks in the Vatican feel personally threatened enough to relent & submit to Her wishes. We are being ruled by Satan!

Unknown said...

You are certainly not raining on our parade. We Irish are painfully aware of the huge number of Irish sodomite "priests" abusing/abused little boys/children around the world. There seems no end to it.

As for the snakes they were never really driven out they just went underground.

Saint Patrick pray for us.

Kathleen1031 said...

Here is the first little tidbit on which I disagree with Ana Milan, she of so many outstanding contributions to commentary.
My grandfather and other ancestors were born in Cork. I was always proud of my Irish heritage, as is my family. Some of the things we're indeed proud of are not exactly your virtues, the stubbornness, the temper, but there are other compensatory things, the sense of humor, etc. But today is the right day, as is every day, to state the facts. Ireland has rejected it's faith in large part. No, not every Irish, to be sure, but enough to disconnect the Emerald Isle from her beautiful history as a Christian land, and St. Patrick, who gave his life and returned to the land where he was once enslaved, in order to help the pagans stop the demonic act, would be broken-hearted to know that the abominable practice of sodomy, that he diminished through his own efforts, has received such public sanction and protection. He would be rightly horrified by what's happened to Ireland, and today is a great day to remind the Irish that, wearing green and having a pint is no replacement at all for your actual patrimony, that as a land and people devoted to God and determined not to let any worldly or supernatural force take that away from you. Ireland has caved to the world, and it will not go well for Ireland if she continues.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all. Slainte'.

Unknown said...

Take a closer look at the statues in the corridors leading to the Vatican and parts of the Sistine ceiling. It's as gay as it gets.